Great Loan Rates

Spring 2014



Loans given. Dreams realized.

At MN Catholic Credit Union, you belong to a place where you are listened to, cared for and helped to live your dreams. As your financial partner, our goal is to help you reach your goals. That's why we offer auto loans that will put you in the driver's seat of your dream machine! What ever you need or want. Whether you're looking for a snazzy new ride, a reliable used vehicle or want to refinance the car you already love, your MN Catholic Credit Union auto loan will help you drive home an incredible deal! Stop dreaming and start driving today! To apply, stop by a branch, give us a call or visit today.

Join Mike for a Financial Seminar Answer your financial questions

Join us for a free educational presentation the second Wednesday of the month. Each month we will spend 45 to 60

minutes delving into a topic that many of you have questions about.

Presented at the North St. Paul Branch of the MN Catholic Credit Union.

? Wednesday, April 9 @ 3:00 PM: Low Interest Rates - Options for your savings and cash. ? Wednesday, May14 @ 6:30 PM: Social Security ? So many different ways to receive benefits. ? Wednesday, June 11 @ 3:00 PM: Beneficiaries and Your Will ? how to avoid conflict. ? Wednesday, July 9 @ 10:00 AM: Low Interest Rates - Options for your savings and cash.

RSVP for any of the above at your local MCCU branch or by calling 651-200-4144 or email mike@.

The Best VISA Card, PERIOD Is there a topic you would like to learn

more about? Let a credit union staff

member know and we will look into adding more seminars.

If you haven't heard, MCCU launched a credit card late last year and it is the best card around! We have a low rate, no annual fee and you know


that your credit union will not play the games with you that the big banks do. Also, you earn rewards of merchandise, travel or CASH! Many of you

pages two & three

have been asking for us to offer a credit card for a

Epiphany Update

long time, and it was worth the wait!

Youth Week Great Loan Rate Dollars & $snese

page four

From the CEO's Desk Visit to DC 68th Annual Meeting Credit Myth #6

4.99% Balance transfers available now, with no balance transfer fee! That's right, for the first 6 months that you have your card, simply let us know and we can transfer your balance from a high rate card, with no transfer fees. So cut up all those other cards and open a MCCU VISA today!

Church of Epiphany Branch Update

We continue to make progress on the Church of Epiphany office. A space in the corner of the parish offices has been identified as a great location for us and we are working on the blueprints for redesigning that space. One of the benefits of this space is the credit union will have its own separate entrance.

Shauna and Nancy will be transferring over to the new space when it is ready. The question everyone wants answered is: When will it be ready? We are working dilegently with the city, as well as builders, and our hope is to make the move by the middle of this year. Stay tuned!

Catch the $ave Wave During Youth Week

Plus Take the Youth Savings Challenge All of April at MCCU

Kowabunga! This April, youth will be riding the save wave into the credit union. Whether they've surfed or not, youth love digging their toes in the sand, playing with beach balls, and jumping in the waves. During the month of April, kids will have the opportunity to feel like they're at the beach when visiting their credit union as they get tips on how to surf and save.

Like surfers, young savers need tools and techniques to improve their skills. And we're here to help youth start on the path to healthy savings habits. During the week of April 20-26 MCCU will celebrate National Credit Union Youth WeekTM. This year's theme, "Catch the $ave WaveTM," highlights tips and resources available at the credit union to boost good habits and "hang ten" on the save wave. Through lots of practice, young surfer savers will learn the secret of riding a gnarly wave that will help them achieve big-time savings.

The Youth Saving Challenge is open to all youth under 18 who make a deposit to a MCCU account during

April. Each time a youth makes a deposit, he or she will be entered into a national drawing to win one of 25 $100 prizes. All youth under 18 are welcome to enter the challenge. Also, anyone who opens a youth accout in April will receive a USB/car cell phone charger while supplies last. Join the fun!

Great Loan Rates

New Auto (2009-2014)

Motorcycles (2010 or newer)

Home Equity Loans

2.99%*. . . . .Up to 60 months 4.99%. . . . .Up to 60 months

(up to 10-year term)

3.49%*. . . . .Up to 72 months Used Auto (2008 or older)

Motorcycles (2009 or older) 5.99%. . . . .Up to 60 months

4.90%. . . . .Up to 80% CLTV 5.90%. . . . .Up to 90% CLT

4.49%*. . . . .Up to 60 months


New Boats (2009 or newer) 4.99%*. . . . .Up to 72 months

(Home Equity Line of Credit Loan) 4.00% 15 year draw period

Used Boats (2008 and older) 5.99%*. . . . .Up to 72 months

Signature (Unsecured) 10.90%*. . . . .Up to 42 months

2004 & older Autos, Snowmobiles, Watercraft, Travel Trailers 8.75%. . . . .Up to 60 months

Fine Line Overdraft Protection. . . . .11.90%

VISA As low as 8.99%


*Rates are changed periodically. Call, visit our website, or stop in for the most current rates.

All rates are subject to changes without notice.

Dollars & $ense

Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund Money

If you're expecting a tax refund

Spend It on Something You NeedAre that can let your three-digit tax refund

this year, you need a good plan for you having car trouble or have you put grow into to a four-digit addition over

your money. Maybe you already

off dental work? You need to take care the course of a few years. Plus, it's

have the funds earmarked for some of these essentials, and now that your like using your tax refund to create a

spending, but before you let your tax refund is here, you can cover the cost. tax deduction: How does that sound?

refund burn a hole in your pocket,

remember that the government

isn't sending you a bonus check ?

it's money that should have been

yours all along. Give that money a

purpose. Don't just let it sit in your

checking account. If you do, it will

quickly vanish after dining out here,

shopping for clothes there, and

Start Itemized Savings Accounts

getting Starbucks every day. Before Now is the time to start practicing the

you know it, you'll have nothing to mindset of the disciplined and frugal

show for your refund.

consumer. First make a budget, and

Think about your personal financial then break your refund into pieces,

situation, and figure out your needs. each of which plants the seed in your

To get you started, consider this

bank account for important future

hierarchy of financial priorities,

purchases. Putting your refund toward

from the fundamentals to advanced specific savings goals will keep you


from taking on debt down the road,

Start or Increase Your Emergency when needs or desires arise.

