Menu at Happy Home For The Healthy Care

Legislative Council Q10

Annex A

Comfort Rehabilitation Home


|Breakfast |Lunch |Dinner |Night Snacks |

| |Chicken Claws, Black Eye Beans and | | |

| |Octopus Soup | | |

| | | | |

|Oatmeal + Egg |Steamed Shredded Pork with Chinese | |Soybean Milk + Biscuits |

| |Preserved Cabbages |Pork Chops with Onions in | |

| |Fried Pork Slices with Celery and |Tomato Sauce | |

| |Cashew Nuts |Fried Seasonal Vegetables with | |

| | |Garlic | |

| |Fruits | | |

Legislative Council Q10

Annex A

Happy Home For The Healthy Care



Breakfast: Soybean Milk

Barbecued Pork/Sweet Paste Bun

Lunch: Chicken Claws, Peanuts and Black Eye Beans Soup

Steamed Minced Pork with Chinese Preserved Cabbages

Seasonal Vegetables

Dinner: Chicken Claws, Peanuts and Black Eye Beans Soup

Curry Pork Chops


Legislative Council Q10

Annex A

Ming Sum Home (Tuen Mun)

Nutritious Menu

Breakfast: Congee with Lean Meat and Preserved Duck Eggs

Bread with Jam

Lunch: Fried Garoupa Slices in Tomato Sauce

Chicken Claws with Seasonal Vegetables

Tomatoes, Potatoes and Pork Ribs Soup



Afternoon Tea: Cake/Biscuits


Sweet Soup or Chinese Herbal Tea provided every Sunday

Dinner: Steamed Eggs with Minced Meat

Fried Chinese Flowering Cabbages with Pork Slices


Remarks: Residents may request biscuits or dim sum from staff members if in need.

Legislative Council Q10

Annex A

Oi Lok Home

Menu (Fourth week)

|Day |Breakfast |Lunch |Afternoon Tea |Dinner |

|Monday |Congee with Lean Meat and |Steamed Spare Ribs in Garlic |Red and Green Beans Sweet |Steamed Fresh |

| |Preserved Duck Eggs |and Black Bean Sauce |Soup |Fish with |

| |Steamed Pork Balls |Boiled Headed Lettuces | |Gingers and |

| | |Peanuts, | |Spring Onions |

| | |Black Eye Beans, Papaya and | |Boiled |

| | |Pig Bones Soup | |Shanghai White |

| | | | |Cabbages |

| | | | |Seasonal Fruits |

|Tuesday |Macaroni with |Steamed Chicken with |Tea |Bean Curds with |

| |Ham and |Black Fungi |Biscuits |Shredded Salty |

| |Shredded Meat |Boiled Seasonal | |Fish and Diced |

| | |Vegetables | |Chicken |

| | |Pumpkins, Carrots and Pig | |Boiled Headed |

| | |Bones Soup | |Lettuces |

| | | | |Seasonal Fruits |

|Wednesday |Congee with |Stewed Streaky Pork with |Bean Curd Skins and Eggs |Stewed Deep Fried Bean |

| |Dried Vegetables and |Preserved Vegetables |Sweet Soup |Curd Puffs with Fish Meat |

| |Salty Pig Bones |Boiled Seasonal Vegetables | |and Vermicelli Boiled |

| |Barbecued Pork Buns |Assorted Vegetarian Food Soup| |Shanghai White Cabbages |

| | | | |Seasonal Fruits |

|Thursday |Noodles in Soup with |Steamed Chicken Claws in |Herbal Tea |Stewed Spare Ribs with |

| |Preserved Mustard Greens and |Black Bean Sauce | |Potatoes |

| |Shredded Pork |Boiled Seasonal Vegetables | |Boiled Seasonal Vegetables |

| | |Hairy Gourd, | |Seasonal Fruits |

| | |Dried Fish and Pig Bones Soup| | |

|Friday |Congee with Peanuts and Black|Steamed Eggs with Minced |Tea |Pork Chops in Tomato Sauce |

| |Eye Beans |Meat |Sliced Bread |Boiled Seasonal |

| | |Boiled Chinese | |Vegetables Seasonal Fruits |

| | |Flowering | | |

| | |Cabbages | | |

| | |White Fungi, | | |

| | |Sweet Corn, | | |

| | |Carrots and Pig Bones Soup | | |

|Saturday |Noodles in Soup with Shredded|Minced Meat with Preserved |Sago and |Garoupa Slices in Fresh |

