Case Study - ABC Assignment Help

Case StudyEthical issuesThe private information of employees that was instructed not to been leaked to anyone has been leakedDoes James had been held liable for the ethical dilemma for the revelation of the information to the vice president of the companyProfessional IssuesDoes James have breached his professional duty towards his client?Does James will be held liable for the breach of his conduct?LegalDoes James has to face the legal consequences if found to breached ethical and professionalism breach?Resolving the DilemmaThe issues rise from the case study will been solved by the guide to moral decision making from the views of Chris MacDonald. This intention of the guide to provide an aid and it has not been considered as a formula. It has to be recognizing the moral dimension. The clues that have been found either conflict the one value from the other values. It is necessary to identify that who are the parties and what are their stake in the decision. Often it has been found that there are more parties whose interest should been taken into the consideration. It becomes also necessary to evaluate that what values had been involved in making the decision. Does there have been the question of trust? Does there is the personal autonomy is a consideration? (MacDonald, 2002). In the case study the confidential information of the employees has been leaked to the senior vice president of the company. It is necessary to note that whether in accordance with the Chris MacDonald the confidential information has been leaked and that not been considered a moral decision. It is the question of trust that required to be maintained and the question of personal autonomy. The decision affects the large number of employees. The case has the moral value has been considered to be breached. However he is the senior person in the company and on the basis of that the information has not been considered too been leaked and not against the ethics as stated in the Chris Macdonald that who is the party and what stake he possess in the decision. However James would been consider under the ethical breach as in consideration with the mo9ral decision (Bowern, Burmeister, Gotterbarn & Weckert, 2006). ACS codes of ethics are the part of ACS constitution. There are clauses that states that there is the interest of the public will be in top interest that is above the personal, section and the business interest. In the case study this interest has not been taken into the priority and therefore it has been found that he has been in the breach of this section (Nagle, & Morgan, 2016).ACS code of ethics also states the honesty in work. In the given case study the honesty in work had not been shown because James has the duty to keep the information private but he revealed the information to senior vice president (Burmeister, 2009). ACS code of ethics states that it is necessary to have professionalism and that for your colleagues. The professionalism has been breached by both senior vice president and James. The private information shall not been makes into discussion that can impact the employees. Since James is not shown the professional behavior. The profession behavior is applied on all the ACS members (Atkinson, 2016).The breach of the ACS conduct by James would have been penalized by the court (Hobart, 2018).RecommendationsThe James and senior vice president has been under various breaches and it has been recommended to them the ethical breach can affect the legal consequences. The James has been recommended before revealing any information it is required that he must have discussed the demand of the senior vice president with the company’s other senior officials. He must have a duty of trust towards the employees and must have taken care while performing his professional duties and must have consider while making any decision. The James would have revealed the reason to the senior vice president that he is under obligation of not revealing the information and that can help him to save him from ethical dilemma (Bardy-Panse, Gaussent, & Rousseau, 2017).ConclusionIt has been concluded that the James by revealing the information to the senior vice president can face ethical dilemma. He has not done his professional duties and can be charged with various legal charges under the law. Thus it can be said that he has also breached the ACS conduct and can been held liable for the penalties. ................

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