A Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of the Toms River Regional Schools took place at Toms River High School North, 1245 Old Freehold Road, Toms River, New Jersey on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 6:15 P.M.Board President Joseph Torrone read the following Opening Statement:“Good Evening, Welcome to a Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of the Toms River Regional Schools.”“This meeting was announced to the public through a notice published in the Asbury Park Press on October 6, 2014, which constituted at least 48 hours notice as required by law under the Open Public Meetings Act.”A roll call of attendance indicated the following Board Members were present: Mrs. Gidalty Esparza, Mrs. Gloria McCormack, Mr. Alex Pavliv, Mr. Walter Ramsay, Mr. James Sigurdson, Mrs. Loreen Torrone, Mrs. Ginny Rhine, and Mr. Joseph Torrone.Mr. Ben Giovine arrived 6:45. Also in attendance were Superintendent Healy, Board Secretary Saxton, Assistant Superintendents, McKenna, Natanagara, Hauenstein, Business Administrator Doering, Board Attorney Leone, guests and press were also present at the meeting.EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION- 6:15 P.M.A motion was made by Mrs. Torrone, seconded by Mrs. Esparza and carried that the following Executive Session Resolution be approved:Resolved, that the Board of Education, at this time, move to a closed session to be held at the executive session meeting room at Toms River High School North, Toms River, New Jersey, for the purpose of:Executive Session Resolution – To include Legal/Litigation (Property for sale adjoining district property, MJR), Personnel, Negotiations (multiple bargaining units), Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Report, Suspension Report. Subject to change. as outlined under the Open public Meetings Act.The Board of Education does at this time, anticipate public action on the matter at this evening’s public meeting. When, and if, the Board of Education does take action on any of the other matters so noted, the action will be placed in public session. All members present voting Aye. RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION – 7:30 P.M.A motion was made by Mrs. Esparza, seconded by Mrs. Rhine and carried that the Board return to Regular Session at 7:30 P.M. All members present voting Aye. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Board President Mr. Torrone led the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTSSuperintendent Healy stated significant efforts have been made in the area of the following: Curriculum Instruction, Professional Development, Technology, full day Kindergarten, Freshman Academy, Special Education, Culture & Climate, increasing revenue while decreasing cost and Budget Planning process for the 15-16 school year. Many of these items are part of the 2014-2015 District Goals as well as the Superintendent Goals. A full quarterly summary report outlining the progress made towards these goals will be presented to the public during the Superintendent’s comment section of the November 18, 2014 regular action meeting where we look forward to sharing our district progress with the entire community. STUDENT AWARDSThe list of student award recipients is attached to the minutes.STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES:Nicholas Cottone, High School EastAshley Gutierrez, High School NorthTaylor Lampard, High School SouthStudent Representatives from all three high schools updated the Board on the academic and athletic successes taking place at their respective schools, as well as events taking place and fund raising MITTEE REPORTS/BOARD COMMENTSBudget & Finance Committee – Mr. Sigurdson The Budget & Finance Committee of the Board of Education of the Toms River Regional Schools met on October 14, 2014 at 1144 Hooper Avenue, Toms River, New Jersey in Conference Room A at 6:30 P.M. Board President, Joe Torrone, read the following opening statement:“Good evening, welcome to the Budget and Finance Committee Meeting of the Board of Education of the Toms River Regional Schools. Notice of this meeting was published in the Asbury Park Press on October 6, 2014 which constituted at least 48 hours notice as required by law under the Open Public Meetings Act.”In addition to Board President, Joe Torrone, in attendance were Board members- Ginny Rhine, Ben Giovine, Loreen Torrone, Gigi Esparza and Gloria McCormack, Superintendent- David Healy, Assistant Superintendents- Jim Hauenstein and Marc Natanagara, Business Administrator- Bill Doering and Board Secretary- Wendy Saxton. The meeting was open to the public and an opportunity for public comment was provided.As we do every month, the committee reviewed the expenditures listed on the Purchasing Agenda, which was e-mailed to all Board members prior to the Budget and Finance Committee meeting. The Purchasing Agenda also included items of zero value, bids and resolutions. Questions were asked by various individual board members, which were answered by Mr. Doering and other members of the administration. The Purchasing Agenda for this month is in the amount of $7,363,155.02 for the 2014/15 school year. The Budget & Finance Committee is recommending the approval of the Purchasing Agenda by the full Board.The Committee then reviewed the Facility Lease Agreements, and these are also being recommended for board approval.Building & Grounds Committee – Mr. Giovine The Building & Grounds Committee of the Board of Education of the Toms River Regional Schools met on October 14, 2014 in Conference Room A at 1144 Hooper Avenue, Toms River, New Jersey at 7:00 P.M. Committee Chair, Ben Giovine, read the following opening statement:“Good evening, welcome to the Building and Grounds Committee Meeting of the Board of Education of the Toms River Regional Schools. Notice of this meeting was published in the Asbury Park Press on October 6, 2014 which constituted at least 48 hours? notice as required by law under the Open Public Meetings Act.”In attendance were Committee Chair, Ben Giovine, Board members- Joe Torrone, Ginny Rhine, Loreen Torrone, Gigi Esparza and Gloria McCormack, Superintendent- David Healy, Assistant Superintendents- Jim Hauenstein and Marc Natanagara, Business Administrator- Bill Doering and Educational Facilities Manager- Mark Wagner. The meeting was open to the public and an opportunity for public comment was provided.The committee discussed the projects and ongoing work in and around our buildings, including the following:?High School South, bleacher project- the committee was informed that plans and specifications, including applicable bid alternates, were nearly complete and will be reviewed by the district shortly. Maser Consulting did perform an inspection of the bleachers on September 11, 2014, and will be inspecting again subsequent to some additional repair and reinforcement work that needed to be performed by district staff on an emergent basis.?Hooper Avenue Elementary School, boiler replacement project- the committee was informed that Maser Consulting has been advised to proceed with developing the plans and specifications for the replacement of the 2 school boilers.?Intermediate East- the committee discussed a draft overview of the auditorium repair and renovation project, as well as the G-wing floor repair project. Given the timing of the work to be performed and the need to ensure that funding is in place as expected, this project will continue to be developed. Subject to final approval of the project scope by the Board, work would not take place until summer 2015.?Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (?HMGP?)- the committee was informed that the application for a generator at High School North has been accepted. We had applied for new or replacement generators for many locations, but only one was approved for this next submission. We are awaiting further correspondence regarding next steps in the process.?Cedar Grove– the committee was informed that a new generator is needed, and the estimated cost is $15K. The Facilities Department is currently working on a proposed replacement schedule for our older generators district-wide.? Walnut Street- the committee was informed that the artificial turf field is currently being assessed due to some apparent damage or excessive wear. The Facilities Department and the turf installer are still reviewing and assessing the field. The Facilities Department will also be reviewing all warranty information before reporting back to the committee regarding the status of the field.? Pine Beach Elementary- after fixing a water penetration issue, the district is preparing to replace approximately 700 square feet of gym floor.? High School North- the committee was advised that a student named Ethan Passiment completed an Eagle Scout project by installing benches at High School North, and the Facilities Department was very complimentary regarding the outcome of the project and the efforts of Mr. Passiment.? Pine Beach- the district received notification from NJDEP regarding a former underground storage tank at the school that was removed in the mid to late 1990?s. The district will again have to retain the services of an LSRP to close the file.? High School East- The Ocean County Engineer contacted the district as they are surveying portions of the property to determine if any wetlands on the site require de-snagging.? Finally, the district was notified that an owner of property within 200? of the Vehicle Maintenance Complex on Route 37 East is requesting a letter of interpretation from Freshwater Wetlands. Curriculum Committee – Mrs. RhineA Curriculum Committee Meeting of the Board of Education of the Toms River Regional Schools took place at 1144 Hooper Avenue, Conference Room A, on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 7:30 p.mittee Chair Ginny Rhine read the following Opening Statement:“Good Evening, welcome to a Curriculum Committee meeting of the Board of Education of the Toms River Regional Schools.”This meeting was announced through a notice published in the Asbury Park Press on October 6, 2014 which constituted at least48 hours notice as required by law under the Open Public Meetings Act.”In attendance were Committee Chair Ginny Rhine. Also present were Board Members Loreen Torrone, GiGi, Esparza, Gloria McCormack, Ben Giovine and Board of Education President, Joseph Torrone. Also attending were David Healy,Superintendent of Schools; William Doering, Business Administrator; Assistant Superintendents James Hauenstein, Debra McKenna, and Dr. Marc Natanagara, Directors of Curriculum, Cara DiMeo and John Coleman, and Director of Funded Programs/District Test Coordinator, Dr. Estee Mailot.The committee members were pleased to learn of the many exciting things that are currently in practice and are planned for implementation in our school district this year. Refinement and realignment of curriculum opportunities drive all of the learning opportunities and experiences offered to our students and are at the core of our mission as a school district. The infusion of energy that has been inspired by thecommunication between all district staff will continue to grow as a result of both vertical and horizontal articulation throughout the year. District administration will glean feedback from this to continue to collaborate with supervisors and teachers in securing resources that support the implementation of research based best practice.Dr. Mailot, District Director of Funded Programs/District Test Coordinator, provided an overview of NJASK & HSPA test data analysis. Her presentation compared scores over a three year period. Her commentary was focused on trends in student performance in comparison to the DFG and state results. Discussion ensued regarding the scores of each population of students and their consistent tendency to remain higher than the state and DFG for both English Language Arts and Mathematics.Our new Elementary Curriculum Director, Cara DiMeo, discussed key curriculum changes and resources to support instruction aligned to the Common Core and pointed out how they relate to student performance data. The newly revised K-5 curriculum guides for English Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Math are fully aligned to the New Jersey Core Content Curriculum Standards and the Common Core State Standards. The revised curriculum was designed to support literacy instruction acrossall content areas. Each contains suggested modifications to support various levels of academic readiness, including integrated accommodations for students receiving support for ELL and special education, as well as for enrichment purposes. The scope & sequence guides, which are modeled after NJ Model Curriculum (reflecting the sequence suggested by the PARCC consortium), also provide concrete guidance for instruction. In addition, benchmark assessments for English Language Arts and Mathematics have been revised for efficient progress monitoring of students’ mastery of the Common Core.Continued support for teachers concerning the workshop model of instruction has been the focus of recent professional development opportunities and will continue to be a priority as we transition towards instruction that is aligned to the standards.A brief review of the current resources to support instruction included references to:?Reading