Tyee Middle School

Student Name:

Student ID # :

□ ELL □ Spec Ed □ ISA □ FBA

All 7th grade students will be automatically scheduled into the following required courses:

( Honors 7th Grade Language Arts ( Mathematics – current math level

( Honors 7th Grade Social Studies; ISA Social Studies ( 7th Grade Physical Education – one semester

or Chinese Dual Social Studies ( Health – one semester

( 7th Grade Science

Students must choose elective courses to complete a 7 period (7.0 credit) daily schedule. Elective courses available to 7th grade students at Tillicum are attached. Please refer to the Middle School Course Description Catalog online at for detailed information on course sequences and offerings.

For the 2018-2019 school year, Tillicum will use an online registration system for students to select their elective courses. Instructions to access the Online tool are enclosed. Elective courses may be year-long courses, semester courses, or a combination of both to equal 2.0 course credits. In addition to your 2.0 credits of Selective Course Requests, you will also need to enter a minimum of 2.0 credits of Alternate electives. In the event that one of your Selective Course Requests cannot be scheduled, every effort will be made to place you in one of your Alternate requests.

Please print out a copy of your requests and return it with this signed form to your LA Teacher by

Friday, March 9th. Student and Parent signatures are required!

Required 7th Grade Course: ___________ PE 7______________

Middle School Health

Elective Request #1

(1 all year course


2 semester courses)

Elective Request #2

(1 all year course


2 semester courses)

Alternate Elective #1

Alternate Elective #2

Alternate Elective #3

Please Note: staff is hired based on course selection. Choose thoughtfully and carefully as you will NOT be allowed to change course selection later in the year!

Student Signature________________________________ Parent Signature________________________________


7th Grade Elective Course Offerings

Register online through StudentVUE / ParentVUE for your classes


Semester / 0.5 Credit Classes: Year-Long / 1.0 Credit Class:

Applied Engineering AVID I

Design and Production AVID II


Computer Science Discoveries

CS 101- Coding in Python 1

CS 102- Coding in Python 2 (Prerequisite Coding in Python 1)

Video Production

| |

|By the end of 8th Grade, the following requirements must be |

|completed: |

|1 semester of Career and Tech |

|2 semesters of Performing and/or Visual Art |

|1 semester of Health |

|Reading Lab / Math Lab is required for students that have not |

|met proficiency standards |


Semester / 0.5 Credit Classes:



Semester / 0.5 Credit Classes:

Beginning Drama

Advanced Drama (Prerequisite Beg Drama)

Art Exploration


Year-Long / 1.0 Credit Classes:

Entry Choir

Intermediate Choir (Prerequisite Entry Choir)

Boys Choir (Dependent upon number of requests. Students may be placed into appropriate Choir level)

Entry Band

Intermediate Band (Prerequisite Entry Band)

Entry Orchestra

Intermediate Orchestra (Prerequisite Entry Orchestra)

Studio Art


Semester / 0.5 Credit Classes:

Physical Education 6/7 Elective

Physical Education 7/8 Elective




Year-Long / 1.0 Credit Classes:

Chinese 1A

Chinese 1B

French 1A

French 1B

Spanish 1A

Spanish 1B

Year-Long / 1.0 Credit Classes:

Chinese Dual Language Program

*Chinese Language Literature / Culture 7

International Spanish Academy (ISA)

*Spanish Language Literature / Culture 7

*Required World Language course for students currently enrolled in the Chinese Dual Language and International Spanish Academy programs.

Please refer to the Middle School Course Description Catalog online at for detailed information on course sequences and offerings.




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7th Grade: 2018 – 2019


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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