Science Project

Biology Project Cell Parts (Organelles) Mr. Nair

Due date(

You will choose one of the following projects to demonstrate what you have learned about the structure and function of cell parts. Spelling and grammar are an important part of this project. No food items (perishable) may be used.

Choose either a plant cell or animal cell and present it using one of the options listed below. All written portions must be securely mounted and integrated on the project.

Written Portion Requirements

1. All parts of the cell project clearly labeled and attached to the project

2. Description, Function and a picture of each of the cell parts listed below

3. Bridge maps of each organelle are listed.

Organelles to be included in BOTH CELLS:

cell membrane

rough endoplasmic reticulum

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

golgi apparatus





Organelles to be included in PLANT CELLS ONLY:

cell wall



Organelles to be included in ANIMAL CELLS ONLY:



cilia and flagella

Project ( Build a City, House, Factory, Country, Island, or School Like a Cell. Build a 3D model. Using the 10 cell parts above either for a plant or animal cell, show how each has a job similar to a section or building in a model city, island, country, etc. Each part of the city must be easily recognizable. If you use “city hall” to represent the nucleus, it must look similar to a city hall building. It must also be clearly labeled with the cell part it represents and state why you chose to use it in your model (analogy). Example “Here is city hall. It represents the nucleus of the cell because this is the control center that directs the activities of the city like the nucleus directs the activities of the cell."

Name _________________ Model Cell Rubric

| |Display |Cell Parts Shown |Key Identification |Key Representation |

|Advanced |*Model is 3D |All of the cell parts | Accurate and in depth |A reasonable analogy between |

|4 points each |*Model is identified as |listed are incorporated |description of functions of |the function of the cell part|

| |plant or animal and |into the model cell. |12 or more of the organelles|and the item used to |

| |student identifies why it|*Cell parts are all |is provided. |represent it is given for all|

| |is plant or animal. |correctly located in model | |organelles. |

| |*Creative use of |cell. | | |

| |materials | | | |

| |*All Bridge maps are | | | |

| |correct. | | | |

|Proficient |Model is not 3D |10 to 11 of the cell parts |Accurate and detailed |An analogy is given for 10 to|

|3 points each |Model is identified as a |listed are incorporated |descriptions of the |12 of the cell parts listed, |

| |plant or animal cell. |into the model cell. |functions of 10 to 11 of the|but lacks clarity. |

| |Model is turned in on |Most of the cell parts are |cell parts listed are given.| |

| |time |correctly located in the | | |

| |Obvious effort at |model. | | |

| |creativity | | | |

| |Some Bridge maps are not | | | |

| |correct. | | | |

|Basic |Cell is not identified as|8 - 10 of the cell parts |Detailed descriptions of the|Analogy is given for 8 to 10 |

|2 points each |plant or animal. |listed are incorporated |functions the cell parts |of the cell parts listed. |

| |Model still shows effort |into the model cell. |given in 8 - 10 cell parts. | |

| |at neatness |Several errors present in | | |

| |Model is turned in late. |locating cell parts in | | |

| |Few Bridge maps are |model. | | |

| |correct. | | | |

|Minimal |Model shows obvious lack |Fewer than 8 of the cell |Accurate and detailed |Analogy is present for fewer |

|1 points each |of effort toward neatness|parts listed are |descriptions of functions of|than 8 of the cell parts |

| |and/or completion. |incorporated into the model|fewer than 8 cell parts are |listed. |

| |Bridge maps are NOT done |and correctly placed. |given | |

| |or are incorrect. | | | |

Quiz( 10 points

Presentation( 10 points


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