Thirteen Colonies Pageant

Thirteen Colonies Pageant Project- Major Grade

Activity for Study of 13 Colonies

Each group will be assigned one of the 13 colonies to represent in a pageant. You will create a sash characterizing your colony and one group member will “model” it for the class.

Complete the research sheet about your assigned colony. Most information can be found in Chapter 4 of your textbook American Nation. You may also use your digital devices to research your colony if info cannot be found in the book 1st!

You will be graded as a group. If you have 3 people in your group you must decide who is Partner A, B, and C. If you have only two members of your group then you can divide up the work for Partner A amongst yourselves.

Create a sash for your colony decorating it with appropriate pictures or symbols representing information on your Fact Sheet. Be sure to include terms, people, or places included in the “other notes” section. Think about the 5 themes!

Create an advertising poster for settlers to come to your colony. You will need a slogan to represent your colony. This should be creative, colorful and the slogan should be large and distinctive to your colony. Partner A will take control of the design and slogan.

Choose one person from your group to represent your colony in the pageant. This person will be called Partner B. He or she must wear the sash and use clothing or other props to emphasize the characteristics of your colony. This person will be walking the runway to represent your colony. Try to be creative with your walk to represent your colony in some way.

During the pageant you will be required to answer a question during the Q & A section. This will be completed by Partner C. Make sure Partner C researches all of the possible questions. You will have 30 seconds to answer ONE of the following questions:

1. How did religion shape your colony? Why is it important?

2. How would a harsh winter affect your economy?

3. What type of government do you have? Why did you colony choose this type of government?

4. Why did people originally settle your colony?

5. What geographic, economic, political or social feature of your colony makes your unique?

****Students will present on ________. Any student who is absent on presentation day will have an alternative essay assignment. Your group can choose to go on without you (however might lose point do to missing work) or do the alternative assignment too. ****

|Requirements |Points |

|Completed Research Sheets (Each member of the group must have their sheet completed) |___/20 |

|Poster (Includes colony name, slogan, color, creativity and pictures related to the colony, information must be accurate to receive credit) |___/20 |

|Runway Sash (Includes pictures/symbols of the 5 Themes for the colony, must be colorful and creative) |___/20 |

|Runway Swagger (Includes costume and unique runaway to represent your colony) |___/20 |

|Q & A Component (Information must be specific and accurate, speaker must be confident and well prepared) |___/20 |

|Comments: |

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Your Name: _____________________

Partner #1 Name: _____________________

Partner #2 Name: _____________________

Class Period: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Colony Name: _______________________________

Date Chartered/Founded: ______________________

Leader(s) of the Colony: ________________________________

Which Colonial Region is it located in? _______________________

Why was it founded?: ______________________________________________________


{Geography} Describe the climate of your region:


{Society} What groups of people live in your colony? Is education important in your colony?


{Society} What religion are the people in your colony? How did religion shape your colony? Is it important, why or why not?


{Politics} What type of government do you have? Why did you colony choose this type of government?


{Economics} How would a harsh winter affect your economy?


What geographic, economic, political or social feature of your colony makes your unique?



13 Colonies Pageant Research Sheet


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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