Planet X – The Ultimate Tribulation (VIDEOS)

[Pages:8]Planet X ? The Ultimate Tribulation (VIDEOS)

September 23, 2013 | By Bart Sibrel | Consciousness, Conspiracy Corner, Environment, Eugenics & Depopulation, FEMA Camps, Government, Government Corruption, Illuminati, Martial Law, Military, Multimedia, News And Opinions, News Articles, Overpopulation Myth, Pole Shift, Preparedness\Survival, Science & Technology, Sleuth Journal, Society, Special Interests, US News, Whistle Blowers, World News

"In the Last Days there will be a great tribulation, unequalled in all of world history. Unless those days are shortened, no one will survive." Matthew 24:21-22 {Videos at End in References} Many people know or suspect that some sort of "tribulation" is headed our way. Economic, social, political, international, or geological, are some of the guesses. What I propose is one that encompasses all of them at the same time. This unprecedented combination makes the coming cataclysm "Unequalled in all of world history." The outer planets of our solar system, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, were each successively found by observing the perturbations (or gravitational deviations) of the next closest planet to the sun. That is to say, the existence of a yet unknown planet more remote than the deepest one from the sun presently known at any given point in history, was discovered by studying the unusual gravitational motions of the farthest known planet, which indicated that at least one more planet was beyond it because its gravitational effects could be seen in the behavior of the next closest planet, even though the one farther away could not yet be seen. Saturn had deviations in its orbit indicating Uranus existed beyond it, even though it could not be seen for more than 150 years later. When Uranus was finally observed, its orbital path indicated that Neptune existed beyond it, though it too was not actually seen for

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decades later. When Pluto was discovered in 1930, it too gave evidence that another, much larger body, was beyond it. About this time the term "Planet X" came to light to best describe this yet to be seen mysterious object at the edge of our solar system.

My military sources informed me that it was some time during President Eisenhower's second term (1957-1960) that his leading scientists confirmed the existence of Planet X by using specialized equipment which is still classified to this day. The Pioneer 10 (1972) and Voyager 1 & 2 (1977) unmanned space probes were specifically designed to triangulate the precise location and trajectory of Planet X. In early press releases, NASA even mentioned this very purpose for the mission, though they later retracted the statement, and such comments can not be found today. The New York Times wrote a story about these very spacecraft discovering Planet X in 1981, yet there was no mention of it ever again. In 1983 the Washington Post reported that Planet X was discovered by a newly launched infrared satellite telescope, yet they too never mentioned it again.

In 1990, the chief astronomer for the United States, Dr. Robert S. Harrington of the Naval Observatory, announced with certainty the approach of Planet X into the inner solar system, crossing the very orbit of Earth, and then after his death, he was replaced by a government appointee who never mentioned the subject ever again.

It seems like each new generation of scientists and journalists gets excited about this repeated rediscovery, and then for some reason, are asked not to talk about it further. Why is that? What is the big secret? Why would the discovery of a new outer planet be a taboo subject? Why indeed?! The reason is because the Powers-that-Be want to keep the specifics of the information to themselves to use it to their advantage! Yet, what specific information would be relevant if the planet merely orbited the sun in a normal fashion? This can only mean, that Planet X does not orbit the sun in a normal fashion, otherwise, why would they keep it a secret? What other kind of orbit is there? A highly elliptical one, like a comet, that may bring Planet X perilously close to the earth in the very near future!

Why are "They" not telling anyone the details and why would this be to their advantage? The "Elite" at the top of our societal pyramid have long been on the record saying that the world would be a much better place if six and a half billion "inferior" people would just go away. Not wanting to be the next genocidal villain, they are simply going to let "mother nature" (Planet X) do their dirty work for them. That is to say, if and when Planet X gets close enough to earth, lets say in the next 1-8 years, there would be so many cataclysmic earth changes that unless you specifically prepared for it, you would not at all survive.

