Famous Person or Term

Famous Person or Term |Country |Accomplishment or Definition | |

|Divine Right |England, France, Prussia, Spain, Austria, and |God created the Monarchy |

|[pic] |Russia |Monarch is God's Representative |

| | |Only answers to God |

|Charles V |Spain |King of Spain. |

|[pic] | |Main purpose was to protect Catholicism |

| | |Owned territory in the New World and Europe making it - one of the largest in history |

|Philip II |Spain |Spanish ruler |

|[pic] | |Sent the Spanish Armada to England |

| | |Palace was called the Escorial |

| | |Charles V was his father |

| | |Defended the Catholic religion |

| | |Spanish Hapsburg |

|El Greco |Spain |Spanish painter |

|[pic] | |Long distorted bodies |

| | |The Greek |

| | |Domenikos |

| | |Brilliant colors |

| | |Catholic subjects |

|Diego Velázquez |Spain |Spanish Painter |

|[pic] | |Known for portraits |

| | |Royal family |

| | |Court Painter for Philip IV |

| | |Las Meninas |

|Miguel de Cervantes |Spain |Spanish writer |

|[pic] | |Wrote about a crazy knight and his side-kick |

| | |Rode in Spain - righting the wrongs |

| | |Don Quixote |

| | |Windmills for giants |

| | |Sancho Panza is his squire |

|Henry IV |France |First Bourbon king of France |

|[pic] | |Issued the Edict of Nantes |

| | |Converted from Protestant to Catholic |

| | |"Paris is well worth a mass." |

| | |Assassinated |

| | |Mother in Law - Catherine de Medici |

| | |Once a Huguenot. |

|Cardinal Richelieu |France |Louis XIII advisor |

|[pic] | |Ambitious in using his authority |

| | |Character in the book Three Musketeers |

| | |He moved against the Huguenots |

| | |Made up for Louis XIII weaknesses |

|Louis XIV |France |Bourbon king |

|[pic] | |"L'état,c'est moi." |

| | |Known as the Sun King |

| | |Built Palace at Versailles |

| | |Leadership got French economy in trouble |

|Thirty Years War |Present day Germany |Religious conflict | |

|[pic] | |Hapsburg victories | |

| | |Hapsburg defeats | |

| | |Destroyed Germany | |

| | |Settled with the Treaty of Westphalia | |

|Maria Theresa |Austria |Had 16 children - 10 survive childhood |

|[pic] | |An Austrian Hapsburg |

| | |Inherits Austrian Throne |

| | |Fought with Frederick the Great |

| | |Daughter of Charles VI |

| | |Pragmatic Sanction of 1713 |

| | |Loss of Silesia |

|Frederick the Great |Prussia/ Germany |Prussian leader. |

|[pic] | |Known as the Great Elector |

| | |Stole Silesia from Maria Theresa |

| | |Hohenzollern |

| | |Started the Seven Years War |

|Peter the Great |Russia |Russian ruler |

|[pic] | |Romanov |

| | |Worked on warm water port |

| | |Moved the capital to St. Petersburg |

| | |Beard Tax |

| | |Started Russia on Industrialization |

| | |Modernized Russia with influence from Western Europe – Westernization |

|Rembrandt van Rijn |Netherlands |Dutch painter |

|[pic] | |Contributions came in the Dutch Golden Age |

| | |Known for self-portraits and illustrations of scenes from the Bible |

| | |The Night Watch or The Militia Company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq |

| | |Baroque style |

|Johannes (Jan) Vermeer |Netherlands |Dutch painter |

|[pic] | |Known for domestic interior scenes of middle class life |

| | |Mastered the use of light in his work |

| | |One of the greatest painters of the Dutch Golden Age |

| | |Masterpiece - Girl with a Pearl Earring |

|Jean-Baptiste Poquelin – Molière |France |Known by his stage name |

|[pic] | |French playwright and actor |

| | |One of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature |

| | |Best-known work - Tartuffe or the Hypocrite |

|Catherine the Great |Russia |Known as the “Star of the North” by Voltaire Liked ideas of the Enlightenment |

|[pic] | |Peasant uprising caused me to take back any rights given to the peasants |

| | |Turned St. Petersburg into a city with culture |

| | |Gained territory for Russia including a port on the Black Sea |

| | | |

| | |Shared Poland with Austria and Prussia in several Partitions of Poland. |

| | |Brought many reforms to Russia |

|Joseph II |Austria |Most progressive leader in the Enlightenment Took over Austria after mother Maria Teresa |

|[pic] | |Watched many of Mozart’s performances Abolished serfdom and ordered that serfs were to be |

| | |paid for their labor in cash |

| | |Granted religious freedom |

| | |Granted freedom of the press |

| | |All of my reforms were rescinded after my death |


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