Use the information in the table and maps below to answer ...

Use the information in the table and maps below to answer questions 1-5.

Weather Table and Maps

The weather information shown below was reported on Sunday, the 15th of the month, and two days later on Tuesday, the 17th of the month. The table includes conditions for Sunday only, whereas the maps report early morning conditions for both Sunday and Tuesday.


Question 1

According to the weather map for Sunday, which is the approximate barometric pressure reading at Cleveland, Ohio, on Sunday at 6:00 a.m.?

[pic]A. 990 millibars

[pic]B. 995 millibars

[pic]C. 1,000 millibars

[pic]D. 1,010 millibars

Question 2

Look at the weather map and the table for Sunday at 6:00 a.m. Fog was reported for one city on Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m.

Which city was it?

[pic]A. Dallas

[pic]B. Miami

[pic]C. Minneapolis

[pic]D. Seattle

Question 3

You live in Ohio and want to paint the outside of your house. You need fair weather for at least two days for two coats of paint to dry completely.

According to the weather maps, on which day should you start painting?

[pic]A. Saturday, the 14th of the month

[pic]B. Sunday, the 15th of the month

[pic]C. Monday, the 16th of the month

[pic]D. Thursday, the 19th of the month

Question 4

According to the table of weather conditions, what was the average temperature in degrees Fahrenheit in Cleveland, Ohio, for the 24-hour period ending at 6 a.m. on Sunday?

[pic]A. 53 degrees Fahrenheit

[pic]B. 59 degrees Fahrenheit

[pic]C. 61 degrees Fahrenheit

[pic]D. 65 degrees Fahrenheit

Question 5

In your Answer Document, using the two weather maps and the table of weather data, predict the likelihood of precipitation and probable sky conditions (cloud cover) at Cleveland, Ohio, for Sunday and for the following Tuesday.

Give reasons for your predictions for each day. (4 points)

Question 6

A student observing the sky notices that the cirrostratus clouds she saw in the morning have been replaced by cumulonimbus clouds in the afternoon.

What weather conditions can she expect for the afternoon and evening?

[pic]A. low clouds and fog with little temperature change

[pic]B. fair skies continuing with scattered puffy clouds

[pic]C. light rain, then an increase in temperature and clearing skies

[pic]D. heavy wind and rain followed by a drop in temperature and clearing skies

Question 7


Local environmental scientists have collected evidence of the presence of insecticides in the river. Insecticides are used on crops to help prevent damage from insects.

According to the diagram, how might this insecticide have reached the river?

[pic]A. transpiration

[pic]B. precipitation

[pic]C. condensation

[pic]D. surface runoff

Question 8

Which interaction between organisms would be described as parasitic?

[pic]A. a mosquito feeding on the blood of a dog

[pic]B. a bee gathering nectar and pollen from a flower

[pic]C. a cleaner shrimp picking dead skin off a large fish

[pic]D. a nonpoisonous snake mimicking a poisonous snake

Question 9

A park is home to a large number of robins, squirrels and rabbits. The robins and squirrels live in the park’s trees. The robins feed on earthworms and insects that live on the ground. The squirrels eat the acorns produced by the park’s oak trees. The rabbits hide in the bushes and feed on the grass.

Which factor would directly limit the number of rabbits that could live in this park?

[pic]A. number of robins

[pic]B. number of bushes

[pic]C. number of acorns

[pic]D. number of squirrels

Use the information below to answer questions 10-11.

The diagram below represents a cross section of a lagoon and some of its aquatic organisms. A magnified view (400X magnification) of each organism is shown.



Question 10

Choose one of the organisms in the diagram.

In your Answer Document, identify two nonliving resources the organism needs to live.

Explain how the organism uses each of the two nonliving resources. (2 points)

Question 11

Planaria are flatworms that are found in shallow streams, often attached to the bottoms of rocks. A class is studying a population of planaria in a nearby shallow stream. The graph below shows data collected over 11 weeks.


The population started to decrease after 5 weeks. The students concluded that the stream did not have enough food to support a large population of planaria.

If this trend continues, how many planaria will be living in the stream by the 12th week?

[pic]A. 600

[pic]B. 500

[pic]C. 400

[pic]D. 300

Question 12

Termites eat wood but cannot digest it. Protozoans live in the termites’ stomachs and use enzymes to break down the wood. The digested wood provides nutrition for both the termites and the protozoans.

What type of relationship is this?

[pic]A. mutualism

[pic]B. parasitism

[pic]C. predation

[pic]D. commensalism

Question 13

Two students are studying the effect of insects on plant growth. They prevent insects from eating some plants by covering the plants with a transparent mesh cloth. The students leave the other plants uncovered. Both students use the same pots and the same type of soil for each plant. The table shows details of their investigations.


