Book Report: Character Description and Bottle Buddy

Book Report: Character Description and Bottle Buddy

Written Rough Draft due by January 30st.

Final Draft and Bottle Buddy DueA: February 12, 2015

Character Description:

❖ Read a fiction book and choose an interesting character to describe in detail.

❖ The character does not have to be the main character, but probably is.

❖ Handwrite a four-paragraph description of your character on 8 ½” by 11” lined paper (we have it in class) using the following guidelines:

▪ The heading should have your name, date, title of book, author, and how many pages are in the book:

Peter Smith February 12, 2015

Title of Book: Charlotte’s Web

Author: E. B. White

Number of Pages: 235

▪ In the first paragraph, describe the physical appearance of this character. For example, the color of hair/eyes. Your bottle buddy should look like your description! If you need to describe a habit he or she has, tell it here.

▪ In the second paragraph, give two or more examples of what the character did in the story that was important. Do not retell the story.

▪ In the third paragraph, give two or more examples of how the character felt/thought. In other words, is he funny? Why? Is she sad? When? Is he or she sly or cunning? Give examples that are important to the story.

turn over for more information (

▪ For the last, fourth paragraph, give two or more examples of how the character was different from the rest of the characters in the story.

▪ REMEMBER to have three OR MORE sentences in each paragraph: an opening sentence and two or more details about it. You should show a thorough understanding of the story. If you do the above, you will earn a “3”; as you add more detail, more complex language, and show a more sophisticated understanding of the story, it will earn a closer to a “4”.

▪ When you are finished with your first, rough draft, you must ask an adult to check it before you begin your next copy. You will have to do a few drafts to get the words right. Neatness and correctness count for the final draft.

**A ROUGH DRAFT of ALL PARAGRAPHS of the written report is due 1/30/15. **

**Final Draft Due: February 12, 2015, with bottle buddy (see next pages). Report and rough draft should be separate but clipped together.**

For bottle buddy: You will make a person or animal out of a bottle that represents the character you’ve written about.

1. Use a 2-liter plastic bottle for the body – partially filled with sand/pebbles for stability.

2. Use a stuffed sock or Styrofoam ball for the head.

3. Please do not purchase doll’s heads, legs, etc. Create it yourself!

4. Use yarn/paper for the hair

5. Use material/paper for clothing

6. Use poster board for the feet

Be prepared to share your buddy and your report with the class!

I have read this report form over with my parents.

___________________________ _______________________

student’s signature parent’s signature

My book: _____________________________ approved by teacher: ____


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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