CHAPTER 8 LESSON 3 Motion and Forces

Motion and Forces


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What do you think? Read the two statements below and decide

whether you agree or disagree with them. Place an A in the Before column if you agree with the statement or a D if you disagree. After you've read this lesson, reread the statements to see if you have changed your mind.




5. To apply a force, one object must be touching another object.

6. If an object is at rest, there are no forces acting on it.

Key Concepts

? What are different types of forces?

? What factors affect the force of gravity?

? What happens when forces combine?

? How are balanced and unbalanced forces related to motion?

What is force?

Today you might have pushed open the classroom door or pulled the zipper on your backpack. In both of these cases, you are applying a force. A force is a push or a pull on an object. Force has size and direction. Just as you used arrows to show the size and direction of velocity and acceleration, arrows can show the size and direction of a force. The unit for force is the newton (N). You use about 1 N of force to lift a stick of butter or a medium-sized apple.

Contact Forces

When a karate expert breaks a board, his or her hand applies a force to the wood. A contact force is a push or a pull one object applies to another object that is touching it. Contact forces can be small, such as a finger pushing a button. They can also be large, such as a wrecking ball crashing into a building.

Noncontact Forces

Have you ever held a magnet near a paper clip and made the paper clip move without touching the two objects together? A force that one object applies to another object without touching it is a noncontact force. The force that pulls the paper clip is a noncontact force. Another noncontact force, an electrical force, sometimes causes socks to stick together when they are pulled out of the dryer.

Reading Essentials


Identify the Main Ideas Fold a sheet of paper into three columns. Label them (K ) for what you already know about forces, (W ) for what you want to learn, and (L) for the facts that you learned. Fill in the third column after you have read this lesson.

Key Concept Check 1. Apply What are some examples of contact and noncontact forces you have experienced today?

Motion and Forces 137

Key Concept Check 2. State What factors affect the force of gravity?

Visual Check 3. Predict Look at the objects on the left side of the figure. What would happen to the force of gravity if the mass of the objects in A became as large as the objects in B?

Gravity--A Noncontact Force

When you jump off a step, the force of Earth's gravity pulls you toward Earth. Did you know that your gravitational force pulls Earth and other objects toward you? Gravity is an attractive force that exists between all objects that have mass.

Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Both you and Earth have mass, so both you and Earth pull on each other. Why doesn't Earth move toward you?

Earth does move toward you. However, Earth's mass is much greater than your mass, so it is easier to see the effect of Earth's force on you than that of your forces on Earth. The size of a gravitational force depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them.

Gravitational force depends on mass.

See the left side of the figure below. It shows that, if the mass of an object increases, the gravitational force increases between it and another object. The gravitational force between you and Earth is large because of Earth's large mass. The force holds you on Earth's surface. The gravitational force between you and your pencil is small because you and the pencil have relatively small masses.

Gravitational force depends on distance.

See the right side of the figure below. It shows that the gravitational force between two objects 1 m apart is four times greater than the gravitational force between the same objects when they are 2 m apart.

Effect of Mass and Distance on Force of Gravity

Effect of Mass

Effect of Distance

on Force of Gravity

on Force of Gravity

A 1 m


1 m

The distances between the marbles in diagrams A and B are the same. The force of attraction between the marbles in B is greater than in A because the marbles in B have more mass.


1 m


2 m

The masses of the marbles in diagrams C and D are the same. The force of attraction between the marbles in D is less than in C because the distance between the marbles is greater.

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138 Motion and Forces

Reading Essentials

Mass and Weight in Different Locations


Mass (kg)

Weight (N)







Interpreting Tables

4. Infer What would be the

weight of a girl on the Moon if she weighs 600 N on Earth?

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Mass and weight are different.

Weight is a measure of the gravitational force acting on an object's mass. Therefore, weight depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them. When comparing the weight of two objects at the same location on Earth, the object with more mass has a greater weight. The weights of the same objects on the Moon are less because the mass of the Moon is less. The relationship between weights and mass on Earth and the Moon is shown in the table above. Because it has less mass, the Moon's gravity is only 1/6 that of Earth's. Therefore, an astronaut's weight on the Moon is 1/6 the astronaut's weight on Earth.