Wonders?Schoolwide reading units?Ready Common Core bundles for grades 3-5?Everyday Math bridge documents?Supplemental resources being compiled to address achievement gaps in all areasMr. Coleman apprised the committee of the status of our secondary curriculum. All curriculum has been reviewed and updated to be aligned to both the NJCCCS and the CCSS and the quarterly assessments have been revised to reflect these changes. Teachers will use cluster analysis from state test scores to provide data for focused instruction. Mr. Coleman gave an update on the implementation of our new 6-8 grade math curriculum and text resource, BIG IDEAS. This program provides students with a blend of student led, inquiry based learning and direct instruction and has a strong digital support component. Teachers in all content areas are focusing on infusing informational text strategies to promote student success.Mr. Hauenstein reviewed the QSAC report and Statement of Assurance for the 2013-2014 school year which is being presented for board approval tonight. He outlined two high school student requests for option two programs in the area of technology. Additionally, Mr. Hauenstein presented an overview for an Educational Research project which was developed with teachers who are participating in our partnership with Stevens Institute of Technology.Dr. Natanagara presented the board with a comprehensive overview of the initial draft of the District Professional Development Plan. He briefly outlined the rationale for the document, including detail related to the status of the draft, the development process, and key district initiatives that were contained therein. Dr. Natanagara further explained that our professional development plan is a living document that is best informed through staff feedback and ongoing needs assessment. Dr. Natanagara identified the section required by the NJDOE (District PD Plan), which will be placed on the October 21 agenda for the Board's approval. Dr. Natanagara stated that the document will be used by staff to make curricular and professional development-related decisions.Mrs. McKenna spoke of district initiatives to address school culture and climate. At the September anti-bullying specialist meeting each school was charged with designing a positive behavioral system where students are provided with explicitly taught examples of expectations for behavior. As part of this program, these behaviors are recognized and acknowledged by staff. Hooper Avenue Elementary School was named for its current pilot plan which was designed as a result of a recommendation made by the school safety team. This initiative entails student participation in a recess plan that allows students choices of various activities to take part in each day. This month’s fun choices include kick ball, an obstacle course, three way soccer, “capture the chicken”, and a station for free play. In its first week, the school has already seen a dramatic decline in lunchtime nurse visits, and student conflicts.Mrs. McKenna also provided details related to a project between our elementary schools and TV 21. All district elementary schools in Toms River will have the opportunity to participate in the Primary News Project throughout the school year. The project consists of a 10-12 student crew, each of whom will explore a different job related to the development, presentation, and broadcasting of the news program. Teacher advisers will select students on a rotating basis from each school to allow for maximum student participation. The project fosters collaboration between high school and elementary students in both the collection of video footage for planned segments and in the filming of the program. Equally as important, parents and community members are informed of various highlights from the happenings of each elementary school.The first segment was filmed last Friday, October 17, 2014 and will be aired on local TV 21 (Comcast) and 26 (Verizon), as well as on the district YouTube channel, later this week.In terms of recent technology purchases and the use of these technologies to support the instruction and learning, Mr. Healy advised the Board of the progress being made in this area and that a committee meeting will be scheduled for November. Additionally a comprehensive technology report will be presented at the November regular action meeting.The committee adjourned at 8:30 p.m.Personnel Committee – Mrs. TorroneA Personnel Committee Meeting of the Board of Education of the Toms River Regional Schools took place at the Administrative Offices, 1144 Hooper Avenue, Conference Room A, Toms River, New Jersey on October 14, 2014, at 5:30 p.m. This meeting is not publicly advertised as the committee reviews personnel information which includes names of individual staff member as well as possible new staff members.In attendance were Committee Members Loreen Torrone, President. Also attending were Board Members Joseph Torrone and David Healy, Superintendent of Schools.The meeting was opened at 5:30 p.m. by Chair, Loreen Torrone. David Healy, Superintendent discussed with the members the certified personnel being recommended for employment at the board meeting on Tuesday, October 21, 2014. Each candidate’s qualifications were reviewed and questions answered.Also discussed was the addition of a Nurse Coordinator stipend. A job description was presented to the members and a rationale was discussed on the necessity of this position.The committee adjourned at 6:00 p.m.Policy Committee – Mrs. EsparzaA Policy Committee Meeting of the Board of Education of the Toms River Regional School District took place at 1144 Hooper Avenue, Conference Room A, on Tuesday, October 14, mittee Chair Gigi Esparza read the following Opening Statement:“Good Evening, Welcome to a Policy Committee Meeting of the Board of Education of the Toms River Regional Schools. Notice of this meeting was published in the Asbury Park Press on October 6, 2014, which constituted at least 48 hours notice as required by law under the Open Public Meetings Act.”In attendance were Committee Chair Gigi Esparza and Committee Member Gloria McCormack. Also present were Board President Joseph Torrone, Vice President Ginny Rhine, and Board members Ben Giovine and Loreen Torrone; David Healy, Superintendent of Schools; William Doering, Business Administrator; Assistant Superintendents James Hauenstein, Debra McKenna and Marc Natanagara.All members of the Board of Education were provided Policy packets with draft copies of policies, bylaws and regulations presented for review prior to the evening’s meeting.The Board was provided the opportunity to clarify policies and regulations to be presented for a second