Chapter 3 – Exploration and Colonization


Section 1 – An Era of Exploration

Early Voyages to America

1. In 1001, Viking sailors led by ____________________________________ reached the northern tip of _________________________________________.

2. Viking stories describe fierce battles with _____________________________, the Viking name for ______________________________________.

3. Some historians believe that Asians continued to _________________________________________

_______________________________________________ after the last ice age.

Columbus Reaches America

1. By the late 1400s, ____________________________ was the leading country in sailing and navigation.

2. They pioneered trade routes around _________________________ toward __________________________________.

3. Spain wanted a share of the ___________________________ trade.

4. King _______________________ and Queen ____________________________ agreed to finance a voyage of exploration by ____________________________________________. He planned to reach the __________________________________________ by sailing west across the _______________________________________________.

The Atlantic Crossing

1. In August 1492, Columbus left with three ships and a crew of about 90 sailors – ________________________________, _____________________________, _____________________________________________________________

2. After a brief stop at the _________________________________________________, the crew continued west.

3. Columbus was convinced that he had reached the East Indies in Asia. Instead, he reached the islands off the coast of North America and South America in the _____________________________________________.

4. This area became known as the _____________________________________________.

Spain Authorizes Colonies

1. Columbus brought Ferdinand and Isabella gifts of _____________________________________


2. Columbus also described the “Indians” and said that they could be ________________________

__________________________________ and ________________________________________.

3. The Spanish monarchs were impressed, and gave Columbus the title, “_____________________________________________________.”

4. Columbus made three more voyages across the Atlantic. In 1493, he founded the first ___________________________________________________. It was called ____________________________________, on the present-day island of __________________ and the _______________________________________________________.

5. Colony – _______________________________________________________________________


6. Columbus also explored present-day ____________________________ and ________________, and sailed along the coasts of ______________________________________ and northern _______________________________________________. He claimed these lands for Spain.

7. As a governor, Columbus was very _______________________________________________. He was taken back to Spain in chains. He died in 1506, still thinking he _________________________________________________.

A Lasting Impact

1. Columbus made a lasting impact on ___________________________, ____________________________, and the ______________________________________.

2. For ______________________________________________, the arrival of the Europeans had tragic results. Columbus was convinced that the European culture was ____________________


3. The Spanish claimed Taino lands and forced them to work in _____________________________


4. Many died from _____________________________________ or _________________________

_________________________________________. Within _________________ years of Columbus’ arrival, the Taino population was virtually wiped out.

5. The voyages of Columbus are seen as a ________________________________ for the Americas.

6. Turning Point – ____________________________________________________________________.

The Spanish Cross the Pacific

1. In 1511, they had conquered ________________________________, _______________________________, and _____________________________.

2. They also explored the eastern coasts of North America and South America in search of a __________________________________________________________________________.

3. In 1513, _________________________________________ plunged into the jungles of Panama.

4. Balboa was the first to reach the _______________________________ and claimed it for Spain.

5. _______________________________________________ circumnavigated the Earth in 1518. He rounded the stormy southern tip of __________________________________ and entered the Pacific Ocean. Magellan was killed in battle near the ______________________________________.

6. Circumnavigate – _______________________________________________________________.

7. The ship arrived back in Spain in 1522. Their voyage had discovered __________________________

__________________________________________ and made Europeans _____________________


A Global Cultural Exchange

1. The Columbian Exchange covered a wide range of areas, including ________________________


European Influences

1. Domestic animals like __________________, __________________________, and _________________________________ escaped into the wild and multiplied rapidly.

2. In North America, Indians learned to ___________________________________ and use them to ____________________________________________________________.

3. Plants like ________________________ and ____________________ were also new to America.

4. Tragically, the Europeans brought ______________________________, which killed _________________ percent of natives in the Caribbean in 75 years.

Native American Influences

1. Native Americans introduced new ____________________________ and ________________________________________ to the Europeans.

2. Europeans learned to plant _______________________________. Europeans took these new foods with them around the world, causing people’s ______________________ to change.

