2005-2006 BOARD GOALS - Egg Harbor City School District

2018-2019 BOARD GOALS

Action Plan (Goal) #1

Curriculum / Student Achievement/Professional Development

|Major Activities |Staff |Resources |Timeline |Indicators of Success |

|Effectively implement revised Achieve NJ |Superintendent |Atlantic County Office of Education |6/30/19 |New staff training to secure knowledge of the Danielson Model |

|by providing professional development and |Business Administrator |District Professional Development Plan | |evaluation tool |

|implementing revised evaluation |Principal/Supervisor |ETTC / Richard Stockton College | |Staff evaluations to meet students’ needs |

|requirements, specific to the Danielson |Director of Special Projects |Danielson Framework Book | |Use of formal staff evaluations |

|Evaluation Model. Student achievement will|Board of Education |Danielson Handbook | |Measure student progress through formative and summative evaluations|

|be enhanced through professional |Technology Coordinator |Link-It Software for assessment | |Production and distribution of professional development resources |

|development for staff. |DEAC | | |specific to Danielson framework to new staff |


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2018-2019 BOARD GOALS

Action Plan (Goal) #2

Community Relations

|Major Activities |Staff |Resources |Timeline |Indicators of Success |

|Engage the EHC Community in the |Superintendent |NJSBA |Ongoing |Expansion of public relations program within the school district |

|planning and implementation of the EHC|Business Administrator |City Council | |Development of the TV Media Distribution Center at the EHCCS |

|public schools’ educational program. |Principal/Supervisor |Faith Based Organizations | |Continued use of the Connect-ED communication system |

| |Director of Special Projects |Youth Organizations | |Increased parent and community participation in school sponsored |

| |EHCCS Public Relations Representative |PTO | |events |

| |21st CCLC Project Director |Business Community | |Use of multi-media outlets such as school website, Facebook & |

| |CLS Public Relations Representative |Ed. Foundation | |Twitter. |

| |Board of Education |Parents/Guardians | | |

| |School District Solicitor |EHC Municipal Alliance | | |

| | |ESEA | | |

| | |21st CCLC Grant | | |

| | |NJ Coordinated School Health Grant | | |

| | |Atlanticare Community Healthy Schools Initiative | | |

| | |Rutgers Agricultural Experiment | | |

| | |Kiwanis | | |

| | |Let Us Eat Please Initiative | | |


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2018-2019 BOARD GOALS

Action Plan (Goal) #3

Personnel / Finance

|Major Activities |Staff |Resources |Timeline |Indicators of Success |

|Continue to produce fiscally and |Superintendent |New Jersey School Boards Association |6/30/19 |Weekly budget meetings during budget building process |

|educationally sound budget to meet the|Business Administrator |New Jersey Association of School Administrators| |Public Presentation of User Friendly budget |

|needs of staff, students and |Principal/Supervisor |Atlantic County Office of Education | |Approval of budget by Atlantic County Office of Education |

|facilities. |Director of Special Projects | | | |

| |Board of Education | | | |

| |School District Solicitor | | | |

| |Technology Coordinator | | | |

| |Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds | | | |

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2018-2019 BOARD GOALS

Action Plan (Goal) #4

Board Professional Development Training

|Major Activities |Staff |Resources |Timeline |Indicators of Success |

|Board of Education will direct |Superintendent |New Jersey School Boards Association |6/30/18 |Increase in Board members involvement and attendance at |

|professional development opportunities|Business Administrator |Google Docs | |trainings, programs, conferences and workshops offered by NJSBA |

|towards increasing Board members |Board of Education |Chromebooks | |throughout the 2018-2019 school year. |

|knowledge and skills in policymaking |School District Solicitor |Training provided to BOE members as needed | |Paperless Board of Education meetings. |

|and governance. Board of Education | | | | |

|will incorporate technology at monthly| | | | |

|meetings. | | | | |


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2018-2019 BOARD GOALS

Action Plan (Goal) #5

Facilities / Finance

|Major Activities |Staff |Resources |Timeline |Indicators of Success |

|Oversee significant building |Superintendent |Becica Associates, LLC, Architect of Record |Ongoing |Work with SDA to facilitate process. |

|repairs at the Egg Harbor City |Business Administrator |NJ Department of Education | |Final Certificate of Occupancy issued. |

|Community School resulting from |Principal/Supervisor |NJ Schools Development Authority | | |

|original SDA building project |Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds |Contractors TBD | | |

| |Board of Education | | | |

| |School District Solicitor | | | |


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