reading and subsequent approval at the October 21, 2014 Board of Education meeting.The board also asked questions reading the following bylaws, policies and regulations:By laws: Bylaw 0132 – Executive AuthorityBylaw 0133 – Adjudication of DisputeBylaw 0141 – Board Member Number and TermBylaw 0143 – Board Member ElectionBylaw 0144 – Board Member OrientationBylaw 0145 – Board Member Resignation and RemovalBylaw 0146 – Board Member AuthorityBylaw 0148 – Board Member IndemnificationBylaw 0151 – Organization MeetingBylaw 0152 – Board OfficersBylaw 0153 – Annual AppointmentsBylaw 0154 – Annual Motions and DesignationsBylaw 0155 – Board CommitteesBylaw 0162 – Notice of Board MeetingsBylaw 0163 – QuorumBylaw 0166 – Executive SessionBylaw 0169 – Board Member Use of Electronic Mail/InternetBylaw 0171 – Duties of President and Vice-PresidentBylaw 0172 – Duties of Treasurer of School MoneysBylaw 0173 – Duties of Public School AccountantBylaw 0175 – Contracts with Independent ConsultantsBylaw 0176- Collective Bargaining and Contract Approval/RatificationPolicies and Regulations:Policy 1120 – Management TeamPolicy 1210 – Board-Superintendent Relations Policy/Regulation 3212 – Attendance (M) Policy 3432 – Sick LeavePolicy 4432 – Sick Leave Policy/Regulation 4211 – AttendancePolicy/Regulation 5561– Use of Physical Restraint Policy 9160 - Public Attendance at School EventsPolicy 1330 – Evaluation of School Business Administrator (M) Policy 1620 – Administrative Employment Contracts Policy/Regulation 6422 – Budget Transfers (M)Regulation 1240– Evaluation of Superintendent (M) Regulation 1400 – Job Descriptions (M)Regulation 1510 – Rights of Persons with Handicaps or Disabilities/ Non- Discrimination (M)These bylaws, policies and regulations will be presented at a later Board of Education meeting allowing for additional review.Members of the public were present and were given the opportunity to ask questions.Insurance Committee – Mr. PavlivThe Insurance Committee of the Board of Education of the Toms River Regional Schools met on October 14, 2014 at 1144 Hooper Avenue, Toms River, New Jersey in the second floor conference room at 6:00 P.M. This meeting is not publicly advertised as the committee reviews workers compensation and liability billing information which includes names and case information for individuals, including staff members.In attendance were Board members Gigi Esparza and Gloria McCormack as well as Business Administrator- William Doering. Also in attendance was Dominick Cinelli with the district property/casualty broker, Brown and Brown.The Insurance Committee reviewed the Inservco bill for September 2014 totaling $109,401.76 with regards to the detail of claim payments for the workers compensation and liability programs. Questions were asked by committee members regarding payments, which were answered by administration at the meeting. The committee is recommending payment of this bill.Dominick Cinelli from Brown and Brown presented two reports. The first was the insurance summary report with comparative cost data for a multiple year periodfor the various insurances. This report was presented at the most recent quarterly administrative insurance committee meeting. On a quarterly basis this committeemeets with all stakeholders, including Brown and Brown, Inservco, the Districtbusiness Office, the Director of Facilities, the Director of Transportation, the workers compensation attorney and the Board Attorney. At this quarterly meeting insurance data is reviewed, as well as specific workers compensation and liability cases, tofocus on areas of risk, including protocols and trainings which could help in addressing areas of risk.The second report presented by Brown and Brown was the usual monthly insurance report for the workers compensation and liability accounts. The report included re-opened claims, new claims for the month, closed claims, indemnity payments, a repeater report and major reserve changes. The report also included the location of the accident for each claim, as well as the employee department. INQUIRIES FROM GUESTS AND PRESS - AGENDA ITEMS ONLY (limited to 3 minutes as per Board Policy # 0167 – Public Participation in Board Meetings, the first public session will be limited to a total of 30 minutes). Ms. Garvey discussed school policies and committees.Ms. Benson discussed husband and wife being on the same committee.PRESENTATION OF SEMI-ANNUAL DISTRICT ELECTRONIC VIOLENCE AND VANDALISM REPORT (EVVR)Toms River Regional SchoolsElectronic Vandalism and Violence ReportSemi – Annual report for School Year October 21, 2014Presented to the Toms River Regional Schools Board of EducationThe following report is mandated by and reflective of New Jersey statutes N.J.S.A. 18A:36-5.1; P.L. 2010, c.122, the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights; and, N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15b(6)e. These legislative items require New Jersey public schools to maintain records through the Electronic Violence and Vandalism Report, and report statistics to the public twice per year. The first report was made at the April 8, 2014, Board of Education meeting, which reflected statistics and programs for the first half of last school year. This report fulfills the annual obligation and will reflect statistics and programs for the entire 2013-2014 school year, as outlined by statute for all 18 of the Toms River Schools, inclusive of three high schools, three intermediate schools and all twelve elementary schools. The district is comprised of 16,000 pupils for the 2013-2014 school year.As a foundation for the report, we applaud the continuing efforts of the district’s staff, student body and parents to continue to support efforts to maintain a safe school environment.This includes:The combined efforts of over 2,000 staff members – teachers, paraprofessionals, nurses, guidance counselors, secretaries, bus drivers, custodians, cafeteria workers, administrators, and other support staff;The School Resource Officers and Safety Officers in our high schools and intermediate schools;Our district’s security force; Our Student Assistance Counselors;Our student body, parents and guardians.Also included are the implementations made in the past years to increase security, including:Monthly security drills;Closed circuit surveillance camera systems; The addition of school safety officers;Buzz in systems at our schools;Revisions to all school security plans;Involvement with the Governor’s Task Force on School Safety and the Making Our Schools Safe initiative during 2013;Annual and on-going door checks at all buildings; The School Safety and Security Plan, a 91 point document developed and updated for