I was first told about Planet X by a high ranking source at NASA in or about 1989. They said that the planet was going to make a dangerously close approach to earth in the second half of the second decade of the 21st century. In 1989, about three decades before the date, this was not not one of my top concerns, yet now here we are at that very hour. Because the planet is estimated to be 7 to 44 times bigger than the earth, they said its dramatic gravitational effects would cause apocalyptic disasters upon the entire earth. The planet is pitch black, until it turns red as it nears our sun, and near the temperature of absolute zero, requiring very specialized infrared satellites to observe it, which only the US government owns, having launched them specifically for this confidential purpose. This being the case, traditional astronomers will not be able to observe the planet until it is right upon us, with the exception of the "Lucifer" Infrared Telescope owned by the Vatican's Jesuit sect.

Why did the pope call the world's best (and papal owned) infrared telescope "Lucifer"? Because it was specifically designed to track Planet X, whose nickname is "Lucifer" ("Daytime Star"; as it will eventually appear as a second sun in the daytime sky) or "The Dragon" (aka "The Destroyer";

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John 10:10; as it will destroy most of the earth, and was also nicknamed "The Dragon" by Chinese astronomers a millennia ago during a previous passing because of its red color and "wings" of meteor storms on each side; 1054 A.D.). Malachi Martin, a Jesuit priest who disavowed the sworn secrecy of his sect just prior to his death, said this about the "Lucifer" telescope's hidden purpose, "The highest levels of the Vatican governance know what is approaching the Earth and it will be of the utmost importance in the coming years."

In regard to these "End Time" events, there are basically two camps on the matter: 1) Those of a strictly scientific background who acknowledge the existence of Planet X, yet quickly dismiss any scriptural reference of such a past occurrence or future prophetic fulfillment. 2) Those who are overly religious, who disregard the scientific evidence that such a planet may have played in past secular or scriptural history, as well as future geological or biblically prophetic events. Personally, I think the best perspective is one which includes both science and the scriptures. The available downloads at the end of this article do an excellent job of merging the best of both perspectives, showing Planet X's potential for causing the science-based forecasted effects of upcoming worldwide geological catastrophes, which the scientific community acknowledges would result from the planet's intense gravity, as well as the prophetic fulfillment of numerous scriptures warning of "a time of trouble coming upon the whole world which will be greater than at any other time in all of history." (See Bible chapters: Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Ezekiel 7, Joel 2, Isaiah 13 & 24.)

Both the scientists and the scriptural scholars I have interviewed are predicting the exact same soon coming events caused by this large approaching heavenly object: Increasing unpredictable comets and asteroids thrown out of their normal orbits by Planet X's gravitational field, see Revelation 8:8-11; Increasing Earthquakes (as Planet X approaches, it pulls at the earth's crust with ever greater intensity), see Matthew 24:7; Upcoming disastrous meteor showers (as the earth passes, twice, through Planet X's "debris field" of millions of accompanying asteroids), see Revelation 6:13; Hailstones of up to 100 pounds falling from the sky (as the earth tilts temporarily by Planet X's gravity, causing arctic air to suddenly appear atop warmer climates, resulting in the moist air instantaneously freezing and falling as massive sheets of ice), see Revelation 16:21; Worldwide tidal waves and coastal flooding (caused by Planet X's approach and accompanying major earthquakes), see Revelation 16:20 & Luke 21:25; Increased solar flares (as the sun's energy is magnetically drawn toward Planet X), see Revelation 16:9; Economic Collapse and Food shortages (caused by the lack of conventional distribution from the subsequent destruction of most bridges, railroads, and power grids), see Revelation 6:6 ("A quart of wheat for a `denarius', that is a `day's wage' or $100); Disease epidemics (caused by the food shortages and lack of access to medical care due to transportation failures), see Revelation 2:23, 6:8, 18:8; Martial Law and Widespread War (resulting from all of the aforementioned escalading events; nations and people fighting over limited resources), see Matthew 24:7, Isaiah 3:5-7 & 19:2.

The Messiah said all these things

would immediately precede His return:

"There will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars;

and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity,

the sea and the waves roaring*;

{*Caused by Increased Tidal Effect from Planet X}

men's hearts failing them from fear

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and expectation of those things which are coming on the earth,

for the powers of the heavens will be shaken."

