Columbus County Schools

|Columbus County Schools |

|Science Curriculum Guide |

|SUBJECT: Science |GRADE LEVEL: 7th |GRADING PERIOD: 2nd 9 weeks |

|Module(s): A – Cells and Heredity |Time Frame: 4 weeks |Unit: Cells and Heredity (Evolution and Genetics) |

|Essential Standard: 7.L.2: Understand the relationship of the mechanisms of cellular reproduction, patterns of inheritance and external factors to potential variation among offspring. |

| | | | | |

|Lesson: Sexual/Asexual Reproduction |Technology and Literacy Standards and Tasks |Academic Vocabulary: |Assessment(s): |Additional Resources: |

|(Time Frame: 2 Weeks) | | | | |

| |Science Fusion Online Components and Digital|DNA |Formative: |McDougal Littell 7th Grade Science Book page 70C – |

|Clarifying Objective: |Lessons |chromosomes |Uncovering Student Ideas in Science Vol. 2|159 C |

|7.L.2.1: | |cell cycle |(Keeley) |Science Fusion Work Book Cells and Heredity page 90 -|

|Explain why offspring that result |Write to Learn (See Additional Resources) |interphase |Baby Mice page 130 |175 |

|from sexual reproduction | |mitosis |Write to Learn Assignment |Science Fusion Teacher Edition Cells and Heredity |

|(fertilization and meiosis) have |Other Strategies: |cytokinesis |Quiz |page 132 – 235 |

|greater variation than offspring |Graphic Organizers |sexual reproduction |Review Games |Write to Learn |

|that result from asexual |Venn Diagram Comparing Sexual and Asexual |asexual reproduction |Group Assignments |Science 6 2.3 How do cells grow and divide? |

|reproduction (budding and mitosis). |Reproduction |fertilization |Bell Ringers/Exit Tickets | |

| |Summarizing Video |heredity |Summative: | |

|Essential Questions: |Mitosis Project |genotype |Unit Tests | |

|How do cells divide? |Bell Ringers/Exit Tickets |phenotype |County Benchmarks | |

| | | |Projects | |

|How do cells divide for sexual |Technology Standards | |Exam View Test bank | |

|reproduction? |7.RP.1: | |SchoolNet Test bank | |

| |7.SE.1: | | | |

|How do organisms reproduce? | | | | |

| |Literacy Standards: | | | |

| |CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.7  | | | |

| |CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.9 | | | |

| | | | | |

|Lesson: Heredity and Genetics |Technology and Literacy Standards and Tasks | |Assessment(s): |Additional Resources: |

|(Time Frame: 2 Weeks) | |Academic Vocabulary: | | |

| | |dominant |Formative: |McDougal Littell 7th Grade Science Book page 70C – |

|Clarifying Objective: |Science Fusion Online Components and Digital|genes |Bell Ringers/Exit Tickets |159 C |

|7.L.2.2: Infer patterns of heredity |Lessons |phenotype |Graphic Organizers |Science Fusion Work Book Cells and Heredity page 90 -|

|using information from Punnett | |recessive |Extended Response Questions |175 |

|squares and pedigree analysis. |Write to Learn (See Additional Resources) |allele |Write to Learn Assignments |Science Fusion Teacher Edition Cells and Heredity |

| | |incomplete dominance | |page 132 - 235 |

|7.L.2.3: Explain the impact of the |Other Strategies: |codominance |Summative: |Write to Learn: |

|environment and lifestyle choices on|Graphic Organizers |Punnett square |Unit Tests |Cells and Heredity: 5.1 Darwin's Theory |

|biological inheritance (to include |Summarizing Video |ratio |County Benchmarks | |

|common genetic diseases) and |Bell Ringers/Exit Tickets |probability |Projects | |

|survival. | |pedigree |Exam View Test bank | |

| |Technology Standards |nucleotide |SchoolNet Test bank | |

| |7.RP.1: |replication | | |

| |7.SE.1: |mutation | | |

|Essential Question: | |RNA | | |

|How are traits inherited? |Literacy Standards: |ribosome | | |

| |CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.3  |biotechnology | | |

|How are patterns of inheritance |CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.7  |genetic engineering | | |

|studied? |CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.4  |artificial selection clone | | |

| | |genetic disease | | |

| | | | | |

Technology Standards Used in this Unit:

7.RP.1: Group work and individual research activities using online resources.

7.SE.1: Learn safe practices when using online resources and the proper way to summarize retrieved information.

