Rigorous Curriculum Design


Unit Planning Organizer

|Subject(s) |Social Studies |Conceptual Lenses |

|Grade/Course |American History 1 (1470-1754) |Exploration |

| | |Settlement |

| | |Immigration |

| | |Freedom |

|Unit of Study |AH1 Unit 1-European Exploration and the Settlement of the English Colonies | |

| |(3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 5.1., 8.1, 8.3) | |

|Unit Title |“European Exploration and Settlement of the English Colonies” | |

|Pacing |10 days (block) | |

|Unit Overview |

|The first unit of American History 1 examines European exploration and the settlement of the 13 English Colonies through the lenses of exploration, settlement, |

|immigration, and freedom. |

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|Age of Exploration: |

|European exploration resulted from a combination of new innovations/ideas and a desire for economic and political power. A variety of events, including revolutions|

|and reform movements, affected both the exploration and colonization goals of European countries. The geographic location and economic benefit of colonial |

|settlements varied from nation to nation, which impacted their ability to maintain and increase their economic and political power. |

| |

|13 English Colonies: |

|England’s American colonies formed on the Atlantic coast of North America, with its first successful colony in Jamestown, Virginia. The next two English colonies |

|to develop, the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colony, both of which were located in Massachusetts, were established as a response to religious persecution. Due to|

|the Protestant Reformation, religious conflict increased in Europe and several religious groups sought religious freedom by immigrating to the New World. Overtime,|

|this desire for freedom and hope of beginning a new life will become the foundation of the “American Dream”. In Virginia and Massachusetts, the colonists |

|flourished with some assistance from American Indians; yet, the differing views of land usage and ownership lead to numerous conflicts between the two groups. As a|

|result of the diverse backgrounds of the colonists and the geographic conditions of each settlement, the 13 Colonies developed distinct religious, economic, and |

|political characteristics. |

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|Consolidation of the British Empire: |

|Increased immigration into the 13 Colonies furthered the cultural diversity within the colonies, which led to a development of a distinct social hierarchy and |

|increased conflict. Colonists strived for economic success, often at the expense of others. The continued economic success of the colonies helped increase |

|Britain’s power across the globe. |

|Unit Enduring Understanding(s) |Unit Essential Question(s) |

| | |

|Exploration can influence the settlement and expansion. |Why are individuals and groups motivated to migrate? |

|A desire to improve the quality of life can result in migration. |How does the settlement of diverse groups impact the identity? |

|Diverse individuals and groups who settle into a particular region may shape its |How do geographic factors influence the migration and settlement? |

|identity. |How can exploration influence the settlement and expansion? |

|Geographic factors can shape the migration, settlement and cultural development. | |

|Essential State Standards |

|Priority Objectives |Supporting Objectives |

|AH1.H.3.1 Analyze how economic, political, social, military and religious factors |AH1.H.3.3 Explain the roles of various racial and ethnic groups in settlement |

|influenced European exploration and American colonial settlement. |and expansion through Reconstruction and the consequences for those groups. |

|AH1.H.3.2 Explain how environmental factors influenced the patterns of migration |AH1.H.4.4 Analyze the cultural conflicts that impacted the United States through|

|and settlement within the U.S. before the Civil War. |Reconstruction and the compromises that resulted. |

|AH1.H.3.4 Analyze voluntary and involuntary immigration trends through |AH1.H.7.1 Explain the impact of war on American politics through Reconstruction.|

|Reconstruction in terms of causes, regions of origin and destination, cultural |AH1.H.7.2 Explain the impact of wars on the American economy through |

|contributions, and public and governmental response. |Reconstruction |

|AH1.H.5.1 Summarize how the philosophical, ideological and/or religious views on |AH1.H.8.2 Explain how opportunity and mobility impacted various groups within |

|freedom and equality contributed to the development of American political and |American society through Reconstruction. |

|economic systems through reconstruction. |AH1.H.8.4 Analyze multiple perceptions of the “American Dream” in times of |

|AH1.H.8.1 Analyze the relationship between innovation, economic development, |prosperity and crisis through Reconstruction. |

|progress and various perceptions of the “American Dream” through Reconstruction. | |

|AH1.H.8.3 Evaluate the extent to which a variety of groups and individuals have | |

|had opportunity to attain their perception of the “American Dream”. | |

|“Unpacked” Concepts |“Unpacked” Skills |COGNITION |

|(students need to know) |(students need to be able to do) |(RBT Level) |

|AH1.H.3.1 |AH1.H.3.1 |AH1.H.3.1 |

|European exploration and American colonial settlement |Analyze ( economic, political, social, military |Analyzing |

