LEA Name Underrepresented Student Group of Focus (USGF ...

LEA Name Academy for Math, Engineering & Science Alpine School District

American Academy of Innovation

American Leadership Academy

American Preparatory Academy Athenian eAcademy

Beaver County School District Beehive Science and Technology Academy

Box Elder School District

Cache School District

Underrepresented Student Group of Focus (USGF)


Strategies to close gaps for USGF

As a math, engineering and science school many of our concurrent

enrollment classes have a prerequisite class, a minimum ACT score or

a minimum set grade in high school classes to qualify for university of

Utah classes. We will offset this by connecting with Salt Lake

Public School/University partnership. Campus visits/tours. connection

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage,Students with disa Community College.

with college disability centers.

We will meet with leadership teams at each school to provide training

There are several possible barriers that may exist. Students may not and lead discussions about equity gaps. Each leadership team will

have support for registering for courses. Families may not have

develop a school plan to increase equity. Plans will include earlier and

information about the benefits and opportunities available. We will be increased communication to students and families about the benefits

implementing plans at every high school to increase support and

of early college opportunities. Schools will also identify specific barriers

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

information, targeting our underrepresented populations.

and develop a plan to reduce those.

The largest barriers exist at the classroom level, where students are

not experiencing high levels of success and therefore do not believe

they are capable of succeeding in college coursework. Thus our

emphasis of revised remedial instruction focusing on competency

based education instead of the Carnegie model of credit. This will

allow students to more accurately gauge skills (instead of grades) and remedial instructional reforms, academic counseling and mentoring,

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage,Students with disa achieve success in all courses.

and comprehensive supports

The barriers for Hispanic students may exist due to the language

barrier of these students. It's important that these students receive all

of the necessary information to understand the importance of taking Parent encouragement is an important factor in students choosing to

concurrent enrollment classes and the advantages that come because participate in CE courses. We will work to educate the parents of

of taking these courses in high school. The college and career

Hispanic students by providing Concurrent Enrollment information in

pathway coordinator and counselors will reach out to this population to Spanish and emailing to these parents. We will post information about


better educate them on concurrent enrollment classes.

Concurrent Enrollment classes and the benefits on our website.

We only offered one CE class option (Latin 1010/1020) at our Draper

high school. We will add a CE Latin option at our Title I, West Valley

2 high school.

1.Offer CE class in West Valley

municate the benefits of a college class to students:

?College Language credit

?Honors and BA designations in college require language credit

?College course level experience ? rigor ? in a high school


3.Have 1010 students visit prerequisite classes from the previous


Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

Add the CE class option to our Title I high school course offerings.

The barriers are student perceptions that they are not prepared for

college or not eligible. We will spend it on student training about

concurrent enrollment opportunities, including potential visits to

university campuses, if allowed. This will also be used to attend the

concurrent enrollment trainings and purchase textbooks for students

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

need for their courses.

Seminars teaching students about opportunities in the program.

The main barrier to participation in CE programs by students receiving

free and reduced lunch in Beaver County is opportunity. Course

offerings are limited, course space is limited, and distance as well as

time limit access to our local university and technical college. We

intend to reduce these barriers by offering more CE course in our high Our schools will increases access to advanced courses for

school taught by local teachers who have qualified to be CE

traditionally underserved populations (e.g. students with disabilities,

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage,Students with disa instructors with SUU.

English learners)

Students are misinformed or don't understand the benefits of CE

programs. By providing parents and students with easy to understand

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage


Providing more support and information for students and parents.

Barriers include lack of knowledge, funding or support from home.

Counselors will continue to receive PD on equity training. They will

educate the students and teachers on the benefits of Early College

options, the funding support and invite parents via phone calls to

attend PCCR's and college nights. We also offer a `scholarship' for High School counselors will go into the ELL classes to explain options

students who are 1st Generation college bound students and those for taking Early College classes and how to access the resources for


with academic needs.