each school;And, school-based review by district-staffed Security Teams.The continuing goal of our district is to provide quality education in a safe environment. The collective efforts of all district employees are the foundation for our continued efforts to maintain a safe school environment for each student and staff member. This effort is never ending and all involved are to be applauded.In documenting two mandated events during the month of October, The Week of Respect, which just passed, October 6 – 10, 2014, and this week’s School Violence Awareness Week, October 20-24, 2014, our district is reinforcing the message of safe and respectful schools! The list provided is just a snapshot of what is occurring, but, it is noted:Grade 6 students at the intermediate level witnessed an assembly from the Ocean County Health Dept. - #DrugCode, while grade 7 and 8 students heard from members of the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office on Internet Safety. Also, announcements and posters with anti-violence and respect themes were prominent through both weeks.Elementary schools are fully participating; the list of events, activities and programs is extensive. Included are participation in the TR3R code:“As a student of the TRSD, I pledge to:Respect myself by making good choices;Respect my classmates by treating them kindly;Take responsibility for my actions.Also, posters, signs, announcements, special clothing days, vocabulary lessons, books and stories, art contests, parades, all delivered the message of respect, kindness and tolerance. High Schools are also involved with daily announcements to promote tolerance and respect using quotes from noted people, buttons with the word “RESPECT” in school colors being handed out, poster contests delivering the message of respect, essay and video lessons, some even in Spanish, throughout the curriculum all with the focus on the message of respect and tolerance.While tremendous efforts are made to educate and demonstrate a message of respect, safety and tolerance during October, it must be also noted these same messages are the expectation for the entire school year.In reviewing the EVVR data, the 2013-2014 school year incidents of violence, vandalism, weapons and substance abuse will be reviewed in comparison to the previous five year trend average, 2008-2009 through 2012-2013, for each indicator. It is important to also note this is the second year, as per state statute, incidents of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying have been separated from the category of Violence.In the subgroup of violence, the five year trend average reflects 121 incidents, while the 2013-2014 reports lists 73 incidents, a decrease of forty-eight (48) incidents. (This statistic also reflects some years where Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying incidents were recorded as a part of the violence category).In the subgroup of vandalism, the five year trend average reflects 12 incidents, while the 2013-2014 reports lists 4 incidents, a decrease of eight (8) incidents. In the subgroup of weapons, the five year trend average reflects 12 incidents, while the 2013-2014 reports lists 6 incidents, a decrease of six (6) incidents.In the subgroup of substance abuse, the five year trend average reflects 62 incidents, while the 2013-2014 reports lists 51 incidents, a decrease of eleven (11) incidents.Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying statistics are now reported in a separate category. In 2011-2012, the first year of the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights law, these offenses were reported in the Violence category. Last year, 2012-2013, the incidents of HIB were reported in a separate category, with 46 events. This year, the district reported 53 incidents, an increase of seven (7) incidents. In total review of all reportable categories, the 2013-2014 EVVR report reveals 187 events, while the five year trend reflects an average of 215 incidents, a decrease of 28 events in comparison. I present to our Board of Education the statistics as required, to highlight our continuing efforts to present safe schools and proper student behaviors. I applaud the entire districts’ personnel in promoting a safe environment and tolerant behaviors. I ask for the approval of the report this evening.APPROVAL OF SEMI-ANNUAL DISTRICT ELECTRONIC VIOLENCE AND VANDALISM REPORT (EVVR)A motion was made by Mr. Sigurdson, seconded by Mrs. Esparza and carried that the Approval of the Semi-Annual District Electronic Violence and Vandalism Report (EVVR) be approved: On roll call the following vote: Ayes: Esparza, Giovine, McCormack, Pavliv, Ramsay, Sigurdson, Torrone, Rhine, TorroneNoes: NoneAbstained: NoneAbsent: NoneAPPROVAL OF THE OCEAN COUNTY VOCATIONAL MATES AND PERFORMING ARTS PROGRAM AGREEMENT (attached) A motion was made by Mrs. Torrone, seconded by Mr. Giovine and carried that the Approval of the Ocean County Vocational Mates and Performing Arts Program Agreement be approved: On roll call the following vote: Ayes: Esparza, Giovine, McCormack, Pavliv, Ramsay, Sigurdson, Torrone, Rhine, TorroneNoes: NoneAbstained: NoneAbsent: NoneAPPROVAL OF 2014-2015 PUPIL CALENDAR (attached)A motion was made by Mrs. McCormack, seconded by Mrs. Esparza and carried that the Approval 2014-2015 Pupil Calendar be approved: On roll call the following vote: Ayes: Esparza, Giovine, McCormack, Pavliv, Ramsay, Sigurdson, Torrone, Rhine, TorroneNoes: NoneAbstained: NoneAbsent: NoneAPPROVAL OF SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING POLICIES AND REGULATIONSA motion was made by Mrs. Esparza, seconded by Mr. Sigurdson and carried that the approval of the Second Reading and Adoption of the following Policies and Regulations be approved: Policy 1581 -Victim of Domestic or Sexual Violence LeavePolicy 3125 - Employment of Teaching Staff MembersPolicy 4125 - Employment of Support Staff MembersPolicy & Regulation 3240- Professional Development for TeachersPolicy & Regulation2412- Home Instruction due to Health ConditionPolicy & Regulation 2417 - Student Intervention and Referral ServicesPolicy & Regulation 2481- Home or Out of School Instruction Policy 3283 - Electronic Communication between Teaching Staff and Students Policy 4283- Electronic Communication between Support Staff Members and StudentsPolicy & Regulation 5610- SuspensionPolicy & Regulation 5611 - Removal of Student for Firearms Offenses Policy & Regulation5612-Assaults on District Board of Ed. Members or EmployeesPolicy & Regulation 5613- Removal of Students for Assaults with WeaponsPolicy & Regulation 8462- Reporting Potentially Missing or Abused ChildrenPolicy 3230 – Outside Activities