Case Study - The Ghost of Sam Riley

Case Study - The Ghost of Sam Riley

In The Ghost of Sam Riley, Eddie the bartender was arrested for serving a minor alcohol. Heidi Bell, the Assistant G.M. was also taken away in handcuffs. Gabe, the Front Desk Manager, called John, the G.M., at home at midnight to give him the news. It sounded like John was going down to the police station to bail his two employees out.

We definitely have a problem in this case, but what is it? Is there a decision that has to be made and what is it if there is, and who has to make it? It looks like we have two issues here: entrapment and serving a minor.

1) It does appear that Eddie was set up - - a continuation of the backlash from John not paying Sam Riley a bribe to get the building permit for the swim-up pool. Should FOI be responsible for Eddie's fine if it is due to the Sam Riley fiasco? How should John react to being called in the middle of the night to bail out his employees?

2) What is or should be FOI's carding policy? What are the carding policies at bars and restaurants any of you have worked at? Who is responsible for Eddie not carding the woman? Was he trained to or not?

Were any of the Ethical Principles violated by Eddie serving the minor? Unless there was a "card everyone" policy in place, Eddie did not violate any of the ethical principles. This is not an ethical dilemma. Instead, we have a management problem.

The reality is that Eddie did serve a minor, whether or not he was set up. We want to avoid possible problems. It might be best to have policies in place that preclude making carding mistakes.


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