Directly involving parents in their student's education decisions

Approved school fees may be a barrier for low income families. Many improves the student's commitment to the courses selected. School

families and students are not aware of the fee waiver process or are counselors meet with most students and parents together in the spring

not willing to identify as such. School counselors are encouraging all when courses for the following year are selected. Informing parents of

students to consider some concurrent enrollment courses during their the financial support available for concurrent enrollment courses will

high school career. In private discussions with students and parents, encourage parents and students to take these initial/primary college

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

possible financial support is explained and encouraged.


Canyons School District

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

Carbon School District Daggett School District

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

Davis School District

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage


Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

Freedom Preparatory Academy

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage,Males

Garfield Grand County High School

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

Some of the identified barriers that exist is a formal, consistent

process to identify students in groups that may not be participating in

concurrent enrollment courses. No formal plan/timeline to target

communications for parents and students in all communities. No

formal process to target communications for parents and students

where a language barrier may exist.

To address these barriers Canyons will find ways to increase the

access to offerings of concurrent enrollment courses to students in

each of our comprehensive high schools. As a baseline we will audit Ongoing professional development for teachers teaching an

the current process of communication to students to identify if there concurrent enrollment course and those teachers interested in

are any formal or written barriers. We will also audit current process to teaching and concurrent enrollment course. This will increase the

look for informal, unwritten, unspoken, or school culture barriers that access to courses for students interested in concurrent enrollment.

prevent students from opting into concurrent enrollment courses.

We will increase access and outreach to all students and parents by

Training for teachers, counselors, concurrent enrollment coordinators providing the information needed to understand what the concurrent

and school administrators in identifying students that have not chosen enrollment courses offer, the benefits or taking concurrent enrollment

to attempt an concurrent enrollment course but show traits that they courses as well as how to get started in an concurrent enrollment

would find success in a rigorous course.


A majority of Carbon School District's students live in poverty. Many

of those students also live in intergenerational poverty, which means Our biggest issue with low participation is our communication with

that 3 or more generations have lived on social assistance. This

parents. We have discussed ways to improve our communication

translates to students with very limited knowledge of career options, tactics. We realize the "concurrent enrollment" means nothing to most

understanding of employment generally, and especially options for of our parents. We need to advertise using words like "college credit

higher education.

for $5" or "earn college credit in high school".

Remove financial barriers to concurrent enrollment for economically

Socioeconomically disadvantaged students lack financial resources, college disadvantage students including providing textbooks, equipment, and paying

knowledge, and academic confidence to participate in concurrent enrollment. for admission and tuition. ? Help students, parents, and their counselors

We intend to increase our support of these students by: ? Assisting with the connect concurrent enrollment to longer-term goals by clearly articulating how

Concurrent Enrollment admission and enrollment process and provide financial courses will transfer and apply to university degrees and/or training programs

help to pay for admission, tuition and fees, as well as providing textbooks. ? leading to high wage/high demand jobs. ? Increase concurrent enrollment

Increase counseling support for these students and their parents so they can course offerings by supporting schools with productivity periods and other

navigate the pathway leading to university enrollment. Concurrent enrollment financial support enabling schools to offer more CE classes. ? Develop an

is key to this process as well as an understanding of how CE is the first step in equitable concurrent enrollment classroom environment which is inclusive of

the student pursuing a university degree. Included in this support is providing all students and provides academic support. ? Promote the Edge Scholarship

an opportunity for these students to have an on-campus experience (virtual at Weber State University to counselors as well as parents so students have a

field trips, conference, etc.).

community of support while working to qualify for the scholarship.

The most significant barrier, currently in our LEA, is the ability to pay

for the CE courses offered. We have identified the cost associated

with course enrollment as the most common reason students do not

participate in the CE courses offered through discussions with


We believe that by providing funding for our focus group and removing

the cost barrier, more students will enroll and complete the CE

We will use a portion of the LEA's Concurrent Enrollment funds to


facilitate enrollment in the CE courses for students experiencing

socioeconomic disadvantages as need is identified.