| |Meat |Vegetables |Coconut Milk |Tomato |

| |and Crab Sticks |Boiled Spinach |Sweet Soup |Sauce |

| | |Tomatoes, | |Boiled Seasonal Vegetables |

| | |Potatoes and | |Seasonal Fruits |

| | |Fish Soup | | |

|Sunday |Oatmeal with Eggs and Milk |Steamed Soy Sauce Chicken |Tea |Fried Zucchinis with Black |

| |Sliced Bread |Boiled Vegetables |Biscuits |Fungi and Meat Slices |

| |with Condensed Milk and |Chinese Herbs, Brown Dates | |Boiled Vegetables |

| |Peanut Butter |and Pig Bones Soup | |Seasonal Fruits |

* The same soup will be served for lunch and dinner.

* Changes in the menu will be notified by the kitchen on the white board.

Legislative Council Q10

Annex A

Tung Fong Rehabilitation Home

Menu (Third week)

|Day |Breakfast |Lunch |Afternoon Tea |Dinner |

|Monday |Congee with Minced Meat |Steamed Spare Ribs in Plum |Sago Sweet Soup |Steamed Seasonal Fish |

| |Plain Buns |Sauce | |Boiled Seasonal Vegetables |

| | |Boiled Vegetables | |Seasonal Fruits |

| | |Dried Cabbages, Carrots and | | |

| | |Pig Bones Soup | | |

|Tuesday |Noodles in Soup with |Steamed Minced Pork with |Tea |Braised Bean Curds |

| |Shredded Pork and Crab |Salted Fish |Sliced Bread |Boiled Vegetables |

| |Sticks |Boiled Spinach | |Seasonal Fruits |

| | |White Fungi, Carrots and Pig | | |

| | |Bones Soup | | |

|Wednesday |Congee with Preserved |Steamed Chicken with Black |Herbal Tea |Eggplants with Spicy Garlic |

| |Root Mustard and Minced|Fungi | |Sauce |

| |Meat |Boiled Chinese Flowering | |Boiled Headed Lettuces |

| |Barbecued Pork Buns |Cabbages | |Seasonal Fruits |

| | |Assorted Vegetarian Food | | |

| | |Soup | | |

|Thursday |Macaroni with Ham and |Steamed Chicken Claws in |Tea |Stewed Bitter Cucumbers with |

| |Shredded Meat |Black Bean Sauce |Biscuits |Spare Ribs |

| | |Sauteed Shanghai White | |Sauteed Cucumbers |

| | |Cabbages | |Seasonal Fruits |

| | |Lotus Roots and Pig Bones | | |

| | |Soup | | |

| | | | | |

|Friday |Congee with Salty Pig |Sauteed Fillets of Chicken |Tea |Stewed Seasonal Melons with |

| |Bones |with Onions and Bell Peppers |Sliced Bread |Minced Fish |

| |Buns with Meat and |Boiled Small Chinese White | |Boiled Chinese Flowering |

| |Vegetable Filling |Cabbages | |Cabbages |

| | |Green Radishes and Carrots | |Seasonal Fruits |

| | |Soup | | |

|Saturday |Noodles in Soup with |Stewed Streaky Pork with |Papaya, White Fungi and Red |Garoupa Slices with Sweet |

| |Preserved Mustard |Preserved Chinese Cabbages |Dates Sweet Soup |Corn |

| |Greens and Shredded Pork|Boiled Headed Lettuces | |Boiled Seasonal Vegetables |

| | |Black Moss, Peanuts and Black| |Seasonal Fruits |

| | |Eye Beans and Chicken Claws | | |

| | |Soup | | |

|Sunday |Oatmeal with Eggs and |Plain Chicken | Tea |Stewed Hairy Gourds with Bean|

| |Milk |Boiled Vegetables |Biscuits |Curd Puffs, Vermicelli and |

| |Barbecued Pork Buns |Chinese Herbs, Brown Dates | |Minced Fish |

| | |and Pig Bones Soup | |Boiled Vegetables |

| | | | |Seasonal Fruits |

* The same soup will be served for lunch and dinner.

* Changes in the menu will be notified by the kitchen on the white board.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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