Literacy Standards Used in this Unit:

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.3 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.4 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6–8 texts and topics.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.7 Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.9 Compare and contrast the information gained from experiments, simulations, video, or multimedia sources with that gained from reading a text on the same topic.

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Lesson: Sexual and Asexual Reproduction |Lesson: Sexual and Asexual Reproduction |Lesson: Sexual and Asexual Reproduction |Lesson: Sexual and Asexual Reproduction |Lesson: Sexual and Asexual Reproduction |

|Clarifying Objective: |Clarifying Objective: |Clarifying Objective: |Clarifying Objective: |Clarifying Objective: |

|7.L.2.1: |7.L.2.1: |7.L.2.1: |7.L.2.1: |7.L.2.1: |

|Explain why offspring that result from |Explain why offspring that result from |Explain why offspring that result from |Explain why offspring that result from |Explain why offspring that result from |

|sexual reproduction (fertilization and |sexual reproduction (fertilization and |sexual reproduction (fertilization and |sexual reproduction (fertilization and |sexual reproduction (fertilization and |

|meiosis) have greater variation than |meiosis) have greater variation than |meiosis) have greater variation than |meiosis) have greater variation than |meiosis) have greater variation than |

|offspring that result from asexual |offspring that result from asexual |offspring that result from asexual |offspring that result from asexual |offspring that result from asexual |

|reproduction (budding and mitosis). |reproduction (budding and mitosis). |reproduction (budding and mitosis). |reproduction (budding and mitosis). |reproduction (budding and mitosis). |

| | | | | |

|Academic Vocabulary: |Academic Vocabulary: |Academic Vocabulary: |Academic Vocabulary: |Academic Vocabulary: |

|DNA, chromosomes, cell cycle, interphase,|DNA, chromosomes, cell cycle, interphase, |DNA, chromosomes, cell cycle, interphase,|DNA, chromosomes, cell cycle, interphase,|DNA, chromosomes, cell cycle, interphase, |

|mitosis, cytokinesis, sexual reproduction|mitosis, cytokinesis, sexual reproduction |mitosis, cytokinesis, sexual reproduction|mitosis, cytokinesis, sexual reproduction|mitosis, cytokinesis, sexual reproduction |

|Bell Ringer: Engage and Explore Activity|Bell Ringer: Interpreting Visuals |Bell Ringer: |Bell Ringer: Two Multiple Choice |Bell Ringer: Choose 2 of the vocabulary |

| |Examine the diagram of the cell cycle. |Mitosis Diagram Label |Questions on Mitosis and/or Cell Cycle |words from this week and make a word |

|How do they get so big? |Identify the main stages and tell which |See worksheet file: (word document) |Instructional Tasks: |triangle for both! |

|(pg. 130 TE–Module A) Science Fusion |stage is the longest. Pg.138 TE- Module A |Mitosis diagram |Quick Lab: DNA, Chromosomes, and Cell |Instructional Tasks: |

|Module A: Cells and Heredity |Instructional Tasks: |Instructional Tasks: |division |Alternative Assessment |

|Instructional Tasks: |Re-read about the phases of mitosis. |Mitosis Worksheet Extra Practice: |OR |Climb the Ladder Mitosis |

|Read Unit 2- Lesson 1 Mitosis: pg. 92-97|Have students make a chart (see text pg. |Application of stages of Mitosis |Quick Lab: Mitosis Flipbooks |(pg. 135 TE) |

|Student Workbook |97 in student workbook) that includes |See worksheet file: (word document) |(See pg. 131 TE) |OR |

|Or |defining the stages of mitosis by writing |Mitosis worksheet |Summarizer: |Quiz on Mitosis and Cell Cycle |

|Digital Lesson on Mitosis |the details and drawing the cell detail. |OR |Critical Thinking from Lesson Review |Summarizer: |

|Summarizer: |Summarizer: |Use Differentiated Instruction pg. 133 TE|segment |Previewing Vocabulary- Root Words and |

|What is mitosis? |What would happen in a cell went through |Order Matters |Student Workbook pg. 99 #8-10 (Pg. 140 |Origins: |

| |mitosis but did not go through |Phases of Mitosis Comic |TE) |(Pg. 133 TE) |

| |cytokinesis? |Summarizer: | | |

| | |Probing Questions (TE pg. 139) | | |

| | |Sometimes a cell inaccurately duplicates | | |

| | |its DNA, and the resulting cells are not | | |

| | |identical. Ask: What effects might such| | |

| | |results have? | | |

|Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |

|observation and participation |Graded Assignment, participation and |Graded Assignment, participation and |observation and participation |Summative Assessment |