Males are not encouraged as openly to engage in academically

rigorous courses. More often it is females that are encouraged and

motivated to engage in these kinds of courses. We want to eliminate

this barrier by equally encouraging males and females to take CE

courses. We will do this through our "success plan" program where all

students meet with counselors and map out the most advantageous All students will meet with a school counselor to plan out their course

courses for their HS experience in order to meet their post high school options. CE options will be explained by school counselors and

goals. Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students may find finances a implemented into individual "student success plans" as students plan

barrier to registering for CE courses. By offering to cover costs for out their high school courses. Students will be informed via registration

curriculum and registration fees FPA HS hopes to eliminate this cost information sent via email, Canvas announcements, and school


newsletters of the CE options available to them and how to enroll.

Our economically disadvantaged students have not enrolled in

We plan to engage with parent more effectively regarding their

Concurrent Enrollment classes due to 2 primary factors:

students ability to participate in concurrent programs and to educate

1. Lack of familial support for them to participate

them regarding the cost benefit by participating. We also intend to

2. Fiscal Issues or misunderstanding about their ability to participate assist economically disadvantaged students (with other funding

regardless of financial circumstance

sources) the purchase of required texts, program fee's and if

3. Lack of transportation for CE classes that are off the regular school necessary help to resolve transportation and other participation



Include in the transition from MS to high school the opportunities that taking Early identification in Math and English courses in 9th grade.

CE courses will enhance the future of our students.

Granite School District

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

InTech Collegiate Academy


Iron County School district

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

Itineris Early College High School Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

Granite SD has identified a number of barriers that are impacting student enrollment and completion of concurrent enrollment courses. These barriers include: 1) students belief that they are not ready for college or that college courses will be too hard, 2) counselors not encouraging students to take concurrent enrollment courses based on a belief that AP coursework is more rigorous and better for student or the belief that students will not be successful in the CE coursework, 3) students not having the funds needed to pay for the courses, and 4) lack of parental understanding regarding CE opportunities and/or the belief that their children will not be going to college.

Strategies designed address these barriers include: 1) providing

support to students in the initial phases of admissions, enrollment and

later ongoing support to increase the likelihood that the student will

complete the coursework utilizing college access advisors and gear-up

coordinators, 2) training counselors about CE opportunities and the

importance of students having the option to take courses, 3)

maintaining a fund that will support students who need financial

assistance for admission fees, enrollment fees, books, etc. and

working closely with Salt Lake Community College in implementation of

a pilot group of first generation students who will be able to attend 1)Actively recruiting students who fall within target group; 2)

SLCC tuition free, and 4) implementing methods to inform parents supporting payment of admission fees, registration fee, books, etc.

regarding CE opportunities including: conducting an email blitz, making through scholarships designed to support economically disadvantaged

personal calls to parents and holding open houses in the evenings at students in taking CE courses; 3) assigning mentors to track student

all high schools.

success in CE courses once enrolled.

Barriers that exist for students to participate in CE program:

1) Schedule conflicts: InTech has built it's schedule in large part

around CE broadcast classes and offers some of its own high demand


2) Lack of Information: InTech continues to offer information and

targeted CE registration assistance to qualified students.

3) Cost: By law, CE tuition and materials are not subject to fee waiver. PCCR meetings with each qualified student (USU CE requires a 3.0 GPA, and

InTech provides some assistance in paying for CE materials.

typically Jr/Sr standing).

Barrier that exist for these students are: 1. First generation college

student and parents/student not

seeing the value of higher ed. Iron county has parented with SUU and

implemented an Educational

talent search that address these students at both middle and high

school levels. 2. Financial burden.

Removing financial barriers. Removing prerequisites that limit students

Cost of the class will be covered for those enrolled or who take the in these populations. Applying MTSS strategies to keep students of


these populations engaged in these types of rigorous classes.

