Bo Suriner Industrial Supervision Chapter 14-22

Bo Suriner Industrial Supervision Chapter 14-22

Chapter 14

Incident 14-1

No Extra Effort


In this scenario a friend and I are talking concerning the problem with complaints of more and more nurses. I am supposedly the supervisor talking to a friend about the situation and while I feel the nurses are competent and know what they are doing yet there is something wrong because they are quick to go into a fit and I don’t have a huge clue concerning promotional opportunities.

1. Reconsider the situation. Why do you think the nurses are not motivated? List possible answers. Well it appears that they seem not to be motivated because they are not being awarded or commended for their good attributes or good behaviors as they ought to be. I also don’t see nurses getting appraised for sloppy work do to the fear of nurse shortages. It almost appears by the statement “I figure that half a nurse is better then no nurse” that there is a assai-faire type of attitude going on with the supervisor and so those nurses who would potentially be excellent performers are not motivated to do so because there are no appraisals neither do their seem to be esteem raisers from giving them promotions.

2. What could you do to improve the situation? I could give promotions to those who are striving to do their best and talk to those who seem half hearted about the situation and tell them the consequences of being a half a nurse. I could find out about how their home life is, whether they feel a sense of security in their job, if they have any friends and try to pin point needs that perhaps are not being adequately met and if all possible try to produce an environment such that these needs could be met.

Chapter 15

Incident 15-2

Promises you can’t keep


This incident dealt with a supervisor named Roy who was very optimistic about the company and its success. He was raising the esteem of the employees to the point that they really admired his leadership. In fact as a result Roy got a promotion to sales and another man by the name of David took his place as supervisor. However David came to realize that the promises that Roy made to the employees were extremely over realistic and couldn’t possibly happen.

1. What do you think of Roy’s leadership style? I think that in this situation it was a dangerous style to have because while it allowed people to practically do what they wished even as much as take as many coffee breaks as they desired it lacked in the long run the confidence of the people in that as soon as these employees who put so much faith into Roy learned that these juicy promises made to them were in fact promises that could not be fulfilled than I think it could really bring the company for where it is to a very low point and certainly could bring the morale of the employees down.

2. Why do you think that someone might resort to Roy’s style of leadership? Perhaps if they wanted to have no enemies and wanted to try their best to please everyone they would just let employees wander and do what they wished to do. Probably this would entail a leader who had low self esteemed and by letting the people under him do as they pleased they would appreciate him and where by raise his self esteem.

3. What would you do if you were David? If I were David taking Roy’s place I would bring all the employees together and summarize what they had been told by Roy and let them know what is really going on here so that they might realize that if the company continues to take this view point toward production that instead of the company being tops it could drop off and potentially jeopardize everyone’s sense of security for having a job. Then I would create a democratic atmosphere and see what kind of solutions the employees suggested of ways we could run the business in a friendlier yet less leisure-faire style.

Chapter 16

Incident 16-2

Getting rid of Bart


Here under original management Bart was doing great, getting great pensions and a great track record with superb appraisals. However do to downsizing the company he worked for was cutting back and the main person who was cut back was Bert’s boss. A younger boss took over and was very rude to Bert. Not only was he rude but very abusive in nature threatening to fire him and made fun of him in public. Basically he started getting below average appraisals and eventually was fired. All of this was during a time when he was trying to recover from ulcers.

1. Is Bart’s stress understandable what could have been done to avoid it? First of all yes his stress was very much so understandable. The biggest thing that I feel could have been done to avoid such stress is not to have such an abusive type boss who was constantly at his throat for it appears is really no good reason since under his old boss he was doing quite well as an employer.

2. What would you do at this point if you were Bart? If I was Bart I would for one report this manager to who ever was my boss’s boss or if this younger guy was the top boss I would then report him to government for the fairness act and let them know what my track record had been for so many years and that it appears that this young guy is not the one for this position for in fact is stressing people out with his abusive like actions.

3. In general terms, discuss the potential cost of this situation to QTZ? It appears that potentially the cost would be enormous do to the fact they lost one of their best workers and not only good worker but senior worker and also a big loss because other employees may follow suit and out of discuss for what happened to their faithful co-worker may decide just to look for another job and leave that one and abandon it leaving the company strapped for workers who were once loyal but now do to the high stress environment left creating even more tension and cost for QTZ to get things done.

Chapter 17

Incident 17-2

A new Work Schedule


In this scenario it appears that management decided on a new work schedule that went from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. Monday-Thursday with a half an hour off each day for lunch. This was a change from what employees were working and the supervisor was aware that some would love the new situation where on the other hand others couldn’t really work with it. On the one hand workers had children who needed to get to the school bus at 7:30 A.M. and on the other hand their were folk who needed to attend to their gardens and couldn’t do this adequately when they couldn’t get back from work until 6 P.M.

