Evaluating King County School Nutrition Wellness Policies

Evaluating King County School Nutrition Wellness Policies

Phase I: Collect data

Team A: Collect, collate and evaluate existing information.

• Using database that will be provided, abstract policies from 15 school districts in King County and compile with existing abstraction of 4 King County policies. Policies may be found at:

o King County School Districts:

|Auburn School District |

|Bellevue School District |

|Enumclaw School District |

|Federal Way School District |

|Highline School District |

|Issaquah School District |

|Kent School District |

|Lake Washington School District |

|Mercer Island School District |

|Northshore School District |

|Renton School District |

|Riverview School District |

|Seattle Pubic School District |

|Shoreline School District |

|Skykomish School District |

|Snoqualmie Valley School District |

|Tahoma School District |

|Tukwilla School District |

|Vashon Island School District |

• If nutrition policies include specific standards for competitive foods sold outside of school meal programs, compare these standards to those for fat, saturated fat, sugar, and energy as outlined in:

1. Washington Senate Bill 5093 .

2. Institute of Medicine recommendations for Foods Sold at school: ()

• Collect information about each district, including the size, proportion Free and Reduced Price School Meals, WASL pass rate and demographics of students in school districts in King County :

• Determine geographic category of schools:

• Add district-level data about policies, characteristics and geographic category for all 19 districts to the database.

• Prepare descriptive tables for 1) aggregate policy abstraction scores and sub-scores and 2) district characteristics

• Explore most descriptive and easy to understand graphical presentations of these data with bar charts or other descriptive methods

Team B. Schedule and conduct interviews

Phase II: Analyze data

Team C: Policy Quality

• Changes pre and post legislative mandates: Review 2004 report, Developing and Implementing Surveys to Assess School District Physical Activity and Nutrition Policies. Select key policy components to compare between 2004 and 2008, and analyze changes.

• School District characteristics and the strength of district wellness policies: Compare policy scores and subscores by % FRPL, % non-Hispanic white, city/suburb and small town/rural

• Prepare preliminary tables and report about major findings about the quality of the policies, changes in policies from 2004 and any associations between district characteristics and policy quality.

• Create graphical displays of major findings

Team D: District Experiences with Policies

• Compile qualitative and quantitative data from interviews

• Analyze data

• Prepare preliminary report about what the data mean

Phase III: Prepare Reports and Presentation

Team E: Briefing paper for BOH

Team F: Full report

Team G: PowerPoint presentation

|Week |Date |Activity |

|1 |1/9 |Introduction to Project |

| | |Presentations by Donna Oberg, MPH, RD and |

| | |Review of project and expectations, Donna Johnson |

| | |Panel of former students about what they learned from the 531 project |

| |


|2 |1/16 | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Team A: Abstract policies, collect and compile existing data |

| | |Team B: Conduct interviews, compile data |

|3 |1/23 | |

|4 |1/30 | |

|5 |2/6 | |

| |


|6 |2/13 | |

| | | |

| | |Team C: & D: Analyze data |

|7 |2/20 | |

|8 |2/27 |Teams C and D present findings to class |

| | |Class develops list of major findings |

| | |Class develops recommendations based on findings |

| | |Class develops list of limitations of data and evaluation process |

| |


|9 |3/6 |Team E,F,G prepare products as outlined above |

| | |(Note: Draft of Briefing paper to Donna Oberg by March 10) |

|10 |3/13 | |

|Final |Mar. 17 |Presentation to Stakeholders |

| |10:30-12:20 p.m. | |

Briefing Paper

• 2-3 pages

• Use bullets, bar charts, white space, etc. to make it easy to read

• Content:

• Purpose of evaluation (1 sentence)

• History of wellness policies in King Co. (3 sentences)

• Major findings from policy abstraction: describe abstraction tool (one sentence), provide graphic that represents results, 4-5 bullets that highlight major findings

• Comparison of 2004 to 2008 policy findings: describe 2004 study (one sentence); use graphic method to present comparison findings from 2004-2008, 2-3 bullets with major findings.

• Major findings that emerge from the interviews (paragraph or 7-8 bullets)

• Limitations of study (one or two sentences)

• Recommendations: short paragraph or bullets

• Acknowledgments section: participation by school districts, mentoring of Donna Oberg, Anne Lund, etc.


• Title page

• Table of Contents

• Acknowledgements

• List of student authors

• Content:

• Comprehensiveness and Strength of Nutrition Wellness Policies in King Co. Schools

• Comparison of key nutrition wellness policy components in 2004 to policies in 2008

• Degree of implementation of policies as perceived by superintendents, nutrition services administrators, health educators and school board members

• Other qualitative data from interviews as it emerges from the data

• Limitations of the data

• Recommendations that emerge from the data

• Appendices: data tables, instruments, etc.


• 30 minutes

• Slides to follow standard rules for professional ppt presentations (not more than 4-5 bullets per page, not more than 2 slides in a row with just words, no distracting templates or auditory/visual effects, not to be read verbatim by presenter, etc.

• Content to follow that of briefing paper


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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