Crossley Mill Nursery Menu

Crossley Mill Nursery Menu

Week commencing:

| |Breakfast |Snack |Lunch |Snack |Tea |

|Tuesday |Homemade soda bread with lemon |Courgettes & Mushrooms |Red dragon pie with broccoli & peas |Scottish Strawberries |Carrot & coriander soup with poppy seed flatbread |

| |curd | |Fresh organic oranges with yoghurt | |Strawberry jelly & custard |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Wednesday |Porridge with apples & banana |Oranges & Pears |Braised tofu in onion gravy with new potatoes & peas |Carrots and hummous dip|Cricket tea: |

| | | |Banana & strawberry crumble & custard | |Cucumber sandwiches with strawberries & scones |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Thursday |Cereal & seeds with apricot |Cucumber batons with |Pasta pepperata (wholemeal organic pasta with tomato |Apple & oatcake with |Spanish cheese & tomato frittata with fresh coleslaw |

| | |yoghurt dip |& pepper sauce) |lemon curd |Banana & strawberry crumble & custard. |

| | | |Raspberry panacotta | | |

| | | | | | |

|Friday |Fresh toast and jam spread |Banana smoothies |Italian cheese pasta & veggie bake with fresh salad. |Savoury rice cakes & |Teddy bears picnic; assorted sandwiches with Dutch |

| | | |Pear & apple puree with chocolate sauce |bean dip |apple cake |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Crossley Mill Nursery Menu

Week commencing:

| |Breakfast |Snack |Lunch |Snack |Tea |

|Tuesday |Homemade cheese scones |Pears & apples |Thai style vegetable curry with |Home grown sugar snap peas & |Pate & cheese with vegetable sticks &|

| | | |fragrant rice |asparagus |homemade seeded flat bread |

| | | |Semolina with spiced date & apple | |Homemade pineapple & ginger cake |

| | | |sauce | | |

|Wednesday |A choice of cereal, dates, bananas & |Houmous & pitta bread |English homemade sage & apple sausage|Oatcake with lemon curd |Basque mixed bean crostini with |

| |assorted seeds | |rolls with chips & beans | |cucumber, carrot & tomato salad |

| | | |Fruit trifle | |yoghurt & apples |

| | | | | | |

|Thursday |Sicilian Toast & lemon curd/jam |Galia & water melons |Tofu & tomato tart with quinoa salad |Savoury rice cakes with cheese |Crumpets with toasted cheese and |

| |spread | |Homemade fruit lollies with organic | |curried organic beans |

| | | |biscuits | |Chocolate rice pudding |

| | | | | | |

|Friday |Cereal & oranges |Carrot & courgette batons |Organic wholemeal fusilli pasta bake |Apricots & raisins with pumpkin seeds|Pitta pockets with falafel & hummous |

| | | |with Mediterranean roasted vegetables| |with cous cous salad |

| | | |& tomato sauce | |Sicilian lemon cake |

| | | |Banana & custard | | |

Crossley Mill Nursery Menu

Week commencing:

| |Breakfast |Snack |Lunch |Snack |Tea |

|Tuesday |Organic Porridge oats |Seasonal Vegetables |Roast loaf with mash, veg & Gravy |Seasonal Fruit |Vegetarian Chowder |

| | | | | |With |

| | | |Semolina pudding | |homemade bread |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Fruit jelly |

|Wednesday |Crumpets/Toast from homemade bread |Seasonal Fruit |Roasted Vegetable with French Quiche |Seasonal Vegetables |Moroccan Vegetable tagine with Quinoa|

| | | |& salad | | |

| | | | | |Flapjacks |

| | | |Banoffee pudding | | |

|Thursday |Choice of organic cereal |Seasonal Vegetables |American style Macaroni cheese & |Seasonal Fruit |Seasonal Vegetable Soup |

| | | |salad | |with |

| | | | | |homemade bread |

| | | |Fruit & biscuit | | |

| | | | | |Chocolate orange |

|Friday |Organic Porridge oats |Seasonal Fruit |Mexican three bean chilli with rice |Seasonal Vegetables |Vegetarian Hotdogs & Beans |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Milk jelly | | |

| | | | | |Cake |

Crossley Mill Nursery Menu

Week commencing:

| |Breakfast |Snack |Lunch |Snack |Tea |

|Tuesday |Choice of organic cereal |Seasonal Fruit |Organic Creamy Vegetable crumble |Seasonal Vegetables |Organic beans & cheese on toast |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Oranges & biscuits | |Poached pears & rice pudding (cold) |

| | | | | | |

|Wednesday |Organic Porridge oats |Seasonal Vegetables |Tofu nuggets with English new |Seasonal Fruit |Mushroom soup with homemade bread |

| | | |potatoes and vegetable | |Homemade |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Spiced fruit & custard | |Cake |

|Thursday |Crumpets/Toast from homemade bread |Seasonal Fruit |French style Ratatouille with quinoa |Seasonal Vegetables |Italian DIY Pizza |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Bananas & custard | |Fresh fruit & yogurt pudding |

| | | | | | |

|Friday |Choice of organic cereal |Seasonal Vegetables |Venetian Burgers with |Seasonal Fruit |Teddy bears Picnic |

| | | |wedges & beans | | |

| | | | | |Cornish Scones |

| | | |Trifle | |& Jam |


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