LLANWERN COMMUNITY COUNCILNotice is hereby given that the next meeting of Llanwern Community Council will take place in Llanwern Village Hall on Monday 26th February 2018 at 7:30 pm.Mandy George, Clerk to Llanwern Community Council. Apologies for absence. Minutes of previous meeting. Announcements Reports, as follows:Section A – PlanningSection B – Finance and Local GovernmentSection C – Leisure and AmenitiesSection D – Highways and Utilities Correspondence. Any other business – at the Chair’s discretion. Next meeting date to be confirmedLLANWERN COMMUNITY COUNCILMINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 22ND JANUARY 2018 AT 7:30PM AT LLANWERN VILLAGE HALLPRESENT: Cllr M George (Chair), Cllrs Bell, Brown, Burgess, Parry and WildingCLERK: Mandy GeorgeItemDescriptionAction1.APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCEApologies were received from Cllr Dempsey.2.DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTNone.3.MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGSThe Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 27th November 2017 were duly approved and signed. 4.ANNOUNCEMENTSThe Chair advised that Mr Chris Dartnell was taken to the Royal Gwent Hospital’s intensive care unit on Christmas Eve and still remains there. The Chair will relay this Council’s best wishes to him and his family.Chair5.SECTION A – PLANNING17/0567 - Reserved Matters for Local Centre Landscape and Infrastructure (Phase 2) Glan Llyn OF 06/0471The decision is pending.M4 MotorwayOngoing.17/0887 – Partial Discharge of Condition 01 (Reserved Matters) in Relation to Roads and Footways and Landscaping Around the Proposed Surface Water Attenuation Ponds and Partial Discharge of Condition 06 (Materials for Hard surfacing), Condition 08 (Station Road Access), Condition 09 (Construction Details of Roads, Cycleways and Footways) and Condition 25 (Streetlighting) all Pursuant to Planning Application 16/0864 (Variation of Conditions of Permission 13/0806) for the Development of up to 1100 Dwellings, a Primary School, Village Centre, Public Open Space, Landscaping and Associated InfrastructureThe decision is pending.17/0991 – Partial Discharge of Condition 3 (Design Code) of Planning Permission 16/0864 for Variation of Conditions 2 (Reserved Matters), 3 (Masterplan) and 5 (Design Code) of Planning Permission 13/0806 for the Variation of Condition (Time Limits) of Planning Permission 06/0845 for Residential Development (Up to 100 Dwellings) and Provision of Primary School, Village Centre, Public Open Space, Landscaping and Associated Infrastructure Works (Affecting Public Rights of Way 397/3, 397/9 and 397/10 LlanwernOngoing.Planning Aid Wales – Training WorkshopThe Chair, Cllrs Parry and Wilding attended this workshop. 17/1019 Erection of Single Storey Side and Rear Extension, The Forge, Bishton Road, NP18 2DNThis application has been approved.18/0010 – Retention and Completion of Dwelling – Park Lodge, Lodge Hill, NP18 2DQCllr Wilding will advise NCC that this Community Council has no objections.MW SECTION BFINANCE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTCurrent Account Bank StatementThe third precept of ?2,500 has been received. The Clerk will request our concurrent allocation for 2017/2018.Current account statements dated 30th November showed an opening balance of ?8,190.11 and a closing balance of ?7,867.18 and 29th December 2017 showed an opening balance of ?7,867.18 and a closing balance of ?10,070.09.Accounts for PaymentIt was agreed to pay the following accounts:Wales Audit Office – ?224.55Clerk’s salary and expenses for December and January - ?418SWALEC - ?91.70British Gas - ?204.06M George (Christmas Tree) - ?100Section 137 Expenditure Limit for 2018/2019This has been set at ?7.86 per elector.Concurrent and Precept Request for 2018/2019Cllr Brown listed our total budget requirements of ?24,850. This is to be funded by the concurrent allocation of ?3,160 plus precept of ?7,500 and reserves of ?14,190. The Clerk is to send the completed form to Newport City Council by 26th January.Audit of AccountsCllr Dempsey will do a site map of the website. 