3. Europeans also admired the Native American’s ______________________________ structures. Ben Franklin admired the ________________________________________________ and urged the colonists to do so in a similar way.

Section 2 – Spain Builds an Empire

Spanish Conquistadors

1. Conquistadors- _____________________________________________________________________


2. Spanish rulers allowed conquistadors to form settlements in the Americas in exchange for _____________________ of any __________________________________________ they captured.

3. _________________________________________ was a famous conquistador who was eager to find wealth and glory. He set sail for Mexico in 1519 with only about 600 soldiers.

Conquest of the Aztecs

1. The Aztec leader was named ______________________________________. He had heard rumors of _____________________________________ and men with thick beards coming to the Americas.

2. An ancient Aztec legend told that a “__________________________________________” would come from the East to rule the Aztecs.

3. Moctezuma decided to _________________________________________________as guests.

4. Cortez took the invitation, but secretly _________________________________________________

__________________________________________, gaining support of the Aztec’s _________________________________________________________.

5. Cortez held Moctezuma a ___________________________ in his own city. Although the Aztecs initially drove out the Spanish, Cortez returned with the support of the enemy tribes.

6. The Spanish __________________________ Moctezuma and ________________________________ Tenochtitlan. The Aztec empire was over.

Conquest of the Incas

1. Another conquistador, __________________________________, set his sights on the Incan Empire.

2. With about 200 soldiers, Pizarro sailed down the _______________________ Coast of South America.

3. In 1532, he captured the Incan Emperor _____________________________ and later executed him.

4. With no leadership, the empire ___________________________________. By 1535, Pizarro controlled much of the Incan Empire.

Reasons for Spanish Victories

1. Superior Military Equipment – The Spanish had __________________________, ____________________, and ________________________________________, where the natives relied on ______________________, __________________________, and ______________________________________. Also, they were frightened by the Spanish riding horses.

2. The natives did not fight as hard as they may have under other circumstances. The Aztecs thought the Europeans were ___________________________, and the Incas were too busy __________________________________________________________________________.

3. Many natives died from diseases like ___________________________, ________________________________, and __________________________________________.

Exploring the Spanish Borderlands

1. The Spanish Borderlands extended from present-day ________________________________ to ________________________________________________.

2. ____________________________________________________ searched parts of Florida in 1513, looking for the mythical ____________________________________________, which does not exist.

De Soto and Coronado

1. From 1539 to 1542, _________________________________________ explored Florida and other parts of the Southeast.

2. He searched for gold, and reached the __________________________________

_________________________________________. He found no riches.

3. The conquistador, ______________________________________________, heard legends about the “________________________________________________________________________.”

4. He traveled to present-day ____________________________ and __________________________________________________, but found no gold.

5. Facing Native American resistance, the Spanish focused on bringing order to its empire in the ____________________________________.

Settling New Spain

1. In 1535, Spain divided its lands into two territories – _______________________________________ and ______________________________________.

2. A _________________________________ was appointed in each region to rule in the king’s name.

3. A code called the __________________________________________________ stated how the colonies should be ruled.

Pueblos and Presidios

1. Pueblos, or towns, were centers of __________________________ and ______________________.

2. In 1598, ______________________________________ founded the colony of New Mexico among the adobe villages of the Pueblo Indians. He used ____________________________________ to conquer the Native Americans of the region. ______________________________ was later founded as the capital.

3. Presidios were ___________________________________________________________. Soldiers protected nearby farmers. The first presidio in the borderlands was built in 1565 at __________________________________________________________________.


1. The Spanish believed they had a duty to ______________________ Indians to ________________________________.

2. They set up missions – _______________________________________________________________


3. They often forced Indians to __________________________________________________________


4. Missionaries gradually moved west across the borderlands. The first mission in ___________________________ was founded in 1659 at _______________________________.

Society in New Spain - Four Social Classes

1. The Laws of the Indies set up a strict social system, where people were placed into four different social classes.

2. At the top of the social scale were the ________________________________________.

a. Peninsulares - ____________________________________________________________


b. They also owned large tracts of land as well as rich ____________________ and ______________________ mines.

