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English Unit Plan

Unit Theme: 3.3 Fables Date: Period: 4 weeks Teacher: ______________________

Reform Strategy (PCEA): Grade: ( 1 ( 2 ( 3 ( 4 ( 5 ( 6 ( 7 ( 8 ( 9 ( 10 ( 11 ( 12

Transversal Theme: ( Cultural Identity ( Civic and Ethic Education ( Education for Peace ( Environmental Education ( Technology and Education ( Education for Work

Integration: ( Spanish ( English ( Social Studies (Science ( Math ( Fine Arts ( Physical Education ( Health Sciences ( Technology

|Transfer Objective (T) and Acquisition (A) |

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|The students will leave the class able to use genre elements and knowledge of text structure and sequence to create his/ her coherent and well developed literary texts, including fables and folktales |

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|The student acquires skills to... |

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|A1. Listen and interact in class discussions by asking and answering questions with detail, retelling texts, and offering and reinforcing ideas with solid reasoning. |

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|A2. Use in-depth critical reading skills to read an increasing number of irregularly spelled words as well as words with prefixes and suffixes. |

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|A3. Write texts by focusing on a topic, adding descriptive details, using appropriate text organization, and applying the features of a sentence when writing. |

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|A4. Demonstrate a command of English grammar and language using plural nouns, tenses, and conventions when reading, writing, and delivering brief oral presentations. |

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|Essential Questions |

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|EQ1. Why make connections? |

|EU1. Our background knowledge helps us make connections and increases our understanding of texts and the world. |

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|EQ2. What is the importance of fables and folktales to our culture? |

|EU2. Fables and folktales teach us about a culture, but fables are focused on teaching us a lesson or moral. |

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|EQ3. What strategies do good readers use to help them understand text and the world around them? |

|EU3. Readers use a variety of strategies to infer and determine meaning from text. |

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|Days |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

| |Standards and expectations


Activity: Introduction of the Elements of a fable and a folktale to compare and contrast. Create a Venn Diagram.

Other Evidence:

Friday = "Monday" 1 "" | |Standards and expectations 3.R.1

Activity: After reading a Fable the students will identify the elements including the moral , problem/solution in a class chart.

Other Evidence: Reading Response Journal

Friday = "Tuesday" 1 0 0 2 "" | |Standards and expectations 3.R.1

Activity: After reading a Fable the students will map out the structure of fable with attachment 3.3 Learning activity Sequence chart Layered Book Foldable

Other Evidence: Reading Response Journal

Friday = "Wednesday" 1 0 0 3 "" | |Standards and expectations 3. R.2.L.


Activity: Make mask from paper plates to retell the story.

Other evidence: Word Family Check

Use attachment 3.3 Other Evidence Word Family Assessment.

Friday = "Thursday" 1 0 0 4 "" | |Standards and expectations 3.R.2.L


Activity: Retell a fable using the paper plates mask as a group presentation.

Other evidence: Attachment 3.1 Word Family Book

Fluency Check

Attachment Resource 8

Paired Reading Fluency Check | |1 | | | | | | | | | | | |week | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Standards and expectations

3.R.2.L 3.R.1

Activity: After a read aloud Fable students will identify the moral and Problem/ Solution.

Other Evidence: Reading Response Journal | |Standards and expectations



Using connections to make predictions. The teacher will explain how prior knowledge connections can help to make predictions in a story.

Other Evidence: 3.3 Make Predictions Attachment | |Standards and expectations 3.R.1

Activity: Reads a fable with a partner to make a T-Chart 3.3 Learning activity: Making Prediction Organizer

| |Standards and expectations 3.W.3

Activity: Performance Task: Reflection: Which Moral Makes the Most Sense in My Life?

| |Standards and expectations



Performance Task: Reflection: Which Moral Makes the Most Sense in My Life?

| |2 | | | | | | | | | | | |week. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Standards and expectations 3.R.FS.12a

Skill: Prefix and Root Words Activity. The teacher reads aloud the fable: The Lion and the Mouse. Create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast characters in the fable.Other Evidence: 3.3 Comparing Characters

| |Standards and expectations


Skill: Prefix and Root WordsActivity: The teacher reads aloud the fable: The tortoise and the Hare. Students create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the characters.

Other Evidence: 3.3 Comparing Characters

| |Standards and expectations 3.R.FS.12a

Skill: Prefix and Root Words Activity: Create a word Root and Prefix Chart using words from the fables. Create a character accordion book including drawings and character traits.

| |Standards and expectations 3.LA.1b

Skill: Plural Nouns

Activity: Create a T chart with nouns and their plural form. Explain the rules for regular and irregular nouns.

| |Standards and expectations


Skills: Plural Nouns

Activity: Using morning messages to teach Irregular Plural Nouns.

Play partner concentration game with plural Nouns

| |3 | | | | | | | | | | | |week | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Standards and expectations 3.W.4


Activity: Performance Task: Writing My own Fable

Attachment 3.3: Fable Story Map Students brainstorm the story individually or with a partner to support ideas and vocabulary.

| |Standards and expectations 3.W.3


Activity: Performance Task: Writing My own Fable

Learning Activity: Attachment 3.3 Comic Strips

For his/her fable practices writing dialogues.

| |Standards and expectations 3.LA.1f


Skill: Reinforce Past Tense

Activity: Students begin writing their own fable using the past tense of verbs. Using the writing process steps.

| |Standards and expectations 3.W.FS.9

Skill: Writing Process

Activity: Students use the writing process to edit and proofread their fable in order to be published. This can be a partner activity using sticky notes. | |Standards and expectations

3.S.3 3.S.6

Activity: Students present their Performance Task: Writing My Own Fable and the teacher will evaluate them. | |4 | | | | | | | | | | | |week | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |week | | | | | | | | | | | |


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