The only barrier we have to CE courses is a recommended GPA both

by the college and our high school. We have implemented a support

class called Compass where our interventionist works with students to Counselors will meet with Sophomores and promote CE to all students

set goals around improving coursework so they can reach that

beginning summer before theirJunior year and throughout their Senior

threshold to take college courses.


Jordan School District

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

Juab School District Kane

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

Karl G Maeser Preparatory Academy Hispanics/Latinos

Logan District


Lumen Scholar Institute

Students with disabilities

Mana Academy

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

Barriers would include:

Inconsistent educator awareness regarding the USBE Expectations and Assurances.

Inconsistent access to program details and ease of navigation for families new to early college programs.

Inconsistent welcoming and open communication/recruiting to program courses.

Actions to eliminate barriers:

District Curriculum Secondary Education Administrator to conduct annual training with secondary building administrators and counseling department leads to educate concerning USBE Expectations and Assurance documents.

Annual audit of JSD Course Catalog listings to be conducted to ensure

it is operating within USBE Expectations and Assurances.

1) Identification of students in underrepresented student participation

Audit of school district website information about early college

target group with existing capacity for success indicators that are not


participating in early college programs. 2) Student performance

Audit to determine ease of navigation, access, openness, quality and evidence, program information, and invitation pieces delivered to

accuracy of program details.

underrepresented students in a one on one meeting with a school

guidance counselor. 3) Invitation and program information

Audit of site specific registration materials to determine openness, acknowledgement signature obtained from parent as a follow up to

quality and accuracy of early college program details.

student invitation.

Our data shows that there is a direct correlation between low SES

students and parents that have not attended post-secondary

institutions. These students view post-secondary opportunities as

unattainable and unrealistic. The underpinning focus of our efforts in

this goal is to remove the barriers and provide support to students and

their parents to increase their ability to be first-generation post-

secondary attenders. We will accomplish this by providing

individualized counseling and informational meetings with those

students and parents that are identified as eligible for free and reduced

lunch. These students and parents will also be provided on-campus

tours and we will connect them directly with the support services. We

will support them directly in the application and enrollment process and

provide ongoing support and monitoring as they engage in the

concurrent enrollment courses. We will support encourage students Identifying our high school students that qualify for free and reduced

and parents to complete FAFSA application for financial support and lunch and provide individual support through: 1) Parent meetings 2)

we will explain that concurrent enrollment courses have a minimal cost College visits 3) Financial counseling and FASFA application support

and that we have made arrangements for waivers for students that are 4)Auditing a Concurrent Enrollment course 5) Concurrent Enrollment

eligible for free and reduced lunch.


Hispanic students sometimes have less family history of college

education and awareness of the possibility of early college programs

like CE. Through CCRs with the academic counselors, college nights, Our academic counselors will increase outreach and recruitment

and other outreach programs, Hispanic students and families are

efforts; teachers will identify and encourage Hispanic students to enroll

made aware of these opportunities.

in CE classes

Understanding what CE courses are and the benefit of taking them.

We will use our counselors have these conversations one-on-one with Work with counseling staff to make sure that all students know what a

our Hispanic/Latino students.

CE course is and are encouraged to register.

We are such a small school that we have no identified groups

underrepresented in our CE courses. Attached are the numbers in

each category for both the whole school and as enrolled in CE for the

2020-2021 school year. We will continue to work on allowing all groups

equal access to CE courses.


1) Socio-econmic status - we will help by paying for their tuition and

school and class fees in the CE program.

2) Achievement gap - we will help by providing individualized support

both in the classroom and after school

3) First generation college students - We will help by providing

workshops for parents to understand how to navigate the higher

Provide individualized support for each student to help close the

education system.

achievement gap and provide after school tutoring programs for our

students that will help in core areas

Merit Preparatory Academy Millard School District Morgan School District

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage Hispanics/Latinos Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

Murray City School District


Nebo School District

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

North Sanpete School District

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage

North Summit School District

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage



Ogden School District Paradigm Schools

Students experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage Students with disabilities

Parents are not as involved in their children's education due to the

parents lack of experience and many of these students' parents do not

share stories about successful academic experiences. Counselors will

help instill belief that the students can accomplish more than their

parents may have.