of Teaching Staff MembersPolicy 4230 – Outside Activities of Support Staff MembersPolicy 5620- ExpulsionOn roll call the following vote: Ayes: Giovine, Esparza, McCormack, Pavliv, Ramsay, Sigurdson, Torrone, Rhine, TorroneNoes: NoneAbstained: NoneAbsent: NoneAPPROVAL OF THE SUBMISSION OF THE M-1, 7.6 FACILITIES CHECKLIST, COMPREHENSIVE MAINTENANCE PLAN AND CAPITAL RESERVE CALCULATOR TO THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONA motion was made by Mr. Sigurdson, seconded by Mrs. Esparza and carried that the approval of the Submission of the M-1, 7.6 Facilities Checklist, Comprehensive Maintenance Plan and Capital Reserve Calculator to the Department of Education be approved: On roll call the following vote: Ayes: Esparza, Giovine, McCormack, Pavliv, Ramsay, Sigurdson, Torrone, TorroneNoes: RhineAbstained: NoneAbsent: NoneAPPROVAL OF THE NJQSAC STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE SCHOOL YEAR 2014-2015A motion was made by Mrs. Esparza, seconded by Mr. Giovine and carried that the approval of the NJQSAC Statement of Assurance School Year 2014-2015 be approved: On roll call the following vote: Ayes: Esparza, Giovine, McCormack, Pavliv, Ramsay, Sigurdson, Torrone, Rhine, TorroneNoes: NoneAbstained: NoneAbsent: NoneAPPROVAL OF THE NEW JERSEY SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE RESOLUTIONA motion was made by Mr. Sigurdson, seconded by Mrs. Esparza and carried that the approval of the New Jersey School Boards Association Conference Resolution be approved: On roll call the following vote: Ayes: Esparza, Giovine, McCormack, Pavliv, Ramsay, Sigurdson, Torrone, Rhine, TorroneNoes: NoneAbstained: NoneAbsent: NoneAPPROVAL OF STATE MANDATED DISTRICT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 2014-2015A motion was made by Mrs. Esparza, seconded by Mr. Sigurdson and carried that the approval of the State Mandated District Professional Development Plan for 2014-2015 be approved: On roll call the following vote: Ayes: Esparza, Giovine, McCormack, Pavliv, Ramsay, Sigurdson, Torrone, Rhine, TorroneNoes: NoneAbstained: NoneAbsent: NoneAPPROVAL OF HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING REPORTA motion was made by Mr. Ramsay, seconded by Mrs. Rhine and carried that the approval of the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Report be approved: On roll call the following vote: Ayes: Esparza, Giovine, McCormack, Pavliv, Ramsay, Sigurdson, Torrone, Rhine, TorroneNoes: NoneAbstained: NoneAbsent: NoneAPPROVAL OF FACILITY LEASE AGREEMENT (attached)A motion was made by Mrs. Torrone, seconded by Mrs. Rhine and carried that the approval of the Facility Lease Agreement be approved: On roll call the following vote: Ayes: Esparza, Giovine, McCormack, Pavliv, Ramsay, Sigurdson, Torrone, Rhine, TorroneNoes: NoneAbstained: NoneAbsent: NoneAPPROVAL OF MINUTESA motion was made by Mr. Sigurdson, seconded by Mrs. McCormack and carried that the approval of minutes September 16, 2014 and September 29, 2014 be approved: All members present voting Aye. APPROVAL OF BILLSA motion was made by Mrs. Esparza, seconded by Mr. Giovine and carried that the following bills be approved for payment: General $ 8,266,678.12 Cafeteria $ 162,498.22 Payroll (Gross) September 19, 2014 ? ? $ 5,542,150.59 (Gross) October 3, 2014 $ 5,678,891.77 All members present voting Aye.BOARD SECRETARY’S AGENDA A motion was made by Mr. Sigurdson, seconded by Mrs. McCormack and carried that the Board Secretary’s Agenda be approved as follows:School Year 2014-2015Purchases – Pages 1 through 46- $7,363,155.02Permission to AdvertiseZero Values Award of Bids Contract ExtentionsStudent TransportationJointuresTransfers ResolutionsOn roll call the following vote: Ayes: Esparza, Giovine, McCormack, Pavliv, Ramsay, Sigurdson, Torrone, Rhine, TorroneNoes: NoneAbstained: NoneAbsent: NoneAPPROVAL AND CERTIFICATION OF THE BOARD SECRETARY’S MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTSPursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:22.1.11(c), I, Wendy Saxton, Board Secretary, certify that as of August 2014 no budgetary line items account has obligations and payments (contracted orders) which exceed the amount appropriated by the District Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8-1, that the district’s accounts have been reconciled and are in balance.Through the adoption of this resolution, we the Toms River Board of Education, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:22-2.11(c), certify that as of August 2014 after a review of the Secretary’s monthly report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the Business Administrator and other appropriate district officials, that to the best of our knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:22-2.11 (c) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s needs.A motion was made by Mr. Sigurdson, seconded by Mrs. Esparza and carried that the Approval and Certification of the August 2014 Secretary’s Monthly Financial Reports be approved:On roll call the following vote: Ayes: Esparza, Giovine, McCormack, Pavliv, Ramsay, Sigurdson, Torrone, Rhine, TorroneNoes: NoneAbstained: NoneAbsent: NonePERSONNEL AGENDA PERSONNEL ITEMS 1- 21 - A motion was made by Mr. Giovine, seconded by Mrs. Torrone and carried that the following resolution be approved: CERTIFICATED STAFF 1-7:1.Recommended for Employment:{Code = (R) Replacement / (TR) Temporary Replacement / (New) New}$A.Carlo A. Boemio(R)51,104HSN Spanish10/22/2014 - 6/30/2015(Prorated)B.Belinda R. Joyner(R)49,215HSS Sped RR10/22/2014 - 6/30/2015(Prorated)(Re-hire)2.Recommended for Continuing Employment:{Code = (TR) Temporary Replacement}$A.Kelly L. Hall(TR)49,215PB Sped RR10/22/2014 - 12/18/2014(Prorated)3.Recommended Change of Contract Start Date:A.Margaret M. Kruger10/7/2014 - 6/30/2015ELC Sped PSH AutB.Sean Meloney10/6/2014 - 6/30/2015HSS Sped RR4.Recommended Approval of Certified Job Descriptions: (Attached)A.Title Change to Director of Special Education from District Supervisor of Special EducationB.Title Change to Student Assistant Coordinator from Substance Awareness CoordinatorC.New Nurse Coordinator5.Recommended Salary Adjustments:$A.Julia McGowan Stewart9/1/2014 - 9/30/2014+2,263.63IE Sped RR(teaching one extra periodper day)B.Babette S. Lipnick9/1/2014 - 6/30/2015+1,500.00HSN Interpreter(Increase for MA Degree)C.Catherine A. Shea10/22/2014 - 6/30/2015+11,580.00HSS School Nurse(Nurse Coordinator Stipend)(Prorated)6.Recommended Leave of Absence Requests:A.Tracey W. BaileyFamily11/13/2014 - 11/28/2014WD Gifted & TalentedB.Christina BaroulakisFamily1/5/2015 - 2/13/2015HA Grade 1(Revised start date)C.Tracey M. FournierFamily9/22/2014 - 11/7/2014ED