3. Next were the _____________________.

a. Creoles were people born in the _________________________________ to ___________________________________________.

b. Many creoles were __________________ and _________________________________. They owned farms and ranches, taught at universities, and practiced law. However, they could not hold jobs reserved for ______________________________________.

4. Third were the _______________________.

a. Mestizos were people of mixed ______________________________________________ background. They worked on _____________________________ owned by creoles and peninsulares. In cities, they were ______________________, _____________________, _______________________________, and ____________________________________.

5. The _____________________________ were the lowest class. They were kept in ________________________________ for hundreds of years.

A Blend of Culture

1. In the Americas, a new way of life came about from the blending of the _______________________________ and ______________________________ cultures.

2. In 1551, the Spanish founded the _________________________________________________.

3. Native Americans also influenced the culture of New Spain through ____________________, __________________________, and _____________________________________.

Harsh Life for Native Americans

1. The Spanish government gave settlers ______________________________.

2. Encomiendas – _____________________________________________________________________


Hard Labor

1. The Spanish forced the ________________________________ to work in the gold and silver mines.

2. Because of the harsh living conditions for Indians, a priest named ___________________________________________________ sought reform. He witnessed Indian deaths due to _______________________, ___________________________, and ______________________________________.

3. Las Casas journeyed to Europe and asked the ___________________________________ to protect the Indians.

4. In the 1540s, the royal government did pass laws _________________________ the enslavement of Native Americans. However, __________________________________________________________


Slave Trade Between Africa and the Americas Begins

1. Many Native Americans died from the harsh treatment and difficult work. This created a ___________________________________________________________. Consequently, the Spanish looked across the Atlantic Ocean for a new source of labor.

2. At the suggestion of Las Casas, the Spanish began bringing _______________________________ to America to work. Las Casas thought that the Africans would be less likely to ___________________

_______________________________________________. He also thought they would not suffer because they were used to ___________________________________________________________.

3. This idea eventually led to the _____________________________, bringing Africans to the America.

4. Las Casas eventually grew to regret his suggestion, but could not convince rulers to stop the trade.

The Slave Trade Spreads

1. Enslaved Americans were especially valued on _______________________________________ on Caribbean Islands and in the Portuguese colony of __________________________________.

2. Plantation – _______________________________________________________________________.

3. __________________________ could not be grown on small estates because it required too much ___________________ and ______________________________. Enslaved Africans often worked all night cutting sugar, which was sold for large profit in _________________________________.

4. Between the 1500s and 1800s, Europeans transported more than _____________________________ enslaved Africans to the Americas.

5. Most of the enslaved Africans were sent to _________________________ or the ____________________________________. However, more than ____________________ Africans would arrive in the British colonies of North America.

Section 3 – Colonizing North America

Search for a Northwest Passage

1. Many explorers were sent to find a __________________________________.

2. Northwest Passage – ________________________________________________________________


3. John Cabot, who sailed for the _____________________________, thought he found one. Instead, he found the easternmost region of Canada, named ______________________________________.

Exploring for France

1. The French sent the Italian captain, _________________________________________ in search of the Northwest Passage.

2. Verrazano travelled the _________________________________ coast from the _________________________ to __________________________________.

3. During the 1530s, ___________________________________ traveled more than halfway up the ______________________________________________.

Henry Hudson

1. In 1609, the English explorer Henry Hudson sailed for the ______________________________. His ship, ______________________________________, entered present-day _____________________

__________________________ harbor. Hudson continued to sail some 150 miles up the river the present-day ___________________________________________.

2. After exploring further the next winter, Hudson’s crew rebelled and set Hudson, his son, and seven loyal sailors adrift in the Hudson Bay.

Failure and Success

1. None of these explorers found a northwest passage to ______________________. However, they did ___________________ and explore many parts of North America. The rulers of Western Europe began thinking about how to profit from the region’s rich resources.

Rivalries among European Nations - Religious Differences

1. Until the 1500s, the _______________________________________________ was the only church in Western Europe.

2. In 1517, a German Monk named ______________________________________ publicly challenged the practices of the Catholic Church.

3. Martin Luther split with the Catholic Church. His followers became known as _________________________________________.

