Bicycle Safety - Weebly

Principal's Message:

It is hard to believe that Christmas is almost here. The students are busy getting ready for our Christmas programs that will be on December 16 (Division One) and December 17 (Division Two) at 7:00 in the small gym. Our students have talent and are working very hard at making a wonderful Christmas production. So please join us in watching the fantastic productions.

With the holiday season comes a focus on those children and families that may need extra assistance. Students and staff of Swan Hills School will be participating in a holiday food and gift drive. The Santa's Elves project collects donations of food items and toys for our community partners. Anything that you wish to contribute

will be greatly appreciated. Our school cares about our community. Please send your items by December 15.

Thank you for supporting your child and teacher by attending the parent teacher interviews. It is important that you are always aware of your child's progress in the classroom so please never hesitate to contact the school with any questions or concerns throughout the year. Teachers want to talk to parents so that the school and the parents are able to work together in assisting our students.

With the wintery weather upon us I would just like to remind you that the streets may be slippery. Please watch for our street crossing guards as they help our younger students cross the street in safety. Also, as you are picking or dropping off your children, watch for our students and other vehicles and remember that there is no pickup or drop off in the parking lot.

I am very grateful for the caring and dedicated parents and staff that we have at Swan Hills School. Our staff choose to be involved in the educating and guiding of our students and are very giving of their time to all of the various student activities. Our parents are involved and supportive as well. Thank you to all of our volunteers in the classroom and in the after school events. Our students are able to experience a school that is caring because of all of you.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Christmas Concerts

Tuesday Dec. 16 the Grade 1-3 students will be putting on a musical called "The Holiday Moosical" about a moose that wants to be a reindeer. The Kindergarten students will be singing a song and saying a poem.

Wednesday Dec. 17 the Grade 4-6 students will be putting on a comedy, musical called "The Xmas Files."

The Handbells will be performing at both Christmas concerts. Both concerts are in the small gym at 7:00pm

Jr/Sr Homework website

Have you ever heard your child utter those dreaded words at 9pm, I cant remember what I have for Social Homework! On Dec. 8 you will be able to check what your students has for homework in Junior and Senior High. Go to the website and check it out.

Parent Council

There will be no meeting due to the Christmas holidays.

Appropriate Winter Dress

Winter is here and the staff would like to remind all parents to dress your children for the cold weather. The students are outside for extended periods throughout the day and need warm clothing. It is also important for elementary students to come with snow pants or waterproof pants. This will prevent your child from having to sit in wet clothing or calling you in the middle of the day to bring dry clothing. We only have inside recess during extreme weather conditions.

Grade 3

The grade 3 class participated in a variety of Halloween activities this month. They were bobbing for apples, making caramel apples, as well as showing off their creative talents carving pumpkins. We would like to say thank you to the following parents for helping us carve our pumpkins: Yolanda Acker, Carrie Rushoway, Mel Fraser, Shawna Becker, Frank Grandy and Lindsay Harquail.

School Fees

Thank you to all of the parents that have paid their school fees. If you have not paid or made arrangements with the office, please be advised that your child’s field trip opportunities will be limited until the school fees have been paid.

Santa’s Elves

Santa’s Elves starts on Monday Dec. 1 and ends Mon. Dec. 15. Students can drop off their donations of non-perishable food items or toys at the grade 6 depot table just outside the staffroom door. The depot is open at 8:30 and 12:30 each school day. There will be a prize for the class in each division that donates the most items.

No Yellow Slip Celebration

On November 28th the division one students participated in their monthly no-yellow slip celebration. The students were showing off their baking skills with parent volunteers making yummy banana muffins. The students were very excited to munch on their own oven toasty muffins at the end of the day. We would like to thank the following parents that were able to come in and assistant the students with their baking skills: Carrie Wierzba, Darlene McNeil, Trianne Walton, Kyla Fraser, Jen Finley, Becky Flemming and Heidi Lawton.

