10 (= the most important)

Introduction to the solo chapters

The big problem for me was to learn about the individual projects featuring Nits members in whatever form. Since I could not make short trips to the Netherlands, I have managed, over the years and with a lot of patience, to get hold of most of their records.

I would especially like to thank Clemens van Driel. His lists have supplied information for most of the Entries marked with a "+". Thanks also to Ruedi Fehlmann in Zurich for his attempts to supply me with not only up-to-date material, to MMM in Hoorn for the large offer of used records at fair prices and to the great Stips site.

Then Dennis and Thomas, and all the sellers who offered their stuff in the internet.

The studio sessions of the Nits have involved various musicians over the 30-year period. The solo chapters indicate that the individual Nits members knew a lot of musicians very well beforehand.

- Most of the time, the first single of a project was released before the LP. Because of the presentation format, a LP is listed first.

- Question marks after the issue date indicate that it’s missing on labels and covers.

- As for the Nits chapter, "+" means that I do not have the associated record, tape, broadcast, etc. Either it is a rarity, or I do not need it. Please use caution with such information!

Bands (Nov. 1996 - May 2004):

ABC 1041

The Acclaim 2002, 3002

Los Alegres 5027A, 5028-30B

Antonov Theatre 5086A, 5090A

Bart en Jan 5080, 5Int

The Blubs 5002

Boeijen, Frank 1028-30, 1035, 1039, 5098-99

De Bombitas 7Int

De Booy, Hans 5090B, 5096

Borgers, Bertus 5022

Brautigam Rob 1008, 2006, 3007

Brood, Herman 5052-53, 5073, 5076

Bruijnjé, Joep 1009, 3008, 4007, 5086

The Buddy Odor Stop 5067-69, 7Int

Catharine, Judith 7024, 5100, 8012

CD-ROM 5104C

Chabot, Bart 5080, 5125-27, 5Int

Claw Boys Claw 4010

Cloud Nine 1011-12, 5087-88

Cosmics Club Band 5097

Cuby & The Blizzard 5027

De Dijk 1042, 1047

De Booy, Hans 5090B, 5096

De Geheenlontkenners 5125-27

De Jonge, Freek & Stips 1043, 5104B, 5106, 5112-13C, 5014, 1515, 5115A, 5120A-D, 5123A, 5127A-B, 7026, 7031-33

De Roomsoezen 7Int

De Werdt, André 4003

The Div 4009

Dizzy Daisy 6002

Duo Wobbels 5015C

Ducks Nightmare 6003

Dutch Royal Airforce Orch. 5120E

De Geheenlontkenners 5125-27

Eshuys, Margriet 5099B, 3013

For Shame 5004D

Geraets, Joke 6008, 6Int

Golden Earring 5024-26, 5031-34, 5040-42, 5070, 5085, 5092, 5103, 5104, 5104A-B, 5105A, 5105B, 5122

Gruppo Sportivo 5049-51, 5054-56, 5060, 5063-64A, 5077-79, 5097A-H, 5Int, 7003-8A, 7021, 7Int

Hauser, Fritz 2009-10, 2012

Hauser Orkater 5007A, 5027A, 5Int

Hauser, Rob 2007

Hay, Barry 5015B

Helloise 5090C

The Henry Boys 1002

Het Groot Niet De Verm. 7034

Himalaya 5035-37

Hinze, Chris 5023

Hofstede, Henk 1018, 1019, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1025A, 1026, 1027, 1030, 1030A, 1032A, 1034, 1035A, 1040, 1044, 1047

ten Holt, Klaas 5056A

The Humself 1003

De Jonge, Freek & Stips 1043, 5104B, 5106, 5112-13C, 5014, 1515, 5115A, 5120A-D, 5123A, 5127A-B, 7026, 7031-33

Kamishibai 5111B

Kloet, Rob 2011, 2010A

List, Liesbeth 1037, 1040A, 1046, 1Int

Los Alegres 5027A, 28-30B

Mam 1Int, 5Int

Van Meeteren Frank 5017B

Midas 1004, 3003

Morgenstond 5004

Movies (Soundtracks) 1023, 1Int, 2010, 5096C, 5Int, 6009, 3011A, 7Int

Musicians Union Band 5012-13

The Nameless 4002

Need Of Well 1084A

The Nits 1005, 1010, 2003, 3004, 3009, 3012, 4004, 4006, 4015, 5062, 5075, 5084, 5105C, 6005, 6007, 7020, 7025, 8003, 8009, 8013, 10005

The Nits (diff.) 1003

Not A Slow Affair 6004

NV Bach 1003

On/Off 5Int

Pascal Vermeer Quintet 10004

Peters, Michiel 1020, 2008, 3010A, 3011, 4010, 5096B, 6006

Pietikäinen, Seppo 1021-22, 1038, 1Int

The Provocation 5003

Q-Provocation 5003

Radio 1014-19, 1025-27, 1034, 1040, 1044, 3012, 5107-09,


Radio Freedom Band 5Int

Roelofs, Alex 4011, 4012

De Roomsoezen 7Int

Rot, Jan 7009-18

Van Santen En Van Santen 5027B

Santing, Mathilde 8005-8, 8Int

Seriese Astrid 8010-11, 8014

Simon Little 5004E

Shift 1Int, 2Int, 4Int

Spots 1Int, 5047, 5072D, 5086C, 5104D, 5Int,

Soft Parade 10002

Stamp 'n Go 5048

Stars & Stips 5038-39

Stips 1007, 2004-5, 3006, 4005, 5081-83

Stips(' Egotrip) 1043, 5101-2A, 5105, 5106, 5107-11A, 5112-5115,

7022-23A, 7025, 7026, 7027-30A, 7031-7033

Stips, R. J. 5104C, 5116-5121, 5123, 5124

Stop The Shoppers 1041

Sunny Jim Band 5072A-B

Supersister 5003, 5004A-C, 5005-11, 5013A, 5014, 5015A, 5016-21, 5129

Sweet d'Buster 5043-46, 5057-59, 5061, 5071-72

Sweet Okay Supersister 5003, 5021, 5028

The Tapes 1006, 3005, 7001-2, 8001A-2A, 8004, 8004A

Touw, Meike 5074

Theater Balloen 5086B

Transister 5065-66A

TV 1024, 1025A, 1030, 1033, 2010A, 2011, 5056B, 5093-95, 5097L, 5098A, 5104E, 5120A, 5120F, 5Int, 6008, 7008A

TV series 5086D, 5093, 5094, 5094A, 5097I, 5097K

Unknown 5113B

Van de Bijl, Joop 4003A

Van Krieken Kempen S. 10003

Van Limburg, Henk 1002

V.A.-Dichterbij 1036, 1036A

V.A.-La Grande Parade 1013-17A, 3010, 4008, 5091

Vengeance 5096A

Pascal Vermeer Quintet 10004

Vitesse 5089-90

Voice Male 1045

Warren Harry 5072C

De Werdt, André 4003

Westbroek, Henk 1031-32

Les Zazous 5099A

HH 1001-1115 RK 2001-2029 MP 3001-3017 AR 4001-4018 RJS 5001-5167

JG 6001-6011 MB 7001-7049 PM 8001-8042 AL 9001-9011 LvK 10001-10025

Henk Hofstede

See sep. file

HH 1001-1115 RK 2001-2029 MP 3001-3017 AR 4001-4018 RJS 5001-5167

JG 6001-6011 MB 7001-7049 PM 8001-8042 AL 9001-9011 LvK 10001-10025

Rob Kloet

2001 Born on 16th June 1952 in Amsterdam

2002 1964 onwards: The Acclaim, with MP no recordings known

2003 1974: Founding member of The Nits

2004 1981: Arnold Mühren Studio, Volendam:

Stips (RJS) - LP U.P. (CBS 85424, 1981)

B2 No More Mondays B3 Much Better (both: RJS)

RK: dr. Details: 5081

2005 Sept.(?) '81: Arnold Mühren Studio, Volendam

RJS: How The West Got Lost (RJS)/Fortune & Fame (Instr.) (RJS) (CBSA 2772, 1982)

RK: dr (only A-side). Details: 5083

2006 1981/82: “Noise Boys Studio” (?), Bussum; Studio 150, Amsterdam

Rob Brautigam - +LP This Pain (VR22122, 1982)

A1 Looking For Alice 3 Tonio 7 Killing Me B2 Exit 4 Not My Julie (all: RB (?)).

RK: dr; Rob Brautigam: voc, g, synth; HH: synth; MP: g, synth.

Notes: Song This Pain (B1) with TT: voc; PT: bvoc, perc; Pim Telman: dr; Frank Telman: bvoc; RB: voc, g, synth; etc.

AR: “thanks”.

2007+ 1985: Worked with Rob Hauser and others on an "opera".

RK: dr, voc, actor no recordings made?

2008 Sept. '87-Aug. '88: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

Michiel Peters - LP Infant King (Werf Rec. WRF 10003, 1988)

1(=A1) This Old Town 2 Silence On The Block 3 The Bauhaus Chair 4 The Empty Hour 5 There's Nothing In The Dark (For Kester & Stella) 6 X-Mas Comes Only (Once In The Year) 7(=B1) The Infant King 8 Baby It's You 9 This Is The Day (To Build The City) 10 Along The Way 11 I Don't Know 12 In The Night

CD: Bonus tracks: 13 Over And Over Again 14 Magpie 15 House By The Water (all songs by MP, except: 3: HH; 8: M. David, B. Bacharach, B. Williams).

RK: perc (without 14) (5: bongos), vibes (7, 13), OSI (1), engineer (with PT and AR). Details: 3011

2009 7.-9.12.87: Radio studio DRS 2, Zürich (CH)

Fritz Hauser – CD Zwei (hat ART CD 6010, 1988)

4 Dogs Night (RK, FH)

RK: perc (lots of perc.!), Fritz Hauser: dr.

Notes: (Partially) Written in 1985 (when The Nits took a break)?

2010 June '92: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

Fritz Hauser - CD 22132434141 (Sound Aspects SAS CD 053, 1995)

1 Klang 1 2 Klang 2 (both: B-C. Lam) 3 Wise Guy, èh! (RK) 4 Fritz (J. Baron) 5 All Fours For The Dream Bum (P. Oliveros) 6 A Composer’s Conversation (W. Smith) 7 Passage (S. Grieder) 8 Das Rätsel eines Tages (F. Koglmann) 9 Dance (P. Favre) 10 One 4 (J. Cage) 11 Pulsation (R. Suter) 12 Aire (M. Planzer)

RK: Writer of song 3, producer of the CD; eng: PT. Fritz Hauser solo: dr, perc.

2010A+ ...?...

1 ...?...

Notes: Music for a documentary about the Netherlands. Instrumental Ting songs. All incomplete.

2011 1994 (?): De Werf Studio (?), Amsterdam

1 The Knife (RK)

2 Horror From A To Z (Parts I and II) (RK)

RK: perc, samples.

Notes: Song1: Recorded for a documentary by Celia Loewenstein for BBC television (1995). (Free Download on Nits site, 13.3.02).

Song 2: Recorded soon after the DaDaDa sessions. With TT: whispering sounds; Astrid Seriese: screaming. Download on Nits-files site.

2012+ June-Nov. 1998, De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

Disch - ...?... (...?..., 2000)

RK: dr, perc, bvoc, co-prod. Details: 1044A

2013+ 2001: ...?...

Notes: RK is composing music for ballet. The music will be performed by 18 drummers, the ballet by the Introdans Dance Company in 2003.

2014 19.11.00: Stairway To Heaven, Utrecht (SB)

1 Red Tape (H) 2 Bild am Sonntag (As Usual) (P) 3 Shadow Of A Doubt (H) 4 4 Ankles (H+P) 5 The Infant King (P) 6 Tutti Ragazzi (H)

RK: dr, bvoc. Details: 320E

2014A Spring 2002: Henk’s house, Amsterdam / Winter 2002/2003: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

CD Het Draagbare Huis (PIAS, 481.0016.020, July 2003)

RK: dr, perc, “thanks” (all: 10). Details: 1051

2015 Late 2002 (?): De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

CD BOSK – Als jij voelt wat ik voel (BOSK, March 2003)

RK: dr, perc. Details: 1052

2015A June 2003: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

Frank Boeijen – Schaduw van de liefde (VVR 1024772, 9.10.03)

RK: “thanks”, (perc?). Details: 1053A

2015B+ 2003 (and/or 2004): …?...: London; …?..., Amsterdam; …?...

Marynka Nicolai - CD Privet (Mauvaise Herbe 64044 2/Bad Reputation …, 2004 or 2003)


RK: co-prod (one song); …

2016 16.+17.11.04: Compagnietheater, Amsterdam (TV)

“De Vergrijzing”: Freek de Jonge’s project to celebrate his 60th birthday.

12th episode (TV: 5.12.04): “Neerlands Hoop In Memoriam”

RK: dr; FdJ: voc; RJS: musical director, keyb (live on stage), mix (with J. Schuurman); TT: lights; etc.

3 Vogelfrij (1975), with Stef Bos (lvoc, acg)

RJS: keyb; FdJ: lvoc; Jan de Hont: eg; Bart de Ruiter: bg, RK: dr.

7 Wak ik geleerd heb in dit leven (1973), with Jan de Hont: lvoc, eg

RJS: keyb; FdJ: bvoc; Bart de Ruiter: bg; RK: dr.

8 Kijk dat is Kees (1971), with Thé Lau: lvoc

RJS: keyb; FdJ: lvoc; JdH: eg; Bart de Ruiter: bg; RK: dr.

13 Het is weer (1978), with Huub van der Lubbe: lvoc

RJS: gp, bvoc; CvV and JdH: eg; Bart de Ruiter: bg; bvoc; RK: dr.

14 Donairieres(1969)

RJS: gp; FdJ: lvoc; CvV and JdH: eg; Bart de Ruiter: bg; RK: dr. Details: 5137

2016A 2004/2005: Rusic Studio, Amsterdam

Chelsea Hotel – CD Don Quijote (Rossinant Rec. 1235, June 2005)

2 Heartache (R. Dobbelaar)

RK: dr; Rini Dobbelaar: lvoc, acg; Richard Hakkenes: g; Rob de Weerd: keyb; Roelf ter Veld: bg; (Paul Schothorst: dr); with Mo Poss: voc.

2017 13.2.05: Kaserne, Basel (CH)

Ho Orchestra - CD A Normal Sunday Live (Faze Records 0003, 13.1.06).

1 26 A (Nits) 2 Hope Is (SH, RW, EF) 3 For Me (SH, D) 4 Never So Far (SH, EF) 9 Adieu, Sweet Bahnhof (Nits) 11 Princess Of The Window Sill (SH, EF) 12 Yöpöllö (Nits, SP) 14 Hotel Simon (SH, EF) 15 In The Dutch Mountains (Nits)

RK: dr (1-4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15), perc (6-8, 10).

Details: 1067

2018+ 2005-2006: Tower Roem, Amsterdam; ...?...

Marynka Nicolai - CD 2 Is Not Enough (Bad Reputation ..., Sept. ‘06)


RK: dr, perc, voc (on one song?), co-prod; MN: voc, keyb, melodica, accordion, co-prod; DJ Goldfinger: beats, loops, co-prod; Mike Stewart: g, bg, voc, synth, beats, loops, co-prod; …

2019 January 2007: City Studios, Basel (CH) and/or May 2007: Sound Development Studio, Zürich (CH)

The Moondog Show – CD Marfa (Faze Rec. Faze CD 007, 2007)

1 Everything Is Free (Welch, Rawlings) 12 A Day Without A Plan (PP, Eric Facon) 13 When The Spell Is Broken (R. Thompson)

RK: dr; The Moondog Show are: Pink Pedrazzi: voc, acg (1, 12), ukulele (13); Pascal Biedermann: eg; Patrick Sommer: bg; Peter Wagner: keyb; with Oli Hartung: eg (1, 12, 13); Shirley Grimes: bvoc (1); Hank Shizzoe: acg (13).

2020 2006+2007: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

RK – CD Drumset With Dog (Werf Rec., 1.2. 2008)

1 Untitled 2 Untitled 3 Untitled 4 Who Can You Trust? 5 Save The World 6 The Whole Truth 7 Untitled 8 Smoke 9 Slipping Away 10 Untitled 11 All This 12 Together Forever 13 Bedroom II 14 Abraham’s Place (all: RK)

RK: dr, perc, rec.

Notes: Percussion music based on 14 drawings by Helen Frik. Released with a book containing all drawings, his scorecards and more.

Songtitles are identical with the titles of the drawings.

2021 10.-13.1.07: Raum 33, Basel (CH)

1 Trommel mit Mann 1 (FH)

2 Trommel mit Mann 2 (FH)

RK, TT: video; FH: dr, perc.

Notes: Or a 2002 performance?

YouTube site: “Songs” 1, 2.

2022 24.-28.1.07: Kaserne Reithalle, Basel (CH)

1 Schallmaschine gross 07

Notes: A project by Fritz Hauser. RK was one of more than 20 dr/perc.

Or a 2002 performance?

YouTube site: “Song” 1. Incomplete.

2022A+ …?...

Mist – CD Period (Skipping Rec. SKIP CD 753, 2008)

With RK?

2023 29.5.08: Paradiso, Amsterdam

1 Oook jij moet sterven (RT)

RK: dr; Rick Treffers: lvoc, acg; Rebecca van Vuure (?): bvoc; Theo Sieben (?) and Arnold Smits (?): acg and eg; AL: bg.

Notes: RK and AL played several gigs with this band.

Paradiso gig filmed by Oktober Films.

YouTube and Oktober Films sites: Song 1.

2023A 2.11.08: Paradiso, Amsterdam

1 …?...

Mist with friends: Lotte van Dijck: voc, keyb; Theo Sieben: g, voc, harp; Gerco Aerts: bg; RK: dr, samples; Ivar Vermeulen: keyb, g, voc, samples; Rick Treffers: voc, g, keyb, samples.

2024 January (?) 2009: Paleis van de Weemoed, Amsterdam (AT-DVD)

1 Fatherland (

2 By The Time I Came Back (

3 Everything (

RK: dr; The Woodwards: ..?..: lvoc, acg; ..?..: bvoc (1).

Notes: Is The Woodwards a one man band?

YouTube site: Songs 1-3.

2025 2009 (?): De Werf Studio (?), Amsterdam

+Rick Treffers / Rob Kloet – CD Mara (Skipping Rec. ..?.., 2009)

1 …?...

Notes: Soundtrack.

1 De minnaar (RK, R. Treffers)

2 “Mara, mon amour” (RK)

3 … ?... (RK)

Notes: Project “Mara” by the Theatergroep De Maan. Video 3 was prob. made to promote the April performances. Same music as on video 2.

Most probably, the videos are used on stage for the performance.

Video 1: instrumental music. Title song of the whole project.

Videos made by Ellen Kromhout and Bart Sabel.

YouTube site: Videos 1-3.

2026 May (?) 2009: Vondelpark, Amsterdam (A-DVD)

1 …?...

2 …?...

The Woodwards ((a one man band)): ..?..: voc, acg; RK: dr; Ursula Peterson Trio ((3 female singers)): voc.

Notes: Festival organised by ASG (Amsterdam Songwriters Guild).

2027 June 2008: …?... ((Terschelling)) (“Oerol Festival”) (TV)

1 Interview with RK

2 Percussion improvisations

Notes: Oerol Festival, 11th – 20th June.

Rob’s project “Drums in een klein huisje” (Drums in a small house). Sev. gigs a day with an audience of 3-4 persons maximum.


YouTube site: Lines 1, 2.

2028 June 2008: …?... ((Terschelling)) (“Oerol Festival”) (TV)

1 Interview with RK

2 Percussion improvisations

Notes: Oerol Festival, 11th – 20th June.

Rob’s project “Drums in een klein huisje” (Drums in a small house). Sev. gigs a day with an audience of 3-4 persons maximum.

Different broadcast than Entry 2027.

YouTube site: Lines 1, 2.

2029 27.6.09: Het Parkhuis, Amsterdam (A-DVD?)

1 Do You Know What You’re Going To (?)

2 Zomerbank (?)

3 De stemming (?)

4 Spring Is In The Air (?)

5 Mijn beste vriend (?)

Berserk Pax are: Jan Willem Sap: voc, acg; Marcel le Cointre: keyb; Ramon Tiernagan: g, voc; Nyckele Sap: bg; with RK: dr; Ton-Herman Melis: melodica (5).


2000 1987: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

V.A. - LP Netnummer 020 (PPM 8701, 1987)

X Shift: Come Back (...?...)

RK: perc; HH: b'voc; AR: keyb

New Entries and corrections:

1997: NE: 10

8/98: cor: 10

9/98: NE: 10A //COR: 9

4/01 III: cor: 11

5/01 II: cor: 8, 9, 10

7/01 II: NE: 13 // cor: 12

8/01 II: cor: 6/10A

10/01: COR: 8 // cor: 8

11/01: 6

11/01 II: COR: 10

5/02 II: COR: 12

3/02: NE: 11

6/02: NE: 14

2/03: cor: 9(2)

6/03 : NE : 15

7/05 : NE : 7A

11/05 II : COR : 11

1/06 II : NE : 16

3/06 : NE : 17

8/06 : cor : 9

8/06 II : NE : 16A

9/06 : COR : 10

10/06 : cor : 16

11/06 : NE : 15A // cor : 15

1/07. COR : 6 // cor : 4, 5

4/07 : cor : 1

8/07 II : NE : 14A

10/07 : NE : 19

1/08 : COR : 6

4/08 : NE : 14A->21, 15B, 18, 22 // cor : 6, 12, 14A, 15A

4/08 III : NE : 20

6/08 II: NE : 23 // COR : 20

11/08 II: cor : 12, 14

12/08 III: COR : 23

1/09 II: cor: 9, 15B, 20, 21, 23

3/09 II: NE: 24

4/09 II: NE: 22A, 23A, 25

6/09 II: cor: 4, 6, 8, 11, 15A

8/09: NE: 14A // cor: 25

8/09 II: cor: 14A, 15

9/09 II : NE: 29 // COR: 22A, 25 // cor : 23A, 26

New Entries + news:


New: 2015B+ 2003 (and/or 2004): …?...: London; …?..., Amsterdam; …?...

Marynka Nicolai - CD Privet (Mauvaise Herbe 64044 2/Bad Reputation …, 2004 or 2003)


RK: co-prod (one song); …

New: 2018+ 2005-2006: Tower Roem, Amsterdam; ...?...

Marynka Nicolai - CD 2 Is Not Enough (Bad Reputation ..., Sept. ‘06)


RK: dr, perc, voc (on one song?), co-prod; MN: voc, keyb, melodica, accordion, co-prod; DJ Goldfinger: beats, loops, co-prod; Mike Stewart: g, bg, voc, synth, beats, loops, co-prod; …

„New“: 2014A -> 2021 10.-13.1.07: Raum 33, Basel (CH)

1 Trommel mit Mann 1 (FH)

2 Trommel mit Mann 2 (FH)

Notes: RK, TT: video; FH: dr, perc.

Or a 2002 performance?

YouTube site: “Songs” 1, 2.

New: 2022 24.-28.1.07: Kaserne Reithalle, Basel (CH)

1 Schallmaschine gross 07

Notes: A project by Fritz Hauser. RK was one of more than 20 dr/perc.

Or a 2002 performance?

YouTube site: “Song” 1. Incomplete.

4/08 III:

New: 2020 2006+2007: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

RK – CD Drumset With Dog (Werf Rec., 1.2. 2008)

14 compositions (RK)

Notes: RK: dr, perc, rec.

Percussion music based on 14 drawings by Helen Frik. Released with a book containing all drawings, his scorecards and more.

6/08 II:

2020 2006+2007: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

1 Untitled 2 Untitled 3 Untitled 4 Who Can You Trust? 5 Save The World 6 The Whole Truth 7 Untitled 8 Smoke 9 Slipping Away 10 Untitled 11 All This 12 Together Forever 13 Bedroom II 14 Abraham’s Place (all: RK)

Songtitles are identical with the titles of the drawings.

New: 2023 29.5.08: Paradiso, Amsterdam

1 Oook jij moet sterven (RT)

Notes: RK: dr; Rick Treffers: lvoc, acg; Rebecca van Vuure (?): bvoc; Theo Sieben (?) and Arnold Smits (?): acg and eg; AL: bg.

RK and AL played several gigs with this band.

Paradiso gig filmed by Oktober Films.

