Chapter 3 Acceleration - University of Alabama

Chapter 3 Acceleration

? 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

Slide 3-1

Chapter 3: Acceleration

Chapter Goal: To extend the description of motion

in one dimension to include changes in velocity. This

type of motion is called acceleration.

? 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

Slide 3-2

Chapter 3 Preview Looking Ahead: Changes in velocity

? The non-uniform motion of an object can be described by the concept of acceleration.

? You will learn how to describe acceleration both graphically

and mathematically.

? 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

Slide 3-3

Chapter 3 Preview Looking Ahead: Acceleration due to gravity

? An object speeding up as it falls:

? Gravity is kind of a big deal ? Near the earth's surface, it is relatively simple ? You will learn how to account for the influence of gravity for

objects moving near the surface of the Earth.

? 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

Slide 3-4

Chapter 3 Preview Looking Ahead: Motion diagrams

? Generalization of the "frame sequence" from Ch. 2:

motion diagrams.

? Learn how to display and interpret motion using them ? How to determine position, displacement, speed, velocity, and

acceleration from them

? 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

Slide 3-5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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