Auburn School District

Auburn School District #408 Work-Based Learning Form 3


Revised 2014

WBL Coordinator- Dr. Vivian Baglien

Evaluation Period: School - Auburn Mountainview High School

28900 124 Ave SE, Auburn, WA 98092

Student's Name: Phone- 253 804-4539- ext. 2320

Name of Business: Fax 253 876 2507

Supervisor's Name: email-


|Knowledge of job: Extent of the student's knowledge of| |Excellent knowledge |Good knowledge |Fair knowledge |Poor knowledge |

|the present job. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|(Does the student know what to do and why? Is the | | | | | |

|student on the alert to increase his or her knowledge?)| | | | | |

|Quality of work: Does the student produce work that | |Excellent quality |Good quality |Fair quality |Poor quality |

|meets high standards of quality. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|(Consider the accuracy and neatness of the student’s | | | | | |

|work, regardless of volume. How frequent and serious | | | | | |

|are errors?) | | | | | |

|Quantity of work: Under normal work conditions. | |Excellent production |Good production |Fair production |Poor production |

| | | | | | |

|(Does the student produce the volume required on each | | | | | |

|task? Does the student meet the quantity standard set | | | | | |

|for the job?) | | | | | |

|Attendance and punctuality: | |Perfect attendance |Occasionally absent or |Frequently absent or |Absent or late without |

| | |not absent or late to work |late |late |notice |

|(Consider the frequency of the student's absences, as | | | | | |

|well as lateness.) | | | | | |

|Attitude: Attitude of the student toward work, the | |Excellent attitude |Good attitude |Fair attitude |Poor attitude |

|company, and associates. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|(Consider the willingness of the student to work with | | | | | |

|and for others. Does the student work well with others| | | | | |

|and observe company policies? Is the student willing | | | | | |

|to do the less desirable tasks?) | | | | | |

|Safety: Student effort to perform work safely. | |Excellent safety behavior |Good safety behavior |Fair safety behavior |Poor safety behavior |

| | | | | | |

|(Does the student use equipment properly and follow the| | | | | |

|expected standards of safety?) | | | | | |

|Initiative: | |Excellent initiative |Good initiative |Fair initiative |Poor initiative |

| | |self starter |Uses time well and |needs directions and |needs constant |

|(Consider the ability of the student to make decisions | | |asks for help when needed |sometimes uses time |supervision |

|and to utilize working time to the best advantage.) | | | |inappropriately | |

|Reliability: Ability of the student to get work out | |Can always be |Usually can be |Leaves some tasks undone. |Poor |

|and to complete tasks on schedule. | |counted upon |counted upon |Does not pick up the pace |Does not complete tasks|

| | | | |to meet peak loads. |as assigned. |

|(Can the student be depended upon to complete | | | | | |

|assignments satisfactorily and on schedule? Is the | | | | | |

|student willing to work especially hard to meet peak | | | | | |

|loads?) | | | | | |

|Flexibility-Adaptability: | |Eager to learn new tasks; |Learns reasonably fast; |Hesitant to try new tasks |Unwilling to adapt to |

| | |learns quickly |accepts new tasks |picks up |new conditions. |

|(Consider the speed with which the student learns and | | | |new tasks slowly |Slow to learn |

|the amount of instruction needed. Does the student | | | | | |

|adapt easily to new situations? Is student willing to | | | | | |

|try new ideas?) | | | | | |

|Personal Characteristics: | |Highly trustworthy; |Represents company |Sometimes does not |Have concerns |

| | |excellent company |well |follow | |

|(Consider the honesty and integrity of the student. Is | |representative | |company policy | |

|the student capable of properly representing the | | | | | |

|company?) | | | | | |

|Personal Appearance: | |Excellent |Good |Fair |Poor |

| | | | | | |

|(Does the student dress suitably and appropriately for | |Exceeds expectation |Appearance meets |Needs to be reminded of |Frequently below |

|the job? Is the general impression one of neatness and| | |expectation |company expectations |company expectations |

|cleanliness? Does student keep the work area orderly?)| | | | | |

|Learning Objective #1 |Excellent Progress |Good Progress |Fair Progress |Poor Progress |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Comment Learning Objective #1 |

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| |

|Learning Objective #2 |Excellent Progress |Good Progress |Fair Progress |Poor Progress |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Comment Learning Objective #2 |

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| |

What new or additional learning objective(s) would you like this student to focus on in the next evaluation period?

Thank you for your time.

____________________________________________ ____________________

(Worksite Supervisor’s Signature) (Date)

____________________________________________ ____________________

(Student’s Signature) (Date)

____________________________________________ ____________________

(Work-Based Learning Coordinator’s Signature) (Date)

NONDISCRIMINATION AGREEMENT: The Auburn School District complies with all federal rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, creed, or because of sensory, mental, or physical disabilities or handicaps.


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