YouTube site: Song 1.

12/08 III:

2023 29.5.08: Paradiso, Amsterdam

1 Oook jij moet sterven (RT)

Notes: RK: dr; Rick Treffers: lvoc, acg; Rebecca van Vuure (?): bvoc; Theo Sieben (?) and Arnold Smits (?): acg and eg; AL: bg.

RK and AL played several gigs with this band.

Paradiso gig filmed by Oktober Films.

YouTube and Oktober Films sites: Song 1.

3/09 II:

New: 2024 January (?) 2009: Paleis van de Weemoed, Amsterdam (AT-DVD)

1 Fatherland (

2 By The Time I Came Back (

3 Everything (

RK: dr; The Woodwards: ..?..: lvoc, acg; ..?..: bvoc (1).

Notes: YouTube site: Songs 1-3.

4/09 II:

New: 2022A+ …?...

Mist – CD Period (… SKIP CD 753, 2008)

With RK?

New: 2023A 2.11.08: Paradiso, Amsterdam

1 …?...

Mist with friends: Lotte van Dijck: voc, keyb; Theo Sieben: g, voc, harp; Gerco Aerts: bg; RK: dr, samples; Ivar Vermeulen: keyb, g, voc, samples; Rick Treffers: voc, g, keyb, samples.

New: 2025 2009 (?): De Werf Studio (?), Amsterdam

1 De minnaar (RK, R. Treffers)

2 “Mara, mon amour” (RK)

3 … ?... (RK)

Notes: Project “Mara” by the Theatergroep De Maan. Video 3 was prob. made to promote the April performances. Same music as on video 2.

Most probably, the videos are used on stage for the performance.

Video 1: instrumental music. Title song of the whole project.

Videos made by Ellen Kromhout and Bart Sabel.

YouTube site: Videos 1-3


New: 2014A Spring 2002: Henk’s house, Amsterdam / Winter 2002/2003: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

CD Het Draagbare Huis (PIAS, 481.0016.020, July 2003)

RK: dr, perc. Details: 1051

9/09 II:

2022A+ …?...

Mist – CD Period (Skipping Rec. SKIP CD 753, 2008)

With RK?

2025 2009 (?): De Werf Studio (?), Amsterdam

+Rick Treffers / Rob Kloet – CD Mara (Skipping Rec. ..?.., 2009)

1 …?...

Notes: Soundtrack.

1 De minnaar (RK, R. Treffers)

2 “Mara, mon amour” (RK)

3 … ?... (RK)

Notes: Project “Mara” by the Theatergroep De Maan. Video 3 was prob. made to promote the April performances. Same music as on video 2.

Most probably, the videos are used on stage for the performance.

Video 1: instrumental music. Title song of the whole project.

Videos made by Ellen Kromhout and Bart Sabel.

YouTube site: Videos 1-3.

.New: 2029 27.6.09: Het Parkhuis, Amsterdam (A-DVD?)

1 Do You Know What You’re Going To (?)

2 Zomerbank (?)

3 De stemming (?)

4 Spring Is In The Air (?)

5 Mijn beste vriend (?)

Berserk Pax are: Jan Willem Sap: voc, acg; Marcel le Cointre: keyb; Ramon Tiernagan: g, voc; Nyckele Sap: bg; with RK: dr; Ton-Herman Melis: melodica (5).

HH 1001-1115 RK 2001-2029 MP 3001-3017 AR 4001-4018 RJS 5001-5167

JG 6001-6011 MB 7001-7049 PM 8001-8042 AL 9001-9011 LvK 10001-10025

Michiel Peters

3001 Born on 10th Dec. 1951 in Amsterdam

3002 1964 onwards: The Acclaim, with RK no recordings known

3003: Midas (1972+1973): MP: bg; HH: g, p, voc; Rob Brautigam: g, voc;

Ronald Brautigam: p; Pim Telman: dr. no rec...

3004 1974: Founding member of The Nits

3005 March '81: Dali Press Studio, Nederhorst den Berg

The Tapes - LP On A Clear Day (WEA WEAN 58.321, 1981)

MP: b'voc. Details: 8007

3006 Sept.(?) '81: Arnold Mühren Studio, Volendam

How The West Got Lost (RJS)/Fortune & Fame (Instr.) (RJS) (CBSA 2772, 1982)

MP: g (only A-side). Details: 5083

3007 1981/82: “Noise Boys Studio” (?), Bussum; Studio 150, Amsterdam

Rob Brautigam - +LP This Pain (VR22122, 1982)

A1 Looking For Alice 3 Tonio 7 Killing Me B2 Exit 4 Not My Julie (all: RB (?)).

MP: g, synth; Rob Brautigam: voc, g, synth; RK: dr; HH: synth.

Notes: Song This Pain (B1) with TT: voc; PT: bvoc, perc; Pim Telman: dr; Frank Telman: bvoc; RB: voc, g, synth; etc.

AR: “thanks”.

3008 Oct. '82-Feb. '83: Ballad Sound Studio, Vuren

Joep Bruijnjé - 10" LP Vitamins! (Idiot Rec./WEA 24.0170/1, 1983)

MP: "many thanks to". Details: 5086

3009 1985: Left the band

3010 Autumn 1985: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

V.A. - LP La Grande Parade (WRF 1001, March(?) '86)

B3 Doppelportrait mit Quappi (MP)

MP: voc, g, synth. Details: 1013

3010A 23.4.86: Paradiso, Amsterdam (RT)

5 Michiel Peters The Infant King (MP)

13 Michiel Peters The Infant King (MP)

Notes: Nits Archive Tape, Vol. 66 ("La Grande Parade live").

Details: 1017A

3010B+ 1987-1988: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

15 demos for his solo project (For song titles see Entry 3011): 4, 9, 11, 3, 7, 13, 1, 2, 5, 6, 15, 14, 8, 10, 12.

Notes: With add. musicians? Song 14: Download on Nits-files site.

3011 Sept. '87-Aug. '88: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

Michiel Peters - LP Infant King (Werf Rec. WRF 10003, 1988),

- CD " ( " CDWRF 10003, 1988).

1(=A1) This Old Town 2 Silence On The Block 3 The Bauhaus Chair (H) 4 The Empty Hour 5 There's Nothing In The Dark (For Kester & Stella) 6 X-Mas Comes Only (Once In The Year) 7(=B1) The Infant King 8 Baby It's You (M. David, B. Bacharach, B. Williams) 9 This Is The Day (To Build The City) 10 Along The Way 11 I Don't Know 12 In The Night

CD: Bonus tracks: 13 Over And Over Again 14 Magpie 15 House By The Water (all songs by MP, except where noted)

MP: voc, g (without 14), bg (3-6, 8, 11), e-bow (2, 11), banjo (5), prod (?); with RK: perc, dr (without 5, 14), vibes (7, 13), OSI (1), bongo (5), co-eng.; HH: mix, b'voc (6, 8, 10, 13), p (3, 8, 11), g (4, 5, 10), perc (5), synth (6, 13, 15), div (14), harp (15); RJS: acc (1), synth (4, 10, 12), JG: bg (7); and D. Duchhart: bg, synth, p, mix; J. van Beusekom: ped. steel, banjo, dobro; E. Eldering: bg; K. ten Holt: g.

Notes: Song 8 originally known as Baby, It’s You.

3011A+ 1988:

Movie Rosa Rosa: Rosa Rosa (RJS, MP) Details: 5096C

3012 14.2.89: VARA Foyer, Hilversum: "Poppodium" (VARA) (RT)

Notes: Nits with guests, among others MP. Was his last performance in public till 2000.

Details: 152B

3013 1993 (?): Soetelive Studio, Den Bosch

Margriet Eshuys - CD The Wee Small Hours (Ariola 74321 163872, 1993)

Notes: With MP, according to the Stips site. But M. Peters is in fact Maarten Peters! ((But with RJS, see Entry 5099B.))

3014 19.11.00: Stairway To Heaven, Utrecht (SB)

1 Spirits Awake (P) 2 Red Tape (H) 3 Bild am Sonntag (As Usual) (P) 4 Shadow Of A Doubt (H) 5 4 Ankles (H+P) 6 The Infant King (P) 7 Tutti Ragazzi (H)

MP: lvoc (1, 3, 6), bvoc, acg. Details: 320E

3015 2004: Filzi, Münsingen (CH)

Simon Ho - CD IF (Faze, faze0001, Jan. 2005).

10 Princess Of The Window Sill 12 Endless Child (both songs by SiHo, E. Facon)

MP: bvoc; HH: voc; VvdP: bvoc; Simon Ho: keyb, acc, perc, comp, arr; Shirley Grimes: bvoc (12); Oli Hartung: g, banjo; Monic Mathys: bg; Andi Hug: dr, mand (10), slideg (12).

Notes: His first studio recordings in about 15 years. He did his overdubs together with HH.

3016 20.3.05: Stairway To Heaven, Utrecht (SB)

1 Mourir avant quinze ans 6 Walter & Conny (S)

2 Two Skaters 7 Adieu, Sweet Bahnhof (H)

3 Crime & Punishment 8 J.O.S. Days

4 Walking With Maria 9 Cabins

5 26 A (Clouds In The Sky) 10 In The Dutch Mountains

MP: eg (trying): 6-8. Details: 352

3017+ 2008/2009: …?...

Michiel Peters & Alex Roelofs – CD The Odd Men Out (On The Poppy Parade (MIAL CD09 01, 15.4.09)

1 Ship In A Bottle 2 Woodpecker 3 The Odd Men Out 4 Mind Over Matter 5 Lately 6 Motel Loveless 7 Happy Families 8 Tiny Goddess (all: MP)

AR: dr machine, marimbas, mellotron, p, org, voc, woodwind, engineer, design; MP: g, bg, voc; André de Werdt: g, voc.

Notes: Song 8 is an instrumental.

New Entries + corrections:

2/99: cor: 12

2/01:NE: 10A

4/01 II: NE: 11A, 13

5/01 II: COR: 11

8/01 II: NE: 10A // COR: 10A->B // cor: 7

10/01: cor: 10B

6/02: NE: 14 // cor: 12

9/03: NE: 15

8/05 II: COR: 15

7/06: COR: 13

8/06 II: cor: 11, 15

9/06: NE: 16

1/07: COR: 7

4/07: cor: 1

1/08: cor: 7

3/08 III: cor: 5

4/08: cor: 7

11/08 III: cor: 13

1/09 II: cor: 7, 10B, 12, 13, 15, 16

2/09 II: cor: 12

4/09 III: NE: 17

5/09: COR: 5

6/09 II: COR: 11 // cor: 11

8/09 II: COR: 17

9/09: cor: 17

4/09 III:

New: 3017+ new CD with AR.


3005 March '81: Dali Press Studio, Nederhorst den Berg

6/09 II:

3011 Sept. '87-Aug. '88: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

Michiel Peters - LP Infant King (Werf Rec. WRF 10003, 1988),

- CD " ( " CDWRF 10003, 1988).

MP: voc, g (without 14), bg (3-6, 8, 11), e-bow (2, 11), banjo (5), prod (?); with RK: perc, dr (without 5, 14), vibes (7, 13), OSI (1), bongo (5), co-eng.;

8/09 II:

3017+ 2008/2009: …?...

Michiel Peters & Alex Roelofs – CD The Odd Men Out (On The Poppy Parade (MIAL CD09 01, 15.4.09)

1 Ship In A Bottle 2 Woodpecker 3 The Odd Men Out 4 Mind Over Matter 5 Lately 6 Motel Loveless 7 Happy Families 8 Tiny Goddess.

AR: dr machine, marimbas, mellotron, p, org, voc, woodwind, engineer, design; MP: g, bg, voc; André de Werdt: g, voc.

Notes: Song 8 is an instrumental.

HH 1001-1115 RK 2001-2029 MP 3001-3017 AR 4001-4018 RJS 5001-5167

JG 6001-6011 MB 7001-7049 PM 8001-8042 AL 9001-9011 LvK 10001-10025

Alex Roelofs

4001 Born on 14th Dec. 1950 in Amsterdam

4002 1965: The Nameless g no recordings known

4003 Duo with André de Werdt g "

4003A+ 1973: AR & Joop van de Bijl

10 demos, probably recorded at AR's home.

4004 1974: One of the founders of The Nits.

4004A 1977: AR's home (RT)

1 Interview with AR

Notes: Telephone interview for "...?..." (Radio .?.).

With fragments of Yes Or No and Looking For A Friend (both studio


4005 Sept. (?) '81: Arnold Mühren Studio, Volendam

How The West Got Lost (RJS)/Fortune & Fame (Instr.) (RJS) (CBSA 2772, 1982)

AR: prob. bg (only A-side). Details: 5083

4005A 1981/82: “Noise Boys Studio” (?), Bussum; Studio 150, Amsterdam

Rob Brautigam - +LP This Pain (VR22122, 1982)

Notes: AR: “thanks”. Details: 1008

4006 Oct. '81: Left the band.

4007 Oct. '82-Feb. '83: Ballad Sound Studio, Vuren

Joep Bruijnjé - 10" LP Vitamins! (Idiot Rec./WEA 24.0170/1, 1983)

Notes: AR: "many thanks to". Details: 5086

4007A+ …?...: PPM Studio, Amsterdam and “at Holzgarten”

Tröckener Kecks – Si Kom terug, Rosa (?)/(Zij was ‘n) slagboom (?) (Tröckener Kecks TK 9, 1984)

AR: co-engineer; Rick de Leeuw: voc; Rob de Weerd: g; Theo Vogelaars: bg; Leo Kenter: dr; Thé Lau: co-eng, prod.

Notes: Single version is a remix of LP version. Did he participate in the LP recording?

B-side re-released on a +Best Of in 1996 (song 14).

4007B Aug. 1985: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

Shift – LP Shift (No company, 08-023455-20, 1985)

A1 A View On You 2 Bread & Water 3 What To Do B1 It Smells Like Spring 2 You Are Here And It’s O.K. 3 A Feel Of Beeing 4 Relation Shipwreck (all (?): HS)

AR: prod, eng; Henri Siebens: voc, g; Zita Duson: voc; Rob Sahm: dr; Indra van Hal: vio; Pien Selleger: bg.

4007C+ …?...: PPM Studio, Amsterdam

Blue Murder – LP Energized (Blue Murder BM 03, 1985)

A1 Come Come 2 Heaven 3 Niagara Falls 4 Into The Light 5 Xmas Never Comes B1 Bite 2 Never Wonder 3 Different 4 One More Night 5 Energized (all: .?.)

AR: engineer; Maarten Ploeg: voc, g; Phil van Tongeren, Ryu Tajiry: voc, keyb; Annemiek Lelyveld: bg, voc; Moniek Vonlen: dr; band, Thé Lau: prod.

4008 Autumn 1985: PPM Studio, Amsterdam

V.A. - LP La Grande Parade (WRF 1001, March(?) '86)

Mixed by PT (De Werf) and AR (PPM) Details: 1013

4008A+ …?...

Agents Of Decay – 12 inch Searching For Pleasure (Pudding Rec. AOD 198511, 1985)

A1 Searching For Pleasure 2 No Doubt 3 Apartment B1 Wrong Or Right 2 Disorder (comp: .?.)

AR: producer; Hugo Leibbrandt: g; Arnold Schellens: voc, g; Arno Kooy: voc, bg; Jan Morren: dr.

4008B+ 1986 (?): PPM Studio, Amsterdam

Cancel – 12 inch Webs Of Fever (Brains For Breakfast B.F.B. 002, 1986)

A1 Dream Within A Dream 2 Swamp Children B1 Twisted Nerve 2 Shall We Dance (comp.: .?.)

AR: engineer.

4009+ ...?... The Div AR: Engineer see Entry 4013A

4010+ ...?... Claw Boys Claw “ ?????


4010A+ 7-9.1+14.1.1987: PPM Studio, Amsterdam

Buy Off The Bar – LP It’s Up To Billy (Ediesta Rec. CALC LP 18, 1987)

A1 It’s Up To You 2 Peanut Butter Boy 3 Papa’s Music 4 Too Shy To Die B1 Amuse Yourself 2 “Guitar Maffia” 3 I Belong 4 Wishes (live) (all songs: band)

AR: co-producer; Michel Lemmens: voc, sax, perc; Paul Hekkert: g, voc; Marcel van Hoof: bg; Loet Schilder: dr; band, AR, Corné Bos: co-prod.

Notes: Song B4 recorded live at De Pieter, Amsterdam, on 10th Dec. 1986.

4010B+ …?...: PPM Studio, Amsterdam; Rosengarden, Utrecht (; ICP, Brussels)

Blue Murder – LP At Home (Emergo EM 9604, 1987)

A1 Settle Down 2 Let’s Go 3 Not So Sure Anymore 4 Isabella 5 Start All Over Again B1 Straight To Hell 2 Winter Blues 3 Zabriskie Point 4 Ryu’s Song 5 Walk Home My Guitar (all: .?.)

AR: engineer, co-mix. (Michel Dierchx: eng. in Brussels); Maarten Ploeg: voc, g, mix; Phil van Tongeren, Ryu Tajiry: voc, keyb; Rogier van der Ploeg: g; Annemiek Lelyveld: bg, voc; Kors Eijkelboom: dr; Dennis Duchhart: prod (LP), arranger strings (A3, A5); Kim Snelton: harm (A3, A5); band, Dennis Duchhart: prod.

4011 Sept. '87-Aug. '88: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam, prod: ...?...

Michiel Peters - LP Infant King (Werf Rec. WRF 10003, 1988)

AR: engineer (with PT and RK). Details: 3011

4012+ ...?...: Ballet for children: Wind, Water, Fire, Earth (1988)

AR: songwriter, eng, keyb, mix.

4013 1988 (?): AR's Studio, ...?... (NL)

A.L.X - +CD Tenderness Of Cranes (Tsuru no sugomori) (Sound-Prod. Sound 7793-2, Jan. 1989)

1 Tenderness Of Cranes 2 See Five - See Parents 3 The Sea 4 The Day 5 The Wind 6 The Lake 7 The Flight 8 The Earth 9 Tenderness (all: AR)

AR: all instr, eng, mix.

4013A+ …?...

Div – LP Jam (Torso TORSO 33170, 1990)

+CD (TORSO CD 170, 1990)

A2 Things Break Down 3 Go Went Gone 4 1 Out Of 5 Billion 5 Brick Layed Suits (all songs: band)

AR: engineer; Art Zaayer: voc, sax; Niek van Slobbe: eg, acg, p; Marc de Reus: bg, acg, p, voc; Michel Schoots: dr, perc, voc

4013B+ …

Wizard Projects – CD Sorcery From The Marshlands (WIZ-004, 1993)

AR: Mastering at Channel Classics Studio, Amsterdam.

4014 1996 (?): PPM Studio, A'dam (?) and Studio Zeezicht, Spaarnwoude

Joep Bruijnjé - CD Medicine / Vitamins (Basta/Idiot 30-90532, 1997)

AR and Frans Hendriks: Engineers at PPM. ((Medicine))

Notes: Released with 10" LP Vitamins! as bonus (see Entry 5086).

4015 1999/2000: Wool

Album design: Riemke Kuipers, HH; assistance: AR.

4016 19.11.00: Stairway To Heaven, Utrecht (SB)

1 Red Tape (H) 2 Bild am Sonntag (As Usual) (P) 3 Shadow Of A Doubt (H) 4 4 Ankles (H+P) 5 The Infant King (P) 6 Tutti Ragazzi (H)

AR: bg Details: 320E

4016A 2003: (De Werf Studio, Amsterdam or) PPM Studio, Amsterdam

CD Het Draagbare Huis (PIAS, 481.0016.020, July 2003)

AR: dig. mastering. Details: 1051

4017 29.10.05: ((Café?)Passberg, Silvolde (A-DVD)

1 Help (Le, McCa)

De Snatch are AR: bg ; Sandra Schoppers: voc ; etc.

Notes: YouTube site: Song 1.

4018+ 2008/2009 (?): …?...

Michiel Peters & Alex Roelofs – CD The Odd Men Out (On The Poppy Parade (MIAL CD09 01, 15.4.09)

1 Ship In A Bottle 2 Woodpecker 3 The Odd Men Out 4 Mind Over Matter 5 Lately 6 Motel Loveless 7 Happy Families 8 Tiny Goddess (all: MP)

AR: dr machine, marimbas, mellotron, p, org, voc, woodwind, engineer, design; MP: g, bg, voc; André de Werdt: g, voc.

Notes: Song 8 is an instrumental.


4000 1987: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

V.A. - LP Netnummer 020 (PPM 8701, 1987)

X Shift: Come Back (...?...)

AR: keyb; HH: b'voc; RK: perc

12/99: COR: 13

3/00: NE: 14

2/01: NE: 3A, 15

5/01 II: cor: 14

6/01: NE: 4A

8/01 II: cor: 4A

10/01: COR: 14

11/01: cor: 9, 10, 13

1/02: cor: 6

6/02: NE: 16

1/07: NE: 5A

4/07: NE: 7A, 1, 5, 11, 13

1/08: cor: 7A

4/08: cor: 5A

8/08: NE: 7A, 8A, 10A, 10,B, 13A // COR: 9

9/08: COR: 7A->7B

11/08 III: 8A, 10A, 10B, 13A

1/09 II: cor: 3A, 5A, 7, 7A, 8A, 9, 14

4/09 II: NE: 17, 18

5/09: NE: 7C, 13B // COR: 7A, 7B, 8A // cor: 7B

5/09 II: COR: 7A, 8A, 10A, 10B, 13 // cor: 8B, 10B

6/09 II: cor: 5A, 6, 10B, 11, 12

8/09 II: NE: 16A // COR: 18 // cor: 17

9/09: cor: 5, 7A, 7B, 8, 10, 10A, 10B, 12, 13, 13B, 16A, 18

9/09 III: COR: 13A

New Entries + news:


New: 4007A+ …?...: PPM Studios, Amsterdam and “at Holzgarten”

Tröckener Kecks – Si Kom Terug, Rosa (Tröckener Kecks TK 9, 1984)

AR: Co-engineer. Single version is a remix of LP version. Did he participate in the LP recording?

New: 4008A+ …?...

Agents Of Decay – 12 inch Searching For Pleasure (Pudding Rec. AOD 198511, 1985)

AR: producer.

New: 4008B+ 1986 (?): PPM Studio, Amsterdam

Cancel – Webs Of Fever (Brains For Breakfast B.F.B. 002, 1986)

A1 Dream Within A Dream 2 Swamp Children B1 Twisted Nerve 2 Shall We Dance (comp.: .?.)

AR: engineer.

Notes: A 12 inch.

4009+ ...?... The Div AR: Engineer see Entry 4013A

New: 4010A+ 7-9.1+14.1.1987: PPM Studios, Amsterdam

Buy Off The Bar – LP It’s Up To Billy (Edieasta Rec. CALC LP 18, 1987

AR: co-producer.

New: 4010B+ …?...: PPM Studio, Amsterdam (, ICP, Brussels and Rosegarden, Utrecht)

Blue Murder – LP At Home (Emergo EM 9604, 1987)

AR: co-engineer, co-mix.

New: 4013A+ …?...

Div – LP Jam (Torso TORSO 33170, 1990)

AR: Engineer (Songs A2-A5).


4007A -> 4007B Aug. 1985: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

4/09 II:

New: 4017 29.10.05: ((Café?)Passberg, Silvolde (A-DVD)

1 Help (Le, McCa)

De Snatch are AR: bg ; Sandra Schoppers: voc ; etc.

Notes: YouTube site : Song 1.

New: 4018+ new CD with MP


4007A+ …?...: PPM Studios, Amsterdam and “at Holzgarten”

Tröckener Kecks – Si Kom Terug, Rosa (?)/Zij was ‘n slagboom (?) (Tröckener Kecks TK 9, 1984)

AR: Co-engineer.

Notes: Single version is a remix of LP version. Did he participate in the LP recording?

B-side re-released on a +Best Of in 1996 (song 14).

4007B Aug. 1985: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

Shift – Shift (No company, 08-023455-20, 1985)

A1 A View On You 2 Bread & Water 3 What To Do B1 It Smells Like Spring 2 You Are Here And It’s O.K. 3 A Feel Of Beeing 4 Relation Shipwreck (all (?): HS)

AR: prod, eng; Henri Siebens: voc, g; Zita Duson: voc; Rob Sahm: dr; Indra van Hal: vio; Pien Selleger: bg.

