Essay questions for the odyssey

Essay question for Wonder


Directions: Select one of the following questions and answer it in a 5-paragraph essay. Before you begin writing, you will complete a plan/outline.

1. Many characters change and redeem themselves throughout the book. Which character changes the most? Explain 3 ways he/she changes and redeems himself/herself from the beginning of the book to the end of the book.

2. According to Mr. Tushman, “The best way to measure how much you’ve grown isn’t by inches or the number of laps you can now run around the track, or even your grade point average-though these things are important, to be sure. It’s what you’ve done with your time, how you’ve chosen to spend your days, and whom you have touched this year. That, to me, is the greatest measure of success” (299). Using this definition and specific examples from the text, explain which 3 characters demonstrated the most success during the school year.

3. Choose one of Mr. Browne’s precepts, and explain what it means. Using specific details from the text, explain which character best exemplifies this precept.

The final draft should:

□ Have a clear introduction that has a clear thesis statement-THE LAST SENTENCE IN YOUR INTRODUCTION!

▪ Your thesis should state topic + position + three main points.

□ Have 3 supporting points – one point developed in each body paragraph.

□ Use transitions between sentences and among paragraphs.

□ NOT use personal pronouns (I, me, we, us, you, your, myself, yourself, etc.)

□ Use SPECIFIC EXAMPLES from Wonder to support your points.


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