Social Studies Seven- Chapter Three Reading Guide

Social Studies Seven- Chapter Three Reading Guide

The British in North America

1. What is mercantilism?

2. How was mercantilism important to exploration?

The British Cross the Atlantic

1. Why did Walter Raleigh’s attempts at colonization fail?

2. List and briefly explain why it was important for Britain to have colonies in America?

3. Where were the thirteen colonies?

4. What was common for all the thirteen colonies?

5. Why do you think the populations of the thirteen colonies grew so quickly?

The British Colonies in Atlantic Canada

1. Who was Giovanni Caboto?

2. What did the English call him?

3. What was the resource he noticed the most?

4. How did the behaviour of the fishermen start settlement in North America?

5. How did this result for the Beothuk people?

6. How did the Treaty of Utrecht affect Acadia?

7. Where are the Fortress at Louisbourg and Halifax?

8. How did Halifax demonstrate British sovereignty?

9. How was active citizenship practiced in Halifax?

The Company by the Bay

1. What was the fuss about beaver fur?

2. What did King Charles II of England do in 1670?

3. What is important to the fur trade about the geography of the Hudson’s Bay?

4. Where is Rupert’s Land?

5. How did the French fur traders react to the British trading forts in Rupert’s Land?

6. How did the French win the battle for York Factory?

7. How did the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 finalize the issue?

The British continue to Explore

1. How did the French fur traders react to the Hudson’s Bay Company’s trading posts?

2. Describe Henry Kelsey’s explorations.

3. Where did Anthony Henday’s travels take him?

4. Describe the Siksika peoples they encountered.

5. List the events of Samuel Hearne’s journey to the Arctic Ocean.

6. Who was the first European to find Vancouver Island?

7. What was the valuable commodity he discovered?

8. Who is the city of Vancouver named after?


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