New: 4007C+ …?...: PPM Studio, Amsterdam

Blue Murder – LP Energized (Blue Murder BM 03, 1985)

A1 Come Come 2 Heaven 3 Niagara Falls 4 Into The Light 5 Xmas Never Comes B1 Bite 2 Never Wonder 3 Different 4 One More Night 5 Energized (all: .?.)

AR: engineer; Maarten Ploeg: voc, g; Phil van Tongeren, Ryu Tajiry: voc, keb; Annemiek Lelyveld: bg, voc; Moniek Vonlen: dr; band, Thé Lau: prod.

4008A+ …?...

Agents Of Decay – Searching For Pleasure (Pudding Rec. AOD 198511, 1985)

A1 Searching For Pleasure 2 No Doubt 3 Apartment B1 Wrong Or Right 2 Disorder (comp: .?.)

AR: producer of this 12 inch.

New: 4013B+ …

Wizard Projects – CD Sorcery From The Marshlands (WIZ-004, 1993)

AR: mastering at Channel Classics Studio, Amsterdam.

5/09 II:

4007A+ …?...: PPM Studios, Amsterdam and “at Holzgarten”

Tröckener Kecks – Si Kom terug, Rosa (?)/(Zij was ‘n) slagboom (?) (Tröckener Kecks TK 9, 1984)

AR: co-engineer; Rick de Leeuw: voc; Rob de Weerd: g; Theo Vogelaars: bg; Leo Kenter: dr; Thé Lau: eng, prod.

Notes: Single version is a remix of LP version. Did he participate in the LP recording?

B-side re-released on a +Best Of in 1996 (song 14).

4008A+ …?...

Agents Of Decay – 12 inch Searching For Pleasure (Pudding Rec. AOD 198511, 1985)

A1 Searching For Pleasure 2 No Doubt 3 Apartment B1 Wrong Or Right 2 Disorder (comp: .?.)

AR: producer; Hugo Leibbrandt: g; Arnold Schellens: voc, g; Arno Kooy: voc, bg; Jan Morren: dr.

4010A+ 7-9.1+14.1.1987: PPM Studio, Amsterdam

Buy Off The Bar – LP It’s Up To Billy (Ediesta Rec. CALC LP 18, 1987)

A1 It’s Up To You 2 Peanut Butter Boy 3 Papa’s Music 4 Too Shy To Die B1 Amuse Yourself 2 “Guitar Maffia” 3 I Belong 4 Wishes (live) (all songs: band)

AR: co-producer; Michel Lemmens: voc, sax, perc; Paul Hekkert: g, voc; Marcel van Hoof: bg; Loet Schilder: dr; band, AR, Corné Bos: prod.

Notes: Song B4 recorded live at De Pieter, Amsterdam, on 10th Dec. 1986.

4010B+ …?...: PPM Studio, Amsterdam; Rosengarden, Utrecht (; ICP, Brussels)

Blue Murder – LP At Home (Emergo EM 9604, 1987)

A1 Settle Down 2 Let’s Go 3 Not So Sure Anymore 4 Isabella 5 Start All Over Again B1 Straight To Hell 2 Winter Blues 3 Zabriskie Point 4 Ryu’s Song 5 Walk Home My Guitar (all: .?.)

AR: Engineer, co-mix. (Michel Dierchx: eng. Brussels); Maarten Ploeg: voc, g, mix; Phil van Tongeren, Ryu Tajiry: voc, keyb; Rogier van der Ploeg: g; Annemiek Lelyveld: bg, voc; Kors Eijkelboom: dr; Dennis Duchhart: arranger strings (A3, A5); Kim Snelton: harm (A3, A5); band, Dennis Duchhart: prod.

4013A+ …?...

Div – LP Jam (Torso TORSO 33170, 1990)

+CD (…?...)

A2 Things Break Down 3 Go Went Gone 4 1 Out Of 5 Billion 5 Brick Layed Suits (all songs: band)

AR: engineer; Art Zaayer: voc, sax; Niek van Slobbe: eg, acg, p; Marc de Reus: bg, acg, p, voc; Michel Schoots: dr, perc, voc

8/09 II:

New: 4016A 2003: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam or PPM Studio, Amsterdam

CD Het Draagbare Huis (PIAS, 481.0016.020, July 2003)

AR: dig. mastering.

4018+ 2008/2009 (?): …?...

Michiel Peters & Alex Roelofs – CD The Odd Men Out (On The Poppy Parade (MIAL CD09 01, 15.4.09)

1 Ship In A Bottle 2 Woodpecker 3 The Odd Men Out 4 Mind Over Matter 5 Lately 6 Motel Loveless 7 Happy Families 8 Tiny Goddess.

AR: dr machine, marimbas, mellotron, p, org, voc, woodwind, engineer, design; MP: g, bg, voc; André de Werdt: g, voc.

Notes: Song 8 is an instrumental.

9/09 III:

4013A+ …?...

Div – LP Jam (Torso TORSO 33170, 1990)

+CD (TORSO CD 170, 1990)

HH 1001-1115 RK 2001-2029 MP 3001-3017 AR 4001-4018 RJS 5001-5167

JG 6001-6011 MB 7001-7049 PM 8001-8042 AL 9001-9011 LvK 10001-10025

Robert Jan Stips

See sep. file

HH 1001-1115 RK 2001-2029 MP 3001-3017 AR 4001-4018 RJS 5001-5167

JG 6001-6011 MB 7001-7049 PM 8001-8042 AL 9001-9011 LvK 10001-10025

Joke Geraets

6001 Born on 18th Oct. 1957 in Den Haag

6002 1976: Dizzy Daisy JG: first perc, then bg

6003: Ducks Nightmare (1978-81), with Peter van Schie JG: bg, l'voc

6004: Not A Slow Affair (1983-86), with Rob Daenen (keyb, l'voc) and Willem Jansen (perc) JG: bg, l'voc

6005 Feb. '86: Received an invitation from The Nits to participate in the HENK sessions as a singer. Joined the band as bassist after the 3rd concert of the HENK tour.

6006 Sept. '87-Aug. '88: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam, prod: ...?....

Michiel Peters - LP Infant King (Werf Rec. WRF 10003, 1988).

B1 The Infant King (MP)

JG: bg Details: 3011

6007 Early '90: Left the band because of reasons of health.

6008+ 11.3.90: TV studio, ...?...: "Bart Peters kleinste show van Nederland" (Veronica)

1. ...?...

6009+ 1995?: ...?...

Soundtrack for movie "Proceddure 769 . The Witness To An Execution"


6010 19.11.00: Stairway To Heaven, Utrecht (SB)

1 Home Before Dark 2 Adieu, Sweet Bahnhof (H)

JG: bg, bvoc. Details: 320E

6011 20.6.06: Nieuwe Kerk, Den Haag: “Wat Is Er Nog Heilig?” (TV Ned. 2)

1 Wat is heilig? (RJS, FdJ)

Notes: Part of the PureJazz Fest. There were 2 shows on Sunday.

JG: Leader of a choir; RJS: keyb; FdJ: voc; Cok van Vuuren: g; Leo Klaasse: dr; André Pet: b-tr; Lonk Boudestein: tr; Simon Rigter: sax; Rik Mol: tr.

YouTube site: Song 1 (as is a drum solo).


6000 (6009) ...?...: Formed a new band

New Entry:

1997: NE: 8

9/98: cor: 8

5/01 II: COR: 5 // cor: 1

6/02: NE: 10

8/07 II: NE: 11

New Entries + news:

HH 1001-1115 RK 2001-2029 MP 3001-3017 AR 4001-4018 RJS 5001-5167

JG 6001-6011 MB 7001-7049 PM 8001-8042 AL 9001-9011 LvK 10001-10025

Martin Bakker

7001 Born on 29th March 1958 in ...?...

Martin Bakker, playing guitar in different Dutch jazz bands, has nothing to do with MB.

7002 -

7003: Gruppo Sportivo (1980-81): Hans Vandenburg: l'voc, g; MB: bg, b'voc; Peter Calicher: keyb, b'voc; Max Mollinger: dr, b'voc; Laurens de Jonge: sax; Edwin Theuerzeit: tru; Jan de Ligt: sax (both: 1980).

7004 April 1980: Rockfield Studios, Manmouth, Wales: "Copy Copy"

Gruppo Sportivo - LP (Ariola 202 327, 1980),

- CD Back To 78 & Copy Copy (Pseudonym Rec. CDP-1068-DD, 2000).

A1 Don't Count On Me 2 Goodbye Radio 3 Police-Dog 4 It's Too Late (HV, PC) 5 Life In Tokyo (Band) 6 I Don't Need You (HV, AM) 7 The Unusual Soup Recipe Blues B1 Up To Date 2 Only On Weekends 3 Watch Your Boy 4 You And I Will Stick Together 5 In Love Again 6 Ramona (HV, PC) 7 What Happened To Romance? (All other songs by HV).

Notes: With Mel Collins: sax (B5); Anne Martin: l'voc (A6), b'voc.

7005 April 1980: Rockfield Studios, Manmouth, Wales: "Copy Copy"

Up To Date (HV)/Ramona (HV, PC) (Ariola 102.036, 1980)

7005A+ 22.11.80: Dorpshuis, Ruinerwold

Gruppo Sportivo – CD …?...

1 Don’t Count On Me etc.

7006 Summer 1981: Soundpush Studios, Blaricum: "Pop! Goes The Brain"

Gruppo Sportivo - +LP (Avon Int 146.538, 1981, D),

- LP (Ariola 203.988, 1981, D?),

- CD Pop! Goes ... & Design Moderne (Pseudonym Rec. CDP-1069-DD, 2000).

1 Who's In Trouble 2 Rhythmisaconstantbeat (HV, PC) 3 UFO 4 My Old Cortina 5 Girls Only 6 If Beauty Is 7 Holland Now 8 Planet Mercury 9 Christine 10 I'm A Lucky Guy (HV, PC) 11 A Girl Like You (Gruppo Sportivo) 12 Very Nice (rem. songs written by HV)

MB: bg, bvoc; RJS: prod; Hans Vandenburg: lvoc, g; Peter Calicher: p, org, bvoc; Laurens de Jonge: sax; Max Mollinger: dr, bvoc; with Ruud Brink: sax (6, 11).

Notes: In contrary to info on the Wikipedia site: 11th Feb. 1982 – the Rockpalast gig: with Eric Wehrmeyer on bg, not MB.

7007 Summer 1981: Soundpush Studios, Blaricum: "Pop! Goes The Brain"

My Old Cortina (HV)/My Favourite Song (HV) (Ariola 102.559, 1980)

Notes: A-side: A video was made and re-released on +DVD Career Movies (…?... 500490, 2004), a compilation of all their videos.

Recorded in 1980 or a wrong P-date?

7007A Summer 1981: Soundpush Studios, Blaricum: "Pop! Goes The Brain"

Very Nice (HV/No Shampo (Also Very Nice) (HV?) (Ariola 103.050, 1981)

Notes: A-side: A video was made and re-released on +DVD Career Movies (…?... 500490, 2004), a compilation of all their videos.

7007B Summer 1981: Soundpush Studios, Blaricum: "Pop! Goes The Brain"

Holland Now (HV)/A Girl Like You (Band) +(Ariola 103.650, 1981), (Avon INT 111.562, 1981, D)

7008 Summer 1981: Soundpush Studios, Blaricum: "Pop! Goes The Brain"

+Si: Rhythmisaconstantbeat (HV, PC)/If Beauty Is (HV) (Ariola 103869, 1981),

Si: Rhythmisaconstantbeat (HV, PC)/UFO (HV) (Avon INT 111.567, 1982, D).

+Maxi-si: Rhythmisaconstantbeat (HV, PC)/If Beauty Is (HV) (Ariola 600.489, 1981)

Notes: Long version on maxi.

7008A+ 1981 (?): TV studio, ...?...: "Nederland Muziekland" (Veronica)

1 Holland Now (HV)

7008B+ Best Of Gruppo Sportivo

CD Collections (Sony …?..., 30.1.06)

1 5050/A1 2 5055/1 3 5097/1 4 - 5 7008/1 6 7007B/1 7 7007A/1 8 7007/2 9 5068/1 10 5060/1 11 5063/2 12 5056/1

Notes: Songs 1-4, 9-12 have nothing to do with MB.

7008C 1981: Studio 150, Amsterdam

De Roomsoezen – LP Een Zwoele Zomeravond (Varagram ET 69, 1982)

A1 Intro 2 Did You Ever Have A Feeling 3 En zwoele zomeravond (Band, M. Kok, H. Woudenberg) 4 Coconut Woman (H. Belafonte, Burgess) 5 I Was Alone 6 Baby Elephant Walk (H. Mancini, D. Hal) 7 Breng eens een zonnetje (Theunisse, Smit) 8 Leila B1 Bring Me Back Home (Band, G. Thoolen) 2 Sunny Side Of The Street (McHugh, Fields) 3 Rock & Roll In The Family (Band, F. Groothof) 4 Ik verlang naar you (Band, H. Woudenberg) 5 Sax-a-go-go 6 Wereldrepertoire (= medley of 7 cover versions) 7 Fin (rem. songs by the band)

MB: bg, perc; Rob Funcke: acg; Rinus Groeneveld: sax; Flip Jansen: ukulele, lvoc (A2, B6); Michiel Jansen: g, keyb, perc; Frank van Tijn: dr, perc; Ben Vermeulen: synth; and actors as leadsingers.

Notes: Music for the movie “Een Zwoele Zomeravond”.

7008D 1982: TV Studio, …?...: “Sonja Barend” (?)

1 Counting Sheep (JR)

MB: bvoc; Jan Rot: lvoc; Jakob Klaasse: keyb; Jan de Hont: g; Peter Warnier: bg; Frans Hendriks: dr; Aad de Clercq: bvoc.

Notes: Playing live in the studio. (Single recording session without MB.)

YouTube site: Song 1.

70008E+ 1983 (?) – 1985 (?): Band The Clip

MB and Iddo de Ru, with …

Notes: They were 5th in the Grote Prijs van Nederland in 1985. No recordings made?

7009: Jan Rot (1983-87): Jan Rot: l'voc, p; MB: bg, b'voc; Roy Bakker: dr, b'voc

7010 1983 (?): Spitsbergen Studio, Zuidbroek; Studio 150, A’dam: "Rot & Roll"

Jan Rot – LP (Pop-Eye, PE 104, 1984)

A1 Take Her Home 2 Stop Drivin’ Me Crazy 3 With(out) You 4 Let Her Go 5 Ooh Wee (My Baby’s Gone) 6 Down In Mexico (T. Austin, G. Bedford) B1 Liar 2 Searcher 3 Rubber Girl 4 Sugar Bee 5 Jim Said Hello (J. Leiber, M. Stoller) 6 Tenderness (all songs by JR except where noted)

Notes: JR: + org (A6, B2), female voc. With Jakob Klaassen: org, acc, whistle; Michiel Jansen: g.

Rec. in 8 days.

7011 1983 (?): Spitsbergen Studio, Zuidbroek: "Rot & Roll"

Ooh Wee (My Baby's Gone) (JR)/Good Things Turn Out Wrong (JR) (Pop-Eye, PE 6104, 25.2.84)

7012+ 1983 (?): Spitsbergen Studio, Zuidbroek: "Rot & Roll"

Tenderness (JR)/Blues For Alleksander (JR) (Pop-Eye, PE 6104/2, 10.5.84)

Notes: YouTube site: Video clip of Tenderness.

7013 1984 (?): Spitsbergen Studio, Zuidbroek

Blue Eyes (JR)/Bitter Is The Taste (JR) (Pop Eye, PE 6105, 23.11.84)

7014+ 1986 (?): Studio Zeezicht, Spaarnwoude (A) + ... (B)

Johnny's Echo (JR)/Bottle Of Valentines (T. Austin, G. Bedford) (Dureco 5156, 14.7.86)

Notes: Released as a Jan Rot & The Trojans single. Only A-side with MB.

7015 1987 (?): Ballad Sound Studio, Vuren; Reel Sound Studio, Nibbixwoud : "Rot, Warm & Tender"

Jan Rot - +LP (Mercury 834 613-1, 29.4.88),

- CD (Mercury 834 613-2, 1988).

1 By The Docks On The Golden River 2 Marinio 3 Sweet Surrender 4 The Contest (Aloha Hey!) 5 The Ad 6 Give It All Away 7 Goodbye-Conversations 8 Like A Pair Of Shoes 9 1992 (And I Did Survive) 10 Valley Of Pain 11 Father & Son 12 Warriors Of Love (all: JR)

MB on songs 1, 2, 7, 8: bg (1, 8), bvoc (2, 7, 8); JR: lvoc, acg, accordion, keyb, prod, arranger; Paul Berding: sax (2, 7); Peter Calicher: arrangements (2, 7); Aad de Clerq: g (2, 7); Michiel V Leeuwen: sax (2, 7); Peter Warnier: bg (10); Frans Hendriks: dr progr.; Willem Wester: flute (10).

Notes: According to the compilation CD (Entry 7018), MB is not on song 2. So what about single Marinio/The Bluest Man In Town (both: JR) (Mercury 870 537-7, 1988)?

7016+ 1987 (?): Ballad Sound Studio, Vuren: "Rot, Warm & Tender"

By The Docks On The Golden River (JR)/Sweet Surrender (JR) (Polydor/Novelty 885 979, 17.7.87)

Notes: MB: bg. Only A-side.

7017 1987 (?): … (A) + Orkater, A'dam (B): "Rot, Warm & Tender"

Father & Son (JR)/The Girl Of No Return (T. Austin, G. Bedford)

(Mercury 870 300-7/+YaYa 834 613, 18.4.88)

Notes: Only B-side.

7018 All singles on CD Counting Sheep (CDJD16JR, 5.12.92), remaining songs on +CD For LP - Fans Only (CDJD23JR, 31.4.94).

7019+ Late 80’s, early 90’s: Live on tour with Jango Edwards

MB was – of course – not part of the band which recorded in the late 70’s two live records in The Netherlands (+Friends Roadshow – Melkweg, Amsterdam, 1978 and +Friends Roadshow – Paradiso, Amsterdam, 1979).

Any CDs with MB?

7019A 1989 (?): (DB Studios, Rijksijk and) Studio BGM, Voorburg

Gruppo Sportivo - CD Sucker Of The Century (JAWS Rec. Jaws 557-2, 1989)

1 The Opposite 2 I Want You Back! 3 Sucker Of The Century 4 She Said 5 Blue Moon 6 Talk To Myself (Astrop, Martin, Fletcher) 7 In My Shelter (Rem. songs by HV)

MB, Lies Schilp, Perla (de Boer): bvoc; RJS: mixing, editing. Dr machine and keyb (1); HV: g, lvoc; PC: keyb; Dick Schulte Nordholt: bg; Kim Haworth: dr.

Notes: Song 7 not listed on cover. (For singles and CD singles: see Entries 5097D-H)

7019B+ 1990 (?): ...?... Studio, ...?...

Movie Hanekan de Rocker (1990 (??)),

Video Hanekan de Rocker (Indies 020279, 1991)

DVD Hanekan de Rocker (…?..., Dec. 2001).

MB, HH, RJS, TT: voices

Notes: Voices dubbed on Dutch version of the movie "Rock-a-Doodle". DVD including "the making of" with MB, etc.

YouTube site: The making of, parts 1 and 2.

7019C+ 1990 (?): Ostende and Zeebrugge (B); Rotterdam

Movie Alissa In Concert (5.10.90)

Notes: MB: actor (musician). Score/soundtrack (?) with MB as musician?

DVD release?

7020 1991: Invited to join the Ting sessions. First gig with Nits in Feb. '92.

Details: 196

7021 5.-6.10.93: De Meelfabriek, Leiden

Gruppo Sportivo - CD Sing Sing (Van Rec. 307.2178.2, 1995),

- CD Second Life (Amsterdamned Rec. 70006-2, 1997? (USA)).

5 Hollywood 6 Cats Hiss 7 Shave 8 Mexican Radio (M. Moreland, S. Ridgway) 10 Hello Holiday (remaining songs written by HV)

MB (not listed on which songs he's playing. I think:): mand (5, 8, 10), bg (6, 7); band: s. 7003 (HV: lvoc, harp, g; PC: keyb, acc, bvoc; Yosha Margherita: bg, bvoc; and De Bombitas (prob. Lies Schilp and Inge Bonthond): voc, perc; J.C. Tans: sax; Boy Raaymakers: tr; Wouter van Bemmel: tr; Walter Wierbos: tromb.

Notes: US-CD with limited bonus CD: 5 more live tracks (without MB).

7022 Spring '95: Lagune Studio, Rijkevorsel (B): "Egotrip"

Stips - CD (Dureco 11 62362, Sept. '96)

MB: bg, b'voc Details: 5101

7023 Spring '95: Lagune Studio, Rijkevorsel (B): "Egotrip"

1 She Was Naked (S) 2 How The West Got Lost (S) (Dureco 11 06502, 1996)

Notes: Song 2 with some lyrics.

7023A Spring '95: Lagune Studio, Rijkevorsel (B): "Egotrip"

1 Dance Your Dance (S, RvE) 2 Nuts In A Shell (S) (Dureco 11 06752,


7024 1995+1996 (?): The Bakkery, Rotterdam

Judith Catharine - CD Goodwill (AMR-90.9585, Aug. '96)

1 Deeper Understanding 2 Tomorrow 3 Looking For A Saviour 4 Sorry (JC, AK, MB) 5 Faith & The Good Thing 6 Best Friend 7 Don't You See (JC, AK, MB) 8 Love From A Twisted Mind 9 Song Of Myself (?. Whitman, JC, MB) 10 Too Good To Be True 11 Music (remaining songs: JC, MB)

MB: bg, dr progr, keyb, g, b'voc, prod, eng, mix; JC: l+b'voc; PM: djembe, k'bongbong, udu, vio, etc; Age Kat: g; Tijn Smit: keyb; Arend Niks: dr; and Nicole van den Belt: perc (11); Baki Duyarlar: p (7).

7025 24.8.96: Uitmarkt, Amsterdam

Last concert with Nits. Details: 276

Planned first concert with RJS' band Stips' Egotrip (RJS: keyb, voc; MB: bg, b'voc; Roy Bakker: dr, b'voc) did not happen.

7026+ 31.8.96: Nieuwe de la Mar Theater, Amsterdam (AT?)

1 ...

Notes: "Langzame liedjes" with Freek de Jonge, RJS and MB. Not more than 4 shows with this title.

7027+ 7.9.96: Radio studio, Hilversum: "2 meter sessies" (VARA)

1 A Girl Named You (RJS) 2 Carry On (RJS, BB)

7028 19.8.96: Radio studio, ...?...: "Ophef en Vertier" (Radio 5)

1 Interview with RJS 2 The Age Of Vegetarius 3 Interview ctd. 4 She Was Naked 5 Interview ctd. 6 Memories Are New III 7 Interview ctd. 8 Interview ctd. 9 Radio (RJS, RvEck)

7029+ 22.9.96: Radio studio, Hilversum: "Leidsekade Live" (KRO, Studio 4)

1 No More Cricket 2 She Was Naked 3 Interview with RJS 4 Think It Over 5 The Age Of Vegetarius 6 Radio (RJS, RvEck) 7 Memories Are New 8 We Do It Again (Rem. songs by RJS)

Notes: Song 1 releseased on +CD Audiovisuel Archief (Naa ...?..., 1996 (promo)), on +CD Muziekopnamen Uit De Nederandse Omroeparchieven (Ned Aud. Archief, ...?..., 1997).

7029A 22.11.96: Provadya Club, Breda (AT)

1 The Clock 2 Think It Over 3 Smash The Mirror (RJS, AL) 4 Changes 5 Corporating Combo Boys/6 Memories Are New I 7 Memories Are New III 8 Pop 25 9 Springtime Coming Soon 10 Dance Your Dance (RJS, RvE) 11 No More Cricket 12 The Age Of Vegetarius 13 She Was Naked 14 Tango Malafido 15 A Girl Named You 16 Papa Was A Rollin' Stone (N. Whittfield, B. Strong)/17 Wash Your Hands Before You Touch 18 Radio (RJS, RvE) 19 It Takes A Lot Of Time To Let All People Know 20 Sunrise At Midnight 21 How The West Got Lost (All comp. by RJS except where noted)

7030 30.11.96: Dilligentia, Den Haag (AT)

1 The Clock 2 Carry On (RJS, B. Borgers) 3 Smash The Mirror (RJS, AL) 4 Springtime Coming Soon 5 Tango Malafido 6 Changes 7 Dance Your Dance (RJS, RvE) 8 Memories Are New III 9 Sunrise At Midnight 10 Think It Over 11 Pop 25 12 No More Cricket 13 Instead Of .../14 Tomorrow (Is Another Day)/15 Cars & Cars (Nits)/Tomorrow ctd. 16 The Age Of Vegetarius 17 Corporating Combo Boys/18 Mexico/19 Memories Are New I 20 Nuts In A Shell 21 A Girl Named You 22 Fernando & François (RJS?) 23 She Was Naked 24 Papa Was A Rollin' Stone (N. Whittfield, B. Strong)/25 Wash Your Hands Before You Touch 26 Radio (RJS, RvE) 27 Walter And Conny 28 It Takes A Lot Of Time To Let All

People Know (All comp. by RJS except where noted)

7030A+ 1996-98: ...?...

