Element Advertisement

Element Advertisement

Project Instructions

Due date: _____________


You work for an advertising agency that promotes the elements on the periodic table. Because of the slow economy, the elements haven’t been selling well lately. It’s your job to create an advertisement (infographic) for one of the elements to convince people that they can’t live without it!

Advertisements are designed to get people to buy products. Some advertisements are very successful, while others are not. What characteristics make a good advertisement?


To earn full credit, your advertisement should:

-include ALL information from your research page

-be well organized and neatly presented

-capture the audience’s interest and convince them to purchase your element

*You must research page with your final product!

Product options:

Your final product must be an infographic using

Go to site: (log in using google account)

Go to Find Templates ( Infographics

Element Advertisement

Grading Rubric

Name: _____________Per:___


element’s name & symbol ____/2 pts

element’s atomic number ____/1 pts

element’s atomic mass ____/1pts

Bohr drawing of atom (p,n,e included) ____/3pts

type of element (metal, nonmetal, or metalloid) ____/ 1 pts

element’s family & family members ____/3 pts

5 physical properties of the element’s family ____/5 pts

Image of element ____/ 1 pts

element’s discovery: date, discoverer, and country ____/3 pts

at least 2 chemical properties of the element’s family ____/2 pts

at least 3 compounds (name and formula) ____/3 pts

Explain 3 common uses for the element ____/6 pts

How your element is mined and extracted ____/5 pts

All sources included (apa format) ____/5 pts


Language (clearly understood, correct spelling, grammar) ____/5 pts

Design (neat, well-planned and organized) and

Creativity (unique, captures the audience’s interest) ____/10 pts

TOTAL: ____/ pts

Element Advertisement

Research Page

Sources: (book titles & web addresses)

1. 3.

2. 4.


element’s name: __________________________

element’s symbol: _________________________

element’s atomic number: ___________________

element’s atomic mass: _____________________

type of element (metal, nonmetal, or metalloid): _____________________________________

element’s family/group (name & number): _________________________________________

family members (full names): ___________________________________________________

element’s period (row) #: ____________________________________________________

# of valence (outer level) electrons: _____________________________________________

element’s discovery:

discoverer: ___________________________________________________________

date: ________________________country: ________________________________

At least 2 chemical properties the element shares with its family:

List at least 5 physical properties the element shares with its family:

Explain at least 3 common uses for the element (what properties make it most suited for that purpose)

How element is mined and extracted and or synthesized in the lab:

Three compounds name and formula: i.e. NaCl sodium chloride


Draw the atom:

Periodic Table


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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