| |observation |observation | | |

|Day 6 |Day 7 |Day 8 |Day 9 |Day 10 |

|Lesson: Reproduction and Heredity |Lesson: Reproduction and Heredity |Lesson: Reproduction and Heredity |Lesson: Reproduction and Heredity |Lesson: Reproduction and Heredity |

|Clarifying Objective: |Clarifying Objective: |Clarifying Objective: |Clarifying Objective: |Clarifying Objective: |

|7.L.2.1: |7.L.2.1: |7.L.2.1: |7.L.2.1: |7.L.2.1: |

|Explain why offspring that result from |Explain why offspring that result from |Explain why offspring that result from |Explain why offspring that result from |Explain why offspring that result from |

|sexual reproduction (fertilization and |sexual reproduction (fertilization and |sexual reproduction (fertilization and |sexual reproduction (fertilization and |sexual reproduction (fertilization and |

|meiosis) have greater variation than |meiosis) have greater variation than |meiosis) have greater variation than |meiosis) have greater variation than |meiosis) have greater variation than |

|offspring that result from asexual |offspring that result from asexual |offspring that result from asexual |offspring that result from asexual |offspring that result from asexual |

|reproduction (budding and mitosis). |reproduction (budding and mitosis). |reproduction (budding and mitosis). |reproduction (budding and mitosis). |reproduction (budding and mitosis). |

| | | | | |

|Academic Vocabulary: |Academic Vocabulary: |Academic Vocabulary: |Academic Vocabulary: |Academic Vocabulary: |

|homologous chromosomes, meiosis, gametes |homologous chromosomes, meiosis, gametes |homologous chromosomes, meiosis, gametes |asexual reproduction, sexual |asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction,|

| | | |reproduction, fertilization, budding, |fertilization, budding, binary fission, |

| | | |binary fission, spores |spores |

|Bell Ringer: |Bell Ringer: |Bell Ringer: Critical thinking from |Bell Ringer: Read Health Watch: Down |Bell Ringer: Engage Your Brain #1-2 (TE |

|Engage Your Brain pg.150 TE #1 & 2 |Interpreting Visuals: pg. 151 TE |Lesson Review #7-9 (pg. 109 Student |Syndrome (pg. 107 Student Workbook) |pg. 166) |

|(pg. 101 Student Workbook) |Questions on male chromosome visual |Workbook) |Answer questions # 13-14 | |

|Instructional Tasks: |Instructional Tasks: | | | |

|Read Unit 2- Lesson 2 pg. 102-106 |Compare Meiosis and Mitosis Chart |Instructional Tasks: | | |

|Use Skeletal Notes with Lesson 2 |(Student Workbook pg. 106) |Complete Visual Summary questions |Instructional Tasks: |Instructional Tasks: |

|OR |OR |(Student Workbook pg. 108) |Quiz on Meiosis |Advantages of Asexual and Sexual |

|Meiosis Webquest |Phases of Meiosis Worksheet |Answer Meiosis Worksheet (see word file: |AND |Reproduction VENN DIAGRAM (see pg. 169 |

|(see word file: Meiosis Internet Lesson)|(see word file: Phases of Meiosis) |Meiosis Worksheet) |Begin reading Lesson 3: Sexual and |TE) |

| | |OR |asexual reproduction (TE pg.166-169) |AND |

|Summarizer: |Summarizer: What is the function of |Meiosis Posters- Students will make 3D | |Answer Lesson Review # 1-10 pg. 121 in |

|How does the number of chromosomes in sex|meiosis? |posters of Meiosis that depict each step |Summarizer: |Student Workbook |

|cells compare with the number of | |and show what is occurring in the cell. |What are the four main ways that |(TE pg. 170) |

|chromosomes in body cells? | |TE Pg. 144 |organisms reproduce asexually? | |

| | |Summarizer: | |Summarizer: |

| | |Study Guide for Test on Mitosis and | |Visual Summary Student Workbook |

| | |Meiosis | |pg. 120 #17-23 |

| | | | |TE pg. 170 |

|Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |

|observation and participation |observation, participation, graded |observation, participation, graded |observation, participation, graded |observation and participation |

