Examine the ethical dilemma

Ethics Case Analysis Rubric

Name _______________________________________ Course: _________________________________ Date: _______________

Total Score: _______________

|Criteria |Levels of Achievement |

| |Inadequate |Developing Competence |Competent |Advanced |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Identifies the stakeholders |Does not determine who should|Determines who should be |Determines who should be involved in the |Determines who should be involved in the decision making |

| |be involved in the decision |involved in the decision |decision making process for this case and |process for this case and accurately identifies all of the |

| |making process for this case |making process for this |accurately identifies all of the interested|interested stakeholders evidencing the learner thoroughly |

| |and does not identify the |case or identifies some of |stakeholders evidencing the learner began |reflected on the viewpoints of these key players as well as |

| |interested stakeholders |the interested stakeholders|to reflect on the viewpoints of these key |their value systems and thought through what each of these |

| | | |players as well as their value systems and |stakeholders would like the learner to decide as a plan of |

| | | |discussed what each of these stakeholders |action |

| | | |would like the learner to decide as a plan | |

| | | |of action | |

|Criteria |Levels of Achievement |

| |Inadequate |Developing Competence |Competent |Advanced |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Compares and evaluates the |Does not give evidence that |Begins to appraise the |Appraises the relevant facts and |Appraises relevant facts and assumptions; noting the |

|ethical arguments |the learner reflected on any |relevant facts and |assumptions; noting the evaluation of any|evaluation of any ambiguous information and explores any |

| |of the alternatives |assumptions |ambiguous information |unjustifiable factual or illogical assumptions, or debatable |

| | | | |conceptual issues |

| |Does not rate the ethical |Rates the ethical reasoning |Rates the ethical reasoning and arguments| |

| |reasoning and arguments for |and arguments for some of the|for most of the alternatives. |Rates the ethical reasoning and arguments for all of the |

| |each alternative |alternatives | |alternatives |

| | | |Provides evidence of systematic | |

| |Does not refer to their |Provides evidence that the |reflection on the alternatives through |Provides evidence of systematic reflection on the alternatives|

| |professional codes of ethical|learner began to reflect on |evaluating each alternative’s impact on |through evaluating each alternative’s impact on key players |

| |conduct. |the alternatives |key players. |and determines which alternative will provide the greatest |

| | | | |good or least amount of harm. |

| | |Begins to refer to their |Refers to their professional codes of | |

| | |professional codes of ethical|ethical conduct |Refers to their professional codes of ethical conduct and |

| | |conduct. | |determines if it supports their reasoning |

|Criteria |Levels of Achievement |

| |Inadequate |Developing Competence |Competent |Advanced |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Formulates an implementation |Does not formulate an |Begins to formulate an |Formulates an implementation plan that |Formulates an implementation plan that delineates the |

|plan |implementation plan |implementation plan |delineates the execution of the decision |execution of the decision and evidences a design that will |

| | | | |maximize the benefits and minimize the risks while taking |

| | | | |into account all of the resources necessary for |

| | | | |implementation including personnel and money |

|Problem |Does not problem solve or use|Evidences the beginning of |Uses problem solving and critical thinking |Uses problem solving and critical thinking skills throughout|

|Solving, decision-making, |critical thinking skills |problem solving and critical |skills during case analysis |the entire case analysis |

|and critical thinking skills | |thinking | | |

| |Has difficulty making | |Is able to make major decisions |Is able to make major decisions with rationale |

| |decisions |Is able to make minor | | |

| | |decisions. | | |

Adapted from

*Based on the Ethical Model for Ethical Decision Making developed and owned by Educational Advancement Associates.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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