St. James' Episcopal Church

2314575-52514500Announcements May 10 – May 16Sunday Service, May 10 (anytime)Watch and sing and pray with us. The Sunday service will be posted on our website by 8am, or join us on Facebook to premier the video at 10:15 am.Godly Play CircleGather with us to experience the mystery of God’s presence in our lives, through parable, sacred story, silence and liturgical action. The Circle will be available on ? Morning Forum Hour, 9-10 am Grab your coffee and join the Rev. Eileen O’Brien for another lively Sunday Forum. Join us on Zoom: en espa?ol , 1 pm This service is focused on bringing together families across borders for prayer in Spanish. Connect at? Prayer and Bible Study 5:30 pm The Rev. Eileen O’Brien will host Evening Prayer from the New Zealand Prayer Book with Bible Study. Youth will be invited to join in their own breakout Bible study. Join us Zoom: , May 11Intercessory Prayer Group, 5:30-6:30 pmPray with us from home: , May 12St. James’ Youth Chill Out, 3:00-4:00 pmContact Simone Barnes, familyministry@, for the connection information.Evening Prayer with the Rev. Jim Harrington, 8:30-9:30 pmConclude your day with prayer and reflection. , May 13Wednesday Morning Prayer and Bible Study, 8 – 9:30 am The Rev. Robby Vickery and The Rev. Jim Harrington lead this Wednesday morning time of prayer and Bible study, which looks forward to the readings assigned for the coming Sunday.? Come as you are and join the conversation. Join us on Zoom: Young Adults Group, 6:30 – 8:00 pm? Join us for online discussions led by your fellow your adults.? This group meets on Zoom.? In order to get the Zoom invite, or to find out more about the group, contact Becca at?beccaelewis@.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thursday, May 14Youth Group Morning Prayer 10:30 am Join the Austin Episcopal Youth Community every Tuesday and Thursday online for morning prayer on Instagram. Follow @StJamesYouthATX and @Austin_EYC on Instagram for updates.Episcopal Youth CommunityContact?familyministry@?for more information._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In Our FamilyWe want to continue our St. James’ tradition of praying for important milestones. Do you have a birthday or anniversary coming up? Send us a note and picture to?office@.Milestone Sunday May 24Are you graduating, retiring, etc?? On?May 24, we will have?Milestone?Sunday, when we honor all our graduates and those moving to a new stage of life.? Send us a short description of your?milestone?along with a?photo (if you have one) to?office@?by?May 18. We look forward to celebrating with you.???Welcome Table NewsImpact Austin, an Austin-based women’s collective giving organization, announced that it was awarding a $75,000 Education grant to Freedom Schools – Austin, one of the two programs under the Welcome Table umbrella.? This substantial one-year grant will assist the Freedom Schools program in adapting to new needs and circumstances related to COVID-19. Congratulations to those who have worked over the last six years to make Freedom Schools a joy-filled and life-changing program, that will continue to grow to make an even greater impact in east Austin.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________News from the Larger CommunityA message from your?Raise?a?Racquet?committee:The 2020 tennis world is in disarray! Wimbledon is canceled, the French Open is postponed, and most wretched of all, we were not able to hold?Raise?a?Racquet?in April. Just to help tide you over until spring 2021, here is a link to one of the best tennis games ever played. occurred during a 2012 Australian Open match between Andy Murray and John Llodra. When you join us for?Raise?a?Racquet?in 2021, you will see action just like this! Be safe, Your RAR committee ................

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