6th Grade Mathematics


Teacher’s Name: Mr. Yack

Email Address: dyack@

Teacher website: mryack.

Room: E213

Phone: 313-324-8148

Textbooks: Prentice Hall Course 1

About the Teacher: This is my seventh year teaching mathematics at DAAS. I enjoy sports and spending time with my wife and two daughters.

Course Description: This course focuses on Pre-Algebra/Pre-Geometry skills and utilizes a textbook that prepares students for Algebra and Geometry courses in high school.

Major Instructional Goals:

• Understand whole numbers and decimals.

• Understand and use measurement concepts.

• Solve problems involving fractions.

• Understand and exploit graphs and data analysis.

• Identify and apply ratios, proportions, and percents.

Classroom Expectations

1. All students must bring materials to class every day and dress adequately for internship on designated days.

2. All students will exhibit appropriate behavior at all times.

3. All students will demonstrate respect for self and others.

4. All students will be prepared daily for assignments in the classroom.

Supplies: Spiral notebook, pencil (not pen)

Teacher Responsibilities: The teacher will engage the students in numerous mathematical concepts that the students will be able to use in their everyday lives. The teacher will assist and help the students succeed at mastering the concepts.

Student Responsibilities: The student is to be actively involved in their education process. They are to be active listeners with heads up and taking notes. They are expected to do their best at all times.

Assignments and Grading Procedures: Assignments will be given on a daily basis. All assignments are due the next school day. Any missed work because of an absence will have one day per absence to be made up.  Be sure to get your missed assignments the day you return to school.  Extra credit will occasionally be assigned.  Students should not count on extra credit grades to greatly affect their average. 

Grading Scale:

Grade Equivalents

Percent Grade

90-100 A

89. B

79. C

60-69 D

0-59 F

Tests will be given after a unit of study.  Students will also take a pre-assessment at the start of the school year and common assessment throughout the school year.

Late/Missing Work: It is the student’s responsibility to retrieve missing work from the designated area in the classroom. Assignments that are turned in late will be worth half credit.

Online Resources: These are websites that will help make you into a better math student:

Math Facts in a Flash ( ( see DAAS home page at the bottom)

Academic Honesty:

The act of plagiarism is illegal, violates the rights of others, and demonstrates unethical behaviors and practices.

According to Webster’s New International Dictionary of the English Language, to plagiarize is “To steal or purloin and pass off as one’s own ideas, words, artistic productions of another; to use without due credit the ideas expressions or productions of another.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated. It is considered cheating, dishonest, unethical, and can result in a failing grade.



6th Grade Mathematics


Instructor: Mr. Yack

Contact Email Address: dyack@

Room: E213 Grade Level: 6

Textbooks: Prentice Hall Course 1

We have read and discussed the syllabus.  We understand that math homework will be assigned every day of the week (except after a test). 


Student Name (printed) __________________________________

Student Signature ________________________________________              Date _____________


Parent Name (printed) ____________________________________

Parent Signature _________________________________________              Date _____________

Parent email address _____________________________________

(PLEASE PLEASE print clearly)

Home Phone No. ( ) _________________ Cell Phone No. ( ) __________________


Please return this page to Mr. Yack by Friday, September 11, 2015

This year we are instituting a new “Pride Point System”. In order to go on field trips and participate in activities, the student must have at least 1 pride point. Each quarter the student starts out with 10 pride points. The following situations will cause a decrease in pride points:

-1 pt : Student Rules Infraction, Tardiness, Gum/Food in class, phone in sight.

-2 pts: After School Detention

-3 pts/day: Suspension

+1 pt: Good Behavior displayed on a regular basis

Mr. Yack’s 6th Grade Mathematics Class

DAAS Middle School – 2015/2016 School Year

I am excited and looking forward to a great year! Throughout the year, it is my goal to make sure that every student finds math both rewarding and easy. Easy? Really? Really! I want every student to take the skills they learn in my class and apply them to real life situations.