Friction--A Contact Force

Rub your finger across your desk. Then rub it across a piece of your clothing. What did you feel? It's easy to run your finger over your desk because it is smooth. On your clothing, you felt a force called friction. Friction is a contact force that resists the sliding motion of two surfaces that are touching. Rough surfaces tend to produce more friction. Smooth surfaces produce less friction.

Effects of Friction

Push your book across your desk. The book stops when you stop pushing it. The force of friction acts in the opposite direction of the book's motion. A heavier book is more affected by friction than a lighter one. If you want to move a box of heavy books by sliding the box across the floor, you have to use a large pulling force. The force of friction between the box and the floor acts in the opposite direction to the force of your pull. To move the box, your pulling force must be greater than the friction force.

Air Resistance

When you drop a sheet of paper, it slowly drifts downward. Friction between the air and the paper's surface slows its motion. Air resistance is the frictional force between air and objects moving through it. When you crumple the paper into a ball, less surface area is in contact with the air. As air resistance decreases, the ball of paper falls more quickly.

Reading Essentials

5. Apply Which has more

friction between them: two pieces of sandpaper or two pieces of plastic?

Reading Check 6. Categorize Is air resistance a contact force or a noncontact force? Explain your answer.

Motion and Forces 139

7. Predict what would

happen if the dog's force increased to ?60 N while the girl's force stayed at 50 N. What would be the net force?

Key Concept Check 8. Describe What can happen when forces combine?

Visual Check 9. Draw an arrow to show the acceleration that would result if the pull force on the right side of the figure was reduced to 150 N while the friction force stayed the same. What would be the net force?

Combining Forces

Suppose you need to pull your desk away from the wall to get something that fell behind it. When you pull, the desk will not move, so you ask a friend to help you. With both of you pulling, the desk moves. You each applied a force to the desk, and you applied it in the same direction. The combined force was great enough to move the desk. When more than one force acts on an object, the forces combine and act as one force. The sum of all the forces acting on an object is called the net force. When forces act in the same direction, they add together to form one net force.

Sometimes forces act in opposite directions. Imagine watching a dog pulling on its owner's leash. The dog applies a force to the left. The owner pulls the leash to the right, applying an opposite force. When two forces act on the same object in opposite directions, you must include the direction of the forces when you add them. The positive direction is usually to the right. The girl's force on the dog's leash is +50 N. The dog's force on the leash is the same size as the girl's but in the negative direction. The dog's force is -50 N. The net force on the leash is 50 N + (-50 N) = 0 N. The dog doesn't move.

Balanced Forces

If the net force on an object is 0 N, the forces acting on the object are called balanced forces. Look at the figure below. The net force on the left side of the figure is 0 N. The forces acting on the object are balanced.

Unbalanced Forces

When the net force on an object is not 0, the forces acting on the object are unbalanced forces. The net force on the right side of the figure below is 100 N to the right. The forces acting on the object are unbalanced. Acceleration is in the direction of the larger force.

Balanced Forces

Combining Forces

Unbalanced Forces

50 N 50 N


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The forces are balanced. They are equal in size and opposite in direction.

50 N + (-50 N) = 0

140 Motion and Forces

Friction = 100 N Pull = 200 N

The forces act in opposite directions, but they are not balanced.

200 N + (-100 N) = 100 N

Reading Essentials

Unbalanced Forces and Acceleration

When you kick a soccer ball, its motion changes. The forces on the ball are unbalanced. When unbalanced forces act on an object, the object's velocity changes. Unbalanced forces can change either the speed or the direction of motion.

Change in Speed

Look at the figure below. In the top left image, the train is pulling away from the station. The force of the engine pulling the train forward is greater than the force of friction holding it back.

The forces on the train are unbalanced, so it accelerates. The train speeds up. The train accelerates in the direction of the larger force, which is the forward pull of the engine.

Change in Direction

When the train goes around a curve, as shown in the bottom left image of the figure, the track exerts a sideways force on the train's wheels. These unbalanced forces change the train's motion by changing its direction and its velocity. The train accelerates.

Reading Check 10. Describe how unbalanced forces affect an object.

Visual Check 11. Analyze What would happen if the friction in the bottom right image was suddenly greater than the force of the engine?

The Effect of Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

Unbalanced Forces = Acceleration

Balanced Forces = Constant Motion

Changing speed


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Friction from rails

Force of engine

Changing direction

Force of engine

Force from track on wheels

Reading Essentials

Gravity Force of track

Constant velocity

Friction from rails

Force of engine

Motion and Forces 141


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