AWANA 2012-2013 Basic Information

AWANA 2017-2018 Basic Information


Dear Awana families,

It’s AWANA time! Awana is fun with a purpose - to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.

This short letter is designed to provide information about the ministry and to answer some of the common questions parents ask. It will update you on a few details for this year. You will find included helpful names, numbers and dates. More details about our rules and procedures are outlined in the Parent Handbook – these are available by giving me a call.

: Awana has a website full of information at . Under the “reach kids” tab click on parents… you’ll find inspiring blogs and some other resources as you go along. Want to learn along with your kids? There are materials you can purchase also. (Please note each church does AWANA a bit differently, so some things you read at AWANA online may not apply to Ascension.)

AWANA will kickoff the 2017-2018 year on September 6 at 6:15 PM!

Who: Preschool-6th Grade!

When: Wednesday Nights 6:15-7:30 (except October 25, Lent and Advent) – call the church, check email or check KCRG (Ch. 9) if you are unsure about AWANA due to weather.

It is time to get registered! (Registration form is enclosed and available online at under the AWANA tab in case they are misplaced.)

AWANA is an international, nondenominational, Bible-centered youth organization. At Ascension, we offer AWANA for Preschool (3/4 years old) through 6th grade. AWANA exists to reach children and youth with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. Cubbies is for Preschool, Sparks is for Kindergarteners through second-graders.  Truth and Training (T&T) is for third through sixth-graders. All three clubs emphasize Bible memorization and Bible-centered activities and achievements.

What to Expect:

* Each week clubbers will gather for opening devotions/singing/announcements.

* Through the night they will participate in a Bible lesson, memory work time, and games.

* Clubbers will participate, memorize, and learn the Bible at their own level… and get prizes as some incentives!

* Clubbers will be encouraged by adults who love kids and want kids to know Jesus and His Word!

Clubbers should:

1. Be on time. Club starts promptly at 6:15 and ends at 7:30.

2. Be in Uniform. Clubbers should wear their uniform vest or shirt and gym shoes. (NO flip flops or open toed shoes!) – Students earning awards will not get them if they do not have their uniform on.

3. Be Prepared. Clubbers bring their handbook and Bible and should be ready to pass sections. While there is time to work on some sections at AWANA, some work does need to be done at home. This is especially true for children who are unable to read alone.

Please Note: Students must know their memory work, not guessing. They are allowed 2 helps per signature, however, if there are only a few words in the verse, they will not be given 2 helps. They must know the "address" of the verse.

- OVER -

* Look ahead in handbooks as well – there are some tasks that can be worked on while memorizing. The sections need to be done in order (except Sparks who can do green at any time and the new Grace in Action T&T books can be done in any order), but things like bringing friends, praying for missionaries, etc. can be done while working on another section.

* Each year someone asks me how so-and-so got so much money for the store and they only got a bit. Generally, those who earn the most store money (and awards in front of church) work on AWANA through the week – not only Wednesday night.

* We will try to help your child with their memory work, but with many kids, we are not able to tutor 1-on-1. Help from home is a blessing!

(Lost uniforms, handbooks, and awards will need to be purchased at an extra charge.)

4. Be Respectful.

Clubbers are expected to listen to leaders and to follow directions.

Awana Bucks and Points can be earned for:

There are many awards given in AWANA – some of the biggest are for completing all books in Sparks or quantity of books in T&T. Here are the basic weekly points:

|Opportunity |Points Earned |

|Club Attendance - given by semester |100 points if you only miss 1 time per semester |

|Participate in Theme Night |5 points |

|Bring Handbook and Bible |10 points |

|Wear Uniform |5 points |

|Sunday School Attendance |5 points |

|Game Winner |5 – 15 points total per week depending on outcome |

|Amazing helper, outreach, or attitude |As appropriate – given out by Shanda |

|Church Attendance |5 points |

|Cubbies Bear Hugs, apple tree, special days |25 points each |

|Sparks Green and Red Jewels & Gate |50 points each |

|T&T Discovery/Challenge & Start Zone |100 points each |

|T&T Silver Sections |100 points each |

|T&T Gold Sections |50 points each |

All Clubbers…. Each semester you can earn BONUS POINTS !!

200 POINTS for getting a section signed off every time except 1 time per semester. (Your time can count if you say verses in the week of the club you did not have memory work ready for Wednesday. Verses MUST be said to a specified listener for this year or our church staff. Must show to Shanda to count.)

ALSO! We’ll be doing a verse tally again this year - Our goal will be announced the first week!


MEMORY WORK MAY BE SAID TO THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE - but not your relative.... (Others not on this list must be given instruction by Shanda first.)

All AWANA leaders and helpers for grades K-6 for the 2017-2018 school year.

Additional Trained Listeners: Tracie Klemensen, Lisa Coan, Kathy Buhr, Sharron Clement, all Ascension church staff.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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