CD Villa BVD (For friends of Villa BVD ..., 1998)

9 Smash The Mirror (RJS, AL)

Notes: Live recording.

7030B ?.?.97: Globezaal, Eindhoven

1 Nu het nog kan (FdJ, RJS)/Elenor Rigby (Le, McCa) 2 Vallende vlokken

(S. Adamo, FdJ) 3 De koe (FdJ, RJS?) 4 "Intermezzo" (= Outro?)

MB: bg, bvoc; RJS: p (1, 3), acc (2), bvoc, FdJ: lvoc, p (2), Hella de Jonge: vio; R. Bakker: dr, perc, bvoc.

Notes: Free CD. Part of the Groningen concert booklet. (Recorded with The Van (Mobile Studio).)

7031 3.+5.4.97: Stadsschouwburg, Groningen: "Gemeen Goed"

Freek de Jonge & Stips - CD (EMI 7423 8 57514 2 4, Nov. '97),

1 Mijn held 2 Het weer/3 De kuil (FdJ, H. Vrienten) 4 Madley: 4a Kleine Kokette Katinka (H. Harmhuis, J. Stokkermans, L. Post) 4b Huilen is voor jou te laat (P. Kartner) 4c Kleine cafe aan de haven (P. Kartner) 4d Kom van dat dak af (P. Koelewijn) 4e Ach was ik maar bij moeder thuis gebleven (P. Boeremans, L. Luxembourg) 4f Red River Rock (T. King, I. Mack, F. Mendelsohn) 5 Oom Wim 6 Nu het nog kan/Eleanor Rigby (Le, McCa) 7 Je kunt niet zingen (Over God) 8 Van de gekken 9 Stel je was 10 Het stiefkind (Steve)/Then He Kissed Me (P. Spector, E. Greenwich, J. Barry)/"Drums" 11 Rocking Chair (FdJ, Van Dyke Parks, RJS, MB, RB) 12 Heer heb meelij (met de Belgen) (FdJ, R. van het Groenewoud, RJS) 13 Leven na de dood (B. Dylan, FdJ) (Rem. comp. FdJ/RJS)

MB: bg, acg (12), b'voc; RJS: keyb, p and harp (12), acc (13), b'voc, mix; FdJ: l'voc, p (13), kazoo (12); Roy Bakker: dr, b'voc; Hella de Jonge: vio (6, 12, 13).

Notes: I think that I saw with May ’97 an off. rel. date, but single (see next Entry) was released before Gemeen Goed CD. CD with sticker “incl. de hit Leven na de dood”.

7031A 3. & 5.4.97: Stadsschouwburg, Groningen: "Gemeen Goed"

1 Leven na de dood (B. Dylan, FdJ) 2 Rocking Chair (FdJ, Van Dyke Parks, RJS, MB, RB) (EMI 7243 8 84422 2 0, early July (?) 1997).

Notes: Both songs taken from the forthcoming Gemeen Goed CD. Recorded with The Van Mobile Studio. Was a hit in July/August after extensive airplay.

Song 1: Complete version with piano intro. Cut on CD. It’s Freek’s version of Bob Dylan’s Death Is Not The End.

Song 2: Song credits taken from the CD. FdJ not mentioned on single.

7031B 3. & 5.4.97: Stadsschouwburg, Groningen: "Gemeen Goed"

1 Leven na de dood (B. Dylan, FdJ) 2 Rocking Chair (FdJ, Van Dyke Parks, RJS, MB, RB) 3 Wilhelmus (M. van Aldegonde, FdJ) (EMI 7243 8 84122 2 3, early July (?) 1997).

Notes: All live recordings. Recorded with The Van Mobile Studio.

Song 1: Complete version with piano intro. Cut on CD. Song 2: Song credits taken from the CD. FdJ not mentioned on single. Song 3: CD out-take.

7031C 8.5.97: Carré Theater, Amsterdam: "Gemeen Goed"

Freek de Jonge & Stips - Video (EMI 4 918553 1, 1997).

1 Heer heb meelij (met de Belgen) 2 Hondenthema 3 Je kunt niet zingen (over God) 4 Leven na de dood (BD, FdJ) 5 Madley (see 5112) 6 Mijn held 7 Nu het nog kan 8 Oom Wim 9 Rocking Chair (FdJ, Van Dyke Parks, RJS, MB, RB) 10 Stel je was 11 Het Stiefkind (Steve) 12 Van de gekken 13 Het weer (all (?) rem. songs by FdJ, RJS)

Notes: Cover mistakenly says recorded on 3rd and 5th April 1997.

7032 1997 (("Gemeen Goed" or "Rapsodia"))

1 Leven na de dood (B. Dylan, FdJ) 2 Leven na de dood (Karaoke versie) (B. Dylan) (EMI 2438847162, 1997).

Notes: Song 1: Different live version. Most probably neither a recording from the two Groningen shows nor from the Carré gig. Clearly different to the Gemeen Goed version, but similar to the Rapsodia version featuring the same two Elvis songs and some guitar by Mark Boon. Also known as Leven na de dood (Vlaamse versie). Karaoke version recorded in the studio. With HdJ’s vio instead of vocals. With the musicians of the Rapsodia band ( song 1 recorded live in Sept./Oct. 1997??

Song 2: Recorded at The Van Studio, Spakenburg, with FdJ: lvoc, p; RJS: acc, arranger, mix; Norbert Sollewijn Gelke: bg; Mark Boon: g; Roy Bakker: dr; Hella de Jonge: vio. Karaoke versie also released on +5 DVD Box Oude Jaars Conference 1982-2001.

Without MB?

7032A -

7032B+ 1997 (("Gemeen Goed" or "Rapsodia"))

1 Leven na de dood (Karaoke) 2 Leven na de dood (Vlaamse versie) (both:

BD, FdJ (EMI 2438847482, 1997).

Notes: Without MB?

7032C+ 1997 (("Gemeen Goed" or "Rapsodia"))

1 Heer heb melij (met de Belgen) (Radio edit) (FdJ, RvhG, RJS) 2 De

Zeeland Blues (FdJ, RJS) 3 Heer ... (Album versie) 4 Leven na de dood (BD, FdJ) (EMI 2438849402, 1997)

Notes: Two singles are existing: 1 Heer (edit) 2 Zeeland 3 Heer (album) (…?...)

1 Heer 2 Leven na de dood (…?...)

And what about the above mentioned 4 track single??

Song 1: Was a minor hit in November 1997. Recordet at The Paradiso? ( Without MB?

7033 6.10.97: Paradiso, Amsterdam

Freek de Jonge & Stips - CD Rapsodia (Roje Hel/EMI 7243 4 94293 2 1, April '98)

Bonus CD: 5 Leven na de dood incl. Henk's gouden platenblues (Band, HH, MB, B. Dylan)

MB: g. Details: 5114

7034. 1997: Joined Het Groot Niet Te Vermijden

Het Groot Niet Te Vermijden are: Peter Tinke: keyb, voc; Louis Kockelman: sax, g, voc; Sjoerd Plak: g, voc; MB: bg, voc; Jochen Kron: dr, voc.

Het Groot Niet Te Vermijden Dans/Show Orkest were: PT; LK; JK; Bert van Bommel: horns, voc; Anton van der Burgh: bg, voc.

7035+ 21./22.11.97: De Purmaryn, Purmerend

CD Stairway To The Stars (Movieplay MPV 100441, Jan. 1998)

1 Stairway To The Stars – De vijfde macht () 2 Little Sister () 3 Fussilli Fricolore () …. 22 Flying Carpet (PT, H. Douw)

7036+ …?...: TV studio, …: “De Plantage“ (VPRO)

7037+ …?...: TV studio, … “Laat de Leeuw” (VARA)

7038 Dec. 1997: Bullet Sound Studio, Vuren

1 Lindelaan (L. Sayer, A. Hammond, K. de Jong) 2 Flying Carpet (PT, H. Douw (Tinnik SMP 850209, 1997)

Notes: Song 1 is a version of Orchard Road.

With Bert van Bommel as a member of the band. With: Michel van Schie: Comp. programming; Keimpe de Jong: sax; The Garlic Sisters (Winanda van Vliet, Niki Romijn, Hella Koffeman): bvoc (2); Dick Dépris: .?..

7039 2000 (?): Rocktown Studios, Rotterdam (A); The Bakkery, Rotterdam (B)

1 Blind Date (PT, H. Douw) 2 Je t’aime, moi non plus (S. Gainsbourg) (Tinnik GJC 0005, 2000)

Notes: Song 1: Mistitled as “Je t’aime non plus“. Michel van Schie: computer programming. Song 2: Judith Scholte: voc. MB: arranger

7040 19.11.00: Stairway To Heaven, Utrecht (SB)

1 Typist Of Candy 2 Chameleon Girl

MB: dr (1), acg (2), bvoc (2). Details: 320B

7041+ 1999 (?): …?...

CD Tour Unlimited (…?... , Jan. (?) 2000)

1 Monkey Man () 2 Caravan () 3 Mr. Wonderful () ……. 22 God Only Knows ()

7042+ Dec. 2000: …?...

DVD Tour Unlimited (Coast To Coast CTC 2990013, 2002)

1 Monkey Man () 2 Caravan () 3 Mr. Wonderful () ………

Notes: The show was broadcast in Dec. 2000 in “..?..” (Rijnmond) and in Jan. in “..?..” (RTL4). The RTL version was used for the DVD.

Same songs as on the CD with add. backstage recordings and more.

YouTube site: “Clips” (Excerpts from the DVD?).

7043 2001-2002 (or 2001-2003): …?...

CD Off The Road Again (Tinnik/Coast To Coast CTC-2990402, Jan. 2002


1 Monks (trad.) 2 We’re Gonna Win (B. Adams, R.J. Lange) 3 As mien kott eben tiegenvolt (P.W. Tinke) 4 Moma nedelja (“Bulgarka”) 5 Killing Jive (“Mills Brothers”) 6 Dimming Of The Day (R. Thompson) 7 That’s Alright, Mama (A. Crudup)/Jailhouse Rock (J. Leiber, M. Stoller)/Can’t Help Falling In Love (H. Peretti, L. Creatore, G. Weiss)/Suspicious Minds (M. James) 7a Intermezzo (Band) 8 The Wedding (A. Ibrahim) 9 African Marketplace (A. Ibrahim) 10 Medley 11 Air (J. S. Bach) 12 The Bridge (L. O’Flynn) 13 Glenn Town (S. Shannon) 14 Teach Me Tonight (G. de Paul, S. Cahn) 15 See You When I Get There (?) 16 Apparition (“Gatlifs”) 17 Long Train Running (“Doobie Brothers”)/ R.S. Hermoso) 18 Afkonding (Band) 19 YMCA (J. Morali, H. Belolo, V. Willis) 20 We’re Still Here (J. Vester)

Notes: Live 2001-2003. MB: + mix, edits and mastering (at The Bakkery).

Song 7a not listed. Intermezzo is an untitled instrumental.

7043A+ CDSi Off The Road Again

7044+ Feb. 2003: …?... (live)

DVD Off The Road Again (Coast To Coast CTC 299053, 2003)

1 Champions League () 2 Gonna Win() etc.

Notes: YouTube site: “Clips” (Excerpts from the DVD?).

7045+ June 2004: Luxor Theater, Rotterdam

DVD Wonderful Live (Coast To Coast CTC 2990063, Sept. 2004)

1 Big Monday’s () 2 Caompainte Por St. Catherine () etc.

Notes: YouTube site: “Clips” (Excerpts from the DVD?) and Eddie de Zingende Zaag.

7046 20.3.05: Stairway To Heaven, Utrecht (SB)

1 Mourir avant quinze ans 6 Walter & Conny (S)

2 Two Skaters 7 Adieu, Sweet Bahnhof (H)

3 Crime & Punishment 8 J.O.S. Days

4 Walking With Maria 9 Cabins

5 26 A (Clouds In The Sky) 10 In The Dutch Mountains

MB: bg (1, 2, 6, 8-10). Deails: 352

7047+ …?... (live)

DVD Diamonds & Pearls (Coast To Coast CTC 29900.., 2006)

1 De Fanfar () 2 La Banana () etc.

Notes: It was a “Best Of Tour”.

YouTube site: “Clips” (Excerpts from the DVD?).

7048+ Geluidsstudio

Atie Vuyk

Kindertheater Kijk Haar Non

7049 2009 (?)

1 Smoke On The Water (I. Gillan, R. Blackmore, R. Glover, J. Lord, I. Paice)

Notes: MB plays the riff on acg. With comedian Arie Vuyk. Number called “De Concurent”.

YouTube site: Song 1.

XXXX+ ..?..: …?..., Barendtrecht


Notes: Jan Rot & Marjolein Meijers.

Festival. Backing band with MB: bg.

YouTube site: ..?..


7000 With Buddy Odor (1979-80): He is not mentioned on the LP cover, see Entry 5067.

7000. De Bombitas (Inge Bonthond, Lies Schilp, Robbie Schmitz: voc): prod?

Single Jealousy (1986) with Jaap Eggemont as producer

Single My Boy (1986) with unknown producer

Single R+R Heart (1987) with unknown producer

Single The Secret (1988) with unknown producer

New Entries + corrections:

1997: NE: 26-32 // COR: 25 // Cor: 21+22

4/98: NE: 33

8/98: NE: 29A, 34 // COR: 21, 28, 31

5/99: NE: 23A, 30, ...

7/99: COR: 29; 29A, 30

8/00: NE: 7A, 7B, 8A // COR: 6-8, 31

9/00: NE: 5 // COR: 4

11/00: COR: 7, 7A, 7B, 8

2/01: NE: 32A // COR: 30 // cor: 21, 27, 28, 29, 29A, 31, 32, 34

2/01 II: RT,SB,AT, Vi, TV,TV°, M

2/01 III: COR: 21 // cor: 10-17, 26

3/01: COR: 7 / cor: 21, 31

3/01 II: cor: 25

4/01 II: NE: 30A, 32A->C, 32A, 32B // COR: 32, 32C

4/01 III: cor: 4

5/01 II: NE: 19A // COR: 9, 29, 31 // cor: 6, 13, 21, 29A, 30, 32, 32A, 32C

6/01: COR: 21 // cor: 19A

7/01: COR: 24 // cor: 7A, 24

8/01 II: cor: 10, 15, 24, 26, 30A, 33

9/01: cor: 7-8A, 15

10/01: COR: 14

11/01: cor: 26

Ja/02: NE: 7000

6/02: NE: 30B, 35 // COR: 21, 26, 32, 32A, 32B // cor: 4, 6, 31

6/02 II: COR: 32

2/03: cor: 24(2), 32A

6/06: NE: (7000 ->) 8B

6/06 II: COR: 11 , 13

7/06: COR: 10, 14, 15, 17(2)

8/06: COR: 15, 18, 32A, 32C

8/06 II: COR: 19

8/06 III: NE: 35-46 // COR: 19, 35->40, 40 // cor: 24

9/06: COR: 46

9/06 II: cor: 19, 27, 34, 38

10/06 III: cor: 19A

5/07 II: NE: 19B

9/07 III: NE: 8B

3/08 : NE : 8D

4/08 : NE : 19C, 43A, 47, 48, 49 // (D, 12, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

8/08 II : NE : 7A // COR : 7B->C, 15, 21

8/08 III : COR : 27

9/08 : cor : 33

9/08 II : NE: 6, 8E // cor : 21 /// NE : 31A, 31B // COR : 31, 32, 32B, 32C (all : see RJS)

9/08 III: COR: 15

9/08 III: cor: 31, 32C

2/09: COR: 19B

2/09 II; cor: 3, 4, 5A, 6, 8B, 8D, 8E, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 19, 19A, 19B, 19C, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32C, 33, 35, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49

2/09 III: COR: 5

4/09 II: COR: 32D // cor: 32, 32B, 32D

4/09 III: cor: 8C

5/09 II: COR: 32D->31C, 32, 32B, 32C // cor: 31, 31A

5/09 III: COR: 7, 7A

6/09: COR: 1

6/09 II: cor: 43

8/09: COR: 7, 7A // cor: 6, 7B, 8D, 8E, 10

8/09 II: COR: 15 // cor: 15, 31B, 32, 39, 42

8/09 III: cor: 19A

9/09 II: NE: 49

New Entries + news:


7008D 1982: TV Studio, …?...: “Sonja Barend” (?)

1 Counting Sheep (JR)

Notes: Live in the studio. MB: bvoc; Jan Rot: lvoc; Jakob Klaasse: keyb; Jan de Hont: g; Peter Warnier: bg; Frans Hendriks: dr; Aad de Clercq: bvoc.

Single recording session without MB.

YouTube site: Song 1.

7012+ 1983 (?): Spitsbergen Studio, Zuidbroek: "Rot & Roll"

Tenderness (JR)/Blues For Alleksander (JR) (Pop-Eye, PE 6104/2, 10.5.84)

Notes: YouTube site: Video clip of Tenderness.

New: 7019C+ 1990 (?): Ostende and Zeebrugge (B); Rotterdam

Movie Alissa In Concert (5.10.90)

Notes: MB: actor (musician). Score with MB as musician?

DVD release?

7035+ 21./22.11.97: De Purmaryn, Purmerend

CD Stairway To The Stars (Movieplay MPV 100441, Jan. 1998)

7041+ 1999 (?): …?...

CD Tour Unlimited (…?... , Jan. (?) 2000)

7042+ Dec. 2000: …?...

DVD Tour Unlimited (Coast To Coast CTC 2990013, 2002)

Notes: YouTube site: “Clips” (Excerpts from the DVD?).

7043 2001-2002 (or 2001-2003): …?...

CD Off The Road Again (Tinnik/Coast To Coast CTC-2990402, Jan. 2002 (?))

New: 7043A+ CDSi Off The Road Again

7044+ Feb. 2003: …?... (live)

DVD Off The Road Again (Coast To Coast CTC 299053, 2003)

1 Champions League () 2 Gonna Win() etc.

Notes: YouTube site: “Clips” (Excerpts from the DVD?).

7045+ June 2004: Luxor Theater, Rotterdam

DVD Wonderful Live (Coast To Coast CTC 2990063, Sept. 2004)

1 Big Monday’s () 2 Caompainte Por St. Catherine () etc.

Notes: YouTube site: “Clips” (Excerpts from the DVD?) and Eddie de Zingende Zaag.

New: 7047+ …?... (live)

DVD Diamonds & Pearls (Coast To Coast CTC 29900.., 2006)

1 De Fanfar () 2 La Banana () etc.

Notes: It was a “Best Of Tour”.

YouTube site: “Clips” (Excerpts from the DVD?).

New: 7048+ Geluidsstudio

Atie Vuyk

Kindertheater Kijk Haar Non

New: 7049+ 8.12.07: Carré Theater, Amsterdam


Notes: Special concert to celebrate Jan Rot’s 50th birthday. With, among others, MB: bg

YouTube site: …?...

New: XXXX+ ..?..: …?..., Barendtrecht


Notes: Jan Rot & Marjolein Meijers.

Festival. Backing band with MB: bg.

YouTube site: ..?..

8/08 II:

New: 7005A+ 22.11.80: Dorpshuis, Ruinerwold

Gruppo Sportivo – CD …?...

1 Don’t Count On Me etc.

7008B -> C 1981: Studio 150, Amsterdam

7015+ -> 7015 1987 (?): Ballad Sound Studio, Vuren; Reel Sound Studio, Nibbixwoud : "Rot, Warm & Tender"

Jan Rot - +LP (Mercury ……, 29.4.88),

CD (Mercury 834 613-2, 1988).

1 By The Docks On The Golden River 2 Marinio 3 Sweet Surrender 4 The Contest (Aloha Hey!) 5 The Ad 6 Give It All Away 7 Goodbye-Conversations 8 Like A Pair Of Shoes 9 1992 (And I Did Survive) 10 Valley Of Pain 11 Father & Son 12 Warriors Of Love (all: JR)

Notes: ((Songs 1, 2, 7, 8:) MB: bg (1, 8), bvoc (2, 7, 8); JR: lvoc, acg, accordion, keyb, prod, arranger; Paul Berding: sax (2, 7); Paul Callicher: arrangements (2, 7); Aad de Clerq: g (2, 7); Michiel V Leeuwen: sax: 2, 7); Peter Warnier: bg (10); Willem Wester: flute (10):

According to the compilation CD (Entry 7018), MB is not on song 2. So what about single Marinio/The Bluest Man In Town (both: JR) (Mercury 870 537-7, 1988)?

7021 5.-6.10.93: De Meelfabriek, Leiden

((11th Feb. 1982 – the Rockpalast gig: with Eric Wehrmeyer on bg, not MB.))

9/08 II:

7006 Summer 1981: Soundpush Studios, Blaricum: "Pop! Goes The Brain"

Notes: In contrary to info on Wikipedia site: 11th Feb. 1982 – the Rockpalast gig: with Eric Wehrmeyer on bg, not MB.

New : 70008E+ 1983 (?) – 1985 (?): Band The Clip

with MB and Iddo de Ru, with …

((They were 5th in the Grote Prijs van Nederland in 1985))

No recordings made?

9/08 III:

7015 1987 (?): Ballad Sound Studio, Vuren; Reel Sound Studio, Nibbixwoud : "Rot, Warm & Tender"

Jan Rot - +LP (Mercury 834 613-1, 29.4.88),

CD (Mercury 834 613-2, 1988).


7019B+ 1990 (?): ...?... Studio, ...?...

YouTube site: The making of, parts 1 and 2.

2/09 III:

7005+ -> 7005 April 1980: Rockfield Studios, Manmouth, Wales: "Copy Copy"

4/09 II:

7032D 8.5.97: Carré Theater, Amsterdam: "Gemeen Goed"

Freek de Jonge & Stips - Video (EMI 4 918553 1, 1997).

1 Heer heb meelij (met de Belgen) 2 Hondenthema 3 Je kunt niet zingen (over God) 4 Leven na de dood (BD, FdJ) 5 Madley (see 5112) 6 Mijn held 7 Nu het nog kan 8 Oom Wim 9 Rocking Chair (FdJ, Van Dyke Parks, RJS, MB, RB) 10 Stel je was 11 Het Stiefkind (Steve) 12 Van de gekken 13 Het weer (all (?) rem. songs by FdJ, RJS)

Notes: Cover mistakenly says recorded on 3rd and 5th April 1997.

5/09 II:

7032D->31C 8.5.97: Carré Theater, Amsterdam: "Gemeen Goed"

Freek de Jonge & Stips - Video (EMI 4 918553 1, 1997).

7032 1997 (("Gemeen Goed" or "Rapsodia"))

1 Leven na de dood (B. Dylan, FdJ) 2 Leven na de dood (Karaoke versie) (B. Dylan) (EMI 2438847162, 1997).

Without MB?

7032B+ 1997 (("Gemeen Goed" or "Rapsodia"))

1 Leven na de dood (Karaoke) 2 Leven na de dood (Vlaamse versie) (both:

BD, FdJ (EMI 2438847482, 1997).

Notes: Without MB?

7032C+ 1997 (("Gemeen Goed" or "Rapsodia"))

1 Heer heb melij (met de Belgen) (Radio edit) (FdJ, RvhG, RJS) 2 De

Zeeland Blues (FdJ, RJS) 3 Heer ... (Album versie) 4 Leven na de dood (BD, FdJ) (EMI 2438849402, 1997)

Notes: Two singles are existing: 1 Heer (edit) 2 Zeeland 3 Heer (album) (…?...)

1 Heer 2 Leven na de dood (…?...)

And what about the above mentioned 4 track single??