Luke 21:25-26

Severe climate change (summer and winter); Unexplained simultaneous deaths of millions of land and sea animals; Sudden sinkholes and cracks in the ground causing random gas pipeline explosions, bridge collapses, and train derailments; A tenfold increase in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions; The Earth's magnetic north pole moving at an astounding 579 feet per day! . . . all because of Planet X's increasing gravitational interaction with our planet . . . and the Earth is not alone in feeling its effects. The temperature, orbit, and luminosity of all the planets in the solar system have been recently altered. The pressure on the surface of Pluto has increased by 300%. Neptune's poles have inverted. Enormous storms have been appearing on Uranus. The size of Saturn's rings have decreased by 20%. Jupiter's atmosphere is undergoing unprecedented changes in color and radiation, all the while vast meteor storms are approaching and pelting the planet (the remainder of which will be heading our way soon). The polar icecaps on Mars have melted. The 11 year solar cycle is becoming longer. The sun's medium optical spectrum has changed from yellow to yellow-white and it is emitting new mutagenic particles . . . and all of these simultaneous unprecedented dramatic solar system wide effects are just a coincidence?

Planet X can be found numerous times in both secular and biblical history. The Sumerians called the heavenly intruder "Nibiru"; the Hopi Indians called it "Kachina"; the Bible refers to it as "Wormwood" (Revelation 8:11); Astronomers in the know call it "Nemesis", "Tyche", "Planet X" or "Planet 7X", as some estimate it to be 7 times bigger than the Earth. It is believed that the wandering planet visits our solar system every 300-400 years (see the downloadable charts at the end of this article), sometimes causing extraordinary disasters, depending upon whether it is on the far or near side of the sun from the Earth. (This irregular interaction has caused some to speculate that its appearance is ten times less frequent, though I doubt this hypothesis.) Its passages are mentioned in the historical records from various ancient cultures: Babylonian, Egyptian, Roman, Maya, Aztec, Toltec, Iranian, Hebrew, Persian, Hindu, and Chinese. Only NASA remains secretive to the public, allegedly as to not cause global panic, though likely to deliberately destroy the majority of us whom the "Elite" perceive as "inferior".

Planet X's previous passages correspond to Noah's flood, Sodom & Gomorra's "Fire from Heaven", the famine of Joseph, Joshua's battle victory with a meteor shower, and the time of Moses with the ten plagues of Egypt. (At this same time, enormous earthquakes were devastating parts of China, and the Minoan civilization near Crete was destroyed by an enormous volcanic eruption.) Today it is believed by some christian astronomers that Planet X (Wormwood) will be God's chosen instrument for bringing about the coming "Tribulation", when "The heavens will be shaken and the seas will roar and men's hearts will melt with fear for what is coming upon the earth". (Luke 21:25-26)

All of the "Mayan 2012" hype was a deliberate hoax by the Elite controlled media to generate in us the cognitive dissonance of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", specifically created to discount the credibility of the fast approaching Planet X and the very similar "End of the World" scenarios so closely associated with it. By intentionally building up a cataclysmic event with their planned "great disappointment", the "villagers" of the world will not believe the word of the real impending doom when it is about to befall them. The same is true of the numerous false dates "leaked" out by CIA/NSA run "Planet X" websites, in order to retract from its viability. (There are probably more fake ones out there than real ones.) By repeatedly having date after date come to no fruition, they hope to jade the public into

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discounting the whole matter so as to catch them unaware "like a thief in the night" and rid the world of them due to their lack of preparedness. You might even equate the similarity of this to those who try to predict the second coming of the Messiah. Just because repeated specific forecasts of His return prove to be unreliable, it does not mean He is not coming soon nonetheless.

In the case of Planet X, this is not a prediction of the exact return of the Messiah, rather of the general commencement of the foretold "Time of Trouble" (Daniel 12:1), which He repeatedly said would immediately precede His unspecified arrival. It is just a hypothesis, yet Revelation 12:1 may refer to a soon coming constellational alignment (Virgo, the Virgin) that takes place on March 26, 2016 (though some believe it is a year later). If so, Revelation 12:3 may then refer to Planet X ("The Red Dragon"), which would soon follow.

