|GENRE |Notes |

| | |

|Action | |

| | |

|(Adventure, Martial Arts, Espionage, Disaster| |

|films) | |

| | |

|Animated | |

| | |

|(Stop-motion, CGI, family and adult | |

|animation, Anime) | |

| | |

|Comedy | |

| | |

|(Romantic Comedy, Spoofs/Parodies, Slapstick,| |

|Dark/Satirical Comedy) | |

| | |

|Crime & Gangster | |

| | |

|(Mobster movies, Film Noir, Mystery, | |

|Detective films) | |

| | |

|Drama | |

| | |

|(Historical Epics, Romance, Biographical | |

|films – “Biopics”) | |

| | |

|Horror | |

| | |

|(Slasher, Supernatural, Serial Killers, | |

|Monster movies) | |

| | |

|Musicals | |

| | |

|(Dance/Song/Choreography incorporated into | |

|the narrative) | |

| | |

|Science Fiction & Fantasy | |

| | |

|(Sci Fi - Space/Aliens, Futuristic | |

|Technology, Nuclear Havoc) | |

|(Fantasy – less based in reality, more | |

|mythological/ dreamlike) | |

| | |

|War (or Anti-War) | |

| | |

|(POW tales, Military ops such as WWI, WWII, | |

|Vietnam, Iraq) | |

| | |

|Westerns | |

| | |

|(Eulogy to the American frontier… dusty | |

|towns, horses, 6-guns) | |

G9 Film Studies Assignment #1

Genre Challenge: In a group of 2-3, complete the following simple steps for your assigned genre. Split the tasks evenly amongst your group members. You will be given a group mark out of 5 based on your presentation and handout.

1) Research the genre online. Everyone in the group should do this! Start with a Google search of your genre. Some good websites to try are:

2) Make a BRIEF handout using PowerPoint (Or other similar format) which you will hand in or email to the teacher (laura.spataro@ and put your name in the subject heading).

The presentation should contain:

• a BRIEF explanation of the GENRE and its SUB-GENRES,

• a list of at least 6 CODES or CONVENTIONS of the genre,

• an overview of the genre’s HISTORY (i.e. how it developed from the early days of films in early 1900’s to today). Put this information into your own words, do not just copy and paste random information, be thoughtful. Your classmates will be relying on this information for the quiz.

• a list of 10 (minimum) PG-13 KEY films in the genre (include the title, date of release, director and stars’ names). Include an image of the movie.

3) Select a clip from a film from your genre which you will screen to the class. Bring a DVD movie and know exactly which scene to select. Your movie must be rated no more than PG-13. The clip should only be 2-3 minutes and should clearly demonstrate at least one major CONVENTION of the genre in question.

(e.g. a horror movie clip might show a TRACKING SHOT of a killer following his victim, a blonde teenaged girl… both the shot type and the character types are conventional of the horror genre)

4) As a group, you will will go over your handout with the class and present your clip. You will be teaching the class about your genre. And must be able to answer questions they may have.

5) Study the handouts about the different genres. There may be a quiz. You will be expected to know some key points of development in history and will be shown a variety of film trailers and asked to identify the genre, subgenres and list the conventions.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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