Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program: a ...


WASHINGTON, D.C. 20340-5100

U-18-214S/FAC-2A1 (FOIA)

IJAH 1 6 20JJ

Mr. Steven Aftergood Federation of American Scientists 1112 16th Street NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036

Dear Mr. Aftergood:

This responds to your Freedom oflnformation Act (FOIA) request, dated August 15,2018 , that you submitted to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for information concerning a copy ofthe list that was recently transmitted to Congress of all DIA products produced under the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Ident{fication Program contract. I apologize for the delay in responding to your request. DIA continues its efforts to eliminate the large backlog of pending FOIA requests.

A search ofDlA's systems of records located (1) document (5 pages) responsive to your request. Upon review, I have determined that some portions of the document must be withheld in part from disclosure pursuant to the FOIA. The withheld portions are exempt from release pursuant to Exemption 6 of the FOIA, 5 U.S.C. ? 552 (b)(6). Exemption 6 applies to information \ Vhich if released would constitute an unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of other individuals.

If you are not satisfied with my response to your request, you may contact the DIA FOIA Requester Service Center, as well as our FOIA Public Liaison at 301-394-5587.

Additionally, you may contact the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) at the N81innal .A rchive~ and Rl:'cord s Administration to inq'-1ire about the FOIA mediation sel?vices they offer. You may contact OGIS by email at ~)_~~L'?.@J1 ................

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