Sped PSDD.Nancy P. HouriganFamily9/29/2014 - 10/17/2014JAC Vocal MusicExt.E.Michelle M. KeatsFamily10/1/2014 (rescind date)HA Grade 210/14/2014; 10/15/2014; 10/22/2014; 10/29/2014F.Patricia A. KroeperFamily9/22/2014 - 10/21/2014ELC Head Teacher DaycareG.Marianne LoGrassoFamily12/4/2014 - 12/15/2014STR Sped AutH.Lisa M. MabieFamily9/22/2014 - 11/24/2014BWD Grade 2Ext.I.Kelley A. MadenskyFamily9/26/2014 - 10/19/2014ED Vocal MusicJ.Christie Lee L. MaguireMaternity12/9/2014 - 2/13/2015HSE SpanishK.Danielle L. MoreiraFamily10/22/2014 - 11/20/2014WAL Sped LLDExt.L.Catherine M. MulraneFamily2/6/2015 - 3/27/2015SB Grade 2M.Amparo O. SouthardMedical10/3/2014 - 10/26/2014HSE SpanishExt.N.Alyssa L. ViglianteMedical10/15/2014 - 10/31/2014HSN Sped RRExt.O.Ana S. WilbertFamily11/3/2014 - 12/23/2014WAL Sped RR(Revised start/end dates)7.Resignation:A.Kimberly A. Oriscak Gabuardi9/25/2014HSN Spanish(Revised Date) STAFF FOR EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS 8:8.Basic Skills Program: (Attached)A.Recommend approval of the attached Basic Skills Program Staff/Salary changes.SUPPORT STAFF 9 -16:9.Secretarial Services:Recommended leave of absence requests:Dawn K. Stelman GluckFamily9/22/2014 - 10/20/2014WAS Teacher Secretary10.Attendance Officers:Retirement:Joan E. Frazier1/1/2015High School North 11.Special Education Paraprofessionals:Resignation:Linda M. Baynes9/27/2014East Dover 12.Cafeteria/Playground Aides:Recommended for employment:Terry L. Banko(R)$4,636.21Silver Bay10/22/2014 - 6/30/2015(Prorated)Thomas M. Dennehy(R)$4,636.21Pine Beach10/22/2014 - 6/30/2015(Prorated)Karen C. Hollister(R)$4,636.21South Toms River 10/22/2014 - 6/30/2015(Prorated)Anna N. Ragone(R)$4,636.21West Dover10/22/2014 - 6/30/2015(Prorated)Retirement:Evelyn Schwartz10/1/2014Recommended for placement on the substitute list effective 10/22/2014 at a rate of $8.25 per hour:Carole L. ColellaValeria DiBlasioElizabeth A. GavinRobin L. HalkKristin PlacaRecommended leave of absence requests:Susan LabenskiPersonal10/21/2014 – 10/30/2014BeachwoodPeggy J. ParryPersonal10/14/2014 – 10/16/2014 East DoverCeleste RusinMedical9/19/2014 – 11/10/2014Silver BayExt.Denise M. TallmanPersonal10/14/2014 – 10/15/2014Walnut Street11/3/2014 – 11/7/201413.Custodial Department:Recommended for employment:Kevin R. Miller(R)$29,600HSE Custodian10/22/2014 - 4/22/2015(Prorated)Recommended for continuing employment:Charles T. Pardist(R)$34,406STRE “Acting” Night 10/22/2014 - 12/16/2014(Prorated)SupervisorRecommended for placement on the substitute list effective 10/22/2014 at a rate of $13.20 per hour:Daniel J. Patton14.Food Services Department - Cafeteria Workers:Recommended for employment:Pamela G. Cray(R)$6,435HSN Cafeteria Worker10/22/2014 - 6/30/2015(Prorated)Lisa M. Espana(R)$6,435JAC Cafeteria Worker10/22/2014 - 6/30/2015(Prorated)Maria Pensa(R)$6,435IN Cafeteria Worker10/22/2014 - 6/30/2015(Prorated)Dawn M. Rotella(R)$6,435ED Cafeteria Worker10/22/2014 - 6/30/2015(Prorated)Recommended leave of absence requests:Maysa T. AlsunnaMedical9/22/2014 - 10/7/2014IE Cafeteria WorkerDonna M. CarrinoMedical9/19/2014 - 10/19/2014JAC Cafeteria WorkerRecommended for placement on the substitute list effective 10/22/2014 at a rate of $8.50 per hour:Eric KoernerTheresa M. Stiso Recommended continuing employment:Susan B. Baita10/1/2014 - 1/4/2015$27,758.27WD “Acting” Café(Prorated)Lead Worker15.Grounds Department:Recommended for employment:Keith M. Fisher(R)$47,934.00Head Groundskeeper11/1/2014 - 6/30/2015(Prorated)16.Transportation Department:A.Recommended for employment:Peter Lukshis(R)$18,964.80Sped Bus Attendant10/22/2014 - 4/22/2015(Prorated)Recommended leave of absence requests:Maria DeAndradePersonal10/30/2014 - 10/31/2014Sped Bus AttendantSandra M. DeAngelisFamily9/16/2014, 9/17/2014Sped Bus Driver9/30/2014Maryann E. DiLeaFamily9/1/2014 - 10/10/2014Regular Bus Driver(Revised end date)Joanne FotisFamily1/5/2015 - 2/20/2015Regular Bus DriverThomas W. McFee, IIIFamily10/6/2014 - 1/9/2015Regular Bus DriverKatherine G. MurphyPersonal12/8/2014 - 12/12/2014Regular Bus DriverC.Recommended salary adjustments/hourly changes:RevisedEffectiveHoursProratedDate$Lyn Edens825,286.4010/22/2014Sped Bus DriverRecommended change of employment:Change to:Jonathan W. ContiBus Mechanic$79,122.74Mechanic Helper10/21/2014 - 6/30/2015(Prorated)Recommended for placement of the substitute bus driver list effective 10/22/2014 at a rate of $15.25 per hour:Anthony Radetich17.Staff Members Off Payroll (List Attached)18.Revised Substitute and Hourly Rate Sheet effective 10/1/2014 - 6/30/2015 (Attached)19.Continuing Education Unit Credits: (Attached)20.Extracurricular:Fall Coaching Salary Change:From:To:Mark O’LearyHSS Boys’ Cross Country$4,953 $1,447.80 (partial season)Fall Coaching Recommendation & Payment:Curtis DeFillippo HSS Boys’ Cross Country $3,505.20 (partial season)Half-Year Extracurricular Recommendations & Payments: (Attached)High Schools East, North and South Intermediate Schools East, North and SouthWinter Coaching Recommendations & Payments: (Attached) Aileen LavinChallenger Sports Program$1,500Winter Coaching Resignation: Marianne LoGrassoChallenger Sports Program-$1,50021.Substitutes: (Attached)On roll call the following vote: Ayes: Esparza, Giovine, McCormack, Pavliv, Ramsay, Sigurdson, Torrone, Rhine, TorroneNoes: NoneAbstained: NoneAbsent: NoneEDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS, ITEMS 1-9 - A motion was made by Mrs. Esparza, seconded by Mr. Ramsay and carried that the following resolution be approved: 1.Application for Reimbursement for Professional Graduate Courses: (Attached)2.Donations: Recommend the attached be accepted with thanks.3.Educational Activity Requests: (Attached)4.Extracurricular:A.Winter Sport Schedules: (Attached)High Schools East, North and South B.Recommend approval for the Toms River High School South Choir to travel to Hershey, Pennsylvania to attend the Music in the Parks Adjudication program. This event takes place on Saturday, May 30, 2015. The choir is hoping to participate in a performance in a high school and perform at Hershey Park, where they will be adjudicated by experienced choral musicians. They will be given the opportunity to evaluate other choirs and compare their skills to those performing in the park. They are asking for two school busses to transport 94 students and 4 adults from Toms River, NJ to Hershey, PA to and from the performance venues on May 30, 2015. No additional funds are needed from the Board of Education.C.Recommend approval for Brian Cerbone, Head Varsity Boys’ Swimming Coach at High School East, to host the Ocean County Swimming Championships at the YMCA. The event will be held on January 16, 2015 and January 17, 2015. There will be no cost to the Board of Education. 