On Line Book Club- Character Chart

On Line Book Club- Character Chart

Novel Name: Looking For Alaska Student Name: Sara Liu

|Chpt |Character Name |Description |Event/ Action |

|136-128 days |Miles(Pudge) |He moved in search of the great perhaps,|Miles moved to Alabama from Florida to attend |

|before |Chip(Colonel) |but not because he didn’t have any |a boarding school called Culver Creek. There, |

| |Alaska |friends or to follow in his father’s |he met his roommate chip and his friend |

| |Takumi |foot step. |Alaska. |

| | |The Colonel, Alaska, and Takumi are | |

| | |druggies and they hate all the rich | |

| | |kids. However, they are smart with good | |

| | |grades. | |

|127-122 days |Pudge |The warriors threw him into the lake |The Eagle warns Pudge to not take advantage of|

|before |Colonel |because he hangs out with the Colonel, |his freedom at the school. |

| |The Weekday Warriors |and they think he is the one who rated |The warriors taped up Pudge and threw him into|

| |Eagle(principal) |on one of their friends who got |the lake. |

| | |expelled. |The warriors pissed in Colonel’s shoes. |

| | |The Colonel told Pudge to Point out the | |

| | |warriors and decided to play a prank on | |

| | |them too. | |

|110-101 days |Pudge |Pudge got kicked out because he was |Pudge and Alaska got kicked out of Hyde’s |

|before |Colonel |looking out the window, but Alaska got |classroom. |

| |Hyde(religion teacher) |kicked out because she stood up for |The Colonel attended the school’s first |

| |Lara |Pudge. |basketball game even though he hates sports. |

| |Alaska |During the basketball game, the Colonel |When Alaska drove to McDonalds, a girl named |

| |Takumi |said he has a streak to maintain where |Lara sat on Pudge’s lap. |

| | |he disturbs every basketball game he | |

| | |goes to. | |

|100-98 days |Alaska |When they went for jury the next, the |Alaska told Pudge about how she Picked her own|

|before |Pudge |Colonel and Alaska took the blame for |name and her trying to get out of the |

| |Takumi |Takumi and Pudge because the Colonel |Labyrinth. |

| |Colonel |wanted to show Pudge how a problem like |When Alaska, Pudge, the Colonel, and Takumi |

| |Eagle |this should be solved and Alaska wanted |went down to the lake to smoke, they got |

| | |to gain their trust. |caught by the Eagle and were called for jury |

| | | |the next day. |

|89-87 days |Alaska |At the basketball game, Alaska told |Alaska found Pudge a girlfriend, and she is |

|before |Pudge |Pudge to sit beside her in case he say’s|the girl named Lara that sat on his lap on the|

| |Colonel |anything stupid. |way to McDonalds. |

| |Sara(Colonels grilfriend) |Pudge got a concussion from a hit by a |Everyone went on a triple date to a basketball|

| |Jake(Alaska’s boyfriend) |basketball at the game while running |game. |

| | |out, because the Colonel disturbed the |The Colonel broke up with Sara. |

| | |game. |Pudge vomited on Lara, and thought that he |

| | |The Colonel never got alone with Sarah, |ruined things with her. |

| | |but they stayed together until now | |

| | |because they felt that it was nice to | |

| | |just have somebody. | |

|84-67 days |Alaska |Takumi came and told Pudge that Alaska |It rained for two straight weeks, and the |

|before |Colonel |was the one that rated on one of the |weekday warriors connected a pipe from outside|

| |Pudge |weekday warriors, and that is why they |and flooded Alaska’s room. |

| |Weekday Warriors |flooded her room. |The topic for the final exam in Hyde’s class |

| |Takumi |Alaska rated because she got caught |is “what happens to people after they die.” |

| | |while sneaking of campus to see Jake, | |

| | |and that was the only way to keep | |

| | |herself from getting expelled. | |

|58-51 days |Alaska |Pudge’s parents immediately bought plane|Alaska convinced Pudge to stay at the school |

|before |Pudge |tickets to England after hearing that he|for thanksgiving with her. |

| | |wasn’t coming home for Thanksgiving. |Alaska and Pudge drank on campus, and she |

| | |Alaska said, “The labyrinth is not life |explained the labyrinth. |

| | |or death, its suffering.” |Alaska took Pudge for a tour of the weekday |

| | |Alaska decided to play a prank on the |warrior’s rooms. |

| | |weekday warrior’s hair after discovering| |

| | |that they love their hair. | |

|49-46 days |Alaska |Alaska found so many rules breaking |For fun, Alaska and Pudge went into other |

|before |Pudge |stuff in other’s rooms she said she |students rooms. |

| |Colonel |could have rated on anyone. |The Colonel’s mom invited Alaska and Pudge for|

| |Dolores(Colonel’s mom) |The Colonel and his mom is really poor, |Thanksgiving dinner after learning that they |

| | |they live in a falling apart trailer |were left all alone. |

| | |house. | |

| | |The food Dolores prepared was amazing, | |

| | |and Pudge thought she might be a better | |

| | |cook than his mom. | |

|44 days |Alaska |Alaska was upset for rating on Marya and|Alaska came in to Pudge’s rooms crying. |

|before to |Pudge |Paul, her not trusting herself, and |Pudge went home for Christmas. |

|Christ-mas |Pudge’s parents |something to do with her mom. | |

| | |Pudge went home and had a good time with| |

| | |his parents; they went out and spend | |

| | |some quality time together. | |

| | |Pudge was grateful to have a family. | |

|8-4 days |Alaska |The Colonel and Alaska told Pudge that |After Christmas break, Alaska wanted to come |

|before |Colonel |he shouldn’t get involve yet, because it|up with a pre prank aiming for Kevin who is |

