Chapter 5 section 2- The Colonist Resist Tighter Control

Chapter 5 section 2- The Colonist Resist Tighter Control


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1. Why did the French and Indian War increase friction within the colonies and with Britain? (slide 4)

The end of the war brought celebration. But it did not bring peace. New conflicts soon ___________________________________________________________.

Fighting with ________________________

Disputes with the ______________ government

2. With the French defeat in the __________________Britain gained vast new lands in North America. (slide 5)

Native Americans saw a ________________to their lands.

Colonists saw _____________________________________________________.

3. Pontiac, the leader of the ________________ nation, took action to stop settlers from pushing farther west. (slide 6)

Pontiac and his allies launched a __________________________________________. The British responded with equally brutal attacks against Native Americans.

The __________________________________in 1764, but thousands of settlers and Native Americans had been killed.


4. Hoping to avoid further wars, the British issued the ___________________. (slide 7)

It forbid colonists from settling west of a line drawn along the _____________________


5. [pic] (slide 8)

6. The Proclamation of 1763 angered many colonists, who believed they ____ ________________________________________________(slide 9)

The colonists largely ignored the proclamation, _________________________

________________________. Tensions rose.

7. Colonists increasingly believed their _________________________________

__________________ (slide 10)

Colonists had fought and ____________________________________________.

Colonists expected Britain to be grateful for the their help.

Colonists were loyal subjects; they expected to __________________________


8. British leaders were concerned about paying for their costly colonies. (slide 11)

The war had put Britain in debt.

Britain continued to _____________________________________colonists from Native Americans.

British leaders expected the colonists to _________________________________.

9. To raise money, British leaders imposed a series of new laws forcing the colonists to share the financial burden. (slide 12) Know this information. You will be expected to complete this on your weekly quiz.

|Sugar Act |1764 |Put a duty on products such as molasses |

|Quartering Act |1765 |Required colonists to house British troops |

|Stamp Act |1765 |Required colonists to buy special stamps for many|

| | |products and activities |

10. The colonists were outraged, and protests quickly spread throughout the colonies. (slide 13)

The _______________________________________and other colonial assemblies declared that they alone—___________________________________________— had the right to tax the colonists.

Merchants organized ___________________ against British goods.

11. Of all the new laws, the Stamp Act was the most unpopular. Delegates from nine colonies formed the _____________________________to take action. (slide 14)

The Congress sent a _________________to the king and Parliament, demanding the repeal of the tax laws.

12. Parliament did repeal the Stamp Act. (slide 15)

But at the same time it passed the _________________________________, stating that Parliament had total authority over the colonies.

13. More new laws, and more protests, followed. (slide 16)

The _________________________taxed goods brought into the colonies. Because so many colonists objected to the taxes, and to the __________________________that enforced them, Parliament repealed all but the tax on tea.

Anger on both sides soon led to a bloody confrontation


14. (slide 17)

In 1770, an angry crowd surrounded a group of soldiers in Boston

Frightened, the soldiers fired, _____________________________.

15. ____________________________________, a colonial leader, defended the soldiers, believing they should receive a fair trial. Still, the ____________

____________________became a rallying point for the colonists. (slide 18)

Leaders from different colonies began ___________________________________, helping to unite the colonists against the British.


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