Rikk G. Kvitek

Rikk G. Kvitek

Director – Seafloor Mapping Lab

Professor – Division of Science and Environmental Policy

California State University Monterey Bay

Telephone: (831) 582-3529

Email: rkvitek@csumb.edu



Ph.D., Zoology, University of Washington, 1990 – Advisor: Robert Paine

M.S., Marine Science, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, 1986

B.S., Zoology, University of Michigan, 1971


2003-15 Full Professor – CSUMB Division of Science and Environmental Policy

2005-13 Director – CSUMB Seafloor Mapping Lab Specialized Service Facility

2005-06 Interim Dean – College of Science Media Arts and Technology, CSUMB

1996-2003 Associate Professor - CSUMB Division of Science and Environmental Policy

Research area of interest

Technology innovation in support of habitat mapping, marine landscape ecology, species/habitat relationships, geospatial technology and acoustic remote sensing, environmental disturbance and anthropogenic change.


2012-14 Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer

2005-15 California Seafloor Mapping Program – Academic lead and founder

2008-15 CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science and Technology (COAST) Executive Committee

2010-12 Central California Coastal Ocean Observing System (CenCOOS) Governing Council

2008-12 West Coast Governors Agreement on Ocean Health Action Team

Selected Publications (authors’ names in bold are my CSU students)

Barnard, P. L., L. H. Erikson and R. G. Kvitek. (2011) Small-scale sediment transport patterns and bedform morphodynamics: new insights from high resolution multibeam bathymetry. Geo-Marine Letters (DOI 10.1007/s00367-011-0227-1.

Barnard, P.L., Hanes, D.M., Kvitek, R.G, and Iampietro, P.J. (2006). Sand waves at the mouth of San Francisco Bay, California. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Map 2006-2944, 5 map sheets.

Bretz, C.K., R.G. Kvitek, P.J. Iampietro. (1999). A case study in the application of spatial data acquisition tools and multimedia GIS for environmental monitoring and management in Antarctica. Antarctic Journal of the U.S. 1998 Semiannual Review Issue (2).

Butler, J. M. Neuman, D. Pinkard, R. Kvitek, G. Cochrane. (2006). The use of multibeam sonar mapping techniques to refine population estimates of the endangered white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni). Fish. Bull. 104:521–532.

Davis, A., R. Kvitek, C. Mueller, M. Young. C. Storlazzi, E. Phillips. (2013) A regional analysis of the distribution of Rippled Scour Depressions along the California coast. Journal of Continental Shelf Research. 69:88–100.

Hallenbeck, T.R., Kvitek, R., Lindholm, J., (2012). Rippled scour depressions add ecologically significant heterogeneity to soft sediment habitats on the continental shelf. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 468, 119–133.

Iampietro, P. J., M. A. Young, R. G. Kvitek (2008) Multivariate Prediction of Rockfish Habitat Suitability in Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary and Del Monte Shalebeds, California, USA. Marine Geodesy, 31:359 - 371

Iampietro, P. J., R. G. Kvitek, and E. Morris. (2005) Recent advances in automated genus-specific marine habitat mapping enabled by high-resolution multibeam bathymetry. Marine Technology Society Journal. 39: 83-93.

Kvitek, R. G. and P.J. Iampietro. (2010) California’s seafloor mapping project. In: Ocean Globe, J. Breman (ed.) ESRI Press Academic, Redlands, CA pp75-85.

Quan, S., R. G. Kvitek, D. P. Smith, G. B. Griggs. (2012) Using vessel-based lidar to quantify coastal erosion during el niño and inter-el niño periods in monterey bay, Ca. Journal of Coastal Research 29:555 – 565.

Smith, D. P., R. G. Kvitek and P. J. Iampietro. (2007). Twenty-nine months of geomorphic change in upper Monterey Canyon (2002-2005). Marine Geology 236:79–94.

Smith, D. P., G. Ruiz, R. G. Kvitek. (2005). Semi-annual patterns of erosion and deposition in Upper Monterey Canyon from serial multibeam bathymetry. Geological Society of America Bulletin 117: 1123-1133.

Young, M.A., P.J. Iampietro, R.G. Kvitek, C.D. Garza. (2010). Multivariate bathymetry-derived generalization linear model accurately predicts rockfish distribution on Cordell Bank, California, USA. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. Vol. 415: 247-261.

Young, M.A., R. G. Kvitek, P. J. Iampietro, C. Garza, R. T. Hanlon (2011). Seafloor mapping and landscape ecology analyses used to monitor variations in spawning site preference and benthic egg mop abundance for the California market squid (Doryteuthis opalescens). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 407:226-233

Xu, J. P., F. L. Wong, R. Kvitek, D. P. Smith, C. K. Paull. (2008) Sandwave migration in Monterey Submarine Canyon, Central California. Marine Geology 248: 193-212.

Relevant Recent Grants and Contracts:

2014-15 Development of an unmanned surface vessel for ultra-shallow water habitat mapping in San Francisco Bay, California Ocean Protection Council

2012-13 State waters habitat mapping of San Nicolas Island, US Navy via CESU

2012-15 Habitat mapping of San Clemente Island, US Navy via CESU

2011 “Filling in the White Zone”: A pilot study showing the feasibility of the construction of seamless bathymetric, geologic, habitat and other thematic maps in the coastal and estuarine zones. NOAA via West Coast Governors Agreement on Ocean Health & Pacific States Marine Fisheries Council.

2008-13 California State Waters Mapping Project, California Ocean Protection Council and State Coastal Conservancy


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