The confusion and diversity of opinions regarding the Book of Revelation may be similar to the dividing camps of "Science vs. Religion", with the true answer being found by incorporating both. With Revelation, there appears to be two camps as well: Literal vs. Symbolic. Some may argue all day long that the Book of Revelation is one or the other. What I propose, is that it may be BOTH. God is such a poet, with depth of mind beyond human understanding, that it may mean one or two other thing as well . . . all at the same time! The Book of Revelation may be symbolic, it may also be literal, it may have been fulfilled in the first century, and it may also be re-fulfilled in the Last Days . . . all in each and every paragraph! Has anyone ever considered this possibility?

What we do know, is that it is clear through numerous presidential executive orders pertaining to future scenarios of a nationwide disaster, as well as the government buying up all available ammunition for "homeland" security (enough to shoot all 300 million Americans six times each), all the while arming local police with automatic assault rifles and armored vehicles, that the U.S. authorities are preparing for a national or worldwide catastrophe that will result in martial law. People assume that this will commence because of economic collapse. While this may be partially true, the question is, what will trigger such a national or international economic collapse, all at the same time?

My sources are telling me that the recent rash of mass deaths of fish and fowl come from the increase in minor, as of yet imperceivable to the public, underground earthquakes caused by the gravitational influence of this large approaching heavenly body, which then releases underwater and underground methane gas. This toxic gas is what is killing the animals. Ever wonder why recently so many comets and asteroids are being discovered with so little advance warning, when previously they were detected decades before their arrival? It is because Planet X is pulling them off of their normal predicted course as it comes closer to the Earth.

Just as President Eisenhower waited until the very last day of his presidency to speak his mind on the truthful depraved corruptive state of the American nation (likely to evade assassination by the Power Elite of whom he critically spoke), Janet Napolitano, outgoing director of "Homeland Security", also said some very startling and frighteningly truthful words recently in her farewell speech regarding an upcoming national calamity. As reported by ABC News she said: "A natural disaster, the likes of which the nation has never seen, is likely on its way." What exactly does this mean??? What natural disaster has never before been seen in the United States??? It absolutely can NOT be a hurricane, earthquake, volcano, tornado, or blizzard, because we HAVE seen all of these before, right? What type of "natural disasters" does that leave us??? The only thing that comes to mind is a worldwide devastating comet, asteroid, Yellowstone Park Super-volcano (which would kill or relocate two thirds of the American population and drop worldwide temperatures twenty degrees or more for years, causing billions on the entire earth to die from the starvation resulting from massive international crop failure) OR a newly discovered large rouge planet passing near the earth that may bring about

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ALL of these calamities AT THE SAME TIME!!! These are the only natural disasters that I can think of that Americans have "Never before seen". Additionally, a super-volcano like Yellowstone is not really predictable with certainty within a century or two, yet the trajectory and arrival of Planet X (or a comet or asteroid) would absolutely be predictable to the hour. Since she spoke of this future natural disaster as a near certainty for her immediate successor (saying that "They would need a bottle of Advil"), this only leaves only one option:

A devastating blow of some kind from outer space.

Again, an honest top government official just recently candidly and heartfeltly said right before she left office, "A NATURAL DISASTER, THE LIKES OF WHICH THE NATION HAS NEVER SEEN, IS LIKELY ON ITS WAY." Do you now see why the government has been preparing for martial law???

Respected astrophysicist James McCanney just revealed that his senior military and professional astronomical contacts informed him that "A mini-solar system (Planet X with seven moons and/or comets and/or asteroids orbiting it) is moving into our solar system. This horde of incoming comets and asteroids now threaten all life on earth. You are on your own. Be prepared." Additionally, due to alleged government cutbacks, the national "Space Fence" radar system, which could be monitored independently by international astronomers, and was the only protective warning system deliberately put in place to detect incoming comets and asteroids that threaten all life on earth, was just permanently shut down. What do they not want the world to see?