Song 1: Was a minor hit in November 1997. Recordet at The Paradiso? ( Without MB?

5/09 III:

7007 Summer 1981: Soundpush Studios, Blaricum: "Pop! Goes The B..."

My Old Cortina (HV)/My Favourite Song (HV) (Ariola 102.559, 1980)

Notes: A-side: A video was made and re-released on +DVD Career Movies (..?... 500490, 2004), a compilation of all their videos.

Recorded in 1980 or a wrong P-date?

7007A Summer 1981: Soundpush Studios, Blaricum: "Pop! Goes The B..."

Very Nice (HV/No Shampo (Also Very Nice) (HV) (Ariola 103.050, 1981)

Notes: A-side: A video was made and re-released on +DVD Career Movies (..?... 500490, 2004), a compilation of all their videos.


7001 Born on 29th March 1958 in ...?...

Martin Bakker, playing guitar in different Dutch jazz bands, has nothing to do with MB.

8/09 II:

7015 1987 (?): Ballad Sound Studio, Vuren; Reel Sound Studio, Nibbixwoud : "Rot, Warm & Tender"

MB on songs 1, 2, 7, 8: bg (1, 8), bvoc (2, 7, 8); JR: lvoc, acg, accordion, keyb, prod, arranger; Paul Berding: sax (2, 7); Peter Calicher: arrangements (2, 7); Aad de Clerq: g (2, 7); Michiel V Leeuwen: sax (2, 7); Peter Warnier: bg (10); Frans Hendriks: dr progr.; Willem Wester: flute (10).

9/09 II:

New: 7049 2009 (?)

1 Smoke On The Water (I. Gillan, R. Blackmore, R. Glover, J. Lord, I. Paice)

Notes: MB plays the riff on acg. With comedian Arie Vuyk. Number called “De Concurent”.

YouTube site: Song 1.

HH 1001-1115 RK 2001-2029 MP 3001-3017 AR 4001-4018 RJS 5001-5167

JG 6001-6011 MB 7001-7049 PM 8001-8042 AL 9001-9011 LvK 10001-10025

Peter Meuris

8001 Born ...?...

8002: The Tapes (1979-1982): PM: dr, perc, b'voc; Rolf Hermsen: l'voc, g; Michel Brandes: g, b'voc ; Igor Roovers: bg. ((Last concert: 12th Feb. 1982))

8003+ 28.1.79: Melkweg, Amsterdam (RT)

1 Live Girls / Dead Girls (?) 4 A Little Trick With Me (?)

2 Inside Out (FH, Tapes) 5 “Bend Over” (?)

3 The Best Of My Fate (?)

Notes: Nits Archive Tape, Vol. 26. Taken from an unknown radio broadcast with 5 more songs by The Nits (see Entry 016).

Dick van der Vaart (dr) left the band after this tour. So it’s doubtful if PM was on stage!

As with the Nits songs, these songs are downloads on the flexine site.

Song 1 sometimes listed as “Live And Dead Girls”, 3 as “Best Of My Faith”, 4 as ”Little Trick” or “A Little Trick We All Know”.

8004 Summer '79: The Music Farm, Baarnbrugge (NL): "Party"

The Tapes - LP (Passport Rec. PB 9842, 1980)

A1 (I Fall) Head First 2 The Mating Season 3 Blue Thighs 4 Point Eighty-Eight 5 Into Action B1 To Assemble (F. Hermsen, Tapes) 2 LG/DG 3 Lonesome Max (T. Williams, Tapes) 4 Party 5 In The Crocodile's Mouth (FH, Tapes) 6 Inside Out (FH, Tapes) (Remaining songs written by The Tapes)

Notes: +German edition Metronome 0060.131 reviewed in a popular German music mag in July 1980.)

8005 Summer '79: The Music Farm, Baarnbrugge (NL): "Party"

Blue Thighs (RH, Tapes)/Call Me (RH, FH) (WEA WEAN 18.248-A/B, 1980)

Notes: B-side is a live recording.

8006 Oct. '79: Artisound Studio, Amsterdam, Prod.: The Nits & Aad Link

The Nits - LP Tent (CBS 84051)

B4 Johnny Said Silver (H)

PM: b'voc (with The Tapes). Details: 015

8007 March '81: Dali Press Studio, Nederhorst den Berg: "On A Clear Day"

The Tapes - LP (WEA WEAN 58.321, 1981)

A1 Night After Night (F. Hermsen, RH) 2 Hot Line (FH, Tapes) 3 Concern (RH, MiB) 4 Next In Line (RH) 5 March (FH, Tapes) 6 Mouth Of The World (RH, MiB) B1 Bits And Pieces (FH, RH) 2 Stella (S. Gale, RH) 3 Good Riddance (RH) 4 Swell (RH, MiB) 5 Salt Desert (RH) 6 Strategy (RH, MiB)

PM, Huba de Graaff, RH, MiB, IR: keyb; HH, MP, Mathilde Eleveld (= Santing): b'voc; Dennis Duchhart: p (B6).

8008 March '81: Dali Press Studio, Nederhorst den Berg: "On A Clear Day"

Bits And Pieces (FH, RH)/Busy Doin' Nothin' (B. Wilson) (WEA WEAN

18.797-A/B, 1981)

Notes: B-side recorded at home.

8009 1982: Ballad Sound Studio, Vuren: "Mathilde Santing"

Mathilde Santing - 10" mini-LP (Idiot Rec./WEA WEA 28.333, 1982),

- +LP (Idiot Rec. …?..., 1986),

- +CD (Idiot Rec./WEA 240951-2, ???).

A1 Behind A Painted Smile (I. J. Hunter, B. Verdi) 2 I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face (A. J. Lerner, F. Lowe) 3 The Gentleman Is A Dope (O. Hammerstein, R. Rodgers) 4 You Took Advantage Of Me (R. Rogers, L. Hart) B1 Here Today (B. Wilson, T. Asher) 2 You Got To My Head (H. Gillespie, J. F. Coots) 3 A Dream Goes On Forever (T. Rundgren)

MS: voc, tape mach.; Rolf Hermsen; Dennis Duchhart: add. lvoc on B3; PM, MS, RH, DD: add. instruments.

Notes: Mini-LP with 7 songs, LP with 9 -> B-sides of singles.

((Reviewed in a popular German music mag in Sept. 1982.))

8010 1982: Ballad Sound Studio, Vuren: "Mathilde Santing"

You Took Advantage Of Me (R. Rogers, L. Hart)/Easy To Love (C. Porter) (Idiot Rec./WEA WEA 19.172,1982)

Notes: A-side is a remix.

8011 1982: Ballad Sound Studio, Vuren: "Mathilde Santing"

Behind A Painted Smile (I. J. Hunter, B. Verdi)/You And I (M. London) (Idiot Rec./WEA WEA 19.235,1982)

8012 1983: (Arnold Mühren Studio, Volendam)

A1 Hand In Hand (E. Costello) A2 Little Girl Blue (L. Hart) B1 It May Not Always Be So (E. E. Cummings, D. Duchhart) B2 Stay Home (RH, MB, FH) (Megadisc VR 22631, 1983 (?))

Notes: Song B2: Arranged by MS Combo, with thanks to PM.

(Therefore, single with Hand In Hand and It May Not Always Be So without PM.)

Hand In Hand: A remixed version with newly recorded vocals can be found on the second Out Of This Dream LP.)

8013 ……………..”Water Under The Bridge”

Too Much (DD, MS)/1 Try A Little Tenderness (J. Campell, R. Conelly, H. Woods) 2 There Will Never Be Another You (H. Warren, M. Gordon) (Mega 078330, 1985)

Notes: Song 1: Shortened LP track, without PM. B side by the MS Combo -> prob. without PM (B side rec. live in Berlin, 30th Dec. 1983.)

8014+ ……………..”Water Under The Bridge”

A1 Too Much (DD, MS) 2 Broken Hearts (DD, MS) B1 Try A Little Tenderness (J. Campell, R. Conelly, H. Woods) 2 There Will Never Be Another You (H. Warren, M. Gordon) (…?..., 1985)

Notes: Songs 3 + 4 are live recordings from Berlin. With PM? (see Entry 8013)

8015: The Mathilde Santing Ensemble (1985-1992)

MS, Rolf Hermsen, PM, … ((For more musicians, see Entry 8022))

(Former Mathilde Santing Combo with MS: voc, keyb; Michiel Brandes: bg, acc, g; Rolf Hermsen: g, cabasa, bg, voc.)

8016: Unknown live recordings

LP: see Nits Entry 130A (1986)

1 Is There Any Way Out Of This Dream (T. Waits) 2 Why Try To Change Me Now (Coleman, McCarthy) 3 Easy To Love (C. Porter) 4 She Needs Me (Hamilton) 5 Town Without Pity (D. Tiomkin, N. Washington) 6 Pictures (K. Bacon, S. Fellows, M. Glasher, A. Peake)

8017 May '86-Oct. '87: Dureco Studio, Hilvarenbeek; Studio 150, Amsterdam; Bullet Sound Studio, Vuren: “Out Of This Dream”

The M... S... Ensemble - LP (WEA 242107-1, 1987, UK: Songs 1-12),

- +LP (Megadisc …?..., 1987: Songs 1-12),

- +CD (Megadisc MDC 7930: Songs 1-12

- LP Out Of This Dream, A Third Side (Megadisc

Rec. MD 7923, 1987: Songs 13-18),

- +CD … A Third Side (Megadisc MDC 7923,

1987: Songs 13-18 (?)).

1 Love Of The Common Man (T. Rundgren) 2 Town Without Pity (D. Tiomkin, N. Washington) 3 Wanting Things (B. Bacharach, H. David) 4 One Day As A Lion (R.+F. Hermsen) 5 Broken Bicycles (T. Waits) 6 Tempted (C. Difford, G. Tilbrook)

7 Is There Any Way Out Of This Dream (T. Waits) 8 Twenty Tambourines (R.+F. Hermsen) 9 She Needs Me (A. Hamilton) 10 Kings And Queens (RH) 11

Too Close For Comfort (J. Block, L. Holofcener, G. Weiss) 12 Sheep In Fog (RH)

13 Off Into Whiteness (RH) 14 Something Good (R. Rodgers) 15 Take Care Of

Business (A. Stroud) 16 Why Try To Change Me Now (C. Coleman, J. A. McCarthy) 17 Hand In Hand (E. Costello) 18 There Will Never Be Another You (H. Warren, M. Gordon)

MS: l'voc (1, 2, 4-9, 11, 14, 15: voc rec. live at Pand Riche, Amsterdam);

PM: perc (2, 12, 13), dr (4, 6, 11, 14, 15, 18), synth (4, 7-9, 18), horn arranger (8); The Ensemble + sev. other musicians. PM doesn't seem to play on songs 1, 3, 5, 10, 12, 16, 17.

Notes: Song 13 is an instrumental version of song 12. Song 17: see Entry 8006B.

Add. recordings at Gramavision Studio, NYC, and The Strong Room, London.

The 2nd LP was released a few months after the first one.

Song 5 (CD 1/20) re-released on +DoCD Female Tribute To Tom Waits – Vol. 2 (.?.).

8018+ May '86-Oct. '87: Dureco Studio, Hilvarenbeek; Studio 150, Amsterdam; Bullet Sound Studio, Vuren: “Out Of This Dream”

Love Of The Common Man (T. Rundgren)/One Day As A Lion (RH, FH) (…?..., 1987)

8019 ……………….

Mathilde Santing – CD Breast And Brow (Megadisc MD 7890, 1989)

Notes: PM: “Thanks to”.

Maxi-single We Could Send Letters (Megadisc MD 125275, 1990) contains two live tracks from a 1988 concert. Without PM.

Probably same thing with the live track featured on the +single It Wouldn’t Have Made Any Difference (Megadisc MS .?., 1989)

8020+ -

8021+ -

8022 Dec. 1990-Jan. 1991: Studio 150, Amsterdam: "Carried Away”

Mathilde Santing Ensemble - +CD (Solid 527.9005.20, 1991),

- CD (Columbia 475954 2, 1994).

1 Real Man (T. Rundgren) 2 Polkadots And Moonbeams (J. van Heusen, J. Burke) 3 It’s Not Unusual (G. Milss, L. Reed) 5 The Word Girl (G. Gartside, D. Gamson) 6 Oblivious (R. Frame) 7 Pretending To Care (T. Rundgren) 8 Bad Influence (R. Cray, M. Fannice) 9 Only A Motion (J. Shear)

MS: voc, acc (2), keyb (2, 9), bvoc (6, 9); with PM: perc (1), org (1, 6, 8), bvoc (1, 5), dr (2, 6, 9), marimbas (3, 7), synth (5), vio (7); Jaap Vrenegoor: dr (1, 8); Simon Planting: bg (1, 2, 5-9); Rolf Hermsen: acg (1, 8), bvoc (1, 3, 5, 6), g (3, 5, 6, 8, 9), perc (3, 6, 8), keyb (7); Sebastian Koolhoven: acg (1, 6, 8), synth (1), org (2), vio (3, 7), g (5), keyb (9); Hans Croon: eg (1, 5, 6, 9), acg (6, 9); Michael Vatcher: dr (3, 5); Peter Warnier: bg (3); Peter Riebeek: bvoc (5, 6); Dennis Duchhart: synth (6), Peter Hoeks: perc (8), seq (9); Astrid Seriese: bvoc (9).

Notes: Songs 4 Overnite and 10 Yes The River Knows without PM.

8023 Dec. 1990-Jan. 1991: Studio 150, Amsterdam: “Carried Away”

1 The Word Girl (G. Gartside, D. Gamson) 2 Pictures (K. Bacon, S. Fellows, M. Glasher, A. Peake) (Solid 527.9004.22, 1991)

Notes: B-side is a live track from Tokyo, April 1990. (Intro overdubbed at Orkater Studio, Amsterdam). With PM: dr. MS: voc; Simon Planting: bg; Michael Vatcher: perc; RH: g, keyb; Sebastian Koolhoven: marimbas. Re-released in 1997 on a +Best Of.

8024 Dec. 1990-Jan. 1991: Studio 150, Amsterdam: "Carried Away”

Overnite (G. Gartside, D. Gamson)/Only A Motion (J. Shear) (Solid 527.9006.40, 1991)

Notes: B-side with PM.

8025+ Dec. 1990-Jan. 1991: Studio 150, Amsterdam: "Carried Away”

1 It’s Not Unusual (G. Milss, L. Reed) 2 Before It’s Light (P. Hooks) (., 1991)

Notes: B-side: An instrumental, with samples from Overnite. With PM?

8026+ Dec. 1990-Jan. 1991: Studio 150, Amsterdam: "Carried Away”

1 A Hazy Shade Of Winter (P. Simon) 2 Bad Influence (R. Cray, M. Fannice) (……., 1991)

Notes: A-side re-released on a +Best Of (1992). Without PM?

There were more +singles with Carried Away tracks:

1 Only A Motion (2 Same Girl), 1994

(1 Carried Away) 2 Real Man, 1995

(1 De appels op de tafelsprei) 2 The Word Girl (3 Crazy She Calls Me) (4 Same Girl) (1995)

8027 1991: Invited to join the Ting sessions. First gig with Nits: (Short (?) one for "Rotland" in Jan. '92. Better: Nov. '92.

8028 25., 26. and/or 29.11.92: Live at the Betty Asfalt Complex, A'dam

Astrid Seriese - CD Eclipse (Brigadoon BIS 005, 1993)

5 Tender As A Rose (Moore) 9 Only Woman Bleed (Furnier, Wagner)

PM: bg (5), dr (9); AS: voc; Berend van den Berg: p (9); Joep Lumeij: bg (9); Gebrand Westveen: sax (9).

8029 17.-28.7.94: De Werf Studio; Amsterdam

Astrid Seriese – CD Secret World (Brigadoon BIS 010, 1994)

1 Handful Of Soul (J. Woode) 2 The Music Is The Magic (A. Lincoln) 3 Dirt In The Ground (T. Waits, K. Brennan) 4 Underground (T. Waits) 5 Breaths (B. Dirop, Y. M. Barnwell 6 On Children (K. Gibran, AS) 7 More Love More Joy (W. Robinson) 8 Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead (J. Mercer, H. Arlen) 9 Meine Ruh’ is hin (J. W. von Goethe, F. Schubert) 10 Long Silence (R. B. van der Berg, N. Elstak) 11 Blow Wind Blow (T. Waits) 12 Long Promised Road (C. Wilson, J. Rieley) 13 I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For (“U2”) 14 Accentuate The Positive (J. Mercer, H. Arlen)

PM: bg, dr, perc, vio, co-arr (He doesn’t play on songs 1, 8, 10, 14); AS: lvoc, co-prod; Joep Lumeij: g, banjo, bg, co-arr; Leo Bouwmeester; p, org, acc; Jos Machtel: tru, tro, tuba.

Notes: Song 13 listed as “I Still Haven’t Found”. Song 14 is not an instr. and is not listed on cover. Hidden track? Songs 4 (CD 2/8), 11 (CD 1/1) re-released on +DoCD Female Tribute To Tom Waits – Vol. 1 (.?.).

8029A Jan./Feb. 1995: Steel Mill Studio, Velsen-Noord (and Arnold Mühren Studio, Vol.)

Julya Lo’ko – CD Colour Me Forever (Brigadoon BIS 015, 1995)

3 Colour Me Forever (JL, EvL) 4 I’ll Never Get Over You (JL, EvL, B. Hay) 6 Care About Me (JL, EvL, T. Dijkman) 7 Brother Dear (JL, EvL) 8 Understood (JL, EvL, B. Hay) 10 Walking In Circles (JL, EvL, F. Spigt) 11 Company (R. L. Jones, A. Johnson) 13 If This World Were Mine (M. Gaye)

PM: vio (3, 4), strings arr (3), perc (6, 7, 8, 13), rainpipe (7), djembé (8), kbongkbong (8), acc (10), cast (10), dr (11); Julya Lo’ko: lvoc, bvoc, kolingtang (8); Erwin van Ligten: g, bvoc, sitar (7), kolintang (8); Peter van Straten: bg (3, 7, 11, 13), cello (3, 4), strings arr (3); Juan van Emmeloot; dr (4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13); with Michael Peet: bg (4, 6, 8, 10); Neppy Noya: bvoc (4, 6), congas (8); Ingrid Simons: bvoc (4, 6, 8, 13); Mildred Douglas: bvoc (4, 6, 8, 13); Roberto Punenburg: keyb (7); Maria Lekransky: bvoc (10); Jos Machtel: tru (11, 13); Boris Tames: keyb (13).

8030 1995: Home recordings

Astrid Seriese & Peter Meuris - CD Condemned (Brigadoon Vocal BIS 019, 1995)

1 Down Down Down (Heavy) 2 Lion Of Kanga 3 Daily Breath 4 Bad Boys 5 Throat (PB, AS, PM) 6 Meantime (P. Blegvad) 7 Scared 8 Making Whoopee (G. Kahn, W. Donaldson) 9 Going To The Chapel 10 Down Down Down (Bluesy) 11 First Pee, Then Use 12 Home Back Home, Motherless Child (trad.) 13 Kippenhok 14 Meantime (PB) 15 Car 16 Distress Bass 17 I Put A Spell On You (J. Hawkins) 18 Stay 19 Meantime (PB) (rem. songs by PM, AS)

PM: prod, eng, mix, bg, djembé, dr, perc, udu; AS: voc.

Notes: Original soundtrack recording to the doc. films by Roel Van Dalen. Songs 17 and 18 not used in the films.

Song 1 or 10 (CD 1/14) re-released on +DoCD Female Tribute To Tom Waits – Vol. 2 (.?.).

8030A …?...:

Astrid Seriese – CD single (Brigadoon BIS 012, 1995 (?))

1 Trouble Of The World (trad.) 2 Wake Me Up (G. Michael) 3 Long Silence (R. B. van den Berg, R. Elstak) 4 Down Down Down (AS, PM)

Notes: Song 1: No band given. With marimbas. PM?

Song 2: PM: marimbas (listed as kettle dr); AS: voc; Leo Bouwmeester: keyb; Theo Bodewes: dr; Martijn van Agt: g; Hamen Wijntjes: bg; Marc Mommaas: sax.

Studio Plantage, Amsterdam: "De plantage" (VPRO-TV).

Songs 3 and 4: Recorded by PM. Song 3 is not identical with the Secret World version: voc and dr (see Entry 8029). Song 4 taken from CD Condemned. It’s the uncredited “heavy” version: AS: voc; PM: bg, perc. (See Entry 8030).

8031 1995+1996 (?): The Bakkery, Rotterdam

Judith Catharine - CD Goodwill (AMR-90.9585, Aug. '96)

PM: djembe, k'bongbong, udu, vio, etc. Details: 7024

8031A August/September 1996: Studio 150, A’dam; Bauwhaus, A’dam

Astrid Seriese - CD Into Temptation (Brigadoon Vocal BIS 020, 1996)

1 Temptation (T. Waits) 2 Pirate Jenny (B. Brecht, K. Weil, M. Blitzstein) 3 Black Wings (T. Waits, K. Brennan) 4 Apple Jack (Maxwell, Anderson, K. Weil) 5 Youkali (R. Fernay, K. Weil, H. Poell) 6 Little Trip To Heaven (T. Waits) 7 Father Dear Father (AS, PM, MvA) 8 Let It Rain (J. Njissen, S. Koolhoven) 9 My Ship (I. Gershwin, K. Weil) 10 Way Down In The Hole (T. Waits) 11 Tango Till They’re Sore (T. Waits) 12 On The Drowned Girl (B. Brecht, K. Weil, J. Poell) 13 Sing Child Sing (M. G. Mugo, AS, PM)

PM: prod (1-13), arr (2, 7, 13), djembe (1, 3 , 4), sabar (1, 3, 4, 13), lamb (1, 3, 4, 13), perc (3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13), eg (7), acg (13), bvoc (7, 10, 13), triangle (8); AS: voc, arr (7 13); Leo Bouwmester: keyb (1-13), arr (6); Marc Mommaas: sax: (1-5, 7-12); Martijn van Agt: g (1-5, 7-13), arr (7), bvoc (13); Harm Wijntjes: bg (1-5, 7-12); Theo Bodewes: dr (1-5, 7-12), S. Koolhoven: arr (12).

Notes: “Thanks” to Nits and PT.

8032 24.8.96: Uitmarkt, Amsterdam

Last concert with Nits. Details: 276

8033+ …?...

Tröckener Kecks – CD Dichterbij dan ooit (Polydor 537 301-2, 1997)

1 Zeg nooit nooit 2 Jaloezie 3 Twintig-Jaar-Geleden-Meisje 4 Paradijs 5 Meisjes (R. van’t Groenewoud) 6 Geen tijd te verliezen 7 Maria 8 Verloren zoon 9 Als grootvader sprak 10 Met grote ogen 11 Alles went 12 Monster in mijn hoofd (all: TK, LK, except song 5)

PM: perc (all tracks?); Tröckener Kecks: T. Kecks: ..?...; L. Kenter: ...?..., etc. (for poss. band members see Entry 4007A); with: Gerdien Blankenstijn: bvoc; Fay Lovsky: theremin; Boy Raaymakers: tru.

8033A+ …?...

Die Kinder von Hondsberg (TV series (..?.., 1998))

PM: .?.; AS: voc; Martijn van Agt: g.

8033B+ In 1999, PM met Peter Kruithof and Peter Dijkhuizen. Therefore, the name of the band was changed from 2 meter Peter to, of course, 3 meter Peter (Or Drie meter Peter). PM played bass and other instruments.

In …., they were joined by a fourth member.

8034 12.7.00: Lichtfabriek, Haarlem (AT, +AT, Vi/DVD-R)

PM: marimbas, perc. Details: 318

8035 19.11.00: Stairway To Heaven, Utrecht (SB)

1 Home Before Dark 2 Adieu, Sweet Bahnhof (H)

PM: dr, perc. Details: 320E

8036 20.3.05: Stairway To Heaven, Utrecht (SB)

1 Mourir avant quinze ans 6 Walter & Conny (S)

2 Two Skaters 7 Adieu, Sweet Bahnhof (H)

3 Crime & Punishment 8 J.O.S. Days

4 Walking With Maria 9 Cabins

5 26 A (Clouds In The Sky) 10 In The Dutch Mountains

PM: perc (2, 6-8, 10), dr (1, 9). Details: 352

8037 May (?) 2008: live …?...

1 Vakantie in de lier (?)

Notes: Performed live in a bar by 3 meter Peter without an audience.

