Unit Title: 3

Unit Title: 3.4 News Week: # 1

Teacher: Subject: English Grade: 3rd Date: From ________________ to __________________ 20____

|Desired Result |

|Durable Comprehension (Key Understanding) | |

|Example: Student will understand the difference between fact and opinion and know the importance of self presentation in the media. | |

|How to summarize identifying main idea and supporting details of nonfiction texts. | |

|Assessment Evaluation |

|Summative evaluation |

|(unit projects, exams, etc.) Graphic Organizers: Main Idea, Inverted pyramid |

|Learning Plan |

|Suggested Learning Activities: |

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Expectations |3.L.1 |3.L.1a |3.W.6 |3.R.5I |3.R.5I |

|Academic Strategy | | | | | |

| |___ PBL ___ Coop. Learning. |___ PBL ___Coop. Learning. |___ PBL ___ Coop. Learning. |___ PBL ___ Coop. Learning. |___ PBL ___ Coop. |

| |____Literacy ___ Others |_____Literacy ___ Others |___Literacy ___Others |____Literacy ___Others |Learning. |

| |_______________________ |______________________ |_____________________ |_____________________ |____Literacy ___Others ______________________ |

|Instructional Strategy and Phase | | | | | |

| |___ E ___ C ___ A |___ E ___ C ___ A |___ E ___ C ___ A |___ E ___ C ___ A |___ E ___ C ___ A |

|Objective |Students will listen and interact in class |Students will be able to interact in class|Students will listen and interact in |Students will be able to identify the |Students will be able to identify the parts of a |

| |by answering and asking detailed questions. |by answering and asking detailed |class by answering and asking detailed |parts of a newspaper article to create a |newspaper article to create a Poster “Newspaper Parts” |

| | |questions. |questions. |Poster “Newspaper Parts” | |

|Depth of Knowledge (DOK) |___ Recall / Memory |___ Recall / Memory |___ Recall / Memory |___ Recall / Memory |___ Recall / Memory |

| |___ Skill / Concept |___ Skill / Concept |___ Skill / Concept |___ Skill / Concept |___ Skill / Concept |

| |___ Strategic Thinking |___ Strategic Thinking |___ Strategic Thinking |___ Strategic Thinking |___ Strategic Thinking |

| |___ Extended Thinking |___ Extended Thinking |___ Extended Thinking |___ Extended Thinking |___ Extended Thinking |

|Initial Activities |Introductions of Content Focus |Students and teacher bring examples of |Students answer an open question What |Teacher presents which are the parts of a|Summarize and review previous class. |

| |Open Questions “What is News |different media. Students observe, discuss|makes a good question? Students |newspaper article: Headline, captions, |Students continue working on their Newspaper Parts |

| |Brainstorm reasons why it is important to |and define media as a way of sharing |transform problems that need to be |photos, etc. and gives examples of each |Poster |

| |know what’s going on, what is newsworthy? |information |investigated in their community. |of them. | |

| |Create a list | |Students do research to find out if the | | |

| | | |problems are being covered. | | |

|Development Activities |Students will create a list of differences |. Students create list of news or info | |Students will do a scavenger newspaper |Students Present their posters to the class and explain |

| |between Sensational News and Newsworthy on |that is found in the media | |hunt for features in the newspaper to cut|it. |

| |their notebooks. | | |out, label to make a poster: Newspaper | |

| | | | |Parts | |

|Closing Activities |Wrap up class. |Discuss and summarize class. |Wrap up class. |Wrap-up class. |Wrap up class and evaluation. |

|Formative Assessment – Other evidence | | | | |

| | | | |rhunt/newspaper/ | |

|Materials | | | | | |

|Homework | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Differentiated Instruction Strategies | | | | | |

|___ Special Education | | | | | |

|___ LSP’ | | | | | |

|___ Section 504 | | | | | |

|___ Gifted | | | | | |

|Teacher Reflection | | | | | |


Region: __________________ District: ________________________

School: __________________ Reform Strategy: _________________


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