5.Graduate Reimbursement: (Attached)6.Handicap Services: (Attached)Out-of-District Day Placement requestsOut-of-District Residential Placement RequestsTuition pupils received requestsEducational Transition Service RequestsBehavioral Therapy Service RequestsOccupational Therapy Service mission for the Blind and Visually Impaired7.Homebound Instruction: (Attached)8.Recommended Professional Leave Requests:Erin S. AndersCreating PARCC-Like Math Tests:HSE MathPreparing for the New AssessmentsMonroe Township, New JerseyHelen M. CrowleyFriday, November 14, 2014HSE+ Math SupervisorExpenses not to exceed $293.76 totalLaura BoveThe Comprehensive New JerseyInsurance AnalystJersey Workers’ Comp Seminar: AOne-Day Seminar Designed for CompProfessionalsParsippany, New JerseyThursday, December 4, 2014Expenses not to exceed $299.00Carly R. FanslauHandle with Care BehaviorJAC+ LDTCManagement SystemVineland, New Jersey Tuesday through Thursday, October 21-23, 2014Expenses not to exceed $1,000.00Kelly L. KirkFoundation for EducationalIN+ Science SupervisorAdministration. PARCC – AnIn depth Approach Across ContentThomas LanzaAreasIN+ Social Studies SupervisorMonroe Township, New JerseyThursday, October 9, 2014Expenses not to exceed $298.00 totalTiffany Lucey2014 FEA/NJPSA/NJASCD Supervisor of Educational Fall ConferenceTechnologyLong Branch, New JerseyThursday and Friday, October 16-17, 2014Expenses not to exceed $275.00Estee MailotPreparing for PARCC-ShiftingDirector of Funded Programs/into High GearDistrict Testing CoordinatorMonroe Township, New JerseyMonday, December 1, 2014Expenses not to exceed $169.64 James McCutcheonEntering a New Century underHSN MathCommon Core Standards and PARCC Assessments New Brunswick, New JerseyThursday and FridayOctober 23-24, 2014Expenses not to exceed $413.69Colleen E. O’Donnell32nd Annual Autism NJ ConferenceSocial Worker/BCBA Atlantic City, New JerseyThursday and Friday,October 23-24, 2014Expenses not to exceed $512.44Leslie PortNADSFL Annual MeetingK-12 World LanguageACTFL Annual Convention &SupervisorWorld Language ExpoSan Antonio, TexasTuesday through Sunday,November 18-23, 2014No cost to the DistrictJ.Americo AscoleseTeamsters Local No. 97 GeneralWAL CustodianMembership Meeting (per contract)Clark, New JerseyTuesday, October 21, 2014No cost to the DistrictK.Cara DiMeoDyslexia: Impact on LearningDirector of Elementary Curriculum& Effective StrategiesMonroe Twp., New JerseyJoy ForrestMonday, October 27, 2014Director of Special EducationExpenses not to exceed $298 totalL.Wendy Dravis (Day 1)Middle Grades Network Data-WD Supervisor of InstructionDriven Dialogue WorkshopSomerset, New JerseyJaime Jovanis (Day 1)Tuesday, October 28, 2014PB Supervisor of InstructionTuesday, December 9, 2014Tuesday, March 3, 2015Kelly Kernasovic (Day 1)Expenses not to exceed $2,950WAS Supervisor of InstructiontotalKelly Kirk (Day 1& 2)Supervisor of ScienceHeather Pentifallo (Day 1& 2)Supervisor of MathStacey DeCesare-Monetti (Day 2)CG Supervisor of InstructionJoann Nocera (Day 2)ED Supervisor of InstructionCourtney Norcross (Day 2)SB Supervisor of Instruction Cara Dimeo (Day 3)Director of Elementary CurriculumJohn Coleman (Day 3)Director of CurriculumThomas Lanza (Day 3)Supervisor of Social StudiesM.Renee Verdon (Day 1)NJSCD Professional Learning Supervisor of Special EducationWorkshopsSomerset, New Jersey Kimberly Muir (Day 1)Thursday, October 23, 2014BW Supervisor of InstructionThursday, December 4, 2014Thursday, March 26, 2015Christy P. Downs (Day 2)Thursday, April 30, 3015Supervisor of Language ArtsExpenses not to exceed $975totalThomas Lanza (Day 2 & 3)Supervisor of Social StudiesKelly Kirk (Day 2 & 3)Supervisor of ScienceWendy Dravis (Day 2)WD Supervisor of InstructionNikole Mustika (Day 2)JAC Supervisor of InstructionCatherine Mellon (Day 2)STRE Supervisor of InstructionJason Hughes (Day 2 & 3)ND Supervisor of InstructionCara Dimeo (Day 2)Director of Elementary CurriculumBonnie Molina (Day 2 & 4)WAL Supervisor of InstructionJoann Nocera (Day 3)ED Supervisor of InstructionKelly Josberger (Day 3)BW Principal Leslie Port (Day 4)Supervisor of World Language9.Recommended Professional Development Requests:A.Staff Development Workshops, Inc.PARCC (with a literacy focus) for ELA teachersFull Day Workshop, Wednesday, November 4, 2014Expenses not to exceed $1,500.00SCL Educational Consulting GroupElementary Teacher WorkshopFull Day Workshop, Wednesday, November 4, 2014Expenses not to exceed $1,600.00Educational Solutions, LLCPARCC WorkshopFull Day Workshop, November 4, 2014Expenses not to exceed $1,800.00Michael Beals, Professor for Partnership in Excellence inMiddle School Mathematics, Guest SpeakerFull Day Workshop, November 4, 2014Expenses not to exceed $250.00Staff Development Workshops, Inc.What CCSS Math Looks like in the high school classroom – Instruction,Assessment, and Achievement” for math high school teachersHalf Day Workshop, Wednesday, January 14, 2015Expenses not to exceed $1,500.00Staff Development Workshops, Inc.Differentiating Instruction in Math for Math High School TeachersHalf Day Workshop, Tuesday, March 31, 2015Expenses not to exceed $1,500.00 All members present voting Aye.OLD BUSINESS – Study for KindergartenNEW BUSINESS – Curriculum Committee Reports- Improve Communication INQUIRIES FROM GUESTS AND PRESS (limited to 5 minutes as per Board Policy # 0167 – Public Participation in Board Meetings)Mr. Kennett discussed privatizing, spending on sports, academics, full-day Kindergarten.Ms. Botwinick discussed school start times.Ms. Herr discussed the transfer of her child to another Toms River District school location. Ms. Golembeski discussed transparency, tuition. Mr. Raimann discussed security, policies. Ms. Quail-Howell discussed students switching high schools, curriculum for math. Ms. Malageri discussed full day Kindergarten, concerns with drugs and fighting in schools. Ms. Ackerman discussed the drug policy.Mr. Shook discussed the drug policy. Ms. Benson discussed administration names on the agenda, report for Seaside Park Board meeting and taped minutes, tuition payment from October 2010, and the procedure for tuition and transportation accounts receivables. Mr. Grunin discussed an independent audit of process.Mr. Kennett discussed students switching high schools. Ms. Garvey discussed candidates forum, politics on the Board and non-partisan party.A motion was made by Mr. Giovine, seconded by Mrs. Rhine, and carried that the meeting be adjourned at 10:07 P.M.All members present voting Aye.________________________________Wendy L. Saxton, Board Secretary ................

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