YouTube site: Song 1.

8038 Summer 2008: Shamrock Studio, Barn

1 …

2 …

Notes: Rehearsals/recordings for the forthcoming 3 meter Peter CD.

YouTube site: In The Studio 1 + 2.

8038A+ Summer & fall 2008: Shamrock Studio, Barn

3 meter Peter – CD Midlife (…?..., Dec. 2008)

1 ….

PM: bg, vio; …?...

Notes: Single prob. Vakantie in de lier.

8039 August (?) 2008: live ..?.. (A-DVD)

1 Vagelui (?)

Notes: 3 meter Peter.

YouTube site: Song 1.

8040 September (?) 2008: live ..?.. (A-DVD)

1 Westerlee (?)

Notes: 3 meter Peter .

YouTube site: Song 1.

8041 October 2008: Shamrock Studio, Baarn

1 …?...

Notes: 3 meter Peter. Violin rehearsal by PM.

YouTube site: Song 1.

8042+ 9.1.09: Radio studio, …?...: “Vrijdagavondcafe” (WOS)

1 Interview with the band

Notes: 3 meter Peter.

New Entries + corrections:

1997: NE: 11

12/99: NE: 4A / COR: 4

5/00: NE: 1B

12/00: NE: 2A / COR: 2

2/01 II: RT,SB,AT, Vi, TV,TVA, M

2/01 III: cor: 9

3/01: cor: 2, 4, 10, 13

3/01 II: cor: 4

5/01: cor: 2A, 8

5/01 II: COR: 9 // 2, 4, 8

6/02: NE: 15

2/03: cor: 1B, 10, 14, 15

5/06: NE: 7A // COR: 4

5/06 II: COR: 11

6/06: NE: 6A, 8A // COR: 6 // cor: 5, 7

8/06: NE: 6B-D, 8A, 8C-I, 10A, 14A // COR: 5, 6, 8, 8A, 9 // cor: 6°

8/06 II: NE: 14A // COR: 8F

8/06 III: re-numbering: 1A-2, 1B-3, 2-4, 2A-5, 3-6, 4-7, 4A-8, 5-9, 6-10, 6A-11, B-12, C-13, D-14, 7-15, 7A-16, 8-17, 8A-18, B-19, C-20, D-21, E-22, F-23, G-24, H-25, I-26, 9-27, 10-28, 10A-29, 11-30, 12-31, 13-32, 14-33, B-34, 15-35

8/06 III: NE: 29A, COR: 12, 15 // cor: 9

9/06: NE: 36 // cor: 16

11/06: COR: 4 // cor: 7, 8

3/08 III: COR: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

4/08: NE: 33A // COR: 33

4/08 II: cor: 3

5/08: COR: 33

7/08: COR: 23

8/08 II: NE: 31A

9/08: cor: 3, 33A

9/08 II: NE: 33 // COR: 33->30A

9/08 III: COR: 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 // cor: 14

11/08 II: COR: 17, 29, 30 // cor: 17

2/09: COR: 3, 4, 9

2/09 II: COR: 30A->33A // cor: 4, 6, 15, 17, 19, 28, 29, 29A, 30, 31, 31A

5/09: COR: 33 // cor: 19, 30A

5/09 II: NE: 33B, 37, 38, 38A, 39, 40 // COR: 33, 37->41

6/09 II: COR: 30A // cor: 29, 33B

6/09 III: cor: 9, 12

8/09 II: COR: 29, 30A // cor: 3, 7, 16, 29, 29A

8/09 III: NE: 42 // COR: 33B // cor: 34, 37, 38, 38A, 39, 40, 41

New Entries + news:

3/08 III:

8002: The Tapes (1979-1982): PM: dr, perc, b'voc; Rolf Hermsen: l'voc, g; Michel Brandes: g, b'voc; Igor Roovers: bg. ((Last concert: 12th Feb. 1982))

8003+ 28.1.79: Melkweg, Amsterdam (RT)

1 Live Girls / Dead Girls (?) 4 A Little Trick We All Know (?)

2 Inside Out (FH, Tapes) 5 “Bend Over” (?)

3 The Best Of My Fate (?)

Notes: Nits Archive Tape, Vol. 26. Taken from an unknown radio broadcast with 5 more songs by The Nits (see Entry 016).

Dick van der Vaart (dr) left the band after this tour. So It’s doubtful if PM was on stage.

As with the Nits songs, these songs are downloads on the flexine site.

Song 1 sometimes listed as “Live And Dead Girls”, 3 as “Best Of My Faith”, 4 as”Little Trick”.

8004 Summer '79: The Music Farm, Baarnbrugge (NL): "Party"

The Tapes - LP (Passport Rec. PB 9842, 1980)


8007 March '81: Dali Press Studio, Nederhorst den Berg: "On A Clear Day"

PM, Huba de Graaff, RH, MiB, IR: keyb; HH, MP, Mathilde Eleveld (= Santing): b'voc; Dennis Duchhart: p (B6).


8033+ Astrid Seriese: new CD, with PM

never released?

CD Into Temptation (1996) ?

New: 8033A+ …?...

Die Kinder von Hondsberg (TV series (..?.., 1998))

PM: .?.; AS: voc; Martijn van Agt: g.


8033 …?...:

1 Trouble Of The World (trad.) 2 Wake Me Up (G. Michael) 3 Long Silence (R. van den Berg, R. Elstak) 4 Down Down Down (AS, PM) (Brigadoon BIS 012, 1995 (?))

Notes: Song 1: Most probably without PM.

Song 2: PM: marimbas; AS: voc; Leo Bouwmeester: keyb; Theo Bodewes: dr; Martijn van Agt: g; Hamen Wijntjes: bg; Marc Mommaas: sax.

Studio Plantage, Amsterdam: "De plantage" (VPRO-TV)

Songs 3 and 4: Recorded by PM at …?... Studio. Song 4 taken from CD Condemned. It’s the uncredited “bluesy” version: AS: voc; PM: bg, perc. (See Entry 8030).


8023+ Dec. 1990-Jan. 1991: Studio 150, Amsterdam: “Carried Away”

1 The Word Girl (G. Gartside, D. Gamson) 2 Pictures (K. Bacon, S. Fellows, M. Glasher, A. Peake) (Solid 527.9004.22, 1991)

Notes: A-side with PM: keyb. B-side is a live track from Tokyo, April 1990. With PM: dr. Re-released in 1997 on a +Best Of.

8/08 II:

New: 8031A August/September 1996: Studio 150, A’dam; Bauwhaus, A’dam

Astrid Seriese - CD Into Temptation (Brigadoon Vocal BIS 020, 1996)

1 Temptation (T. Waits) 2 Pirate Jenny (B. Brecht, K. Weil, M. Blitzstein) 3 Black Wings (T. Waits, K. Brennan) 4 Apple Jack (Maxwell, Anderson, K. Weil) 5 Youkali (R. Fernay, K. Weil, H. Poell) 6 Little Trip To Heaven (T. Waits) 7 Father Dear Father (AS, PM, MvA) 8 Let It Rain (J. Njissen, S. Koolhoven) 9 My Ship (I. Gershwin, K. Weil) 10 Way Down In The Hole (T. Waits) 11 Tango Till They’re Sore (T. Waits) 12 On The Drowned Girl (B. Brecht, K. Weil, J. Poell) 13 Sing Child Sing (M. G. Mugo, AS, PM)

PM: prod (1-13), arr (2, 7, 13), djembe (1, 3 , 4), sabar (1, 3, 4, 13), lamb (1, 3, 4, 13), perc (3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13), eg (7), acg (13), bvoc (7, 10, 13), triangle (8); AS: voc, arr (7 13); Leo Bouwmester: keyb (1-13), arr (6); Marc Mommaas: sax: (1-5, 7-12); Martijn van Agt: g (1-5, 7-13), arr (7), bvoc (13); Harm Wijntjes: bg (1-5, 7-12); Theo Bodewes: dr (1-5, 7-12), S. Koolhoven: arr (12).

Notes: Thanks to Nits and PT.

9/08 II:

8033 -> 8030A …?...:

1 Trouble Of The World (trad.) 2 Wake Me Up (G. Michael) 3 Long Silence (R. van den Berg, R. Elstak) 4 Down Down Down (AS, PM) (Brigadoon BIS 012, 1995 (?))

New: 8030+ …?...

Tröckener Kecks – CD Dichterbij dan ooit (Polydor 537 301-2, 1997)

1 Zeg nooit nooit 2 Jaloezie 3 Twintig-Jaar-Geleden-Meisje 4 Paradijs 5 Meisjes (R. van’t Groenewoud) 6 Geen tijd te verliezen 7 Maria 8 Verloren zoon 9 Als grootvader sprak 10 Met grote ogen 11 Alles went 12 Monster in mijn hoofd (all: TK, L. Kenter, except song 5)

PM: perc (all tracks?).

9/08 III:

8013+ -> 8013 ……………..”Water Under The Bridge”

Too Much (DD, MS)/1 Try A Little Tenderness (J. Campell, R. Conelly, H. Woods) 2 There Will Never Be Another You (H. Warren, M. Gordon) (Mega 078330, 1985)

Notes: Song 1: Shortened LP track, without PM. B side by the MS Combo -> prob. without PM (B side rec. live in Berlin, 30th Dec. 1983.)

8015: The Mathilde Santing Ensemble (1985-1992)

MS, Rolf Hermsen, PM, … ((see Entry 8022))

8019 ……………….

Mathilde Santing – CD Breast And Brow (Megadisc MD 7890, 1989)

Notes: PM: Thanks to.

Maxi-single We Could Send Letters (Megadisc MD 125275, 1990) contains two live tracks from a 1988 concert. Without PM.

Probably same thing with the live track featured on the +single It Wouldn’t Have Made Any Difference (Megadisc MS .?., 1989)

8020+ -> 8020+ -

8021+ -> 8021+ -

8022+ -> 8022 Dec. 1990-Jan. 1991: Studio 150, Amsterdam: "Carried Away”

Mathilde Santing Ensemble - +CD (Solid 527.9005.20, 1991),

- CD (Columbia 475954 2, 1994).

1 Real Man (T. Rundgren) 2 Polkadots And Moonbeams (J. van Heusen, J. Burke) 3 It’s Not Unusual (G. Milss, L. Reed) 5 The Word Girl (G. Gartside, D. Gamson) 6 Oblivious (R. Frame) 7 Pretending To Care (T. Rundgren) 8 Bad Influence (R. Cray, M. Fannice) 9 Only A Motion (J. Shear)

Notes: MS: voc, acc (2), keyb (2, 9), bvoc (6, 9); with PM: perc (1), org (1, 6, 8), bvoc (1, 5), dr (2, 6, 9), marimbas (3, 7), synth (5), vio (7); Jaap Vrenegoor: dr (1, 8); Simon Planting: bg (1, 2, 5-9); Rolf Hermsen: acg (1, 8), bvoc (1, 3, 5, 6), g (3, 5, 6, 8, 9), perc (3, 6, 8), keyb (7); Sebastian Koolhoven: acg (1, 6, 8), synth (1), org (2), vio (3, 7), g (5), keyb (9); Hans Croon: eg (1, 5, 6, 9), acg (6, 9); Michael Vatcher: dr (3, 5); Peter Warnier: bg (3); Peter Riebeek: bvoc (5, 6); Dennis Duchhart: synth (6), Peter Hoeks: perc (8), seq (9); Astrid Seriese: bvoc (9).

Songs 4 Overnite and 10 Yes The River Know without PM.

8023+ -> 8023 Dec. 1990-Jan. 1991: Studio 150, Amsterdam: “Carried Away”

1 The Word Girl (G. Gartside, D. Gamson) 2 Pictures (K. Bacon, S. Fellows, M. Glasher, A. Peake) (Solid 527.9004.22, 1991)

Notes: B-side is a live track from Tokyo, April 1990. (Intro overdubbed at Orkater Studio, Amsterdam). With PM: dr. MS: voc; Simon Planting: bg; Michael Vatcher: perc; RH: g, keyb; Sebastian Koolhoven: marimbas. Re-released in 1997 on a +Best Of.

8024+ -> 8024 Dec. 1990-Jan. 1991: Studio 150, Amsterdam: "Carried Away”

Overnite (G. Gartside, D. Gamson)/Only A Motion (J. Shear) (Solid 527.9006.40, 1991)

Notes: B-side with PM.

8025+ Dec. 1990-Jan. 1991: Studio 150, Amsterdam: "Carried Away”

1 It’s Not Unusual (G. Milss, L. Reed) 2 Before It’s Light (P. Hooks) (., 1991)

Notes: B-side: An instrumental, with samples from Overnite. With PM?


New: 8037 October 2008: Shamrock Studio, Baarn

Midlife – CD … (Dec. 2008)


((Vakantie in de Lier = Si))

PM: vio.

Notes: YouTube site: Violin rehearsal for song X.

11/08 II:

8017 May '86-Oct. '87: Dureco Studio, Hilvarenbeek; Studio 150, Amsterdam; Bullet

Song 5 (CD 2/20) re-released on +DoCD Female Tribute To Tom Waits – Vol. 2 (.?.).

8029 17.-28.7.94: De Werf Studio; Amsterdam

Notes: Songs 4 (CD 2/8), 11 CD 1/1) re-released on +DoCD Female Tribute To Tom Waits – Vol. 1 (.?.).

8030 1995: Home recordings

Song 1 or 10 (CD 1/14) re-released on +DoCD Female Tribute To Tom Waits – Vol. 2 (.?.).


8003+ 28.1.79: Melkweg, Amsterdam (RT)

1 Live Girls / Dead Girls (?) 4 A Little Trick With Me (?)

2 Inside Out (FH, Tapes) 5 “Bend Over” (?)

3 The Best Of My Fate (?)

As with the Nits songs, these songs are downloads on the flexine site.

Song 1 sometimes listed as “Live And Dead Girls”, 3 as “Best Of My Faith”, 4 as ”Little Trick” or “A Little Trick We All Know”.

8004 Summer '79: The Music Farm, Baarnbrugge (NL): "Party"

Notes: +German edition Metronome 0060.131 reviewed in a popular German music mag in July 1980.)

8009 1982: Ballad Sound Studio, Vuren: "Mathilde Santing"

Notes: Mini-LP with 7 songs, LP with 9 -> B-sides of singles.

((Reviewed in a popular German music mag in Sept. 1982.))

2/09 II:

8030 -> 8033+ …?...

Tröckener Kecks – CD Dichterbij dan ooit (Polydor 537 301-2, 1997)


8033+ …?...

Tröckener Kecks – CD Dichterbij dan ooit (Polydor 537 301-2, 1997)

PM: perc (all tracks?); Tröckener Kecks: T. Kecks: ..?...; L. Kenter: ...?..., etc. ; with: Gerdien Blankenstijn: bvoc; Fay Lovsky: theremin; Boy Raaymakers: tru.

5/09 II:

8033+ …?...

PM: perc (all tracks?); Tröckener Kecks: T. Kecks: ..?...; L. Kenter: ...?..., etc. (for poss. band members see Entry 4007A); with: Gerdien Blankenstijn: bvoc; Fay Lovsky: theremin; Boy Raaymakers: tru.

New: 8033B+ In 1999, PM met Peter Kruithof and Peter Dijkhuizen. In …., they named the band DrieMeterPeter. PM played bass and other instruments.

In …., they were joined by a fourth member.

New: 8037 May (?) 2008: live ..?...

1 Vakantie in de lier (?)

Notes: Performed live in a bar by DrieMeterPeter without an audience.

YouTube site: Song 1.

New: 8038 Summer 2008: Shamrock Studio, Barn

1 …

2 …

Notes: Rehearsals/recordings for the forthcoming DrieMeterPeter CD.

YouTube site: In The Studio 1 + 2.

New: 8038A+ Summer & fall 2008: Shamrock Studio, Barn

DrieMeter Peter – CD Midlife (…?..., Dec. 2008)

1 ….

PM: bg, vio; …?...

Notes: Single prob. Vakantie in de lier.

New: 8039 August (?) 2008: live ..?.. (A-DVD)

1 Vagelui (?)

Notes: YouTube site: Song 1.

New: 8040 September (?) 2008: live ..?.. (A-DVD)

1 Westerlee (?)

Notes: YouTube site: Song 1.

8037 -> 8041 October 2008: Shamrock Studio, Baarn

1 …?...

Notes: Violin rehearsal by PM

YouTube site: Song 1.

6/09 II:

8030A …?...:

Astrid Seriese – CD single (Brigadoon BIS 012, 1995 (?))

1 Trouble Of The World (trad.) 2 Wake Me Up (G. Michael) 3 Long Silence (R. van den Berg, R. Elstak) 4 Down Down Down (AS, PM)

8/09 II:

8029 17.-28.7.94: De Werf Studio; Amsterdam

Astrid Seriese – CD Secret World (Brigadoon BIS 010, 1994)

1 Handful Of Soul (J. Woode) 2 The Music Is The Magic (A. Lincoln) 3 Dirt In The Ground (T. Waits, K. Brennan) 4 Underground (T. Waits) 5 Breaths (B. Dirop, Y. M. Barnwell 6 On Children (K. Gibran, AS) 7 More Love More Joy (W. Robinson) 8 Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead (J. Mercer, H. Arlen) 9 Meine Ruh’ is hin (J. W. von Goethe, F. Schubert) 10 Long Silence (R. B. van der Berg, N. Elstak) 11 Blow Wind Blow (T. Waits) 12 Long Promised Road (C. Wilson, J. Rieley) 13 I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For (“U2”) 14 Accentuate The Positive (J. Mercer, H. Arlen)

PM: bg, dr, perc, vio, co-arr (He doesn’t play on songs 1, 8, 10, 14); AS: lvoc, co-prod; Joep Lumeij: g, banjo, bg, co-arr; Leo Bouwmeester; p, org, acc; Jos Machtel: tru, tro, tuba.

Notes: Song 13 listed as “I Still Haven’t Found”. Song 14 is an instr. and is not listed on cover. Hidden track? Songs 4 (CD 2/8), 11 (CD 1/1) re-released on +DoCD Female Tribute To Tom Waits – Vol. 1 (.?.).

8030A …?...:

Astrid Seriese – CD single (Brigadoon BIS 012, 1995 (?))

1 Trouble Of The World (trad.) 2 Wake Me Up (G. Michael) 3 Long Silence (R. B. van den Berg, R. Elstak) 4 Down Down Down (AS, PM)

Notes: Song 1: No band given. With marimbas. PM?

Song 2: PM: marimbas (listed as kettle dr); AS: voc; Leo Bouwmeester: keyb; Theo Bodewes: dr; Martijn van Agt: g; Hamen Wijntjes: bg; Marc Mommaas: sax.

Studio Plantage, Amsterdam: "De plantage" (VPRO-TV).

Songs 3 and 4: Recorded by PM. Song 3 is not identical with the Secret World version: voc and dr (see Entry 8029). Song 4 taken from CD Condemned. It’s the uncredited “heavy” version: AS: voc; PM: bg, perc. (See Entry 8030).

8/09 III:

8033B+ In 1999, PM met Peter Kruithof and Peter Dijkhuizen. Therefore, the name of the band was changed from 2 meter Peter to, of course, 3 meter Peter (Or Drie meter Peter). PM played bass and other instruments.

In …., they were joined by a fourth member.

New: 8042+ 9.1.09: Radio studio, …?...: “Vrijdagavondcafe” (WOS)

1 Interview with the band

Notes: 3 meter Peter.

HH 1001-1115 RK 2001-2029 MP 3001-3017 AR 4001-4018 RJS 5001-5167

JG 6001-6011 MB 7001-7049 PM 8001-8042 AL 9001-9011 LvK 10001-10025

Arwen Linneman


9002 April-November '97: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam, prod.: Nits

AL: backing vocals on songs 10 and 13. Details: 297

9003 Early 1998: Joined Nits.

9004 ...?...: Camera Silenta, Amsterdam

Mimezine - CD Indeep (Peer Southern Prod. PRE186043, 2001)

AL: “Thanks to”.

9005 3.11.04: Koningstheater, Den Bosch (AT)

1 Crime & Punishment

Notes: Henk’s solotour. Song 1: With help by AL and LvK.

Download on Nits-files site.

9006 13.2.05: Kaserne, Basel (CH)

Ho Orchestra - CD A Normal Sunday Live (Faze Records 0003, 13.1.06).

1 26 A (Nits) 2 Hope Is (SH, RW, EF) 3 For Me (SH, D) 5 Joki (SH, EF, TP) 7 Rainfallagain (Nits) 8 First Snow (SH, D) 9 Adieu, Sweet Bahnhof (HH) 10 Normal Sunday (SH, EF) 12 Yöpöllö (Nits, SP) 15 In The Dutch Mountains (Nits)

AL: bg (1-3, 5, 7-10, 12, 15). Details: 1067

9006A 20.3.05: Stairway To Heaven, Utrecht (SB)

1 Mourir avant quinze ans 6 Walter & Conny (S)

2 Two Skaters 7 Adieu, Sweet Bahnhof (H)

3 Crime & Punishment 8 J.O.S. Days

4 Walking With Maria 9 Cabins

5 26 A (Clouds In The Sky) 10 In The Dutch Mountains

AL: bg (3-5, 7), bvoc (1). Details: 352

9006B Spring 2005: Home recordings; song 12:…?... (live); song 3: …?... (Ca)

Ad Vanderveen – Fields Of Plenty (Sonic Rendezvous SRV028, 2005)

1 Monday Morning Lonesome 2 Life’s A River 3 Lowland Rider 4 Back Home Again 5 Fields Of Plenty 6 Higher Love 7 New World In The Morning (R. Whittaker) 8 This Fleeting Life 9 Dancing With Emmy Lou 10 Unaffordable 11 Way Too Much To Feel 12 Days Of Old 13 Run Sonny Run (rem.: AV)

AL: acbg (not all songs); AV: voc, g, harm (7), p (7); Kersten de Ligny: voc (2, 4, 6-12), perc; Dan Shergold: bg, autoharp, org; Larry Aluari: dobro (5, 9, etc.); Timon van Heerdt: mand, pedal steel (9); Roel Overduin: dr; and The Bluegrass Boogiemen: Arnold Lasseur: mand (12, 13, etc?); Robert Jan Kants: g; Art Schroevers: acbg; Bart van Straten: banjo (12, 13, etc.?).

Notes: CD/DVD Soundcarrier (Sonic Rendezvous SRV 044, Sept. 2007).

The DVD contains footage of the sessions: 6 Higher Love (without AL) 7 Dancing With Emmy Lou (most prob. without AL. Recorded at Tim’s Coach House. AV: acg, voc; KdL: voc; remaining musicians not filmed. A tape or live? RO: dr; TvH: steelg; no bg (?) 8 Way Too Much To Feel (Recorded at Pinetum Garden: AV: acg, voc; KdL: voc; AL: acbg; TvH: mand) 9 Run Sonny Run (without AL. With The Bluegrass Boogiemen)

9007 1.5.05: De Kleine Komedie, Amsterdam (Vi)

1 J.O.S. Days

3 Yopöllo (Nits, SP)

AL: bg. Details: 1070

9007A Fall 2005: Studio Kops, Amsterdam

+CD Avalanche Quartet (…?…)

1 Who By Fire 2 Seems So Long Ago, Nancy 3 Hey, That’s No Way To Say Goodbye 4 Here It Is 5 Famous Blue Raincoat 6 Take This Waltz 7 Avalange 8 The Guests 9 Dance Me To The End Of Love (all: L. Cohen) 10 The Night-Owl (Nits)

AL: bg; HH: voc, p, acg, dulcimer; Pim Kops: keyb, acg, banjo, dr, mouthorgan (= harp?); Marjolein van der Klauw: voc, acg.

Notes: CD comes along with book “Yesterday’s Tomorrow” by Marc Hendrickx. Rel. in Jan. 2006. Written in Dutch.

Re-release of the CD with different track order and 4 BONUS tracks:

CD Avalanche Quartet – Leonard Cohen Songs (MUVE 905092, 19.1.07)

1 Who By Fire 2 Take This Waltz 3 BIRD ON A WIRE 4 Here It Is 5 Famous Blue Raincoat 6 Dance Me To The End Of Love 7 Seems So Long Ago, Nancy 8 I’M YOUR MAN 9 Avalanche 10 SISTERS OF MERCY 11 The Guests 12 Hey, That’s No Way To Say Goodbye 13 The Night-Owl (Nits) 14 LOVER LOVER LOVER (all: L. Cohen, exc. song 13)

Notes: Songs 3, 10, 14 recorded in The Netherlands or in Switzerland? Outtakes from the Amsterdam sessions with overdubs or new recordings? With Oli Hartung: acg, g.