4. The Protestant Reformation - _________________________________________________________


5. By the late 1500s, religion divided the states of Western Europe.

a. Spain and France were _____________________________________ nations.

b. England and the Netherlands were mainly _____________________________________.

Rivalries in the Americas

1. As Europeans settled in the Americas, they brought their ________________________ conflicts with them.

2. Queen Elizabeth of England encouraged English adventurers to _____________________ Spanish colonies and capture __________________________________________________. The English also competed with ___________________________________ for lands in North America.

3. The English and the Dutch competed for ______________________ in North America and ____________________________ markets all over the world.

New France

1. Samuel de Champlain founded _______________________________ in 1605. This was the first permanent French settlement in North America.

2. Champlain also settled the trading post of _______________________________, overlooking the St. Lawrence River.

Economy of New France

1. The French profited from _____________________, __________________________, and ________________________________________.

2. Coureurs de bois – _________________________________________________________________. Literally translated as “_____________________________________________________________.”

3. Unlike the Spanish, the French did not try to ___________________________ the Native Americans. Instead, they established friendly relations with them.

4. The French brought _______________________, ________________________, and __________________________________ to the Natives. In return, the Natives gave the French _________________________________________ and ______________________ that sold for high prices in Europe.

Missionary Work

1. Catholic missionaries often traveled with fur traders. French missionaries worked to teach Native Americans about _______________________________.

2. Missionary – ______________________________________________________________________.

Expansion to the Mississippi

1. French trappers followed the St. Lawrence deep into the heart of North America. They eventually reached the ________________________________________.

2. They heard talk of a mighty river called “Mississippi,” which means “___________________________________________.”

3. A French missionary, _______________________________________________, and a fur trader, ____________________________________, set out to reach the Mississippi River in 1673. They travelled more than ______________________ miles before turning back.

4. Robert de La Salle completed the journey to the _______________________________________. He named the region _________________________________ in honor of French King Louis XIV.

5. To keep Spain and England out of Louisiana, the French built _________________________ in the north along the Great Lakes.

a. Example – ___________________________________.

6. They also built forts in the south at the mouth of the river.

a. Example – ___________________________________.

7. The French imported thousands of Africans to work on plantations. Some slaves joined with the _____________________________________ in a revolt (called the _________________________

_______________________________). The French put down the revolt in 1729.

Government of New France

1. The French king _________________________________________________ directly, and the people had little say in their freedom. A council appointed by the king made all decisions.

2. In the 1660s, Louis XIV was worried about how slowly the colony was growing. He sent about a thousand _______________________ to the colony, including many young ____________________.

3. However, many settlers chose to live as coureurs de bois, which were free of ______________________________________________.

New Netherlands

1. In 1626, ______________________________________ led a group of Dutch Settlers to the mouth of the __________________________________________.

2. There, he bought ____________________________________ Island from local Indians. It was named _____________________________________________________________. The entire colony was called New York.

3. New Amsterdam grew into a busy ____________________. The Dutch welcomed people of many ______________________________ and _____________________________ to their colony.

4. The Dutch also built ________________________________ along the Hudson River. The most important was ________________________________________________, now known as Albany.

5. The Dutch enlarged New Netherlands in 1655 by taking over the colony of _____________________________________________, which was founded 15 years earlier.

Rivalry over Furs

1. Dutch and French became rivals in the _____________________________. Both sought alliances with the _____________________________________________.

2. Alliance – _________________________________________________________________________


3. The Dutch made friends with the ______________________________.

The __________________________ helped the French.

4. Fighting raged for years among the Europeans and their Native American allies.

Dutch Ways in North America - Impact on Native Americans

1. The Dutch brought many of their customs from Europe to New Netherlands.

2. European settlement of North America brought major changes to Native Americans.

a. __________________________________ killed thousands of Indians.

b. Rivalry over fur trade increased _______________________________________ as European settlers encouraged their Native American allies to ______________________ one another.

c. The scramble for furs also led to _____________________________. Some species were almost wiped out.

d. Missionaries tried to convert Indians to _______________________________.

e. Indians eagerly adopted European trade goods, such as _______________________________________ and ___________________________.

f. The Native Americans also bought ________________________ and ___________________________________ for hunting and warfare.

g. ___________________________________ sold by European traders had a harsh effect on Native American life.

h. The Native Americans were _______________________________________ their land, and had to move ________________________ onto the lands of other Indians.

