CP United States History “Issues”

United States/World History and Elective Extra Credit

“Issues of the 21st Century”

Current Event Project - RHS

Read these directions carefully—they must be followed in order to receive credit. In any history class, it is important to follow current events as they become tomorrow’s history. That being said, you will keep up on current events over the semester and will produce a current event project, which will document your learning.

The United States political system is a democracy and one of the freedoms we enjoy is that of free speech. Being an informed American will enable you to become a productive American—one that is able to participate in this democracy and take advantage of the rights that have been given to you.


Every six article reviews you complete counts as a credit (2 points per Article & Review, Maximum 2 credits possible). You may apply one credit to U.S. or World History, and any additional credit will count as electives.


1. Choose one article that deals with one of the Issues of the 21st Century listed below. Articles can be from the Internet (, ), newspaper (L.A. Times, VC Star) or magazines (TIME). You may select the articles yourself, as long as they deal with significant current events. (They must be actual articles, not opinion/letters to the editor) If choosing a newspaper or magazine, you will need to cut the article out and paste or tape the article to regular 8 ½ x 11 paper. If using the Internet, you simply need to print out the article. You will be required to cite the source for your article, so make sure to write down newspaper and/or magazine title, date and page numbers and/or the complete Internet address (see Article Review Format Instructions). Articles must be from this year and be at least one full page in length!

2. Highlight the main points, or anything you find interesting, on the article itself. Your reading skills will improve by using this technique. (This is part of the grade!)

3. Review each article according to the Article Review Format Instructions. All Article Reviews must be computer-generated (typed)!

Note: DO NOT USE 1st Person anywhere in this assignment! (This includes we, us, our, I, my, etc.) You need to write in 3rd Person. This is a difficult task but you can find ways to discuss what you have learned and make an argument without doing this.

*** If you have questions, make sure to come in for help!

Issues of the 21st Century

1. Foreign Policy

2. Immigration

3. Crime and Public Safety

4. Education

5. Health Care/Medical


6. Poverty

7. Social Security/


8. Minority and/or

Women’s Issues

9. The Environment

10. The War on Terrorism

11. Civil Rights & Liberties

12. The Economy

Article Review Format Instructions

Issue _____________________________

Your name:

Periodical/Newspaper title or, if online, complete Internet address:


Article Title:

Page number(s):

Five things you learned from the article. This is a summary of the main points in the article. Please write in complete sentences and in your own words.






Discussion of the article (thoughts, feelings, etc.). Do you agree/disagree with the issues the article raises? Why? Engage actively! Take a side! ***This is an opinion piece! Explain in one paragraph of 5 sentences.

What are the current debates regarding this issue (arguments of the differing sides), and what are the possible outcomes for the issue based on your reading? Explain in one paragraph of 5 sentences.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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