FundWithout an emergency fund, Refinance Your Mortgage or Make

just one surprising piece of bad news Home Improvements Mortgage rates

can send you on the debt spiral to are low for the first time since the

financial disaster. Most experts say housing boom. When you refinance

that your fund should have about six your mortgage, you will still pay

to eight months worth of savings in closing costs and fees. Use the refund

an easily-accessible account. Storing to pay for the closing costs, and you

that much away might take months will save thousands of dollars per year

or even years if you're just taking a on mortgage interest.

little bit out of each paycheck. Use If you're happy with your mortgage

your refund to make a significant rate, take a look around the house. Is

deposit in your emergency fund.

there a project? Home improvement

Pay Off High-Interest DebtAfter establishing an emergency fund, the next best thing you can do is to pay

can immediately increase the value of your property and make your home more comfortable at the same time.

off any high-interest debt that you're Invest in a Tax-Sheltered

carrying. Put your refund to work AccountDepending on your income

by paying off any payday loans, title level, goals, and age, using your tax

loans, debt consolidation loans, high- refund to get a head start on Roth IRA

interest private student loans, and of contributions or 529 college savings

Give to Charitable CausesFor many people, giving to charities is non-negotiable, and would be priority number one. But on a tight budget, donations can unfortunately slip down on your list. Your refund is your chance to give a little back. Contributing to charity is an excellent use of capital, and provides a huge societal benefit. Choose a cause that is important to you and your family, and give generously. Although the returns on your investment may not be as immediate or measurable as investing in the financial markets, giving to charity will benefit your community in a major way. And as an added bonus you can claim the tax deduction too.

Spend It on Something You WantIf you have everything else covered and still have some money left to spend, you deserve a treat. You saved all year, and now you've earned the right to splurge a little bit. Don't feel guilty about using the extra cash for a summer vacation or to treat your family to a nice dinner. Just don't let your eyes get too big for your stomach. A $500 refund is no excuse for a $3,000 trip.

Final Word If you're getting a tax refund, regardless of the amount, it's a big deal to get your money back. Whether it's a windfall or just a drop in the bucket, your refund should feel like "found money." Then you can put it to work for you and improve your financial situation.

course credit card debt.

plan contributions is a great move, one


Little Canada Tel: (651) 484-0265 Fax: (651) 484-8570

Spring Lake Park


Tel: (763) 354-2826

From the CEO's Desk

Fax: (763) 780-0758 North St. Paul

Spring is finally starting to emerge. It has been a long winter and now that warmer days are here, I am reminded of some of the goals I have set for myself. "Take the girls on a vacation to the Apostle Islands", "Sail the

Tel: (651) 783-5650 Fax: (651) 783-5653

Chicago to Mackinac race" and "Save enough to pay for college for both daughters".

I ask you to think about how we at the credit union can partner with you to help you accomplish

your goals. While the credit union can't help me find a sailboat to crew on in Chicago, it has helped me to save for college for my daughters.

Our staff has over 100 years of combined experience in credit unions. Take some time to sit down with one of our staff and let us know what your goals are so we can help you cross them off your list!

For the past 68 years, we have had a proud tradition as a safe and secure place for our members to conduct their financial business and we are here to help you reach your goals wherever you are on the path of life.

Annual Visit to Washington D.C.

David attended the Governmental Affairs Conference in Washington DC again this year to lobby our Congressional delegation. Joining forces with 4,400 other credit union executives and volunteers, they met with every member of Congress to ensure that they understand our issues and don't over regulate us which would hamper our ability to help you - our members. David met

personally with his congressman Erik Paulson, who has been a vocal supporter of credit unions. It is increasingly important to have supporters in Washington as more and more regulations are presented. We also need to be vigilant watching for attacks from Bankers who do not like the competition we give them. Bankers, for many years, have tried to put us out of business.

Credit Score Myth #6 68th Annual Meeting Well Attended A divorce decree does not sever joint loans.

On March 2, 2014 MCCU hosted its 68th Annual Meeting. It was another successful meeting with over 140 members in attendance at the John Roseville Oval. Mark Cummins, the CEO of our trade association, Minnesota Credit Union Network, spoke about the efforts they go to in order to promote credit unions on both the State and Federal level.

He also presented our CEO, David Sawin, with a beautifully framed print of our State flower for his service on the Board of Directors of the Network.

The judge may have rubber-stamped your plans to divide credit cards, car loans and house payments, but that carries absolutely no legal weight with the creditors themselves. So that leaves many people who, a year or two after the divorce, are outraged and frustrated because their credit report reflects their exspouse's missed payments. Unfortunately, at that point, they are helpless to erase the damage.

Divorcing parties must contact the creditors and

Again this year members were treated to an excellent meal prepared and served by our friends at the Little Venetian.

either close current accounts or re-apply for the loan individually. Creditors typically do a credit check on your name and if they don't deem you financially

stable enough to assume that $30,000 car loan, for

instance, they won't agree to remove the other person.


Have questions or concerns, ask us. We want to help. MCCU, become a fan today.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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