| |assignment |assignment |assignment | |

|Day 11 |Day 12 |Day 13 |Day 14 |Day 15 |

|Lesson: Heredity and Genetics |Lesson: Reproduction and Heredity |Lesson: Heredity and Genetics |Lesson: Heredity and Genetics |Lesson: Heredity and Genetics |

| |Mitosis and Meiosis Assessment | | | |

|Clarifying Objective: |Clarifying Objective: |Clarifying Objective: |Clarifying Objective: |Clarifying Objective: |

|7.L.2.2: |7.L.2.1: |7.L.2.2: |7.L.2.2: |7.L.2.2: |

|Infer patterns of heredity using |Explain why offspring that result from |Infer patterns of heredity using |Infer patterns of heredity using |Infer patterns of heredity using |

|information from Punnett squares and |sexual reproduction (fertilization and |information from Punnett squares and |information from Punnett squares and |information from Punnett squares and |

|pedigree analysis. |meiosis) have greater variation than |pedigree analysis. |pedigree analysis. |pedigree analysis. |

| |offspring that result from asexual | | | |

|Academic Vocabulary: |reproduction (budding and mitosis). |Academic Vocabulary: |Academic Vocabulary: |Academic Vocabulary: |

|dominant, genes, phenotype, recessive, | |dominant, genes, phenotype, recessive, |dominant, genes, phenotype, recessive, |dominant, genes, phenotype, recessive, |

|allele, incomplete dominance, |Academic Vocabulary: |allele, incomplete dominance, |allele, incomplete dominance, |allele, incomplete dominance, codominance,|

|codominance, Punnett square, ratio, |DNA, chromosomes, cell cycle, interphase, |codominance, Punnett square, ratio, |codominance, Punnett square, ratio, |Punnett square, ratio, probability, |

|probability, pedigree, nucleotide, |mitosis, cytokinesis, sexual reproduction,|probability, pedigree, nucleotide, |probability, pedigree, nucleotide, |pedigree, nucleotide, replication, |

|replication, mutation, RNA, ribosome, |homologous chromosomes, meiosis, gametes |replication, mutation, RNA, ribosome, |replication, mutation, RNA, ribosome, |mutation, RNA, ribosome, biotechnology, |

|biotechnology, genetic engineering, | |biotechnology, genetic engineering, |biotechnology, genetic engineering, |genetic engineering, artificial selection |

|artificial selection clone, genetic | |artificial selection clone, genetic |artificial selection clone, genetic |clone, genetic disease |

|disease | |disease |disease | |

| | | | | |

|Bell Ringer: Classifying Traits pg.180 |Bell Ringer: N/A |Bell Ringer: Engage Your Brain pg. 180 TE|Bell Ringer: Interpreting Visuals pg. |Bell Ringer: Engage your brain #1 & 2 |

|TE |Instructional Tasks: | |181 TE |(pg. 196 TE) |

|Students will list traits that they think|Assessment on Mitosis and Meiosis | |(4 questions on pea pod color) |Instructional Tasks: |

|are acquired or inherited. Students will| |Instructional Tasks: | |Read Unit 2- Lesson 5 Student Workbook |

|add to or change the list as they read |Summarizer: N/A Test Day |Finish reading Unit 2- Lesson 4 |Instructional Tasks: |pg. 138-142 |

|Lesson 4. | |Student Workbook pg. 128-131 |Digital Lesson on Heredity |OR |

|Instructional Tasks: | |AND |OR |Digital Lesson on Punnett Squares |

|Read Unit 2- Lesson 4 Student Workbook | |Answer Lesson Review #1-9 pg. 133 Student|Virtual Lab “Crossing Pea Plants” |Lesson 5- Slides 1-10 |

|pg. 124-127 | |Workbook |Summarizer: What is the difference | |

|Vocabulary Activity: Define the 8 terms | |Summarizer: Interpreting Visuals: |between co-dominance and incomplete |Summarizer: Why is it important to |

|found in Student Workbook pg. 123. Use | |Photos of the Arctic Cat pg. 183 TE |dominance? |understand genetics and heredity? (pg. 185|

|any vocabulary strategy you like: word | | | |TE) |

|triangle, four square, or flip book | | | | |

|Summarizer: Draw a picture of a | | | | |

|chromosome and label its parts; alleles | | | | |

|and gene! | | | | |

|(see pg. 182 TE) | | | | |

|Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |

|observation and participation |Summative Assessment |observation, participation, graded |observation, participation, graded |observation, participation, graded |