Devon Christmas Card Contest

Congratulations to Aleighsha Lucas in grade two for creating a wonderful Christmas picture that Devon chose to have on their Christmas card this year. Aleighsha will be presented with a $30 gift certificate for the Swan Hills Hardware from Devon for her creative art design. Devon has also graciously donated $250 to the Swan Hills School on behalf of all of the students who participated in this contest. Each participate also received a Devon pencil and shoelaces for their great effort on their creative entries. Thank you to all the students who participated in the contest and huge thank you to Devon for your donations and asking us to be a part of your Christmas card.

Constituency Greeting Card Contest

Congratulations to Brooklyn Fleming on being awarded with an Honourable Mention in the 2008 Grade 6 Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock Consitituency Seasonal Greeting Card Contest.



Boys lost out in the semifinals to Onoway. The girls lost in the semi finals to Mayerthorpe. The Mayerthorpe girls eventually went on to win the tournament.

Zones (Nov 22)

The boys traveled to Boyle to playoff against the top seven boys teams in our Division. The grizzlies were ranked in the top 3 going into the tournament. However, plagued with injuries the boys were eliminated after losing the first 3 games to St. Mary's, Gerard Redmond, and Boyle.

Bus Lane

Please have your child bundled up and ready to go 5 min before their scheduled pick up time. The result of children not being ready at their stop is that others are waiting out in the cold and the bus is late for school. Please phone the bus driver if your child is not going to be on the bus in the morning, this is especially important if yours is the only stop on that street. Please check your children’s backpack for unnecessary items, some of the younger students have very large, heavy packs which makes it difficult to get up the stairs and downs the bus isle.

Vehicles are passing the bus during pick-ups and drop-offs on a daily basis. When the red lights are flashing it is illegal to pass a bus in either direction. The fine for passing a school bus with red lights flashing is $402 and 6 demerit points.

Students Union

Candy canes will go on sale for 25 cents Dec. 15-17 and will be delivered to the lucky recipients Dec. 18

Hat day Dec. 12.

Red Green day Dec. 18.

PAWS Active Living

The PAWS team is having Dan Klein come to Swan Hills Saturday December 13 to lead a Curling Camp. Dan is a member of the Grand Prairie Curling Association and is nationally certified. Dan will be instructing the skills require for curling. Many of the Swan Hills curling members will be there too to help with the camp. The Curling camp is Free and open to ages 10 to 18. There will be lots of great draw prizes. A free lunch will be provided to all of the participants. Curling camp runs from 10:00am to 3:00pm. If you have any questions regarding the curling camp call Mr. Young 333-4833.

Insomniac Night

On November 28th, 70 students from the junior and senior high participated in the second annual Insomniac Night. The event was a huge success.

Lifetouch Pictures

Thank you to Mrs. Little, Mrs. Patton and Mrs. C. Marriott for their help on picture day in October and November. There help is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions and concerns about our photo’s please call Lifetouch 1-866-443-7560.


There’s no debate regarding the need for children to learn to read and read well. One major step toward this goal is developing an understanding that most people do read and do so with enjoyment.


Mrs. Kilpatrick would like to offer parents, grandparents and community members the opportunity to Give the Gift of a Story this Christmas by sharing your favourite Christmas stories with our students.


From December 12th to the 16th, the School Library is presenting a ‘Community Read-In’. Members of our community will be reading a 10 – 15 minute story to classes from Kindergarten to Grade 9.  There are thirteen groups that we hope to surprise with guest readers. Readers could bring a favourite Christmas story or one could be chosen from the library.


Please contact Mrs. Kilpatrick at the school library by December 8th to choose a class and a time that works for you.

Library Award

Congratulations to Ms. Weavers Grade 1 class for receiving the Library Award. They have returned all of their books on time since the beginning of the year. A plaque will be on display in their classroom for the month of December.

Campbell’s Soup Labels

Campbell’s labels for Education is a school support program with a focus on instilling healthy eating and living habits in children. Eligible registered schools can collect labels from participating Campbell and Pepperidge Farm products and redeem them for educational resources ranging from sports equipment and musical instruments to health and wellness videos and books. Bring in your labels, including the UPC code in to the office. For more information on this program please go to the website at


Thank you to all of our students and staff that donated to UNICEF this year. Our school is very proud to donate a grand total of $1185.90. Congratulations to the grade one class they raised the most money, $128.63, to donate to UNICEF. Congratulations to the grade 3 and 6 classes for winning our creative coin art design contest. These classes will enjoy and ice cream party to celebrate. Thank you to Mrs. Little for all of the work she puts in every year for UNICEFF.


