May 5, 2016, 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.

Towner Auditorium - PSY 150

1. CALL TO ORDER: 2:58 pm

2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Academic Senate Meeting of May 5, 2016: Approved


1. Academic Senate Meeting of April 21, 2016: Approved


1. Executive Committee – Announcements:

Thanked all the senators, all the members of senate councils and committees, Nominating Committee, Executive Committee, Aracely Montes, student assistants Quy Hua and Kimberly Mondragon.

2. Nominating Committee:

Committee on Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Campus Climate

Shaeleya Miller, CLA/ Lecturer, Term 2017

Benjamin LeMaster, CLA/ Lecturer, Term 2017

Andrew Vaca, COTA, Term 2019

Diedrick Brackens, COTA, Term 2019

Panel on Professional Responsibility

Marian Stewart, COTA, Term 2019

Kirstyn Chun, Student Affairs, Term 2019

Susan Luevano, UL, Term 2019

Leslie Andersen, UL, Term 2019

Ruth Piker, CED, Term 2019

Leakhena Nou, CLA, Term 2019

Ruth Chambers, CHHS, Term 2019

Joy Goebel, CHHS, Term 2019

Fumio Hamano, COE, term 2019

Prashanth Jaikumar, CNSM, Term 2019

Academic Appeals Committee

Ann Johnson, CLA, Term 2019

Campus Climate Committee

Asieh Jalali Farahani, COE/ Lecturer, Term 2017

Faculty Advisory Committee on Technology

Sean Smith, CLA/Lecturer, Term 2017

International Education Committee

Tim Keirn, CLA/Lecturer, Term 2017

Emyr Williams, CHHS, Term 2019

Khue Duong, UL, Term 2019

Reo Song, CBA, Term 2019

Mohammad Mozumdar, COE Term 2019

David Anglin, COTA, Term 2019

Flora Banuett, CNSM, Term 2018

3. Status – Academic Senate Consent Calendar

1. Discontinuance: MFA in Theatre Arts, Option in Theatre Management (AS-981-16/CEPC/URC) – SECOND READING

This item was approved by the Academic Senate.



1. Report of the CSULB President: Time Certain 2:30 pm

- Intellectual Property Policy: The Chancellor’s Office is working on a system-wide policy. President Conoley was briefed on it but it is still embargoed due to its elaborations.

- Senator Colburn asked about paying student teachers more than $2.00 a day.

- Senator Stewart inquired about the issue of safety. The Injury and Illness Prevention Program will reach her desk soon. He asked to have elevator safety and Seismic preparedness considered as well. VP Stephens supported having an Earthquake drill and could create drills that are more involved by fall or spring 2017. Senator Hamano asked if there is any data indicating the safety of our buildings if there was an earthquake. VP Stephens responded that LA-2,3,4 were the most vulnerable but were remodeled. PH-1 and PH-2 are next on the list for updates. Other buildings are less vulnerable.

- Disability parking: Not enough spaces and those that exist are not used efficiently because they may offer too much space for wheelchairs, walkers, etc. Many people can walk. VP Stephens clarified that handicapped parking spaces are made based on mandatory codes.

2. Report from the CFA: President Douglas Domingo-Forasté

- Thanked everyone for all the help and support throughout the year.

3. Report on Parking: Mary Stephens – 10 minutes

- VP Stephens and Associate VP Taylor presented campus parking lot information.

o They are working on the configuration of the parking lots and spots so they are less confusing and clearly marked indicating which are for students, faculty, employees, general, guest, etc.

o A new License Plate Recognition (LPR) software will be implemented. Parking permit hang tags will no longer be necessary. Users may register up to 5 license plates at a time per person and it will not ticket the new cars without license plates. Employees may use student parking spots as well. The LPR system will go live in fall 2016. The system will identify cars that do not belong in a particular parking lot.

o Lots will be clearly marked so the eventual goal is to remove all parking lot gates.

o Map with the new information may be found on website:

o They are streamlining the guest parking process.

o Lot 8A will be only pay-by-space short-term parking. Other pay by space parking: In Lot 1, many spots on the roadways, some in Lot 16, Lot 11C for visitors, Lot 7 will have about 16 short term parking and it will be the only lot that will have 7 designated spaces for visitors (due to need).

o Lot 17 will be all employee parking and Lot 18 will be general parking.

o Designated carpool spaces: They will be converted to employee or general parking and will work on other rideshare program incentives.

o Electric Charging stations: Lots 7 and 14 will have solar and electric charging stations by next summer.

o Lot 7 renovations will add about 170 of employee parking spots. Overall increase is a little over a 100 after you consider all of the other factors.

o Faculty expressed concern that we had to cut down old trees and a grassy area for Lot 7 re-construction. This was necessary because of the future addition of solar panels in Lot 7. They plan to replace trees elsewhere on campus.

o Shuttles will run during graduation, but specifically designated employee shuttles will stop running at the end of the academic year.

o Parking lot gates: This year Lot 7 will not have arm bars and will only be regulated via the license recognition system. The goal is to eventually remove all gates in parking lots if this system works in Lot 7. Many people either break the gates or call or get let in due to holding traffic. Elimination of the gates will help reduce yearly costs of maintenance and gate replacements.

o Employee parking spots may also be used by Unit 11, disabled students, etc.

o Vendors and graduation: Drop off for graduation parties will be in Lot 5.

o The structures and lot 5 will have Parking Display Technology that will show how many parking spots are open. We are not financially able to provide this service to all parking lots.

o Construction in Lot 7 is still on schedule.

o Dorms: First time freshmen will not be allowed to bring a car to campus. Lots 14D and 19 are resident lots. Students with a resident pass will not be allowed to use other parking.

o East/West Campus Drive will be closed to anyone that is not faculty, staff or students.


1. Proposal: BS in Physics & Astronomy, Option in Materials Science (AS-995-16/CEPC/URC) – SECOND READING

This proposal was unanimously approved.

2. Proposal: Minor in Fashion Design (AS-988-16/CEPC/URC) – SECOND READING

This proposal was unanimously approved.

3. Proposal: New Department of Biomedical Engineering (AS-998-16/CEPC/URC) – SECOND READING

This proposal was unanimously approved.

4. Revision: University Honors Policy (AS-1001-16/CEPC) – SECOND READING

The version with amendments from CEPC was accepted by the Academic Senate.

Senator Pickett spoke on behalf of his first amendment: “In both Plan 1 and Plan 11 a further 3 units (excluding UHP 496 and UHP 498) may be waived from the honors plan for an honors student if so requested by an undergraduate advisor advising that student.” Discussion ensued then there was a call for adjournment.

5. Revision: Certificate Policy 85-08 (AS-976-15/CEPC) – SECOND READING

The policy was not addressed in this meeting.

6. Revision: Policies and Procedures for the Selection, Appointment and Review of Academic Administrators (AS-1000-16/FPPC) – SECOND READING

The policy was not addressed in this meeting.


1. None

9. ADJOURNMENT: 4:00 pm


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