3) Enter your page name, category, and description

51257206667500Starting Your Real Estate Facebook Profile1) ?Log in to your personal Facebook account. 2) ?at the top of the page, click “create” then click “Page.”3) Enter your page name, category, and descriptionType in YOUR NAME as the Business and then add Lamacchia Realty as the page name. Name Should say Sally Smith, Realtor at {Insert Brokerage Name} or Sally Smith – {Insert Brokerage Name}. Then the category will be Real Estate Agent. The description (optional) is info about you. You can use info from your bio page for this. Note that there’s a 255 character limit. Once finished. Click “Create Page” The street address will be your office address and then put in YOUR Phone. right28829000 4) Upload Profile Photo and Cover PhotoAdd a professional-looking headshot of yourself. This should be the same as we have on your bio page so that everything is consistent. Add a cover photo to your page as that abides by the?dimensions laid out by Facebook (2050px wide x 780px?tall) so it fits your profile perfectly. It’s a good idea to switch these out regularly. Maybe with an image of a home you have listed or just a pretty home that is appealing. Our marketing team on Canva has cover photos that you can use for your page. If you haven’t joined the team, create an account at then email marketing@ and we will add you to our team.5057775228600007) Setting up Your Page InfoOnce your page comes up, click Edit page info by scrolling down on the left-hand menu. Enter your username – this will give you a clean link to share. Username should be easy for people to remember. Example: FirstnameLastnameLRExample: FirstnameLastnameSellsLeominsterThis is optional - In the description box fill in one line about yourself if you didn’t do so before. Remember though it is only 255 characters which is about 2 sentences. Then fill in your phone number, your email, and your website (if you don’t have one you can put your bio link on our site here). Add your office address as well Then add your Service areas (optional)Then add in your hours. A good rule of thumb is to put your “working hours”, For example, if you don’t answer calls before 7 AM and after 8 PM, put those times. 8) Claim a Page If it asks you to claim a page DO NOT do so. If it gives you the option, unselect each unless you have a business page you want to merge, then hit skip. Your page should be all set up now! Be sure to invite your friends, family, etc. to like it as well ?Important: When you log into Facebook to post updates, be sure to check whether you are posting under your personal profile or your new business profile. You don’t want your birthday?party pics to end up on your business page! ................

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