Section 4 – Building the Jamestown Colony

The First English Colony

1. With Queen ________________________’s permission, ____________________________________ raised money to fund a colony in North America. In 1585, about 100 men set sail across the Atlantic.

2. The colonists landed on the island of ___________________________ off the coast of present-day ____________________________________. Within a year, the colonists __________________________________ and __________________________________________. The settlers left and sailed home.

3. In 1587, more colonists headed back to Roanoke (including women and children). When supplies ran low, the leader, ______________________________, went back to England, leaving behind 117 colonists.

4. When he returned three years later, White found no one. On a tree, someone had carved ____________________________________ on a tree. To this day, the fate of this “Lost Colony” remains a mystery.

Challenges and Survival in Jamestown

1. In 1606, the ________________________________ of London received a charter from King James I.

2. Charter – _________________________________________________________________________.

3. The charter gave the Virginia Company the right to settle lands between present-day ____________________________________ and the _________________________________. It was also guaranteed that the colonists would have the same rights as ________________________


4. Joint-stock company – _______________________________________________________________


A Disastrous Start

1. In the spring of _______________, a group of 105 colonists arrived in Virginia. They settled near the ____________________________________________and named it Jamestown after their king.

2. Jamestown’s location was extremely ___________________________. The area was filled with __________________________________ and ___________________________ that spread malaria.

3. The Virginia Company elected a__________________________ of ___________men to rule the settlement. However, members of the colony quarreled with one another and did little to plan for the colony’s future. By the summer of 1608, the colony was ________________________________.

Summer and Recovery

1. Another major problem that faced Jamestown was _______________________________. A young soldier named _________________________________________________ observed that people in Jamestown spent too much time _______________________________________________________ instead of farming. As they searched, the colony ran out of food.

2. Smith helped save the colony by setting up rules that gave food only to _______________________

___________________________________. He also visited the nearby Indian villages. The most powerful chief in the area, _____________________________, agreed to supply corn to the English.

3. When the Indians refused to supply the English with corn, colonists _____________________ what they needed. _______________________________________ between the two sides was frequent.

4. Peace was briefly restored when the colonist ________________________________ married ___________________________________, daughter of Powhatan.

5. Even in times of peace, Jamestown did not prosper. Problems arose again after ___________________________________________ left for England in the 1609.

A Profitable Crop

1. Jamestown’s economy finally improved after 1612, when colonists began growing _________________________________________.

2. By 1620, England was importing more than ___________________________ pounds of tobacco a year. This finally made the colony of Jamestown succeed.

Representative Government - Reforms of 1619

1. Shortly after the founding of Jamestown, there were very strict rules for the colonists to follow. People were often ____________________________________ for the smallest offenses.

2. Beginning in 1619, male settlers were allowed to elect ________________________________.

3. Burgesses – _____________________________________________________________. They met in a representative assembly called the ___________________________________________________.

4. The House of Burgesses marked the beginning of _________________________________________

________________________________________ in the English Colonies.

5. Representative Government – ________________________________________________________


English Traditions

1. In 1215, English nobles forced King John to sign the ____________________________________, meaning “________________________________________.”

2. Magna Carta – _____________________________________________________________________


3. The Great Council grew into a representative assembly called _______________________________.

4. Parliament further divided into the ________________________________ (made of nobles) and the ____________________________________________ (common people).

5. Only a few _______________________________________ still had the right to vote. However, even the ___________________________________ had to obey laws.

6. Virginia’s Representative Tradition - In 1670, the colony restricted voting rights to ___________________________________________________________________.

New Arrivals

1. The colony’s first women arrived in 1608 – “Mistress Forrest” and her maid, _________________________________________.