1. Do you think John should voice the potential employee complaints to top management? If not, why? If so, how should John go about it? I don’t think if it has to do with just one or two employees he should voice his complaint to top management because most likely they won’t take into consideration that special need of just one or two of their employees but if there are more then a couple then I think it needs to be voiced to top management as a concern of the work force. In the case where only a couple of issues I think the supervisor shouldn’t personally bring them aside and talk to them privately about the concerns they have and about a way that something can worked out for these individuals and if the conflict is not resolved then go to management with the petition. However if there are more then a couple on the work force with this struggle I think then the supervisor should address top management with his workers complaints and perhaps try to negotiate a rescheduling that could better suit a better majority of the work force.

2. Suppose John does approach management and the response is that the decision is final. If you were John, how would you attempt to implement the change? I would bring my whole staff together and explain to them exactly what I learned from management. I would find out exactly what was going to happen and for those situations that were emergencies such as kids needing to go to school I would allow them to come in a half an hour later each day and work a half an hour later at night or if it was an emergency on the other end of the spectrum while I would have them punch in a half an hour earlier and work a half an hour earlier. That way it would not be like favorites would be showed to those workers with special needs and yet the deal could satisfy as many people as possible.

Chapter 18

Incident 18-1

Changes in an Employee’s Behavior


In this scenario it appears that a guy by the name of Mel was doing really well at work. He was never late, always at the weekly meetings and very prompt with everything. However all of a sudden Jack noticed the Mel was getting snappy and irritated with employees. Furthermore Jack missed work, was missing meetings, and was wandering away from his desk a lot more then he ought to be. Mel one day at a respectful distance observed jack as he hid out in a storage room for 10 minutes or so. This was a room he had really no reason to be in and Mel thought he could smell alcohol on Jack’s breath.

1. What should Mel do at this time? I think now is the time when Mel should bring Jack aside and have a heart to heart talk with him. I think Jack needs to ask Mel what is up and tell Jack what he has noticed about him as of late and how something seemed to be wrong more then just a little sick. I think he should try to find out if Jack was facing any home problems that might be causing this kind of behavior to be exhibited.

2. How should Mel handle the overall problem? I think he should, if Jack is unwilling to listen to him direct him to a counselor that might be able to mend the situation and if Jack will not have anything to do with it than I think an appraisal would be appropriate but overall I think in the next meeting that Mel has he should address not Jack specifically by problems in general and create an environment in which employees feel safe talking to Mel about situations they are going through before they explode or seem to melt.

Chapter 19

Incident 19-2

High-Quality Toys


This is a scenario about quality toys made out of metal basically there is a quality assurance being they are medal toys to make sure none of them have sharp edges and the store charges a higher price because they can do to their known quality. What they do is cut the shapes out, fold the tabs over, paint the toys do some other design techniques to them and lastly wrap the up in craft paper, put them in boxes and ship them out to their customers.

1. Assume you are the supervisor of the painting department. What do you think your responsibilities should be regarding the quality of the final product? I think I should be the one to insure that quality is kept at the highest standards possible obeying the ISO 9000 and 14000 for standard controls. I also think I need to make sure that paint being used has no toxic after effects as these are being made for kids who may even put the toys in their mouths and so paint should be kept at a high quality control rate.

2. If you were a supervisor charged with inspecting the final products, what general type of inspection system would you set up? Support your answer with justification? I would first create (if they didn’t already exist) a set of standards for quality assurance. Then I would most assuredly set up quantitative measurements to make sure that standards are met in a mathematical way so as to be absolutely sure we are creating toys to the highest degree of quality that we possibly can do. I also would mathematically set up a zero tolerance level and use some kind of formula to monitor number of inspections to number of defects in quality and if it equaled 0 then that would be great if it was greater then 0 by 2 or more than we would need to sit down and talk about how we can better perform to excellent standards.

Chapter 20

Incident 20-1

A Recommendation for cutting Costs


In this scenario it was learned that a reduction was in order from top management and handed to the supervisors to deal with. It so happens that a 7% cut must take place per department. However Tina who was supervisor of her department recognized that unlike other departments her department was very strong with sales, employers and the like and so talked to her friend who said it would only be fair to cut all departments by 7 %.

1. What do you think about Jeri’s recommendations for cost reduction? I think Tina should explain this to management through quantitative means to show management through historical data how their department was doing so that management can know in writing that they hadn’t indeed lost work load and beckon with management that is this department was to cut 7% that could damage a thriving department and hence make it worse off for the company then it already is.