2018 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies in Wales Revised ProposalsOngoing.ClerkClerkJDSECTION C – LEISURE AND AMENITIESBishton Road FenceThe Chair is awaiting a price.Village Hall Patio WallAn estimate of ?300 to replace the wall and check coping stones was received. Cllr Bell to investigate further.Village Hall Kitchen RefurbishmentThe Hall Management Committee are meeting next week to discuss proposals for a kitchen refurbishment.Playing Field Japanese KnotweedOngoing.ChairHBTB/HBSECTION D – HIGHWAYS AND UTILITIESTrash GridsOn-going.Llanwern Park BridgeFunding responsibility is hindering progress. The Clerk will contact Newport City Council’s to advise that the bridge is part of a footpath.Clerk6.CORRESPONDENCE - the following were emailed to Councillors27.11.17NCCNewport's Well-being Plan 2018-23 - Statutory Consultation27.11.17NCCWeekly Planning List for 20th-24th November 201729.11.17CALMCALM calls on Newport councillors to think to the future29.11.17NCCAgenda for Planning Committee, Wednesday, 6th December, 201701.12.17One NewportOne Newport Bulletin - Issue 39 (Nov 2017)01.12.17NCCDelegated Planning Decision Schedule for 30th November 201701.12.17NCCSection 137 Discretionary Expenditure Limit 2018-1901.12.17OVWOne Voice Wales News Bulletin November 201701.12.17OVWOne Voice Wales - November 2017 News Bulletin04.12.17NCCNewport City Council’s Rights of Way Improvement Plan Review – Initial Consultation09.12.17NCCMinutes for Council, Tuesday, 28th November, 201709.12.17NCCDelegated Planning Decision Schedule for 7th December 201712.12.17One NewportInformation from across the One Newport Partnership12.12.17OVWOne Voice Wales Community and Town Council Consultation Events – Next Steps12.12.17OVWExpert Panel on Assembly Electoral Reform - Report publication14.12.17NCCWeekly planning list for 4th - 8th December 201715.12.17Law CommissionPlanning law in Wales Consultation15.12.17NCCDelegated Planning Decision Schedule for 14th December 201715.12.17Gwent NowPolice Twitter account20.12.17WAGReview of the Community and Town Council Sector20.12.17Gwent Now?5,000 Up for Grabs for Community Groups20.12.17OVWDecember Newsletter21.12.17NCCDelegated Planning Decision schedule for 20th December 201721.12.17NCCHave your say on budget proposals23.12.17NCCWeekly planning list for 11th-15th December 201703.01.18NCCWeekly planning list for 18th-29th December 201704.01.18NCCDelegated Planning Decision schedule for 4th January 201809.01.18CALMCALM meeting, 7pm, Wednesday 10th January09.01.18NCCWeekly planning list for 1st-5th January 201811.01.18OVWWelsh Government Public Appointment Vacancies11.01.18NCCBudget Consultation12.01.18NCCABP Newport Wales Marathon and 10k: Sunday 29 April12.01.18NCCAdmiral Newport Half Marathon March 2018 - Route13.01.18CALMNotes of Wednesday's CALM meeting13.01.18NCCDelegated Planning Decision Schedule for 11th January 201815.01.18NCCSchool Reorganisation Proposal - Expansion of Maes Ebbw School17.01.18One NewportOne Newport Bulletin (January 18)17.01.18OVWGeneral Data Protection Regulation17.01.18OVWAll Wales Public Service Graduate Programme18.01.18NCCCouncil Budget Engagement Event at Newport Market - 24 January 201818.01.18NCCDelegated Planning Decision Schedule for 18th January 20187.ANY OTHER BUSINESSThe VillagerCllr Bell will enquire into the circulation of this publication.Black and White Markers opposite The Forge, Bishton RoadThe Clerk was requested to contact NCC to request that these markers are reinstated.Gully CleaningThe Clerk was requested to contact NCC to enquire when our gullies will be cleaned.HBClerkClerk8.DATE OF NEXT MEETINGThe next meeting will take place on Monday 26th February 2018 at 7:30pm. There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9 pm. ................

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