Song 14 was recorded live at the Theater Bouwkunde, Deventer, 10th Oct. 2006. (Song listed on CD as “Lover, Lover”)

9008+ 12.2.06: TV studio, …?...: “De Besprekers” (Ned. 3)

1 Who By Fire (L. Cohen)

AL: bg, voc; HH: voc, acg; MvdK: voc; P. Kops: acg.

Notes: Download on Bluff Music site.

YouTube site: Song 1.

9008A Summer 2006: Studio De Amer, Amen

Ad Vanderveen – Cloud Of Unknowing (Blue Rose BLU CD0409, Jan. 2007)

1 To Say I Love You 2 No Man’s Land 3 Whose Blues? 4 Home To Me 5 Love’s Why You’re Alive 6 Going To The Well 7 Stationary Ways 8 Every Day People 9 Cloud Of Unknowing 10 Wild Horses 11 Fate’s Final Word (all: AV)

AL (prob. not on songs 1, 11): acbg, voc, perc; AV: voc, g, harm, p; Kersten de Ligny: voc, perc, acg; Roel Overduin: dr, perc.

Notes: CD/DVD Soundcarrier (Sonic Rendezvous SRV 044, Sept. 2007).

The DVD contains footage of the sessions: 1 Mini documentary: Stationary Ways, interviews with AV, AL, KdL, RO; Fate’s Final World (AV solo on p) 2-4: To Say I Love You, No Man’s Land, Whose Blues?: clips. AV+KdL with studio tracks 5 Cloud Of Unknowing: AV: acg, voc, harm; AL; acbg; KdL: voc; RO: dr.

9008B 20.12.06: Lantaren/Venster, Rotterdam (A-DVD

1 Unfaithful Servant (Band?)

2 Dixie Chicken (L. George)

3 +Loop Jam (RvB?)

4 +…?...

Nicky Hustinx: dr; Eric van Dijsseldonk: voc; acg; Richard van Bergen: slg; AL: bg; Roel Spanjers: p.

Notes: Nicky’s Graduation concert.

YouTube site: 1-4.

9009 4.2.07: Moods, Zürich (CH) (DVD)

1 Who By Fire (LC)

2 I’m Your Man (LC)

3 Night Comes On (LC)

4 Dance Me To The End Of Love (LC)

5 Take This Waltz (LC)

HH: voc, acg (1, 3-5), banjo (2); MvdK: bvoc (1, 3, 4, 5), acg (1, 2, 4), lvoc (2); Pim Kops: acg (1), keyb (2, 3, 5), acc (4); Oli Hartung: eg (2, 3), acg (4, 5); AL: bg, bvoc (1).

Notes: YouTube site: Songs 1-5.

9009A Birdcatcher: AL: bg, voc; Roel Spanjers: voc, keyb, g; Gabriel Peeters: g, voc; Erik Spanjers: dr, perc, voc.

Band founded in 2005. CD Birdcatcher (Munich Rec. MRC274, 2006) without AL. The listed line-up might be the current one.

9009B June 2006-Febr. 2007: Mailmen Studio, Utrecht

Rick Treffers - CD Het heeft niets met you te maken (Sil 185, 23.10.07)

2 In het weekend (RT)

Notes: AL: acbg; HH: “thanks”; RT: voc, acg, keyb, (g, melodica); Theo Sieben: g; Jaimy Quite: dr. (Dr rec. at a diff. studio.)

A short fragment of the song can be found on RT’s page.

YouTube and Oktober Films sites: Video of song 2.

9009C 10.3.07: Laboratorium, Stuttgart (D)

Ad Vanderveen – DoCD Official Blue Rose Bootleg Series – Stuttgart (Blue Rose BLUBS 021, 2008 (?))

1 The Long Way Round 2 Fairweather Friends 3 To Say I Love You 4 Life’s A River 5 No Mans’s Land 6 First Feeling 7 Lifeline 8 Stationary Ways 9 Every Day People 10 Cloud Of Unknowing 11 Fields Of Plenty 12 Dancing With Emmy Lou

1 This Fleeting Life 2 If My Eyes Were Blind (D. Olney) 3 Whose Blues? 4 Home To Me 5 Satisfied 6 Water Under The Bridge 7 If I Needed You (T. van Zandt) 8 Soul Power 9 The Moment That Matters 10 Cortez The Killer (N. Young)(rem. songs by AV)

Ad Vanderveen & The Crossroads Combo: AV: lvoc, g, harm, AL: acbg, bvoc, (she joined after song 3); Kersten de Ligny: bvoc, perc; Timon van Heerdt: g, mand (B1); Roel Overduin: dr, perc.

Notes: Song 9 listed as “Everyday People”, song 12 as “Dancing with Emmylou”.

9010+ 23.12.07: Theater Bouwkunde, Deventer (SB?)

1 Who By Fire 11 The Window

2 Tonight Will Be Fine 12 Famous Blue Raincoat

3 Here It Is 13 The Night-Owl (Nits)

4 Bird On A Wire 14 Night Comes On

5 I’m Your Man 15 The Partisan (A. Marly, H. Zaret)

6 Hey, That’s No Way To Say Goodbye 16 Dance Me To The End Of Love

7 Take This Waltz 17 You Know Who I Am

8 Sisters Of Mercy 18 So Long, Marianne

9 Lover Lover Lover 19 Seems So Long Ago, Nancy

10 The Guests 20 Diamonds In The Mine

Notes : AL: voc, bg; HH: voc, acg (1-4, 6), banjo (5); MvdK: voc, lvoc (5), acg (1-5); PK: voc, acg (1, 2).

With exception of song 15, all songs written by Leonard Cohen.

YouTube site: Songs 1-6 (listed as part one!). All songs incomplete.

9011 29.5.08: Paradiso, Amsterdam

1 Oook jij moet sterven (RT)

AL: bg; Rick Treffers: lvoc, acg; Rebecca van Vuure (?): bvoc; Theo Sieben (?) and Arnold Smits (?): acg and eg; RK: dr.

Notes: RK and AL played several gigs with this band.

Paradiso gig filmed by Oktober Films.

YouTube and Okober Films sites: Song 1.

HH 1001-1115 RK 2001-2029 MP 3001-3017 AR 4001-4018 RJS 5001-5167

JG 6001-6011 MB 7001-7049 PM 8001-8042 AL 9001-9011 LvK 10001-10025

Laetitia van Krieken

10001 Born: 1964 in Helmond.

10002 Feb. and/or March '92: Air Studios, London (or another studio in London or France)

Soft Parade - CD Puur (Anxious Rec. ANX 2000CD 9031-77587-2, 1992)

1 Can You Do Some Wrong 2 When Violets Meet 3 An Angel A Devil 4 New Rain 5 Moonchild (6 The Dead Song) 7 Purple Psyche Celebration 8 Strange Flowers (9 Evy Waters) 10 Mystery Mistress 11 Eric Says (All songs written by HB&EM)

LvK and Marjolein Kempen: b'voc; Hans Boston: lvoc, g, harm, bvoc; Eric Maas: bg, bvoc, g; Dick Clarysse: keyb, g, bvoc; Jay Pollet: g, mand, bvoc; and Pascal Vermeer: dr, perc, bvoc; Brian & Emma Harrison: add. bvoc (6, 9); Dave Stewart: slg (2, 11).

10003+ 1995 (?): ...?...

Van Krieken Kempen Sextet - CD Mesa Verde (Sacha Rec. …, 1995)


LvK: p, compositions.

10004 Late 1996: Studio Dureco, Weesp

Tom America - +CD Tijelp Tijelp (Zaika II 62912, 1997)

5 De mus (J. Hanlo, TA)

LvK: voc.

Notes: With subtitle “Tom America sings Jan Hanlo (1912-1969)”.

CD with 18 songs. No musicians mentioned on the cover -> contribution of LvK unknown. (See next Entry.)

10005 Late 1996: Studio Dureco, Weesp

De mus (J. Hanlo, TA) /Zo meen ik dat ook jij bent (instrumental) (Zaika/Dureco 11 06902, 21.3.97).

Notes: Single aka “Tom America zingt Jan Hanlo”. Song 2 without LvK.

LvK, Petra Lugtenburg, TA: voc; Vincent van Warmerdam: g; Dionys: keyb; Hein Offermans: bg; Kim Weemhoff: dr.

10006+ 1997-1998: Member of Tom America’s band aNDERE ANDERe.

Were there any studio sessions? And, of course, any TV or radio shows??

10007 April-November '97: De Werf Studio, Amsterdam, prod.: Nits

Nits - CD Alankomaat (COL 489624 9 (9.3.98)

3 Hold Me Geneva 10 Rainfallagain Details: 279

LvK: bvoc.

10008 ((Oct. '97: Tafelberg Studio, Tilburg))

Pascal Vermeer Quintet - CD Change Of Sides (Jazz 9920382, 1998)

3 The Frog (PV) 4 Change Of Sides (LvK) 9 How Near How Far (LvK)

LvK: songwriter, horn arrangement with PV (3), "special thanks to".

10009 Early 1998: Joined Nits.

10010 ((May/June '99: Tafelberg Studio, Tilburg))

Pascal Vermeer Quintet - CD I Am Not (PV5 Rec. 75038, 2000)

4 No Way (PV, LvK) 5 Memories (LvK) 7 Think About It (PV, LvK, Are M.C.) 8 Bambaataa (PV, LvK, PH)

LvK: songwriter, african dr (8), "special thanks to". Pascal Vermeer: dr, perc, afr. dr (8); Peter Heijnen: g, afr. dr (8); Rolf Delfos: sax; Aram Kersbergen: bg; Jeroen van Vliet: keyb, afr. dr (8). With: Are M.C.: rap.

10011+ Sept. 2000: Studio Ochtenhond, Tilburg

Tom America & aNDERE ANDERe - CD De Winter? De Winter! (Drukkerij Gianotten, 2000)

1 De lente (…) 2 Zomer (Park) 3 Herrefest 4 De winter? De winter! 5 De herderkes (reprise) (all: TA)

LvK: arrangements.

Notes: With subtitle „Tilburg’s Gitijdenboek“. Mini-album. See Entry 10006: Recorded with a different band?

10012+ …?...

De Wetten Van Kepler - CD Baron van Munchhaussen (Kepler Rec. .., 2002)


LvK: keyb, vio.

10013 Late 2002 (?): De Werf Studio, Amsterdam

CD BOSK – Als jij voelt wat ik voel (BOSK, March 2003)

LvK: bvoc. Details: 1052

10014 ((Studio De Smederij, Zeist))

Levinsky Quartet - CD No Clubs In Town (Maxanter Rec. CD MAX 75201, 2004)

4 Nocturne (LvK, P. Vermeer)

LvK: composition.

10015+ …?...

De Wetten Van Kepler – Don Quichot (Kepler Rec. …, 2004)


LvK: p.

10016+ …?...

Eric Van Der Vesten’s E-Quad (Tone + Tune + Tempo (E-Quad …, 2005)


LvK: voc.

10017 3.11.04: Koningstheater, Den Bosch (AT)

1 Crime & Punishment

Notes: Henk’s solotour. Song 1: With help by AL and LvK.

Download on Nits-files site.

10018 13.2.05: Kaserne, Basel (CH)

Ho Orchestra - CD A Normal Sunday Live (Faze Records 0003, 13.1.06).

1 26 A (Nits) 2 Hope Is (SH, RW, EF) 3 For Me (SH, D) 4 Never So Far (SH, EF) 5 Joki (SH, EF, TP) 7 Rainfallagain (Nits) 8 First Snow (SH, D) 9 Adieu, Sweet Bahnhof (HH) 10 Normal Sunday (SH, EF) 11 Princess Of The Window Sill (SH, EF) 12 Yöpöllö (Nits, SP) 15 In The Dutch Mountains (Nits)

LvK: keyb (1-5, 8, 10-12, 15), acc (9), p (7), bvoc (1). Details: 1067

10019 20.3.05: Stairway To Heaven, Utrecht (SB)

1 Mourir avant quinze ans 6 Walter & Conny (S)

2 Two Skaters 7 Adieu, Sweet Bahnhof (H)

3 Crime & Punishment 8 J.O.S. Days

4 Walking With Maria 9 Cabins

5 26 A (Clouds In The Sky) 10 In The Dutch Mountains

LvK: keyb (3, 4, 8), xyl (2, 5), acc (7), voc (1, 9). Details: 352

10020 1.5.05: De Kleine Komedie, Amsterdam (Vi)

1 J.O.S. Days

3 Yopöllo (Nits, SP)

LvK: p. Details: 1070

10021+ …?...

Levinsky Quartet - Omnipotent (Challenge Classics CR 73264, Nov. 2007)


LvK: compositions. LQ: Rolf Delfos: sax; Arno Krijger: org; Anton Gongsmit: g; Pascal Vermeer: dr.

Notes: With song S5? A composition by LvK, PV. Re-released as part of the mag Jazzism: VA – CD Jazzisme Magazine / Jazzisme 2 (Jazzisme Magazine 0208, winter 2008. Song 4: LQ – S5 (LvK, PV).

10022 14.9.07: Paradox, Tilburg ((or 21.9.07: Toonzaal, Den Bosch))

1 Famous Blue Raincoat (L. Cohen)

Notes: Festival “Stranger Than Paranoia”.

LvK: p; HH: voc; (Angelo Verploegen: tru. Not on this song).

A three day festival. They were announced for the first day, but LvK’s site gives 16th Sept. as date for the gig.

Released on 23rd Sept. by TilburgZ (“Bits & Buts”) (Internet).

10023 27.9.07: BIMhuis, Amsterdam

Laetitia van Krieken Big Bang – CD Windfall (Challenge Rec. CR73274, Dec. 2008)

1 Windfall 2 Childhood 3 Juli 4 Bascule 5 Ketu 6 Oktober 7 Dogtalk 8 Homeland (all comp. by LvK)

LvK: p, arr, co-mix, co-prod; Angelo Verloegen: tru, flugelhorn; Mete Erker: sax, bass cl; Rolf Delfos: sax; Jasper Blom: sax, cl; Hans Sparla: tro; Jeffrey Brunsma: vio; Herman van Haaren: vio; Benjamin von Gutzeit: viola; Anne Tangberg: cello; Ferhan Otay: g; Gulli Gudmundsson: bg, Pascal Vermeer: dr.

10024 2008: …?...

1 Avontuurlijke muziek II (LvK?)

Notes: Live recording to promote CD release.

YouTube site: Song 1.

10025+ …?...

TriDali – CD Saptadha (…?..., 5.10.08)


LvK: composition ((title song))

|  |

|  |

| |

10/98: COR: 2, 4

12/98: cor: 2, 4

5/01 II: cor: 2, 4

8/01 II: cor: 3

8/02: NE: 6 // COR: 5

7/02: NE: 6 // COR: 5

4/03: NE: 7

6/03 : COR : 7

8/05 : NE : 8

9/06 : NE : 9A

3/08 III : NE : 3A, 3B, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7A, 7B, 7C, 10A, 11, 12 // COR : 5->4, 4->5, 1, 3, 4

4/08 II: COR: 7A

5/08 II: COR: 3A

6/08 II: NE: 13

8/08 III: re-numbering // NE: 5, 25 // COR: 21, 23 // cor: 7, 12

2/09: COR: 4, 23

3/09 II: COR: 23

5/09: COR: 4, 11, 21

6/09: COR: 21

8/09 II: cor: 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 17, 18, 23

8/09 III: COR: 10

HH 1001-1115 RK 2001-2029 MP 3001-3017 AR 4001-4018 RJS 5001-5167

JG 6001-6011 MB 7001-7049 PM 8001-8042 AL 9001-9011 LvK 10001-10025

Vera van der Poel

12001 Born ….

12002+ LoveCramps (

Any recordings (with VvdP)?

12002A 1986: Boerderij, Zoetermeer (TV?)

1 …?...

Band Horny Winter: Paul van Horn: g; Rob de Winter: bg, bvoc; Hans Asschman: dr, VvdP: voc.

Notes: Date taken from YouTube. Or 1996?

Part of a VPRO telecast?

YouTube site: Song 1.

12003 Beeswamp (1994-1997): Vera van der Pool: voc, keyb; Beatrice van der Pool: voc, g; Jac Bico: g; Bart de Ruiter: bg; Martjin Bosman: dr.

12004+ 1995 (?): …?...

Beeswamp - CD Sweet Sticky Stuff (Digitalpressure PRE …?..., Sept. 1996)

1 Sweet Sticky Stuff 2 Cool It Off 3 Break A Normal Day 4 Do It To Me 5 Last Saw You 6 Blue Sky 7 I Don’t Regret (Sex In Our Pyjamas) 8 Hey La 10 Space Is The Place 11 Open Up 12 Keep Me Ahead 13 A Strange Way Cowboy (credits: see singles)

Notes: Song 3: Strings arr. by Michiel Weidner, played by Dimension 4. Song 7: Harm by ..?... Liam Sternberg, Beeswamp: prod.

Rereleased on 22nd August 2000?

12005 ...?...: …?...

1 Break A Normal Day (radio edit) (BvdP) 2 Sweet Sticky Stuff (J. Bico, BvdP) (Pressure PRE 186001, 1996)

12006 ...?...: …?...

1 I Don’t Regret (Sex In Our Pyjamas) (radio edit) (BvdP, J. Bico) 2 Break A Normal Day (looney looney mix) (BvdP) (Pressure PRE 186003, 1996)

12007 ...?...: …?...

1 Last Saw You (BvdP) 2 Blue Sky (Band, BvdP) (Pressure PRE 186009, 1996)

Notes: Song 2 recorded during a unknown 2 meter session. (Not mentioned in the 2 meter sessies archives).

12008 ...?...: …?...

1 Cool It Off (radio edit) (Band, BvdP 2 Blue Sky (Band, BvdP) 3 Cool It Off (Pressure PRE 186016, 1997)

12009+ ...?...: …?...

1 Cool It Off (radio edit) 2 Blue Sky (Pressure PRE 186016, 1997)

12010+ 2.3.97: NOB radio studio, Hilversum (?): “2 meter sessies” (VARA)

1 Cool It Off (Band, BvdP)

2 Sweet Sticky Stuff (J. Bico, BvdP)

12011+ ...?...

De Broeders - CD Go With The Flow (Via …., 1997)


Notes: VvdP: bvoc.

12012 1996-…: Mimezine: VvdP: voc; Baz Mattle: dr; samples; Marc Faronner: bg, samples, seq. (The Band was founded in late 1996 by BM and MF. VvdP joined a few months later.)

12013 …?...

1 Lucky Number (Single edit) 2 Lucky Number (Fantastic Voyage Remix) 3 Lucky Number (Prince Abooboo Remix) 4 Lucky Number (Junkie XL Remix) 5 Lucky Number (Zapp! Stringquartet Version) (all: Mimezine)

(CNR/Arcade 2004180, 1999).

12014 …?...

A1 Lucky Number (Other Way Around Mix) 2 Lucky Number (Fantastic Voyage Remix) B1 Lucky Number (Junkie Xl Remix) 2 Lucky Number (Lucky You Remix) (all: Mimezine)

(12”: CNR/Astral (?) 2004312, 1999)

12015 …?...

1 Lucky Number (Single edit) 2 Lucky Number (Fantastic Voyage Remix)

(CNR/Arcade 2004179, 1999).

12016 21+22.11.98: Birnhuis, Amsterdam

New Cool Collective - CD Big (RNDISCS RN 020, 1999)

4 You Can Have Her (B. Cook)

Notes: A Radio Netherlands production. Not for sale! Given away to radio stations outside the Netherlands.

New Cool Collective Big Band = 22 musicians.

Live recordings (additional recordings in 1989 at Studio Groenland.)

VvdP, Georgie Fame: voc; Big Band.

12017+ ...?...: …?...

SFeQ - CD SFeQ-3000 (Dox 008, 1999)

1 Dial Sfeq-3000 (BS) 2 Trans Dimensional Flux (Band) 3 PPX Enterprises (DJ) 4 Like Five Blind Men Around An Elephant (Band) 5 etc.

Bert Suèr: sax; DJ Git Hyper: samp; Jesse van Ruller: g; Maarten Ornstein: clar, bg; Peter Bergman: bg; Stefan Kruger: dr, perc. With VvdP: voc.

12018 ...?...: Camera Silenta, Amsterdam

Mimezine - CD Indeep (Peer Southern Prod. PRE 186043, 2001)

1 Mimezine Prelude 2 Angel Eyes 3 Sleepless 4 Hunt 5 Let’s Go Lost 6 Taste It 7 Lucky Number 8 I Love You 9 Here I Am 10 Hold On Fast 11 Won’t Stop The Rain (all songs by Mimezine)

VvdP: voc, programming?, recording?, prod., mix (7); Baz Mattie: programming?, recording?, prod., mix; Marc E. Baronner: programming?, recording?, prod., mix (7); with Junkie XL: add. programming, mix & prod. (without 7); Frans van der Bijl: mix (7); Zapp! String Quartet (Jasper Le Clerc: vio; Friedmar Hitzer: vio; Oene Van Geel: vio; Emile Visser: cello) on song 8, recorded at E-Sound, Weesp; Andreas Suntrop: g (4-6, 8, 11); Marco Hilgeman: g (3); Arno Willekes: g (2, 9); Ruud Souhoka: perc (3-6, 8, 10, 11); Leona Philippo: sampled voc (8); Stefan Schmid: p (11); Sander Hartgers: tru; fluegelhorn (2, 5, 11).

Notes: Videoclips of songs 7 and 8 available as downloads on their homepage.

+CD VA – Noorderslag 2002 (Conamus COS 098, 2002) with a version of Angel Eyes. Most probably a (promo) CD for the festival with studio versions.

YouTube site: Clips of songs 7 and 8.

12019 ...?...: Fantastic Voyage Studio, Amsterdam (?)

1 I Love You (Radio-edit) 2 I Love You (Trip To Love Remix) 3 I Love You (Zero Zero Remix 4 I Love You (Instrumental Mix) (all Mimezine)

(Peer Southern Prod. PRE 186038, 2001)

12020 ...?...:

1 Angel Eyes (Radio-Edit) 2 Angel Eyes (Dark & Love Remix) (both Mimezine ) (Peer Southern Prod. PRE 186042, 2001)

12021 ...?...: ...?...

1 Here I Am 2 Here I Am (Indeep Version) (both Mimezine) (Peer Southern Prod. PRE 186044, 2001)

12022 August 2001: Joined Nits. Details: 324

12023 20.1.02: Big Al’s Room/Kink FM Studio, Amsterdam: “2m sessies”

1 I Love You 2 Angel Eyes 3 Let’s Get Lost 4 Lucky Number (all: Mimezine)

Notes: Song 4 available as official download on their homepage.

12024 21.2.02: Poppodium de Vloer, Utrecht: “2m sessie”

1 I Love You 2 Angel Eyes 3 Taste It (all: Mimezine)

12025+ …?...

Zapp String Quartet – CD Dextro (Loplop ……., 2002, 2004 or 1999)

1 …..

Notes: VvdP: voc; ZSQ: Oene van Geel, Jasper le Clerq, Friedmar Hitzer: vio, Emile Visser: cello (?); with Jeffrey Bruinsma: vio.

From 1999 on, while member of Mimezine, VvdP was (guest) singer in this band, live and in the studio.

Loplop was the band’s own label.

12026 2002 (?): …?...

1 Body Language 2 I Love You 3 Angel Eyes 4 Here I Am (all: Mimezine)

(Pressure/Zomba PRE 186046, 2002).

Notes: Videoclip and trailer of song 1 available as downloads on their homepage.

Song 1 is the first version, different to the CD version.

YouTube site: Clip of song 1.

12027 25.1.03: Vredenburg, Utrecht

1 Miraculous Mandarin (B. Bartok)

Notes: A special concert announced as “Une nuit urbane”, led by the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, with DJ Kypski (sounds) and Mimezine.

YouTube site: Song 1.

12028 7.6.03: Paradiso, Amsterdam

1 …?...

Notes: A special concert announced as “La nuit n’est pas une chocolat”.

