Seventh Grade Social Studies

Eighth Grade Social Studies

Mr. Welder

Exploring North Carolina and United States History

Overview of class:

As citizens and young adults living in North Carolina, and in the United States, it is important to understand what it means to live here and the history that has shaped our country and our state into what they are today. This year in Social Studies you will be learning about the culture, geography, and history of North Carolina and the United States through classwork, homework, maps, projects, art, and music. Though sometimes this class will be challenging, hopefully it can be interesting as well.

Class rules and expectations:

In addition to following all school and county rules, students in my class are expected to always try their best, to act responsibly, and to obey these class rules:

1. Follow the teacher’s directions and school rules.

2. Be in your assigned seat with materials ready when class begins.

3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.

4. Raise your hand to be recognized before speaking.

5. Respect others and their property.


Students are expected to come to class every day prepared to learn. For this class, students will need a 1 ½ inch three-ring binder divided into four sections, notebook paper, colored pencils, a pencil (not mechanical), their textbook, and their agenda. The four sections for your notebook are 1)Social Studies, 2)Science Journal, 3)Social Studies archive, and 4)Science archive. A Table of Contents will be kept to help you keep your notebook organized, in order, and complete.


A daily “starter” assignment will be given and kept in each student’s notebook. Though most other assignments will also be completed in class, when homework is assigned it will be due at the beginning of class the next day. Quizzes will be given regularly to measure students’ learning - nearly all will be announced ahead of time, but pop-quizzes may also be used on occasion. All tests and projects will be announced well ahead of time and noted in students’ agendas.

If a student misses class, she/he is responsible for getting all missed assignments and making up work. With the exception of assignments missed during excused absences, work turned in after it is due will be penalized 20% for each day it is late.


Grades will be based on a point scale, calculated by dividing the total points a student has earned by the total number of possible points. The resulting percentage will be the student’s class grade. Assignments will count as follows:

Tests / Major Projects: 50 points each

Quizzes: 20 to 30 points each

Homework and Classwork: 5, 10, 15, or 20 points each

Notebooks will also be checked at least once per nine-weeks for a test grade. Graded assignments should be kept in students’ notebooks to help monitor grades and progress in the class. This will help students know how they are doing in class at any time.

* Social Studies and Science classes are independent of one another and have two separate grades, textbooks, and assignments. Some grades (ex. notebook check), however, may count toward both classes. Please see the back of this page for more information about Science class.

* Students who are having difficulty in Social Studies may be required to stay after school for tutoring (KIT). We at SGMS believe that Success Generates More Success.

* I am truly looking forward to this school year, and know that this class will be enjoyable and interesting. All students and their parents are welcome to contact or come to me with any questions they may have about the class. I ask that each student and his/her parents sign below to show that you have read and understand the above.

STUDENT SIGNATURE: _______________________________________

PARENT SIGNATURE: ________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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