2. What are some other approaches that Tina might take? Another approach would be to talk with her department and reassure them that they have been a superb and excellent team. Then break out the bad news to them in a way that would come on the lightest. However I feel Tina should suggest rather then be cut off from the job to have 7% of this department be trained in other departments so that perhaps work loads may pick up in all departments thought obviously the initial training could take a bit of time.

Chapter 21

Incident 21-2

No One Listens


This scenario dealt with safety in a boiler room in which accidents appeared to be to frequent. As a result the administration called Jackson to find out what was going on. Jackson told administration that he had talked to these folk oodles and goodles of times but that they just weren’t listening. Administration told Jackson that safety track record was pretty said and that new strategies needed to be implemented because this was not any good. As a result Jackson consulted some fellow supervisors of the hospital who gave him multiple suggestions of actions that might be taken concerning the problem.

1. Why do you think Jackson has been having safety problems? I feel it is because he has not really embellished upon the seriousness of these accidents but rather just casually told them time and time again about the problem but not with enough energy to really wake them up and smell the decaffeinated coffee if you will.

2. Which of the suggestions given to Jackson would you attempt to implement? I would attempt to implement the one where I talk to each individual privately about my concerns and really lay it to them the reason for these concerns that I don’t want to see these kinds of accidents and how we have been way to careless in the last few months or how ever long it has been.

3. What additional ideas might you try if you were Jackson? I might also show give a demonstration using a dummy doll what is happening and why and what is causing it and how it can and must be prevented lest any one else gets hurt in this department. I would also say that if we didn’t start caring more drastic measures then just lectures would have to take place to insure the safety of this department.

Chapter 22

Incident 22-2

Keys to the drug cabinet


In this case a nurse by the name of John had just started working at a hospital when one day he came ill and was allowed to leave early. Unfortunately he, who was in charge of the medicine cabinet keys mistakenly took them home with him and the supervisor frantic to get them back kept calling his home only to get a busy signal. Finally when she did get through the man who answered the phone would not let John have it. So as a result they called the police to get back the keys. Soon after he was terminated because he had the keys in his possession for too long. John as a result filed a complaint which didn’t go to far and so filed another complaint with the EEOC that he was discriminated do to race. Both supervisor and manager were white. John demanded back pay for time missed as well as any damaged records do to the incident.

1. What would your decision be if you were asked to decide this case? I would have to say that I would have to side more on the administrations side do to the way John reacted to his termination. I think had John not lied to the EEOC and say he had been discriminated then I would be on John’s side but I cannot tolerate someone who tries to use discrimination as a way to take advantage or take revenge on his termination. However I also don’t agree with administration terminating John for first offense especially as he had just barely come on the seen. However judging by how John retaliated I would be on the side of the hospital.

Extra credit case studies

Incident 2-1

A Second Chance?


In this case was a case where a computer system was installed and originally no one was to be laid off. However after the system’s implementation was through say six months down the road all of a sudden management had told Jill to lay off 5 employees. Non of those working on the computer system would be laid off however Barbara a seven year veteran was not one of them so was one who was to be laid off in which case she could not understand it.

1. Do you think that the original decision regarding the selection of computer operators was fair justify your answer? Yes and No. Yes in that they knew a little bit about computers any way so it would be easier for the company as well as cheaper to use them in the new system and No because I think that by singling those who never used computers is not right for all could be trained if need be or at least given a chance but to say simply you are not qualified is wrong.

2. Do you think that Jill should reconsider her decision to lay off Barbara? Why or why not? I think if she has been their the longest their should be some seniority in which she should allowed to stay in which case I don’t think Jill should have laid her off however a lot of factors goes into this decision and since I don’t know all the pieces of the puzzle I can not fully make a logical decision on this only from the small picture I see.

3. What alternatives are available to Jill, and which one would you choose? Jill could lay off someone who hasn’t been working their as long, she could also talk to a computer person and see if they wouldn’t mind relocating even though a promise was made not to disturb that sector. I think do to the ease of finding computer jobs Jill should try to negotiate with one of the girls or guys working the computer system.

Incident 4-1

Additional Expenses?


In this scenario Jack wants Steve to add an extra $100 to his voucher since Jack already has a pretty loaded voucher himself. He said it would look pretty bad if I added it on to my voucher so you can just go ahead sign it and then give me the extra $100 when it comes back for you. Then it ended by saying remember to meet Chet (Jack’s boss) for lunch. Thinking about the situation Steve felt a little uncomfortable with it but Jack was his boss. Last minute Jack could not join in the Luncheon with the big wig so asked Steve to take Chet to lunch and give him his regrets.

