
Year 12 Paper 2 January Exam WrapperReflection – essay (complete before you submit the essay)StudentTeacherIntroductionHave you defined the question?Have you named the text and the author?Have you used a connective to link the two texts either in a comparative or contrastive way?Have you identified either the specific examples or methods that you will explore in the essay in order to answer the question?Have you identified the significance of the idea or issue being explored and the questions it might raise for a reader? Is there a sense of the wider purpose?Main body of the essayHave you made at least three arguments in response to the question for Text A and Text B?Have you used connectives throughout to link the two texts comparatively or contrastively?At the start of each paragraph, have you constructed a strong topic sentence that either presents the argument or the method being explored? (WHAT part of your paragraph)Have you used short, discriminating quotations from the text to support the points you make? (HOW part of your paragraph)Have you used subject terminology? (WHY part of your paragraph)Have you evaluated how particular methods have been used to convey meaning? (WHY part of your paragraph and the significance of the methods in conveying meaning)Have you used evaluative adverbs throughout?Have you used connectives to build and develop ideas?Have you spoken about both texts in equal measure?Have you written using an appropriate academic register?Have you used ambitious vocabulary?ConclusionHave you offered a concise summary of what has been learnt in relation to the question?Have you summarized the methods the writers have employed to present key theme / idea / argument?Have you commented on the wider significance of this in terms of meaning and implication?What did you find was the easiest part of the exam? Box out the process above that you found the easiest.What did you find the most difficult? Underline the process above that you found the hardest.Reflection - preparation (complete before you submit the essay)How much total time did you spend preparing for this exam?On a scale of one to 10, how much effort did you put into preparing for this exam?I came to classI completed a planning grid, sequencing and organizing my ideas.I re-read the assigned text.I closed my notes or turned over my planning grid and tested how much I could remember.I reviewed my class notes.I explained my essay to my parents or a peer.I re-wrote my notes.I broke down the essay into a series of goals like the ones above.I made index cards / flash cards.I deconstructed the exemplar essay, identifying the component parts of the essay or assessing it against the mark-scheme.I highlighted the text.I self-quizzed on the quotations on Quizlet.I looked up information.I mind-mapped an analysis of my quotations without looking at my notes.I re-read the exemplar essay.Using the exemplar, I practised writing an introduction.I asked myself: What makes a top level Paper 2 essay?Using the exemplar, I practised writing a paragraph of analysis.Question answered:9-10 marks7-8 marks5-6 marks3-4 marks1-2 marks0 marksCriterion A: Knowledge, understanding and interpretationThere is perceptive knowledge and understanding of the works and a persuasive interpretation of their implications in relation to the question answered.The essay offers an insightful interpretation of the similarities and differences between the works used in relation to the question.There is good knowledge and understanding of the works and a sustained interpretation of their implications in relation to the question answered.The essay offers a convincing interpretation of the similarities and differences between the works used in relation to the question.There is satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the works and an interpretation of their implications in relation to the question answered.The essay offers a satisfactory interpretation of the similarities and differences between the works used in relation the question.There is some knowledge and understanding of the works in relation to the question answered.There is a superficial attempt to compare and contrast the works used in relation to the question.There is little knowledge and understanding of the works in relation to the question answered.There is little meaningful comparison and contrast of the works used in relation to the question.The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors on the left.Criterion B: Analysis and evaluationThe essay demonstrates a consistently insightful and convincing analysis of textual features and / or broader authorial choices. There is a very good evaluation of how such features and / or choices contribute to meaning.There is a very good comparison and contrast of the authors’ choices in the works selected.The essay demonstrates an appropriate and at times insightful analysis of textual features and / or broader authorial choices. There is a good evaluation of how such features and / or choices shape meaning.There is a good comparison and contrast of the author’s choices in the works selected.The essay demonstrate a generally appropriate analysis of textual features and / or broader authorial choices.There is an adequate comparison and contrast of the authors’ choices in the works selected.The essay demonstrates some appropriate analysis of textual features and / or broader authorial choices, but is reliant on description.There is a superficial comparison and contrast of the author’s choices in the works selected.The essay is descriptive and / or demonstrates little relevant analysis of textual features and / or the broader authorial choices.The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors on the left.5 marks4 marks3 marks2 marks1 mark0 marksCriterion C:Focus and organisationThe essay maintains a clear and sustained focus on the task; treatment of the works is well-balanced. The development of ideas is logical and convincing; ideas are connected in a cogent manner.The essay maintains a mostly clear and sustained focus on the task; treatment of the works is balanced. The development of ideas is logical; ideas are cohesively connected.The essay maintains a focus on the task, despite some lapses; treatment of the works is mostly balanced. The development of ideas is mostly logical; ideas are generally connected in a cohesive manner.The essay only sometimes focuses on the ask, and treatment of the works may be unbalanced. There are some connections between ideas, but these are not always coherent.The essay rarely focuses on the task. There are few connections between ideas.The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors on the left.Criterion D: LanguageLanguage is very clear, effective, carefully chosen and precise with a high degree of accuracy in grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction; register and style are effective and appropriate to the task.Language is clear and carefully chosen, with a good degree of accuracy in grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction; register and style are consistently appropriate to the task.Language is clear and carefully chosen with an adequate degree of accuracy in grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction despite some lapses; register and style are mostly appropriate to the task.Language is sometimes clear and carefully chosen; grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction are fairly accurate, although errors and inconsistencies are apparent; the register and style are to some extent appropriate to the task.Language is rarely clear and appropriate; there are many errors in grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction and little sense of register and style.The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors on the left.Now that you have seen your exam, how do you feel about your performance?Reflect upon a. the successes you have had and b. more importantly, the errors you made.As a result, name three things you will do differently in preparation for your next Paper 2 exam.Can you suggest anything else your teacher could do to support you in preparing for the exam? ................

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