Counselor and facilitator recruitment

Barriers include: Communication, Education about CE

We intend on focusing on the Latino students by individually meeting

with them with our counselors and having the counselor help promote Counselor Intervention, Counselor PCCR, Outreach to Latinos In

CE with them and educate them on the possible outcomes of CE.

Action Club, CE Instructor Intervention

The students are behind at the middle school level and we are

currently introducing PLC groupings that span all schools within the We are hiring a math interventionist to fill in the gaps to better prepare

district (K-12).

students for advanced math courses like Math 1050.

Potential Barriers:

Lack of family engagement

Student/family misconceptions

Lack of information/misinformation

Lack of self-confidence/self-belief

Lack of understanding of the educational system (lack of knowledge)


Elimination of Barriers:

Family and student outreach


Addressing misconceptions

Assistance understanding and navigating the system

Increased availability and access/use of materials in home language

Access to home language mentors

Peer networking

Enhanced student outreach, Family engagement, Correcting

Teacher/Counselor training


Data dives of our underrepresented group with teachers, counselors

and administrators by school will aid in identifying which specific kids

are missing out on this opportunity for college courses. During

individual counselor/student conferences, concurrent enrollment

classes will be given as opportunities for all students. Not only are

The students might feel like they cannot afford it, so funding for CE there CE courses available at all of our high schools, we also offer

classes for low SES students will be paid for out of this grant. We will new state-of-the-art courses at our Advanced Learning Center. We

also pay for advertising and invest in program specialists to encourage will encourage students to duel enroll there and receive CE credits

enrollment and help with registration.

from those classes as well.

We have knowledge and language barriers. Some parents have not

attended college themselves and in turn do not talk about earning a

college degree, let alone college credits while in high school.

Language barriers exist within the socio-economically disadvantaged Concurrent enrollment staff will work with school counselors to identify

student population. Concurrent enrollment staff will develop an

underrepresented population students and make personal contact with

outreach plan to reach this population, translate documents, use fellow parents and students. Communication will come in the way of personal

peers and community members to encourage and educate regarding conversations to both the parents and students, Informative Flyers

the concurrent enrollment program.

(English and Spanish), e-mails, and social media advertising.

Feeling like college isn't an option due to financial hardships. Parents

didn't go to college, so students don't feel it's necessary to attend. By

having more communication regarding college options we can help

parents and students realize there are resources like CE available to Greater communication to students regarding concurrent enrollment

the students.

options, CCR's, newsletters

Barriers are transportation. NUAMES provides UTA bus passes

Family responsibilities after school (taking care of younger siblings).

NUAMES will provide after school tutoring through Zoom if needed

knowledge the courses exist. NUAMES will promote CE courses in small class sizes, additional tutoring, mentoring program/specific

CCR appointments in their native language of spanish.


Money for textbooks in CE courses can be a barrier for low

socioeconomic students in taking advantage of these classes. We will

eliminate that barrier by providing textbooks and other

materials/resources that a student would need for the CE course.

Another barrier is the lack of student knowledge in how to sign up for

the college courses or be admitted to a University. We will train our We will remove as many monetary barriers to taking CE courses as

teachers extensively to help students with this process. We will

possible for low socioeconomic students. Teachers and counselors

scaffold this instruction for our students who need it. We will leverage will also work to build relationships with students and encourage them

the resources of other programs, such as AVID, Gear Up, and College to participate, inviting them to take the available CE classes. Knowing

Application Week to instill a college-going culture within our schools and respecting students is one strategy to make this happen. We

and help students to understand the process.

encourage students who are in an AVID elective class to take at least

one CE course while in high school.

Ability to feel capable. Skills development.

Working with SpEd to incorporate CE goals into IEPs.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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