At the beginning of the school year, we will be reviewing our math facts and information we learned from the fifth grade to get prepared for the statewide assessment. We will be covering topics such as:

- Whole Numbers and Decimals

- Ratios, Proportions, and Percents

- Data and Graphs

- + - • ÷ fractions

- Geometry

- Integers

- Volume and Surface Area

- Equations

- Probabilities

- And much, much more!

Classroom Rules:

1. Be prepared to learn.

2. Raise your hand for permission to talk before speaking or leaving your seat.

3. Be respectful to yourself and others.

4. Use appropriate language at all times.

Consequences for Not Following the Classroom Rules:

1st – Verbal Warning

2nd – Name on the Board

3rd – Parent Contact Letter

Also, depending on the seriousness of the offense, the order listed doesn’t have to be followed in sequential order.

Rewards for Following the Classroom Rules:

I like to reward students who follow the rules. I will have rewards for those who are behaving in class. Potential prizes: homework passes, extra computer time, gift certificates, positive letter home to parent, wonderful working pencils, etc. In addition, I will periodically give a PIZZA PARTY to the class period that behaves the best.


1. Entering the classroom ( Proceed quietly to your assigned seat. You will find the “do now” on the white board. Please begin the task right away. There should be minimal talking during this 7 – 10 minute period of time.

2. Attendance and Tardiness ( You are responsible for your attendance. If you arrive after the bell, you must have a late slip from the front office. 3 tardies will result in an after school detention.

3. Visiting the bathroom ( You will get four chances each month to visit the bathroom during my class!!

4. Returning from an absence ( It is your responsibility to make up any work missed due to an absence. Assignments may be sent home with a reliable peer or found on the missing homework red pouches. The number of days you missed will equal the number of days allowed to make-up all work.

5. Student attention and participation ( You are to be active listeners with heads up and taking notes. Class participation and effort will make up a large part of your overall grade. EVERYONE IS EXPECTED TO DO THEIR BEST AT ALL TIMES!!! The phrase “I can’t” is dead and has been buried. If you don’t understand then me ask questions.

6. Assigned homework ( Students are expected to complete all assignments on the due date (next day of school). Most homework assignments will be started in class, anything that is not finished during class will be completed at home on your own time. All work is to be done in pencil and in your spiral notebook.

7. Checking homework ( After the “do now” is complete, we will go over the homework assignment. As you are checking, circle the number of the problem you missed and write the correct answer next to it. After checking all of your answers, return to the circled problems and recheck your work. We will have time to go over some of the homework that was difficult for the entire class. If you still have trouble with problems, ask a classmate or myself to take a look at the problem. Please be courteous during this time.

8. Silence of the class ( At times, I will need your undivided attention. You will see my hand up in the air above my head. When you see my hand, proceed as follows: 1) freeze, 2) turn and focus on me, and 3) be ready for instruction.

9. Dismissal ( When the bell rings to end the class period, you are to remain in your seats until I dismiss you. The bell does not dismiss you.

10. NO gum, food, drink, book bags/back packs, purses, jackets/coats, hoodies/sweatshirts, hats, electronic devices (cell phones, iPod’s, etc) are allowed in the classroom. All electronic devices that are seen or go off will be taken by me and a parent must come and get them.

11. NO horseplay, disrespect, cursing, play fighting, arguing, etc will be allowed in my classroom and if it occurs then disciplinary action will occur.

Required material:

- Pencil (Not pen)

- Spiral notebook

- Ruler

- Completed homework assignment

- Positive attitude

- Willing to try things

All other supplies (pencil, a spiral notebook, and a positive attitude) must be brought to class daily or you risk losing points.

EXTRA CREDIT SUPPLY: 1 box of Kleenex; pack of lined paper (equals 5 extra credit points). These supplies will be used by all classroom students.

Mr. Yack’s Encourgement:

I understand that math is not an easy subject for a lot of 6th graders. Please understand that I was once in 6th grade too. I know how you feel. Do not be scared of math. All of you are capable of trying your best and putting forth your best effort. When math gets difficult for you this is the time to ask questions and push yourself to do your best!

“Practice makes perfect”

Contact Info. :

If you need to reach me, please call 313-324-8148 or dyack@ (preferred method)


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