Which statement describes a weakness in the investigations?

[pic]A. Student X used an equal number of plants.

[pic]B. Student X exposed the plants to varying sunlight.

[pic]C. Student Y covered half the plants with mesh cloth.

[pic]D. Student Y potted the plants in the same type of soil.

Question 14

The food web shows the interactions between organisms in a meadow ecosystem.


Which organism gets food energy directly from both plants and animals?

[pic]A. fox

[pic]B. grass

[pic]C. grasshopper

[pic]D. snake

Question 15

An eighth-grade class wants to identify a representative sample of the crawling and flying insects living in the schoolyard. The students build and set five traps like the one shown below. They place the traps in the listed locations at the end of the school day and check them the following morning to see what they have caught.


Two variables in this investigation are location of trap and size of jar.

In your Answer Document, explain how each of these variables could affect the conclusions of the investigation.

Explain why the students’ collecting procedures will not allow them to collect representatives of all insects living in the schoolyard.

Describe one way the students could change their collecting procedures to correct for this weakness. (4 points)

Question 16

Use the diagram and information below to answer question #.

A teacher places a ribbon of magnesium on a wire and suspends it in a flask. She then seals the flask and runs electricity through the wire to ignite the magnesium. After the magnesium is completely burned, a student notices a white powder in the bottom of the flask. The mass of the flask system (the flask and its contents) is determined before and after the magnesium is ignited.


Which statement correctly compares the mass of the flask system before the magnesium burned with the mass of the flask system after the magnesium burned?

[pic]A. The mass of the flask system before burning is greater than the mass of the flask system after burning.

[pic]B. The mass of the flask system before burning is less than the mass of the flask system after burning.

[pic]C. The mass of the flask system before burning is the same as the mass of the flask system after burning.

[pic]D. The mass of the flask system before burning is not related to the mass of the flask system after burning.

Question 17

A tightly sealed glass box has a mass of 20,000 grams and contains a 5-gram cube of ice, making the total mass 20,005 grams. The box with the ice is placed in direct sunlight. After three hours, the box appears to be empty, with just small droplets along the sides of the box.

Which statement describes the mass of the sealed box after sitting in the sun?

[pic]A. The mass decreases because the ice melted into a liquid.

[pic]B. The mass remains the same as the ice melts and then evaporates.

[pic]C. The mass increases as the gases inside the box absorb energy and expand.

[pic]D. The mass increases as the water vapor condenses into small droplets on the glass.

Question 18

Electricity is produced in a hydroelectric plant when moving water turns a turbine.

Which describes this energy transformation from the turning turbine to electricity?

[pic]A. kinetic energy into electric energy

[pic]B. nuclear energy into electric energy

[pic]C. thermal energy into electric energy

[pic]D. chemical energy into electric energy

Question 19

Use the following information and diagram to answer question #.

A ball is released from rest at position 1. The diagram shows the ball in four positions as it rolls along a track from left to right.


In which position does the ball have its minimum gravitational potential energy and maximum kinetic energy?

[pic]A. 1

[pic]B. 2

[pic]C. 3

[pic]D. 4

Question 20

Baking Soda and Vinegar Reaction

Students perform a chemistry experiment by mixing baking soda with vinegar. They mix 4 grams of baking soda with 50 grams of vinegar in a 6-gram plastic cup as shown below. The cup is left uncovered. The students record the mass and temperature of the mixture every 5 seconds. They continue these observations until 10 seconds after they see the mixture stop bubbling. Their data are shown in the table below.

The data in the table show the temperature of the cup-baking soda-vinegar system. The temperature of the surrounding air was not measured.

Assuming that the total amount of energy remains constant, what conclusion about energy transfer does the temperature data support?

[pic]A. Thermal energy was lost from the surrounding air and the system.

[pic]B. Thermal energy was gained by the system and the surrounding air.

[pic]C. Thermal energy was transferred from the surrounding air to the system.

[pic]D. Thermal energy was transferred from the system to the surrounding air.

Question 21

The following steps describe the process of generating electricity by burning coal in a power plant:


Which energy transformation occurs during this process?

[pic]A. Nuclear energy of the steam is converted to thermal energy of the turbine.

[pic]B. Mechanical energy from the turbine is converted to electric energy in the generator.

[pic]C. Electric energy from the generator is converted to chemical energy in the power lines.

[pic]D. Chemical energy from the generator is converted to electric energy in the power lines.


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