Ancient Rome Vocabulary

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Ancient Rome Vocabulary

Directions: Fold a piece of paper in half lengthwise two times to make four sections. Label each section as shown bolded below:


Example word: Ancient History

Make meaning: Re-phrase the definition in different words.

Synonym or Antonym

Write a word that is similar or opposite.

As defined on page: From the beginning of human recorded history to the middle ages (approximately 3000 BCE500 CE).

Synonym example: Distant past, early history, antiquity

Example re-phrase: The earliest recorded history of human kind, dating as far back as 3000 BCE.

Make a connection

Write or draw a picture of how this word and another word/s on the list are connected.

Example connection: All of the words on the list were a part of Ancient History. OR These words fall after

I began recording history to about 500 CE!

Words for Ancient Rome Unit Definitions

1. aqueducts 2. vault 3. census 4. tripartite 5. patricians

channels that carried fresh water from the mountains to the cities a series of arches used in Roman architecture counting the number of people in a population divided three ways, as in government wealthy leaders

6. plebeians 7. forum 8. senate 9. concrete 10. magistrate

common people Rome's public meeting space part of the government run by wealthy Romans a mixture of sand or gravel and cement as a building material one of two rulers working at the same time in Rome to prevent corruption

11. Latin

group of people who founded Rome

12. republic

government where people elect their leaders

13. Julius Caesar general who became dictator of Rome for life

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