| | |assignment |assignment |assignment |

|Day 16 |Day 17 |Day 18 |Day 19 |Day 20 |

|Lesson: Heredity and Genetics |Lesson: Reproduction and Heredity |Lesson: Heredity and Genetics |Lesson: Heredity and Genetics |Lesson: Heredity and Genetics |

|Clarifying Objective: 7.L.2.2: Infer |Clarifying Objective: |Clarifying Objective: |Clarifying Objective: |Clarifying Objective: |

|patterns of heredity using information |7.L.2.2: Infer patterns of heredity using |7.L.2.2: Infer patterns of heredity using |7.L.2.2: Infer patterns of heredity using |7.L.2.2: Infer patterns of heredity using |

|from Punnett squares and pedigree |information from Punnett squares and |information from Punnett squares and |information from Punnett squares and |information from Punnett squares and |

|analysis. |pedigree analysis. |pedigree analysis. |pedigree analysis. |pedigree analysis. |

| | | | | |

|Academic Vocabulary: |Academic Vocabulary: |Academic Vocabulary: |Academic Vocabulary: |Academic Vocabulary: |

|dominant, genes, phenotype, recessive, |dominant, genes, phenotype, recessive, |dominant, genes, phenotype, recessive, |dominant, genes, phenotype, recessive, |dominant, genes, phenotype, recessive, |

|allele, incomplete dominance, codominance,|allele, incomplete dominance, codominance,|allele, incomplete dominance, codominance,|allele, incomplete dominance, codominance,|allele, incomplete dominance, codominance,|

|Punnett square, ratio, probability, |Punnett square, ratio, probability, |Punnett square, ratio, probability, |Punnett square, ratio, probability, |Punnett square, ratio, probability, |

|pedigree, nucleotide, replication, |pedigree, nucleotide, replication, |pedigree, nucleotide, replication, |pedigree, nucleotide, replication, |pedigree, nucleotide, replication, |

|mutation, RNA, ribosome, biotechnology, |mutation, RNA, ribosome, biotechnology, |mutation, RNA, ribosome, biotechnology, |mutation, RNA, ribosome, biotechnology, |mutation, RNA, ribosome, biotechnology, |

|genetic engineering, artificial selection |genetic engineering, artificial selection |genetic engineering, artificial selection |genetic engineering, artificial selection |genetic engineering, artificial selection |

|clone, genetic disease |clone, genetic disease |clone, genetic disease |clone, genetic disease |clone, genetic disease |

| | | | | |

|Bell Ringer: Active Reading, #3 & #5 |Bell Ringer: What is the phenotype of an |Bell Ringer: Interpreting Visuals TE p. |Bell Ringer: Heredity Game TE p. 178 or |Bell Ringer: |

| |individual with one allele for dimples and|182 |Modify it to a set of questions on the |Lesson Review Critical Thinking Question |

|Instructional Tasks: |one allele for no dimples? |Instructional Tasks: |board or paper |#11 Pg. 185 TE |

|-Complete Visual of Punnett Square- #6 &7 |Instructional Tasks: |Bikini Bottom Genetics Review |Instructional Tasks: | |

|(pg. 139 Student workbook) |Bikini Bottom Genetics Incomplete |Summarizer: |Bikini Bottom Genetics Quiz |Instructional Tasks: |

|-Do the Math Activity- |Dominance |Visualize It! p. 139 Student Workbook |Genetics Review Challenge |Climb the ladder; It’s Hereditary |

|(pg. 140-141 Student workbook) |Summarizer: | |Summarizer: |Alternative Assessment pg. 179 TE |

|OR |Visualize It #16 p. 130 Student Workbook | |Math Connection TE | |

|Practice worksheet on Punnett Squares | | |p. 194 |Formative Assessment: |

|Bikini Bottom Genetics Punnett Square | | | |Uncovering Student Ideas in Science Vol. 2|

|Practice | | | |(Keeley) |

|Bikini Bottom Genetics #2 | | | |Baby Mice page 130 |

|Summarizer: | | | | |

|Discuss and answer questions students may | | | |Summarizer: Answer Visual Summary from pg.|

|have about Punnett squares | | | |132 Student Workbook |

| | | | |(pg. 185 TE) |

| | | | | |

|Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |

|Observation and Participation |Observation, participation |Observation, Participation |Quiz, Graded Assignment |Summative Assessment |


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