With the prinsen quartet, Cluster Chamber Choir, the Netherlands Vocal Laboratory, DJ Kypski, Mimezine, actors.

YouTube site: Song 1.

12029 20.1.04: Bierhübeli (?), Bern (CH) (SB?)

1 Het Draagbare Huis (H)

2 Two Skaters

VvdP: voc. With Simon Ho and band and HH. Downloads on Nits-files site.

12030 2004 (?): HKU Studio, …?...

The Auratones – Mazzu Mazzu (STM Rec. STM002, 2004)

1 We Believe In The Soul Of The Earthpig (RD) 4 Now & Forever (PB, TvZ) 6 The Power Of Love (RD, EH, L. Bloemhard) 7 Heaven Knows (PB, TvZ, VvdP)

The Auratones: Marcel Reijs: tru, flugelhorn; Tjeerd van Zanen: g; Boudewijn Lucas: bg; Peter Broekhuizen: fl, sax; Erwin Hoorweg: keyb; Rolf Delfos: sax. With VvdP: lvoc (4, 7), bvoc (1, 6), “thanks”; Linda Bloemhard: lvoc (6), bvoc (1); Anthony Tolsma: perc; Goos Draaijer: sax (1); Michel van Schie: programming (4, 7); Bas van den Heuvel: keyb (7); Yfke de Jonge: vio (4, 7); Tijmen Huisingh: vio (4, 7); Judith Wijzenbeek: viola (4, 7); Juan Albeniz: cello (4, 7).

Notes: Overdubs recorded at different studios. Vocals??

12031 2004 (?): Kamera Silenta, A’dam; Prevue Productions, Katwijk; DDL, A’dam

Mimezine – CD Feed The Monkey (Universal 986 865-1, 2004)

1 Guess You Up 2 Razorblade 3 Can’t Get Enough 4 Let me Have It All 5 Travelling 6 Hey Hey Hey 7 Body Language 8 Wild Things Run Fast 9 Bitter Moon 10 Electric Frontier 11 Cocoon (all songs by Mimezine

VvdP: voc, synth; Marc E. Baronner: progr, synth, bg; Baz Mattie: Synth, progr, dr, mix, prod; with Andreas Suntrop: g; Gertjan van der Weert: synth, g; Reyn Ouwehand: keyb, optigan, chamberlain; Gijs Levelt: tru, fluegelhorn; Joop van der Linden: tro.

Notes: YouTube site: Clip of Hey Hey Hey. Backing track might be a demo recording. Made in 2003? With pictures of live and TV shows.

12032 …?...:

1 Can’t Get Enough (Edit?) 2 Can’t Get Enough (Kraak & Smak Remix) (both Mimezine ) (The Electric Co. TEC 007, 2005)

Notes: Song 2 re-released on +CD Kraak & Smaak – The Remix Sessions (…?..., 2007), track 8.

12033 ...?...:

1 Guess You Up 2 …?... (both Mimezine ) (The Electric Co. TEC …, 2005)

12034 Sept. 2004: Seawolf Studios, Suomenlinna (Fi)

Simon Ho - CD IF (Faze, faze0001, Jan. 2005).

3 Normal Sunday 4 First Snow (SH, Denzler) 7 Tell Me (SH, Denzler) 10 Princess Of The Window Sill 11 Hotel Simon 12 Endless Child 13 3000 Miles (rem. songs by SH, EF)

VvdP: lvoc (3, 4, 7, 11), bvoc (10, 12, 13); HH: voc (10, 12, 13), fotos/video stills; MP: bvoc (10, 12); Simon Ho: keyb, acc, perc, comp, arr; Shirley Grimes: lvoc (3, 11), bvoc (7, 12); Oli Hartung: g, banjo; Monic Mathys: bg; Andi Hug: dr, mand (10), slideg (12); Susan Aho, Maria Kaasinen, Misa Stefanovic: vio, viola (4, 11, 14); Orlando Theuler: cello (4).

12035 13.2.05: Kaserne, Basel (CH)

Ho Orchestra - CD A Normal Sunday Live (Faze Records 0003, 13.1.06).

1 26 A (Nits) 2 Hope Is (SH, RW, EF) 3 For Me (SH, D) 7 Rainfallagain (Nits) 8 First Snow (SH, D) 9 Adieu, Sweet Bahnhof (HH) 10 Normal Sunday (SH, EF) 11 Princess Of The Window Sill (SH, EF) 12 Yöpöllö (Nits, SP) 14 Hotel Simon (SH, EF) 15 In The Dutch Mountains (Nits)

VvdP: lvoc, bvoc (1-3, 7-12, 14, 15). Details: 1067

12035A+ …?...

Dana Winter – CD Si Stand van de Maan (EMI 00946 344568 2 1, 2005)

1 Stand van de maan (?) 2 Die stand van die maan (?)

Tjeerd van Zanen: g, mand, prod; Boudewijn Lucas: bg; Ton Dijkman: dr; frank Michiels: perc; Wilfried van Baelen: prod, mix; VvdP, Dany Caen, ingrid Simons, Mieke Aerts, Tom Salisbury: bvoc.

12036 2005 (?): …?...

Amsterdam Klezmer Band - CD Remixed (Essay Rec AY CD 10, 31.3.06).

12 Nasha Ljubov (M. Baronner, G. Levelt, B. Mattie, VvdP, A. Kopyt)

Notes: Backing track by AKB: Job Chajes: sax; Janfie van Strien: clar, sax; Gjis Levelt: tru, prod; Joop van der Linden: tro; horn; Theo van Tol: acc; Jasper de Beer: bg, saz, voc; A. Kopyt: voc; with VvdP: voc; M. Baronner: synth; progr, prod; Manu G: sounds.

Most tracks on this CD are remixed older recordings. This is a new one!

12037+ Dash! 2006???????????????? DOX bbxC37537, 2006

12038: Voer (………….): VvdP: voc; Oene van Geel: viola, perc, laptop; Anton Goudsmit: g; Gulli Gudmundson: bg; Afra Mussawisade: perc.

Band by VvdP and Oene van Geel.

12039+ 2006: …?...

Voer – CD Bite (… EWM 75353, Sept. 2006)

1 Frozen Secrets 2 Spider 3 The Bitch 4 River 5 Falling 6 Serendipity 7 Dorowet 8 Changed Name 9 Food For Thought 10 Monic’s Letter 11 Climb Out (all (?): Voer)

VvdP: voc, synth; Oene van Geel: vio, sounds; Jeroen van Vliet: keyb; Mark Haanstra: bg, sounds; Afra Mussawisade: perc, sounds; Eric Hoeke: dr.

12040+ 15.9.06: Radio studio, …?...: „NPS concert (?)“ (NPS)

1 Interview with VvdP

12041+ 24.9.06: TV/Radio studio, …?...: „Vvrije Geluiden“ (VPRO, Ned 2)

1 Interview with VvdP

Notes: Re-broadcast on 28th Sept.

12042+ 3.6.07: Radio studio, …?...: „…?...” (Radio 6, NPS)

1 Interview with VvdP

12043+ 14.7.07: Missouri, Rotterdam („North Sea Jazz Festival“) (A-DVD)

1 Falling

2 The Bitch

Notes: Band Voer.

YouTube site: Songs 1, 2.

12044+ July (?) 2007: …?..., Garana (Rom) („Garana Jazz Festival“) (A-DVD)

1 Changed Name

2 Dorowot

Notes. Band Voer.

YouTube site: Songs 1, 2.

12044A+ Swampsisters (2008-…): Beatrice van der Poel: voc; VvdP: voc: Martijn van Agt: g; Eric Hoeke: dr; Stefan Schmid: keyb; Thijs Vermeulen: bg.

12044B 2009 (?): Bierhübeli, Bern (CH) (A (?)-DVD)

1 Hope Is (S. Hostettler, R. Wepfer, E. Facon)

2 Who By Fire (L. Cohen)

The Ho Orchestra: Simon Ho: keyb; HH: acg (2), lvoc; VvdP, Shirley Grimes: voc; Oli Hartung: eg; Monic Mathys: bg; Andi Hug: dr.

Notes: No date given. Both songs on YouTube site. Recorded at “Mühle Hunziken, Berne”. (Not correct: Mühle Hunziken situated in Rubigen.). Song 1 is on Faze Rec. site and Bierhübeli is given as location. (Faze released records by Simon Ho and Avalanche Quartet!). There were sev. concerts between 2004 and 2009. I have no idea …

YouTube site: Songs 1, 2. Song 2 incomplete.

12045 23.3.09: KHL Lokaal, Amsterdam (A-DVD)

1 Dear Speechless Mind (VvdP?)

2 Precarious Kisses (VvdP?)

VvdP: voc, acg; Kim ..?...: eg (2).

Notes: Project under the name Divera.

8/02: NE: 1-6

8/03 II: NE: 1A, 1B, 7-9 // COR: 2

7/06: NE: 1C // COR: 1A

8/08: NE: 1AA-AK, 1AP, 1AQ, 8AA, 8AF, 12-17 // COR : 1AL-AO, 8AB-AE

8/08 II: COR: 3-8, 10

8/08 III: cor: 16, 17, 27

9/08 II: 36

9/08 III: COR: 16

4/09: COR: 30

5/09: NE: 35A // COR: 17, 18, 32

6/09 II: NE: 45 // COR: 31

6/09 III: NE: 2A, 44A / cor: 38, 39

7/09: cor: 4, 38

8/09 III: NE: 44B // COR: 12, 41, 42

12001A+ -> 12001A …?...

New: 12001C …?...

1 Lucky Number (Single edit) 2 Lucky Number (Fantastic Voyage Remix)

(CNR/Arcade 2004179, 1999).

6/08 III:

12002 ...?...: Camera Silenta, Amsterdam

YouTube site: Clips of song 7 and 8.

12009+ -> 12008A+ 2002 (?): …?...

1 Body Language 2 I Love You 3 Angel Eyes 4 Here I Am (all: Mimezine)

(Pressure/Zomba PRE 186046, 2002).

Notes: Videoclip and trailer of song 1 available as downloads on their homepage.

Song 1 is the first version, different to the CD version.

YouTube site: Clip of song 1.

New: 12008B+ 25.1.03: Vredenburg, Utrecht

1 Miraculous Mandarin (B. Bartok)

Notes: A special concert announced as “Une nuit urbane”, led by the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, with DJ Kypski (sounds) and Mimezine.

YouTube site: Song 1.

New: 12008C+ 7.6.03: Paradiso, Amsterdam

1 …?...

Notes: A special concert announced as “La nuit n’est pas une chocolat”.

With the prinsen quartet, Cluster Chamber Choir, the Netherlands Vocal Laboratory, DJ Kypski, Mimezine, actors.

YouTube site: Song 1.

12009A 2004 (?): Kamera Silenta, A’dam; Prevue Productions, Katwijk; DDL, A’dam

Notes: YouTube site: Clip of song 6.


All new:

12001AA+ LoveCramps (

Any recordings (with VvdP)?

12001AB Beeswamp (1994-1997): VvdP: voc, keyb; Beatrice van der Pool: voc, g; Jac Boco: g; Bart de Ruiter: bg; Martjin Bosman: dr.

12001AC+ 1995 (?): …?...

Beeswamp - CD Sweet Sticky Stuff (Digitalpressure PRE …?..., Sept. 1996)

1 Sweet Sticky Stuff 2 Cool It Off 3 Break A Normal Day 4 Do It To Me 5 Last Saw You 6 Blue Sky 7 I Don’t Regret (Sex In Our Pyjamas) 8 Hey La 10 Space Is The Place 11 Open Up 12 Keep Me Ahead 13 A Strange Way Cowboy (all (?): Beeswamp)

Notes: Rereleased on 22nd August 2000?

12001AD+ ...?...: …?...

1 Break A Normal Day 2 …………….. (……..PRE 186001, 1996)

12001AE+ ...?...: …?...

1 I Don’t Regret (Sex In Our Pyjamas) (Radio edit) 2 ........(… PRE 186003, 1996)

12001AF+ ...?...: …?...

1 Last Saw You 2 Blue Sky (… PRE 186009, 1996)

Notes: Song 2 recorded during a unknown 2 meter session. (Not mentioned in the 2 meter sessies archives).

12001AG+ ...?...: …?...

1 Cool It Off (radio edit) 2 Blue Sky 3 Cool It Off (… PRE 186016, 1997)

12001AH+ ...?...: …?...

1 Cool It Off (radio edit) 2 Blue Sky (… PRE 186016, 1997)

12001AI+ 2.3.97: NOB radio studio, Hilversum (?): “2 meter sessies” (VARA)

1 Cool It Off

2 Sweet Sticky Stuff

12001AK+ ...?...

De Broeders - CD Go With The Flow (Via …., 1997)


Notes: VvdP: bvoc.

12001AP+ ...?...: …?...

New Cool Collective - CD Big (A-records ….., 1999)

1 ……

Notes: VvdP: bvoc;

12001AQ+ ...?...: …?...

Sfeq - CD Sfeq 3000 (Dox …., 1999)

1 ….

Notes: VvdP: voc;


Zapp String Quartet – CD Dextro (Loplop ……., 2002, 2004 or 1999)

1 …..

Notes: VvdP: voc;

12008AF+ …?...

The Auratones – Mazzu Mazzu (………………, 2004)

1 ……

Notes: VvdP: voc;

12012+ 2005/2006: …?...

Amsterdam Klezmer Band - CD Remixed! (Essay Rec AY CD 10, 31.3.06).


Notes: VvdP: ? Details: 1067

12012A+ Dash! 2006???????????????? DOX bbxC37537, 2006

12013: Voer (………….): Vera van der Poel: voc; Oene van Geel: viola , perc, laptop; Anton Goudsmit: g; Gulli Gudmundson: bg; Afra Mussawisade: perc.

band by VvdP and Oene van Geel.

12013A+ 2006: …?...

Voer – CD Bite (… EWM 75353, Sept. 2006)

1 Frozen Secrets 2 Spider 3 The Bitch 4 River 5 Falling 6 Serendipity 7 Dorowet 8 Changed Name 9 Food For Thought 10 Monic’s Letter 11 Climb Out (all (?): Voer)

VvdP: voc, synth; Oene van Geel: vio, sounds; Jeroen van Vliet: keyb; Mark Haanstra: bg, sounds; Afra Mussawisade: perc, sounds; Eric Hoeke: dr.

12013B+ 15.9.06: Radio studio, …?...: „NPS concert (?)“ (NPS)

1 Interview with VvdP

12014+ 24.9.06: TV/Radio studio, …?...: „Vvrije Geluiden“ (VPRO, Ned 2)

1 Interview with VvdP

12015+ 3.6.07: 12013+ 15.9.06: Radio studio, …?...: „NPS concert (?)“ (NPS) Radio 6

1 Interview with VvdP

12016+ 14.7.07: Missouri, Rotterdam („North Sea Jazz Festival“) (DVD-AT)

1 Falling

2 The Bitch

Notes: YouTube site: Songs 1, 2.

12017+ July (?) 2007: …?..., Garana (Rom) („Garana Jazz Festival“) (DVD-AT)

1 Changed Name

2 Dorowot

Notes. YouTube site: Songs 1, 2.


12001A -> AL 1996-…: Mimezine: VvdP: voc; Baz Mattle: dr; samples; Marc Faronner: bg, samples, seq.

12001A -> AM …?...

1 Lucky Number (Single edit) 2 Lucky Number (Fantastic Voyage Remix) 3 Lucky Number (Prince Abooboo Remix) 4 Lucky Number (Junkie XL Remix) 5 Lucky Number (Zapp! Stringquartet Version) (all: Mimezine)

(CNR/Arcade 2004180, 1999).

12001B+ -> AN …?...

A1 Lucky Number (Other Way Around Mix) 2 Lucky Number (Fantastic Voyage Remix) B1 Lucky Number (Junkie Xl Remix) 2 Lucky Number (Lucky You Remix) (all: Mimezine)

(12”: CNR/Astral (?) 2004312, 1999)

12001C -> AO …?...

1 Lucky Number (Single edit) 2 Lucky Number (Fantastic Voyage Remix)

(CNR/Arcade 2004179, 1999).

12008A+ -> AB 2002 (?): …?...

1 Body Language 2 I Love You 3 Angel Eyes 4 Here I Am (all: Mimezine)

(Pressure/Zomba PRE 186046, 2002).

Notes: Videoclip and trailer of song 1 available as downloads on their homepage.

Song 1 is the first version, different to the CD version.

YouTube site: Clip of song 1.

12008B+ -> AC 25.1.03: Vredenburg, Utrecht

1 Miraculous Mandarin (B. Bartok)

Notes: A special concert announced as “Une nuit urbane”, led by the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, with DJ Kypski (sounds) and Mimezine.

YouTube site: Song 1.

12008C+ -> AD 7.6.03: Paradiso, Amsterdam

1 …?...

Notes: A special concert announced as “La nuit n’est pas une chocolat”.

With the prinsen quartet, Cluster Chamber Choir, the Netherlands Vocal Laboratory, DJ Kypski, Mimezine, actors.

YouTube site: Song 1.

12008A -> AE 20.1.04: Bierhübeli (?), Bern (CH) (SB?)

1 Het Draagbare Huis (H)

2 Two Skaters

VvdP: voc. With Simon Ho and band and HH. Downloads on Nits-files site.

8/08 II:

12003 Beeswamp (1994-1997): Vera van der Pool: voc, keyb; Beatrice van der Pool: voc, g; Jac Bico: g; Bart de Ruiter: bg; Martjin Bosman: dr.

8/08 III:

12025+ …?...

Zapp String Quartet – CD Dextro (Loplop ……., 2002, 2004 or 1999)

1 …..

Notes: VvdP: voc; ZSQ: Oene van Geel, Jasper le Clerq, Friedmar Hitzer: vio, Emile Visser: cello (?); with Jeffrey Bruinsma: vio.

From 1999 on, while member of Mimezine, VvdP was (guest) singer in this band, live and in the studio.

Loplop was the band’s own label.

9/08 II:

12036+ -> 12036 2005 (?): …?...

Amsterdam Klezmer Band - CD Remixed (Essay Rec AY CD 10, 31.3.06).

12 Nasha Ljubov (M. Baronner, G. Levelt, B. Mattie, VvdP, A. Kopyt)

Notes: Backing track by AKB: Job Chajes: sax; Janfie van Strien: clar, sax; Gjis Levelt: tru, prod; Joop van der Linden: tro; horn; Theo van Tol: acc; Jasper de Beer: bg, saz, voc; A. Kopyt: voc; with VvdP: voc; M. Baronner: synth; progr, prod; Manu G: sounds.

Most tracks on this CD are remixed older recordings. This is a new one!

9/08 III:

12016+ -> 12016 21+22.11.98: Birnhuis, Amsterdam

New Cool Collective - CD Big (RNDISCS RN 020, 1999)

4 You Can Have Her (B. Cook)

Notes: A Radio Netherlands production. Not for sale! Given away to radio stations outside the Netherlands.

New Cool Collective Big Band = 22 musicians.

Live recordings (additional recordings in 1989 at Studio Groenland.)

VvdP, Georgie Fame: voc; Big Band.


12030+ -> 12030 2004 (?): HKU Studio, …?...

The Auratones – Mazzu Mazzu (STM Rec. STM002, 2004)

1 We Believe In The Soul Of The Earthpig (RD) 4 Now & Forever (PB, TvZ) 6 The Power Of Love (RD, EH, L. Bloemhard) 7 Heaven Knows (PB, TvZ, VvdP)

The Auratones: Marcel Reijs: tru, flugelhorn; Tjeerd van Zanen: g; Boudewijn Lucas: bg; Peter Broekhuizen: fl, sax; Erwin Hoorweg: keyb; Rolf Delfos: sax. With VvdP: lvoc (4, 7), bvoc (1, 6), “thanks”; Linda Bloemhard: lvoc (6), bvoc (1); Anthony Tolsma: perc; Goos Draaijer: sax (1); Michel van Schie: programming (4, 7); Bas van den Heuvel: keyb (7); Yfke de Jonge: vio (4, 7); Tijmen Huisingh: vio (4, 7); Judith Wijzenbeek: viola (4, 7); Juan Albeniz: cello (4, 7).

Notes: Overdubs recorded at different studios. Vocals??


12017+ ...?...: …?...

SFeQ - CD SFeQ-3000 (Dox 008, 1999)

1 Dial Sfeq-3000 (BS) 2 Trans Dimensional Flux (Band) 3 PPX Enterprises (DJ) 4 Like Five Blind Men Around An Elephant (Band) 5 etc.

Bert Suèr: sax; DJ Git Hyper: samp; Jesse van Ruller: g; Maarten Ornstein: clar, bg; Peter Bergman: bg; Stefan Kruger: dr, perc. With VvdP: voc.

12018 ...?...: Camera Silenta, Amsterdam

Mimezine - CD Indeep (Peer Southern Prod. PRE 186043, 2001)

Notes: Videoclips of songs 7 and 8 available as downloads on their homepage.

+CD VA – Noorderslag 2002 (Conamus COS 098, 2002) with a version of Angel Eyes. Most probably a (promo) CD for the festival with studio versions.

YouTube site: Clips of song 7 and 8.

12032 …?...:

1 Can’t Get Enough (Edit?) 2 Can’t Get Enough (Kraak & Smak Remix) (both Mimezine ) (The Electric Co. TEC 007, 2005)

Notes: Song 2 re-released on +CD Kraak & Smaak – The Remix Sessions (…?..., 2007), track 8.

New: 12035A+ …?...

Dana Winter – CD Si Stand van de Maan (EMI 00946 344568 2 1, 2005)

1 Stand van de maan (?) 2 Die stand van die maan (?)

Tjeerd van Zanen: g, mand, prod; Boudewijn Lucas: bg; Ton Dijkman: dr; frank Michiels: perc; Wilfried van Baelen: prod, mix; VvdP, Dany Caen, ingrid Simons, Mieke Aerts, Tom Salisbury: bvoc.

6/09 II:

12031 2004 (?): Kamera Silenta, A’dam; Prevue Productions, Katwijk; DDL, A’dam

Mimezine – CD Feed The Monkey (Universal 986 865-1, 2004)

Notes: YouTube site: Clip of Hey Hey Hey. Backing track might be a demo recording. Made in 2003? With pictures of live and TV shows.

New: 12045 23.3.09: KHL Lokaal, Amsterdam (A-DVD)

1 Dear Speechless Mind (VvdP?)

2 Precarious Kisses (VvdP?)

VvdP: voc, acg; Kim ..?...: eg (2).

Notes: Project under the name Divera.

6/09 III:

New: 12002A 1986: Boerderij, Zoetermeer (TV?)

1 …?...

Band Horny Winter: Paul van Horn: g; Rob de Winter: bg, bvoc; Hans Asschman: dr, VvdP: voc.

Notes: Date taken from YouTube. Or 1996?

Part of a VPRO telecast?

YouTube site: Song 1.


12044A+ Swampsisters (2008-…): Beatrice van der Poel: voc; VvdP: voc: Martijn van Agt: g; Eric Hoeke: dr; Stefan Schmid: keyb; Thijs Vermeulen: bg.

8/09 III:

12012 1996-…: Mimezine: VvdP: voc; Baz Mattle: dr; samples; Marc Faronner: bg, samples, seq. (The Band was founded in late 1996 by BM and MF. VvdP joined a few months later.)

12041+ 24.9.06: TV/Radio studio, …?...: „Vvrije Geluiden“ (VPRO, Ned 2)

1 Interview with VvdP

Notes: Re-broadcast on 28th Sept.

12042+ 3.6.07: Radio studio, …?...: „…?...” (Radio 6, NPS)

1 Interview with VvdP

New: 12044B 2009 (?): Bierhübeli, Bern (CH) (A (?)-DVD)

1 Hope Is (S. Hostettler, R. Wepfer, E. Facon)

2 Who By Fire (L. Cohen)

The Ho Orchestra: Simon Ho: keyb; HH: acg (2), lvoc; VvdP, Shirley Grimes: voc; Oli Hartung: eg; Monic Mathys: bg; Andi Hug: dr.

Notes: No date given. Both songs on YouTube site. Recorded at “Mühle Hunziken, Berne”. (Not correct: Mühle Hunziken situated in Rubigen.). Song 1 is on Faze Rec. site and Bierhübeli is given as location. (Faze released records by Simon Ho and Avalanche Quartet!). There were sev. concerts between 2004 and 2009. I have no idea …

YouTube site: Songs 1, 2. Song 2 incomplete.


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