| |and religious factors) | |

| | | |

|AH1.H.3.2 |AH1.H.3.2 | |

|patterns of migration and settlement |Explain (influence of environmental factors) |AH1.H.3.2 |

| | |Understanding |

| |AH1.H.3.4 | |

| |Analyze (voluntary and involuntary immigration | |

| |trends) | |

|AH1.H.3.4 | | |

|causes, regions of origin and destination, cultural contributions, and |AH1.H.5.1 |AH1.H.3.4 |

|public and governmental response |Summarize (philosophical, ideological and/or |Analyzing |

| |religious views on freedom and equality) | |

|AH1.H.5.1 | | |

|development of American political and economic systems |AH1.H.8.1 | |

| |Analyze (relationship) |AH1.H.5.1 |

| | |Understanding |

| | | |

| | | |

| |AH1.H.8.2 | |

|AH1.H.8.1 |Evaluate (extent to which a variety of groups | |

|innovation, economic development, progress and various perceptions of the |and individuals) | |

|“American Dream” | | |

| | |AH1.H.8.1 |

|AH1.H.8.2 | |Analyzing |

|opportunity to attain their perception of the “American Dream” | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |AH1.H.8.2 |

| | |Evaluating |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

| | |Suggested Lesson Essential | | |

|Standard(s) |Unit “Chunking” & Enduring |Questions |Possible Factual Content |Example(s) From Unpacked |

| |Understandings | |(Bold Found in Standards) |Standard |

| | | | | |

|AH1.H.3.1 | | | |A nation may choose to |

| | | |Global Imperial Conflict |colonize other regions of the|

|Analyze how economic, | |How did economic, political, |Britain, France, Spain |world to expand its economic |

|political, social, military | |and social changes within |Mercantilism |and political power. |

|and religious factors | |Europe influence exploration?|Glorious Revolution | |

|influenced European | | |Treaty of Tordesillas |Global imperial conflict |

|exploration and American | | |3G “God, Glory, Gold” |between Britain, France, and |

|colonial settlement. | | |Columbian Exchange |Spain impacted European |

| | | | |exploration and settlement of|

| | | | |North America. |

|AH1.H.3.1 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Analyze how economic, | | | | |

|political, social, military | | | | |

|and religious factors | | | | |

|influenced European | | | | |

|exploration and American | | | | |

|colonial settlement. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|AH1.H.3.2 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Explain how environmental | | | | |

|factors influenced the | | | | |

|patterns of migration and | | | | |

|settlement within the U.S. | | | | |

|before the Civil War. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|AH1.H.3.4 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Analyze voluntary and | | | | |

|involuntary immigration trends| | | | |

|through Reconstruction in | | | | |

|terms of causes, regions of | | | | |

|origin and destination, | | | | |

|cultural contributions, and | | | | |

|public and governmental | | | | |

|response. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|AH1.H.5.1 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Summarize how the | | | | |

|philosophical, ideological | | | | |

|and/or religious views on | | | | |

|freedom and equality | | | | |

|contributed to the development| | | | |

|of American political and | | | | |

|economic systems through | | | | |

|reconstruction. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|AH1.H.8.1 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Analyze the relationship | | | | |

|between innovation, economic | | | | |

|development, progress and | | | | |

|various perceptions of the | | | | |

|“American Dream” through | | | | |

|Reconstruction. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|AH1.H.8.3 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Evaluate the extent to which a| | | | |

|variety of groups and | | | | |

|individuals have had | | | | |

|opportunity to attain their | | | | |

|perception of the “American | | | | |

|Dream”. | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|AH1.H.3.4 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Analyze voluntary and | | | | |

|involuntary immigration trends| | | | |

|through Reconstruction in | | | | |

|terms of causes, regions of | | | | |

|origin and destination, | | | | |

|cultural contributions, and | | | | |

|public and governmental | | | | |

|response. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|AH1.H.5.1 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Summarize how the | | | | |

|philosophical, ideological | | | | |

|and/or religious views on | | | | |

|freedom and equality | | | | |

|contributed to the development| | | | |

|of American political and | | | | |

|economic systems through | | | | |

|reconstruction. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|AH1.H.8.1 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Analyze the relationship | | | | |

|between innovation, economic | | | | |

|development, progress and | | | | |

|various perceptions of the | | | | |

|“American Dream” through | | | | |

|Reconstruction. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|AH1.H.8.3 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Evaluate the extent to which a| | | | |