2. In 1619, the Virginia Company sent out about _________________________________ to help “make men more settled.”

3. Women survived better than men. Men were almost twice as likely as women to _______________


4. However, by 1624, there were still more than ________________ women in Jamestown, compared to over __________________________________ men.

The First Africans

1. Africans came to Virginia as early as ___________________________.

2. The Dutch sold the enslaved Africans to Virginians who needed laborers to grow ____________________________________.

3. Some were slaves for life, while others worked as __________________________ and expected to ___________________________________________. Some slaves eventually became free planters.

4. In the late 1600s, Virginia set up a system of laws allowing _________________________________


Section 5 – Seeking Religious Freedom

European States and Religion

1. Pilgrims – _________________________________________________________________________.

2. After the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s, Christians were divided into __________________________________ and ________________________________________. This division led to fierce wars.

3. In France, the Protestants and Catholics fought each other for nearly _____________ years, killing thousands for their religious beliefs.

4. Most European rulers believed an _____________________________________ was needed to maintain order.

5. Established religion – _______________________________________________________________.

6. In England, the established church was the _____________________________________. In 1530, Parliament passed laws making the English monarch the ___________________________________


7. Persecution – _____________________________________________________________________.

8. This caused some religions to worship in ________________________________.

Separatists Seek Religious Freedom

1. One religious group in England that faced persecution was the Pilgrims, known as the ________________________________________ at the time.

2. Although they were Protestants, they wanted to ___________________________ from the Church of England.

3. In the early 1600s, a group of Separatists left for _________________________________________, since the Dutch allowed the newcomers to worship freely.

4. Still, the English missed their way of life and worried their children would grow up more ________________________________ than English.

The Pilgrim Colony at Plymouth

1. A group of Separatist decided to return to England from the Netherlands. They were soon granted a charter to set up a new colony in _____________________________________.

2. In September 1620, more than 100 men, women, and children set sail aboard the ________________________________.

3. A storm pushed them further north of Virginia to the area of _______________________, in present-day ____________________________________.

4. Their colony was named _________________________, after the port/town where they sailed from.

The Mayflower Compact

1. Before going ashore, the Pilgrims realized they would not be settling within the boundaries of Virginia.

2. The major question that the colonists wondered was “_______________________________________________________?”

3. Some colonists (who were not Separatists) said they would _______________________ the Pilgrims.

4. In response, the Pilgrims wrote a framework for governing their colony. On November 11, 1620, the 41 passengers signed the ________________________________________. They pledged to unite into a government that would make laws that insured “____________________________________________________________________.”

5. ___________________________________________ colonists elected a governor and council. This strengthened the English tradition of governing through ___________________________________


Tradition of Religious Freedom

1. The Pilgrim’s desire to worship freely set an important precedent.

2. Precedent – _______________________________________________________________________.

3. This would eventually become a cornerstone of __________________________________________.

Early Hardships – First Winter in Plymouth

1. The Pilgrims settled on the site of a ________________________________________ village that had been abandoned because of disease.

2. The Pilgrims did not bring enough ___________________________ with them, and did not have enough time to build proper ___________________________. It was also too late in the season to plant new crops. This winter was called the “___________________________________________.”

3. Most early shelters were built from sod, or _________________________________________. Nearly half of the settlers perished of disease or _________________________________, including the first governor.

4. ________________________________________ was chosen to replace the first governor. His leadership would help the colony survive, and he led Plymouth for most of the next _________________ years.

5. Despite hardships, their faith remained strong. They believed it was God’s will for them ____________________________________________________________.

Help from Native Americans

1. In the spring, the Pilgrims began to ________________________________ and ________________________________________________. They also received help from the Native Americans.

2. A Wampanoag Indian named ____________________________ helped the Pilgrims. He had been captured by an English expedition led by ________________________________________. He lived for a time back in England, where he learned ___________________________________________.

3. Squanto taught the Native Americans how to plant ______________________, ____________________________, _______________________________, and other native foods. He also taught them how to catch ___________________________ from rivers.

4. To celebrate their ___________________________________________ that fall, the Pilgrims celebrated a day of thanksgiving.

5. Today we still celebrate ______________________________________________________.


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