We are now offering homemade hamburgers and pizza subs. We sell only apple and orange juice and have removed pop from the machines. Prepaid lunch cards are available at $10.00 per card. The lunch cards are kept in our cash box and as students purchase food we mark off the amount on their card. If you would like to purchase a card please send money in with your child. If you have any questions please call Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Acorn or Miss Bachand at the school.

Chocolate milk .50

Mini Pizza Sub 2.50

Juice Box .50 Cheeseburger 3.00

Grilled Cheese 1.00 Chips 1.00 Hot Dog 1.00

Tater Tots 1.50

Mini Pizza 1.00

Mac & Cheese 1.00 Nachos & Cheese 2.00

Salads 2.00

The last day of food services is Dec. 16. The lunchroom will not be open Dec. 17 and 18.

On Dec. 18 all students will receive a hot dog lunch courtesy of the business class.



Thank You Students and Parents! Our Annual QSP Magazine Fundraiser was another huge success. Remember, now that our main campaign is over, you can still support our school all year long by purchasing all your NEW, RENEWAL and GIFT subscriptions on-line at

Each subscription that you purchase continues to bring profit to our school. So if you have any additional magazines expiring soon, or just forgot to order during our main campaign, you may still do so! You can also send emails to your friends, colleagues and family members across Canada, inviting them to shop on-line and support our school.

Simply go to, click JUST SHOPPING, and use Our Group # 364.

Remember: Due to the length of the fundraiser, publisher’s schedules, and magazine frequency, your magazines may take 12 to 16 weeks to arrive as stated on the back of your pink receipt copy.

If you have any questions regarding your magazines subscriptions, please call

QSP Reader’s Digest customer service toll free at 1-800-667-2536.

Just a reminder that our school policy prohibits cell phones in the classroom. Any phones brought into the classroom will be confiscated and turned in to the office. Students may pick them up after the first offence. Parents must pick them up for every other offence. Cell phones may be used at 5 minute break and lunch break only.

’Twas Holiday Vacation

(Or: How to Keep Your Kids’ Minds Occupied and Your Home Intact Over the Holidays)

Adapted from Clement Moore’s “Twas the Night Before Christmas”~Stacey Greene Wicksall

‘Twas holiday vacation for two whole weeks long,

And mommy and daddy wanted nothing to go wrong-

The presents had been chosen by relatives with care,

In hopes it would save them from losing their hair!

But children were zipping and zooming about-

“We’re bored, we’re bored!” they exclaimed in a shout,

So mommy looked at Daddy with a twinkle in her eye,

“I have a solution that money can’t buy!”

And bundling their children they decided to go

To the public library (in spite of the snow).

They pulled in the lot and opened the door-

Craft night had begun with room for two more!

They heard a grand story about a mean, ugly Grinch-

And created a craft; it was all such a cinch!

They beamed with pride over the things they had made,

Then dashed to the wall with the book shelves to raid.

“Look, here’s Junie B. and Artemis Fowl-

These titles will keep us busy for a while!”

The parents let out great sighs of relief-

Children reading books meant an end to their grief!

And back to their home they soon did travel

With a stack full of mysteries to soon unravel-

So when this vacation at once came to an end,

They brought back the books they’d had out on lend.

When back at the school the kids they did chatter,

Of books they had read all about matter!

And the teacher exclaimed with the utmost delight,

“Joy over reading is a wonderful sight-

It will bring your learning to a commendable height,

So tell me the tales that you read before bed,

Or share that adventure still swirling in your head,

Reading is the best gift you gave to yourself,

Lasts longer and better than one from an elf.

I wish happy holidays to each one of you

And may you read many-a-book all the year through!”

Family Craft night is on December 2nd from 7-9 with the grownups learning how to make a lovely centerpiece, while the children work on Christmas crafts in another room.

For more information call the Swan Hills Municipal Library at 780-333-4505

Have a Happy Holiday


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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