Hitler (the master of deception) said that the biggest lies are the easiest ones to get away with because of their simplicity and the inability of the public to accept the audaciousness of their perpetrators. Misinformation about Planet X abounds to cloud the truth. After years of research on this topic, I am absolutely convinced that the available downloads at the end of this article are the most accurate and complete information available on this topic. (Be sure to "zoom in" on the attached pictures to view small detail and writing; the "+" button at the top of the image.)

While some may argue that without effort on their part "The Lord will take care of me in times of crisis", the method through which The Lord may take care of you during this coming tribulation may be the foreknowledge of such impending cataclysmic events. The books of the "Minor Prophets" at the end of the Old Testament were written to prepare God's people of the Last Days for the "Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord".

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge".

Hosea 4:6

How was Joseph and the family of Israel protected from the seven years of famine and tribulation? Did God drop food from the sky every day for seven years for them to eat? No! He gave Joseph foreknowledge of the events to come and he acted on the information and prepared for the impending calamity! He stockpiled food and supplies for him and his family to survive. Yes, he was a "Prepper"! (Genesis 41:25-37)

It wouldn't hurt to purchase and tuck away a few extra can goods, batteries, bottled water, and toiletries. You have a spare tire for your car even though a flat is a rare occurrence, right? Better to have something and not need it, than to need something and not have it! As the Terminator said in movie 3, "Judgment Day is Inevitable". You might want to ready your house and ready your soul.

I have been personally researching the topic of "Planet X" for about five years, and as more and more

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information comes to light, it appears more and more likely that it might very well be true. You have been informed. What you do with the information is up to you. (Ezekiel 33:1-5) Again, while the exact time of the return of the Messiah is unknown, what we do know, is that a great "Time of Trouble", "Unequalled in all of world history", will immediately precede His arrival. "If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, for The End will come at an hour you do not expect." Luke 12:39-40 -Brother BartReferences: CNN Reports Planet X Cause of Recent Comets ? Video North Pole Moving 579 feet per Day ? Video Top Government Astronomer Says Planet X will Enter Inner Solar System All the Planets in the Solar System are Suddenly Changing North Could Become South in Our Lifetime Planet X in the Bible Part 1 ? Video Planet X in the Bible Part 2 ? Video Best Planet X Website ? Videos Link High Ranking Government Officials Report on Planet X (23:50 ? 27:00) Twice as Many Wandering Planets as Orbiting Ones ? Article New York Times 1981 Reports Discovery of Planet X ? Article Washington Post 1983 Reports Discovery of Planet X (1 of 2) ? Article Washington Post 1983 Reports Discovery of Planet X (2 of 2) ? Article National Geographic 2012 Reports Discovery of Planet X ? Article Increasing Volcanoes Baffles Conventional Scientists Proof of Coming Martial Law Due to Global Crisis ? Article President Can Stay in Office Indefinitely Due to "National Emergency" Additional Planet X Site ? Articles Link

Planet X Charts ? Downloads ? Incredible!


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Bart Sibrel is an award winning filmmaker, writer and investigative journalist who has been producing movies and television programs for thirty years. During this time he has owned five production companies, been employed by two of the three major networks and produced films shown on ABC, NBC, CNN, TLC, USA, BET, as well as The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. To discuss his films, he has appeared and been interviewed on The Daily Show, Geraldo, NBC, CNN, FOX, Tech TV, Coast to Coast, and The Abrams Report. Articles featuring Mr. Sibrel's films have been published in Page 1 of Time Magazine, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The L.A. Times, USA Today and many others. His top awards from the American Motion Picture Society include "Best Cinematography", "Best Editing" and "Top Ten Director". As the writer and director of the infamous "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" which exposed the moon landing hoax, Mr. Sibrel has collected over the years innumerous military, government, industrial and private sources for credible firsthand verification of very real conspiratorial crimes against humanity. He will use these contacts and experience in exposing the true and unbelievably horrific intentions of the hidden minority who have diabolical intentions for mankind in his monthly Sleuth Journal column "Conspiracy Corner". When such concepts are speculative and unverified, Mr. Sibrel will acknowledge this and openly discuss the leading possibilities as a cautionary benediction. Be sure to visit his site at and subscribe to his Youtube Channel. If you are so inclined, you may Donate to his endeavors.

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