Woodstock Little League Agenda - Amazon S3

Woodstock Little League Agenda

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Attendance - Everyone please sign in.

Secretary - Susan Webster

• Reading and approval of minutes from May board meeting

President – Mike Sampson

• Spring Season update

• All Stars & QCC Update

Vice President – Matt Hebert

Treasurer – Kim Evers

• $10k in Bank

Fundraising Director – Pat O’Brien

• Spring Chance Fundraiser

Player Agent – John Evers

Safety Officer – Jeff Marcotte

Building & Grounds – John Kallgren

• End of season projects (finish bullpens, paint foul poles, paint concession stand interior)

Information Officer/Marketing & P.R. Director – Randy Esposito

Unfinished Business from May meeting

• n/a

New Business

• Closing ceremony (Sat 6/10 @ 1pm)

• Trophies/Awards

• All Star Team Selections

• Post-season Manager/Coach Appointments

Open Forum

Meeting Adjourned


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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