1st Grade Math Home Review set 1.pdf - RCPS

1st Grade Math Home Review2146112177747NameSet 25Emil's birthday is January 15th. What day of the week is January 15th?A B C D\Nednesday Thursday Friday Saturday6Today is the 13th. Yesterday, Tom went to the park. What was the date yesterday?F G H JNovember 11th November 12th November 13th November 14thDAY 1NovemberSunMonTuesWedThursFriSat1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829307If today is Thursday, what day was yesterday?8Look at the calendar.MarchWhat day of the week is March 20th?A B C D\Nednesday Thursday Friday Saturday9Look at the calendar.What date is five days after November 10 th?F G H JNovember 12th November 13th November 14th November 15thDAY 2NovemberSunMonTuesWedThursFriSat12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293010Circle the third Tuesday on the calendar.DAY 211 Trace each figure.12Put an X on ALL of the figures that are closed curves.13How many sides does this rectangle have? sides14How many vertices does this triangle have? vertices15 How many right angles does this square have? right anglesDAY 316Amanda drew a figure that had four right angles. Which figure did she draw?circletrianglerectangle17Dave is holding a shape that has only three angles. What shape is he holding?circletrianglesquarerectangle18Tamika saw a shape that had four equal sides. What shape did she see?circletrianglesquarerectangle19Which figure belongs in the set?20Which figure belongs in the set?DAY 31This domino is shaped like a .circlesquarerectangletriangle2This picture frame is shaped like a .circlesquarerectangleJtriangle3A wheel on this toy is shaped like a circlesquarerectangletriangle4What shape is the birthday hat? How do you know? 5What shape is the clock? How do you know? 6Put an X on the part of the house that is a rectangle.7Put an X on the part of the clown that is a square.DAY 48Put an X on the part of the sailboat that is a triangle.9Use the pattern blocks to construct a rectangle. Draw a picture of the rectangle.Rectangle10Use the pattern blocks to construct a triangle. Draw a picture of the triangle.TriangleDAY 411Which is the best information to graph?A B CDThe number of hands each person has The number of students in our class The number of pets each person has The number of teachers in the school 12Which is the best way for Mr. Edwards to find his students' favorite ice cream?F G HJGo to the store Ask the principal GuessTake a voteSome students made a graph of their favorite color.13How many students chose green? students14Which shows the number of students who chose red? AB C DThe students graphed their lunch choice.Lunch Count15Which represents the students who chose hamburgers? FG HJ16Which shows the number that chose hamburgers? ABCDDAY 5Hot dogHamburgerChickenThe children in Miss Charlotte's class made a graph of their pets.17Which represents the children who chose dogs as their pet? FGHJ34347276915162Meg made a tally chart of the blocks she has.My Blocks18How manydoes Meg have?DAY 5BlocksNumber19Circle the word that tells about the temperature.HOTCOLD20Circle the word that tells about the temperature.HOTCOLDDAY 6Mr. Brown's class chose their favorite flavor of ice cream.1Which flavor of ice cream did m ore than five people choose?A B C DChocolate Vanilla Strawberry Mint Chip2Which flavor of ice cream was chosen by few er people?F G H JChocolate Vanilla Strawberry Mint ChipLook at the graph.3Which room has the most goldfish?A B C DFamily Room Bedroom Kitchen Porch4How many goldfish does Mary have? goldfishSome students voted for their favorite zoo animal.5How many students voted? students6How many morethanare there?DAY 6F1G2H4J6Miss Tracy's class made a graph of their birthday months.7Which month had less than 5 birthdays?A B C DMarch April May June8Which month had greater than 7 birthdays?F G H JMarch April May JuneThe graph shows the favorite pets of some children.DAY 79Which pet did m ore people like than any other?birdcatdogmouse10Which pet did less people like than any other?F G H Jbird cat dog mouseDAY 71Draw an X on the objects that are the same size.2Draw an X on the objects that are the same color.3Draw an X on the objects that are the same shape and color.4Draw an X on the objects that are the same color and size.5Draw an X on the objects that are the same size and thickness.6Draw an X on the objects that are the same shape.32505648746208Jack has a set of objects that are the same shape. Which set is Jack's?A B C D7Circle the object that belongs in the set.DAY 89Which figure belongs in the set?10Sue put these figures in a set.Which of these figures belongs in the set?12Which shows a growing pattern?DAY 811Which shows a repeating pattern?ABCF121212G24681012H12312313What is the core of this pattern?ABCD14Which describes the core of this pattern?Day 9A A B BA B B BA B A BJA B B A15Continue the pattern.16Continue the pattern.17Look at the pattern.Which is the same type of pattern?ABC18Look at the pattern.Which is the same type of pattern? FGHDay 919Use a calculator.Press 5 + 5 ===Write the number you see each time you press =.5 + 5 = == 20Use a calculator.Press 3 + 3 ===Write the number you see each time you press =.3+ 3 === 737234526035228517855258447519494773177526229347317752DAY 101Which symbol shows equality?A B CD+ =>2Circle the number balance that shows equality.3Which number balance is correct?4Which balance is correct?5Which equals 8? FGHJ6Which model shows 5 = 3 + 2?7Which shows 2 + 6 = 4 + 4?8Which number sentence is correct? FG H JDAY 10 ................

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