1. If you were Steve would you say anything to Chet about Jack’s request? Why or why not? If by Jack adding $100 to my voucher it would keep my $voucher in the ok mark then no I wouldn’t think it would be needed but if Jack is asking my voucher to go over the limit for him then I feel that is wrong. Reason I wouldn’t feel Jack’s request wrong if His was loaded and mine was not is because if I wasn’t planning on getting any voucher myself and it was allowed then I don’t see any problem with someone else utilizing it but if I was getting vouchers and the extra $100 would top heavy my voucher but wouldn’t be lets say as heavy as Jacks then that is wrong because whether you a lot or a little over your allowed amount it is wrong.

2. How would you handle the situation with Jack if you were Steve? I would say to Jack that if this $100 is going to cause my voucher to go into what is not right to be then I just can’t except it however if this $100 will keep my voucher with in respected allowances then I have no problem with it because I don’t believe in cheating the company by what I don’t use I feel why shouldn’t someone else be allowed to have the space.

Incident 9-1

Who Works Harder


In this scenario Mike saw that productivity was growing over the years and this confused Mike because he couldn’t believe that people were working 10 times harder then his grandparents had yet were producing 10 times more. This worried Mike a bit because he feared that should productivity continue to grow in the rate it has been growing then people would be with out jobs.

1. Why should productivity be important to Mike? Because productivity is in direct correlation with improving work methods and lower costs with higher productivity is definitely shows improving work methods in this day and age.

2. Is it possible for today’s employees to be almost 10 times as productive as their grandparents? Yes it is if you implement some of the work methods especially the one that suggests lower costs bringing higher productivity because the technologies we have these days weren’t available in the days of our grandparents and so what they had to do by hand we can do using a powerful tool called a computer to be able to help our productivity along.

3. How would you respond to Mike’s concern about continued productivity increases? I would say well Mike I can see how this could be a concern when you look at in narrowly but as you start to see the forest instead of just the trees in the forest you begin to realize that greater productivity requires greater demands for the product requiring more people to produce and so employment continues. It now is just that we can by using better methods produce more but as a result people demand more.

Incident 10-2

Lake Avionics


In this case a new girl by the name of Sandra was hired by Lake Avionics an assembly line. The boss brought her around to all the employees then brought her in his office to give her paper work to look at and told her that he would be back in a couple hours to answer any questions she may have. So happened she had no questions so the boss told her he would be tied up the rest of the day but a 15 year veteran named Greg would show her the ropes. Greg suggested that she watch him for the first part and after lunch asked her to try. It so happened that she got totally confused and in fact demoralized. Greg told her at the end of the day not to worry about it that she did it all the wrong way but he would show her a few short cuts the next morning.

1. What do you think about Sandra’s training program? It was out of whack. I think that the first part of it actually made a whole lot of sense but I think that rather then Greg just letting her do it herself after watching him do it he should have been right over her shoulder helping her understand what needed to be done so she could excel more the first day. He should have been by her side so that when he saw her struggling he could show her some short cuts in how to do things.

2. How do you think Sandra feels about her new job? Most likely at this point in the game Sandra is very discouraged and maybe feels she is not good enough for the job because it appeared like everything that could go wrong did and to have that occur on the first day can be quite discouraging.

Incident 11-1

Determining Pay Raises


In this scenario Judy has just replaced the previous supervisor for the Claims Department of a large eastern insurance company. It is time to give raises and she has $16000 to divide between all of the people under her. She doesn’t know a whole lot about them but wants to give them money according to her feelings toward them so she finds out about every employee under her. At most she seems to only really click with one of them and that is only do to personal problems she knows they have rather then necessarily their performance.

1. Indicate the size of the raise you would give each of these employees? I would give John $3250.00 extra a year. I would give Carole $3,500. I would further give Evelyn $2750 dollars and I would give Jane $3,500 I would give Bob $3000 dollars.

2. What Criteria do you use in determining the size of the raise? I look at their track record not what I feel about them but what history says about them.

3. What do you think would be the feelings of the other people in the group if they should find out what raises you recommend? Some might not be happy especially the ones who had a track record of low performance and bad attitudes. But I believe that those who are trying to do their best would be very satisfied with my suggestions

4. Do you think the employees would eventually find out what raises others received? Would it matter? They may find out I don’t know it all depends if they all talked about each others raises and I don’t think it would matter if this happened because I would feel that my reasoning for giving what I gave to each employee would be very justified indeed.


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