|variety of groups and | | | | |

|individuals have had | | | | |

|opportunity to attain their | | | | |

|perception of the “American | | | | |

|Dream”. | | | | |


| | | |

|Exploration |Regions |Politics |

|Expansion |Movement |Laws |

|Patterns |Climate |Religion |

|Colonization |Physical Features |Monarchy |

| |Environment Resources | |

|Age of Exploration | |What were the political, economic, and religious reasons for European exploration beginning in the |

| |Treaty of Tordesillas |1400s? |

|Exploration often occurs due to |“3G” God, Glory | |

|economic, political, and |Gold | |

|religious factors |Columbian exchange | |

| |Christopher Columbus |What were the effects of European exploration in the “New World?” |

| |Various Explorers | |

| |Search for a waterway to | |

| |Asia (Northwest Passage) | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |How did economic factors influence the development and settlement of the thirteen English colonies in|

|Colonization |joint-stock company |North America? |

| |mercantilism | |

|Economic, political, |Jamestown |How did the conflict between Britain, France and Spain impact European settlement of North America? |

|social, military and religious |Massachusetts Bay Colony | |

|factors often influence the |Pilgrims/Separatist | |

|patterns of migration and |Puritan |How did religious freedom and tolerance compare and contrast among the British colonies? |

|settlement |headright system | |

| |John Winthrop |How, why and to what extent did early English colonies rely on African slave labor to survive and |

| |“City upon a Hill” |prosper? |

|Colonies may develop economic, |William Penn | |

|political, religious, and social |King Philip’s War |How were Native Americans impacted by European colonization and the colonists’ westward migration? |

|diversity. |Pequot War | |

| |Roger Williams | |

| |Anne Hutchinson |To what extent was each of the thirteen original English colonies culturally diverse? |

|Geographic regions may bring |Halfway covenant | |

|cultural, economic, and |Mayflower Compact | |

|environmental adaptations. |Fundamental Orders of |How did indentured servitude impact the economic, social and political development of various places |

| |Connecticut |and regions? |

| |Quakers | |

| |indentured servants | |

| |Regions (Chesapeake, New |How did environmental factors, such as geography, climate and disease, influence the settlement and |

| |England, Middle, Southern) |development of the thirteen English colonies in North America? |

| |Bacon’s Rebellion | |

| | | |

| | |How did geography and conflicts with Native American cause hardships for British colonists? |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Consolidation of British Empire |House of Burgesses |How and why did the “triangular trade” promote mercantilism and slavery in the New World? |

| |Middle Passage | |

|Colonies often expand commerce, |Glorious Revolution | |

|religious, and political |The Great Awakening |How did the Middle Passage and colonial slavery affect West Africans and their culture? |

|diversity and independence |“Sinners in the Hands of an | |

|because of geographic conditions.|Angry God” | |

| |Jonathan Edwards | |

| |Enlightenment |How did the Great Awakening and Enlightenment encourage individualism and religious tolerance? |

| |Benjamin Franklin | |

|Government power may increase |Types of colonies | |

|because of political and |(proprietary colonies, | |

|economic, and social conditions. |royal) | |

| |mercantilism |How did the British colonies develop economically, politically, and culturally? |

| |salutary neglect | |

| |cash crop | |

| |triangular trade |How did European conflicts cause self-government and salutary neglect in the British colonies? |

| |Middle Passage | |

| |Immigrants (Scots-Irish, | |

| |German, Dutch, Jews) | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Sub Concepts | |


|Exploration |

|Expansion |

|Patterns |

|Colonization |

| |

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|Historical Thinking and Geography Skill Resources |

|○ “Straight Ahead” □“Uphill” ∆“Mountainous” |

|Historical Thinking |Geography Skills |

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| |. |

|General Unit Resources |

| |

|○ “Straight Ahead” □“Uphill” ∆ “Mountainous” |

|○ | Freedom: A History of US |

| |Learn NC |

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|□ |Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History |

| |The Crucible |

| | |

|∆ |Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God |

| |Mayflower Compact |

| |The New England Primer |

| | |

| |Richard Haluyt’ s The principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English nation |

Text differentiation symbols: Texts will be categorized in teacher resource documents as Straight Ahead (less challenging for struggling readers), Uphill (having some challenging words and more complex sentence structure that is appropriate for on-grade level readers), or Mountainous (containing challenging vocabulary, complex sentences, and more abstract ideas).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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