Over the Counter Medicines for Dogs


Pepto Bismol – for mild vomiting and Diarrhea (soothes the stomach and intestinal lining)

Regular tablets: ¼ tablet for every 20lbs of weight every 8 hours

Liquid: .5 to 1 ml per pound of weight every 8 hours

(note: stools will darken, and tongue may darken)

Benadryl is something I always have on hand and always travel with.  It’s very good if your dog gets stung by a bee or bitten by a spider and has a lot of swelling or itching.  Also its good in case your dog experiences swelling several hours after a vaccination.  At that point the swelling would not be anything life threatening,i.e. if they were going to go into anaphylactic shock, that would happen almost immediately.  If they wind up with swelling a few hours after receiving a vaccination, it will not affect breathing so Benadryl is the course of action.  The normal dosage for a dog over 30lbs is two 25mg tablets.  If the swelling or itching isn’t too severe you can certainly start with one tablet and see if it helps, but if it doesn’t seem to help or if the swelling or itching is really severe, give the two tablets.


Aspirin is an effective pain relief/anti-inflamatory for injuries or strained muscles.  NEVER GIVE A DOG TYLENOL (ACETAMINOPHEN).  It is toxic to dogs.  Also NEVER GIVE A DOG ENTERIC COATED ASPIRIN.  The enteric coating delays the digestion of the aspirin.  For people it’s good, but for dogs, which have a much shorter digestive tract, it is not good.  It can cause problems in the digestive tract as it winds up being absorbed way down in the intestinal tract.  Buffered aspirin is good or regular aspirin.  I use aspirin if one of my dogs over does it and seems sore or has a limp after some strenuous exercise.  The dosage for aspirin is one 325mg tablet for every 30lbs of weight.  So a full grown IWS about 60lbs would get two aspirins.


Herbal eyewash (for pinkeye)

Put a quarter of a teaspoon of salt in one cup of distilled or filtered water. Add about 10 drops of any of the following herbal tinctures:

• Eyebright

• Calendula

• Chamomile

• Red clover

• St. John's wort

Use a dropper pipette to rinse the affected eye 2 or 3 times a day. Or saturate a cotton pad and gently wipe over eye squeezing pad so liquid runs into eyes.


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