| |Pudge |was too early for him to get in trouble.|one of the weekday warriors. |

| | |Pudge was getting annoyed because he | |

| | |felt left out in this plan, and he was | |

| | |frustrated over how Alaska just cried on| |

| | |his shoulder the one minute and now she | |

| | |is like ignoring him. | |

|3-2 days |Takumi |They divided up into groups, because the|They plan out the pre prank they are going to |

|before |Eagle |prank requires multiple tasks. |do to the weekday warriors and set it in |

| |Pudge |Lara went into the weekday warriors |action at night. |

| |Colonel |rooms and put blue dye into their hair | |

| |Alaska |products, Alaska and the Colonel hacked | |

| |Weekday Warriors |into the Eagles computer and send fake | |

| | |report cards to the weekday warrior’s | |

| | |parents, and Pudge and Takumi set of | |

| | |fire crackers outside the Eagles house | |

| | |to distract him. | |

|2-1 days |Takumi |During the game, Alaska talked about how|Alaska started a game after the prank called |

|before |Alaska |her mom died on her worst day, and how |best day worst day, and the best storyteller |

| |Pudge |her dad blamed her. |doesn’t have to drink. |

| |Colonel |Alaska feels that she screwed everything| |

| |Lara |up. | |

|The last day |Alaska |Kevin said he noticed the dye in his |Kevin walked into Pudge and Colonels room with|

| |Colonel |shampoo but not in the gel and washed it|a crew cut. |

| |Pudge |out too late. |Alaska, the Colonel, and Pudge went to |

| |Kevin(one of the weekday warriors) |Alaska got drunk and dared Pudge to make|Alaska’s room to celebrate their Barn Night |

| |Eagle |out with her. |success. |

| | |When Pudge and Colonel woke up in the | |

| | |middle of the night, Alaska was cry | |

| | |hysterically telling them to help her | |

| | |get out of there and that she forgot. | |

| | |Pudge and Colonel used firecrackers to | |

| | |distract the Eagle while Alaska drove | |

| | |away in her very drunken state. | |

|1 day after |Everyone |The Eagle announced Alaska’s death. |Everyone was told to go to the gym. |

| | |She was killed in a car accident. | |

|2-6 days |Colonel |Colonel said he let Alaska go because he|Colonel and Pudge blames themselves for |

|after |Pudge |was annoyed with her drama and Pudge let|letting her go when she was drunk. |

| | |her go because she told him to. |Colonel walked 84 miles to and back from |

| | |Pudge found the book “The General In His|Montevallo. |

| | |Labyrinth.” |Pudge and Colonel went to Alaska’s room to |

| | |When he opened the book, Alaska had |take anything that her aunt wouldn’t want to |

| | |written the way to get out of this |see. |

| | |labyrinth was straight and fast. | |

| | |Pudge and Colonel started to ask the | |

| | |questions how and why she died. | |

|8-14 days |Hyde |Hyde left Alaska’s question for everyone|The question Alaska asked for her final |

|after |Pudge |to think about for the rest of the |religion exam was “How will we ever get out of|

| |Colonel |semester. |this labyrinth of suffering?” |

| | |The Colonel thought maybe all the bad |The Colonel suspects that Alaska committed |

| | |things that happened to her just all |suicide. |

| | |came into her mind, and that the end of |The police Alaska hit said he has never seen |

| | |her labyrinth could be in front of her |someone so drunk they can’t swerve. |

| | |when she drives into the police car. |There was daisy in the back of her car. |

| | |They decided to find out the truth by | |

| | |finding where she was going, finding eye| |

| | |witnesses, and how drunk she was. | |

|20-27 days |Takumi |In Takumi’s room, he told them that he |Pudge and Colonel went to Takumi to get some |

|after |Eagle |didn’t want to be kept out of things |booze. |

| |Pudge |anymore, so the Colonel decided that he |Pudge and Colonel went to steal the Eagle’s |

| |Colonel |is going to tell him what really |breathalyzer from his room so they could test |

| | |happened. |how much alcohol it took for Alaska to get |

| | |After using the Colonel to test, they |that drunk (0.24). |

| | |concluded that it was a little | |

| | |impossible to drive in her state. | |

|28-2 days |Takumi |Takumi got annoyed at how Pudge is |When Pudge came back from jury, he found the |

|after |Colonel |acting selfish about Alaska, and implied|Colonel confessing the truth to Takumi. |

| |Pudge |that he wasn’t the only one who loved |When Colonel called Jake, he said they were on|

| |Jake |her. |the phone and Alaska said she was just |

| | |When Pudge sat down onto the floor by |doodling and suddenly she freaked out and |

| | |the pay phone, he saw the flower that |left. |

| | |Alaska drew. |Pudge noticed something when he was calling |

| | | |his mom from the pay phone. |

|83-114 days |Pudge’s dad |The prank was to invite an adolescent |Pudge invited his dad to be part of the best |

|after |Pudge |sexuality speaker, but then he turns out|Culver Creek prank ever. |

| |Colonel |to be a male stripper. |The Colonel and Pudge finally get a hold of |

| | |Based on her worst day story, her mom |what might really happened. |

| | |died on Jan 9th, and she remember how | |

| | |she forgot her mom’s memorial day while | |

| | |looking at her flower drawings, so she | |

| | |goes to buy the daisy and drove to her | |

| | |mom’s grave. | |

|118- |Pudge |Takumi wrote a letter to Pudge. |Everyone gave up on why she died. |

| |Colonel |He said that he knew where she was going| |

| |Takumi |that night because he heard her crying, | |

| | |so he went outside and she told him that| |

| | |she forgot her mother’s memorial day. | |

| | |Takumi said he lied to him because he | |

| | |was mad that they were keeping things | |

| | |from him. | |


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