Genre Theory

Year One: Week 4.1Genre TheoryWhy Genre Theory?Genre Theory started with the ancient Greeks, who divided theater performances into 2 categories -?Comedy and Tragedy.Most people are aware of genre because a simplified version of Genre categories are used in video stores and online when people are looking for a movie.Categories used for this purpose are often very broad.Within the Action Genre in a video store or online store, you can usually find many different genres with little relationship to each other, such as Western, Animation, Crime, Drama, to name only a few.As we have seen previously, as forms of fiction grew in diversity in the 19th and 20th centuries, many different genres and sub-genres were established.Frequently, genres have fans who pay particular attention to works in certain genres like Mystery, Science Fiction, Westerns, Romance, and others.These fans frequently follow genre trends in both films and books and other media as well, such as?magazines?and video games.Genre TheoryAlthough there is considerable disagreement about how much Genre helps us to understand a work, and even how important they are, there is not much doubt that people connect with different Genres because of the familiarity they have with individual genre styles and?carpeta?( elements that repeat over and over again in certain Genres ).Some critics consider Genre Storytelling as lesser forms of art because of the heavily borrowed nature of these genre conventions.However, generally there is an appreciation that Genre work can be significant.Many argue the genius of an effective genre piece is in the variation, recombination, and evolution of the codes.Codes are 3 distinct groups of information in films, frequently associated with Genre -Technical codes?- such as editing or camera workWritten or Audio codes?- such as screenplay story elements or musicSymbolic codes?- like the use of color or imagery.Filmmakers often build on the work of previous filmmakers.In fact, referencing previous art works is a significant aspect of?post-modern art forms, including film.Like any classification system, Genre is useful so long as we remember it is not the only standard by which to judge a film.Genres change significantly over time, so they must be scrutinized and reassessed, always looking at the changes in culture and society that influence them.Ultimately, a film should be examined on its own merit and not just as an example of the genre.Kill BillQuentin Tarantino has been a very successful filmmaker, but it could be argued that his work references so many other artists, it could hardly be called 'his'?work.?A film like?Kill Bill?(2003) is almost entirely made up of extended references to previous films from genres diverse as?wuxia ( Chinese martial arts cinema ), chambara ( Japanese samurai cinema ), horror, and even kaiju eiga ( Japanese giant monster films ).?Often action, and even dialogue, is borrowed for use in the film.?Examining Tarantino’s work as an Auteur would probably require looking not only at Auteur Theory, but also Genre Theory in seeking to understand his influences and his borrowing of the work of others.The MummyOne of the reasons Genre is especially useful for filmmakers is because it is not easy to introduce ideas visually.?Often complex ideas can be conveyed quickly visually because the audience is familiar with a genre.?For instance, in the remake of?The Mummy?(1999), a character tries to protect himself from the reanimated mummy by brandishing charms that include the crucifix, the star of David, and an image of the Buddha.?Because of our familiarity with horror movie conventions - in particular the vampire movie - we understand what the character is trying to do without the need for any time-consuming exposition.?Genre Theory frequently combines with Genre History, as over time, genres change depending on the changes in society, reflecting the needs and interests of the people who tell stories in the genre.?For example, critics have frequently noted the Horror movie genre tends to undergo a resurgence at times when society as a whole is under stress and pressure because of events like major wars.?Genres develop this way too.?For instance in the 1980's, as the influence of computer technology was being felt by individuals for the first time, the Science Fiction genre saw the emergence of the sub-genre Cyberpunk, which dealt specifically with the effect of Information Technology and its future effect on people.J-HorrorFrequently, one of the uses of Genre Theory is to define new groups of conventions and styles that make up a sub-genre.?By identifying the similarities in a number of works, a genre theorist can start to define movements that are happening in film.?For instance, in the genre J-horror, Japanese Horror films like?Ringu?(1998),?Juon?(The Grudge)?(2003), and others like them have been identified as 'dead, wet girl films' by some critics.?This genre description points out the significant convention that most of these films feature the revenge of a woman - as a ghost - who has been marginalized by society ( in?Ringu?she has literally been tossed down a well to die ).?By identifying significant genre conventions and socio-cultural aspects of the genre, the genre theorist clarifies the effect the genre has on the audience.?By identifying the significant conventions in a genre, Genre Theory frequently gives us insight into the concerns of the culture that produce the film at the time it was produced.Star WarsOf course, genre is not always straightforward.?George Lucas calls his?Star Wars?movies, 'space fantasy'?because he is aware they do not hold up to the rules of the Science Fiction genre that demands stories attempt to be scientifically accurate.?Many works of art are influenced by multiple genres.?A film like?Blade Runner?(1982) can easily be placed not only in the ScienceFfiction genre, but also the Hard-boiled Detective, and even the Film Noir genre, all at once. ................

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